//UR/SC  - Chart
        public ActionResult URSC()
            var _ChartFiltermodel = TempData["ChartFilterModel"] as ChartFilterModel; // Getting the TempData ChartFilter Model

            var username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

            var employee = _documentRepositoryAsync
                .Query(a => a.Username == username)
                .Select(e => e.Employee)

            if (employee == null) return View();
            var viewModels = _documentRepositoryAsync
                 .Query(e => e.EmployeeId == employee.Id)
                .Select(d => new DocumentURSCModel()
                    SortCenter = d.SortCenter,
                    DateRec = d.ReceivedDateFrom,
                    URSC_BL_Pallet = d.URSC_BL_Pallet,
                    URSC_BL_Composite = d.URSC_BL_Composite,
                    URSC_BL_HollowProfile = d.URSC_BL_HollowProfile,
                    URSC_BL_TopFrames = d.URSC_BL_TopFrames,
                    URSC_UR_Pallet = d.URSC_UR_Pallet,
                    URSC_UR_Composite = d.URSC_UR_Composite,
                    URSC_UR_HollowProfile = d.URSC_UR_HollowProfile,
                    URSC_UR_TopFrames = d.URSC_UR_TopFrames,
                    URSC_SC_Pallet = d.URSC_SC_Pallet,
                    URSC_SC_Composite = d.URSC_SC_Composite,
                    URSC_SC_HollowProfile = d.URSC_SC_HollowProfile,
                    URSC_SC_TopFrames = d.URSC_SC_TopFrames,

            // APPLY FILTERING

            if (_ChartFiltermodel != null)
                if (_ChartFiltermodel.SortCenter != "All" && _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecFrom != Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/0001"))
                    ViewBag.ReportParam = "  Filter: ( " + _ChartFiltermodel.SortCenter + " Sort Center & Received From : " + _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecFrom.ToShortDateString() + "  to  " + _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecTo.ToShortDateString() + " ) ";
                    viewModels = viewModels.Where(x => x.SortCenter == _ChartFiltermodel.SortCenter && x.DateRec >= _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecFrom && x.DateRec <= _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecTo).ToList();
                else if (_ChartFiltermodel.SortCenter != "All" && _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecFrom == Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/0001"))
                    ViewBag.ReportParam = "  Filter: ( " + _ChartFiltermodel.SortCenter + " Sort Center Data ) ";

                    viewModels = viewModels.Where(x => x.SortCenter == _ChartFiltermodel.SortCenter).ToList();// SORT CENTER ONLY

                else if (_ChartFiltermodel.SortCenter == "All" && _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecFrom != Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/0001"))
                    ViewBag.ReportParam = "  Filter: ( Data from all Sort Centers  & Received From : " + _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecFrom.ToLongDateString() + "  to  " + _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecTo.ToLongDateString() + " ) ";

                    viewModels = viewModels.Where(x => x.DateRec >= _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecFrom && x.DateRec <= _ChartFiltermodel.DateRecTo).ToList(); // DATE RECEIVED FROM ONLY

                ChartFilterModel _URSCFilter = new ChartFilterModel();
                _URSCFilter.SortCenter = "DrakeWestEnd";
                _URSCFilter.Item = "Pallete";// Default to Pallete

                viewModels = viewModels.Where(x => x.SortCenter == _URSCFilter.SortCenter).ToList();
                _ChartFiltermodel = _URSCFilter;

            string[] _strDateRec = new string[viewModels.Count];
            object[] _objDateRec = new object[viewModels.Count];

            object[] _objBL_Pallete = new object[viewModels.Count];
            object[] _objUR_Pallete = new object[viewModels.Count];
            object[] _objSC_Pallete = new object[viewModels.Count];

            object[] _objBL_Composite = new object[viewModels.Count];
            object[] _objUR_Composite = new object[viewModels.Count];
            object[] _objSC_Composite = new object[viewModels.Count];

            //==HOLLOW PROFILE==
            object[] _objBL_HollowProfile = new object[viewModels.Count];
            object[] _objUR_HollowProfile = new object[viewModels.Count];
            object[] _objSC_HollowProfile = new object[viewModels.Count];

            //==TOP FRAMES==
             object[] _objBL_TopFrames = new object[viewModels.Count];
             object[] _objUR_TopFrames = new object[viewModels.Count];
             object[] _objSC_TopFrames = new object[viewModels.Count];

             object[] _objBL_ = new object[viewModels.Count];
             object[] _objSC_ = new object[viewModels.Count];
             object[] _objUR_ = new object[viewModels.Count];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (DocumentURSCModel item in viewModels)

                _objDateRec.SetValue(item.DateRec.ToString("d MMM"), i);

                if (_ChartFiltermodel.Item == "Pallete")
                    _objUR_.SetValue(item.URSC_UR_Pallet, i);
                    _objSC_.SetValue(item.URSC_SC_Pallet, i);
                if (_ChartFiltermodel.Item == "Composite")
                    _objBL_.SetValue(item.URSC_BL_Composite, i);
                    _objUR_.SetValue(item.URSC_UR_Composite, i);
                    _objSC_.SetValue(item.URSC_SC_Composite, i);

                if (_ChartFiltermodel.Item == "HollowProfile")
                    _objBL_.SetValue(item.URSC_BL_HollowProfile, i);
                    _objUR_.SetValue(item.URSC_UR_HollowProfile, i);
                    _objSC_.SetValue(item.URSC_SC_HollowProfile, i);

                if (_ChartFiltermodel.Item == "TopFrames")
                    _objBL_.SetValue(item.URSC_BL_TopFrames, i);
                    _objUR_.SetValue(item.URSC_UR_TopFrames, i);
                    _objSC_.SetValue(item.URSC_SC_TopFrames, i);


                _strDateRec[i] = string.Format(item.DateRec.ToString("d MMM"), i);


            Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
                //.InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column })
                 .InitChart(new Chart
                     Type = ChartTypes.Column,
                     Margin = new[] { 80 },
                     Options3d = new ChartOptions3d
                         Enabled = true,
                         Alpha = 10,
                         Beta = 0,
                         Depth = 75

                .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "OI - URSC/ Ratio " })
                //.SetSubtitle(new Subtitle { Text = "Source: [email protected]" })

                .SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = _strDateRec }) // The Date Received
                .SetYAxis(new YAxis
                    Min = 0,
                    Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Items Sorted by Percentage" }
                .SetLegend(new Legend
                    Layout = Layouts.Vertical,
                    Align = HorizontalAligns.Left,
                    VerticalAlign = VerticalAligns.Top,
                    X = 50,
                    Y = 10,
                    Floating = true,
                    BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF")),
                    Shadow = true
                .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = @"function() { return ''+ this.x +': '+ this.y +' %'; }" })
                .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                    Column = new PlotOptionsColumn
                        PointPadding = 0.1,
                        BorderWidth = 0

                    new Series { Name = "BL/QI",  Data = new Data(_objBL_) },
                    new Series { Name = "UR/QI",  Data = new Data(_objUR_) },
                    new Series { Name = "SC/QI",  Data = new Data(_objSC_) },


            return View(chart);
        public ActionResult Search_URSC(FormCollection form)
            ChartFilterModel objChartFilterModel = new ChartFilterModel();

            objChartFilterModel.SortCenter = form["SortCenter"].ToString();
            objChartFilterModel.Item = form["URSCItem"].ToString();
            if (form["RecDateFrom"].ToString() != string.Empty && form["RecDateTo"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                objChartFilterModel.DateRecFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(form["RecDateFrom"].ToString());
                objChartFilterModel.DateRecTo = Convert.ToDateTime(form["RecDateTo"].ToString());

            TempData["ChartFilterModel"] = objChartFilterModel;// Assign to Temp Data

            return RedirectToAction("URSC", "ChartData"); // Reload with Filter