public static bool CheckPtDestination(int tl_id, int pid)
            string        Distination = DBTour.GetDistination(pid);
            SqlConnection con         = new SqlConnection();
            DBConnect     db          = new DBConnect();
            SqlCommand    cmd         = new SqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from ParttimeLeaders where TourLeaderId = " + tl_id + " and (DistinationsOpted like '%," + Distination + ",%' OR  DistinationsOpted like '%," + Distination + "' OR  DistinationsOpted like '" + Distination + ",%' OR  DistinationsOpted like '" + Distination + "')";
            //cmd.CommandText = @"select count(*) from ParttimeLeaders where TourLeaderId = " + tl_id + " and DistinationsOpted like '%," + Distination + ",%' OR  DistinationsOpted like '%," + Distination + "' OR  DistinationsOpted like '" + Distination + ,"%'";
            DataTable tbl = db.GetData(cmd);

            if (Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[0][0]) > 0)
        public static bool CheckLeader(int tid, int tl_id)
            bool        Isok  = true;
            List <Tour> tours = new List <Tour>();

            tours = DBTour.GetTourListByLeaderId(tl_id);
            Tour newtour = new Tour();

            newtour = DBTour.GetTourDetailsById(tid);
            DateTime NewStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(newtour.StartDate);
            DateTime NewEndDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(newtour.EndDate);

            if (tours.Count() != 0)
                foreach (Tour t in tours.Where(x => x.TourId != tid))
                    DateTime OldStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(t.StartDate);
                    DateTime OldEndDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(t.EndDate);

                    //if (NewStartDate == OldStartDate)
                    //    Isok = false;
                    //    break;
                    if (NewStartDate >= OldStartDate && NewStartDate <= OldEndDate)
                        Isok = false;
                    else if (NewEndDate >= OldStartDate && NewEndDate <= OldEndDate) //just in case
                        Isok = false;