Example #1
        public RequireSettings Combine(RequireSettings other)
            var settings = (new RequireSettings
                Name = Name,
                Type = Type

            settings._attributes = MergeAttributes(other);
Example #2
        public void RenderStylesheet(IHtmlContentBuilder builder, RequireSettings settings)
            var first = true;

            var styleSheets = this.GetRequiredResources("stylesheet");

            foreach (var context in styleSheets)
                if (!first)

                first = false;

                builder.AppendHtml(context.GetHtmlContent(settings, "/"));
Example #3
        private Dictionary <string, string> MergeAttributes(RequireSettings other)
            // efficiently merge the two dictionaries, taking into account that one or both may not exist
            // and that attributes in 'other' should overridde attributes in this, even if the value is null.
            if (_attributes == null)
                return(other._attributes == null ? null : new Dictionary <string, string>(other._attributes));
            if (other._attributes == null)
                return(new Dictionary <string, string>(_attributes));
            var mergedAttributes = new Dictionary <string, string>(_attributes);

            foreach (var pair in other._attributes)
                mergedAttributes[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
        public IHtmlContent GetHtmlContent(RequireSettings baseSettings, string appPath)
            var combinedSettings = baseSettings == null ? Settings : baseSettings.Combine(Settings);

            var tagBuilder = Resource.GetTagBuilder(combinedSettings, appPath);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(combinedSettings.Condition))

            var builder = new HtmlContentBuilder();

            if (combinedSettings.Condition == NotIE)
                builder.AppendHtml("<!--[if " + combinedSettings.Condition + "]>-->");
                builder.AppendHtml("<!--[if " + combinedSettings.Condition + "]>");


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(combinedSettings.Condition))
                if (combinedSettings.Condition == NotIE)

Example #5
        private ResourceDefinition FindResource(RequireSettings settings, bool resolveInlineDefinitions)
            // find the resource with the given type and name
            // that has at least the given version number. If multiple,
            // return the resource with the greatest version number.
            // If not found and an inlineDefinition is given, define the resource on the fly
            // using the action.
            var name = settings.Name ?? "";
            var type = settings.Type;
            ResourceDefinition resource;

            var resources = (from p in ResourceManifests
                             from r in p.GetResources(type)
                             where name.Equals(r.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                             select r.Value).SelectMany(x => x);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Version))
                // Specific version, filter
                var upper = GetUpperBoundVersion(settings.Version);
                var lower = GetLowerBoundVersion(settings.Version);
                resources = from r in resources
                            let version = r.Version != null ? new Version(r.Version) : null
                                          where lower <= version && version < upper
                                          select r;

            // Use the highest version of all matches
            resource = (from r in resources
                        let version = r.Version != null ? new Version(r.Version) : null
                                      orderby version descending
                                      select r).FirstOrDefault();

            if (resource == null && _dynamicManifest != null)
                resources = (from r in _dynamicManifest.GetResources(type)
                             where name.Equals(r.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                             select r.Value).SelectMany(x => x);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Version))
                    // Specific version, filter
                    var upper = GetUpperBoundVersion(settings.Version);
                    var lower = GetLowerBoundVersion(settings.Version);
                    resources = from r in resources
                                let version = r.Version != null ? new Version(r.Version) : null
                                              where lower <= version && version < upper
                                              select r;

                // Use the highest version of all matches
                resource = (from r in resources
                            let version = r.Version != null ? new Version(r.Version) : null
                                          orderby version descending
                                          select r).FirstOrDefault();

            if (resolveInlineDefinitions && resource == null)
                // Does not seem to exist, but it's possible it is being
                // defined by a Define() from a RequireSettings somewhere.
                if (ResolveInlineDefinitions(settings.Type))
                    // if any were defined, now try to find it
                    resource = FindResource(settings, false);

Example #6
 public ResourceDefinition FindResource(RequireSettings settings)
     return(FindResource(settings, true));
Example #7
        public TagBuilder GetTagBuilder(RequireSettings settings, string applicationPath)
            string url;

            // Url priority:
            if (settings.DebugMode)
                url = settings.CdnMode
                    ? Coalesce(UrlCdnDebug, UrlDebug, UrlCdn, Url)
                    : Coalesce(UrlDebug, Url, UrlCdnDebug, UrlCdn);
                url = settings.CdnMode
                    ? Coalesce(UrlCdn, Url, UrlCdnDebug, UrlDebug)
                    : Coalesce(Url, UrlDebug, UrlCdn, UrlCdnDebug);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                url = null;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Culture))
                string nearestCulture = FindNearestCulture(settings.Culture);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nearestCulture))
                    url = Path.ChangeExtension(url, nearestCulture + Path.GetExtension(url));

            if (url.StartsWith("~/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // For tilde slash paths, drop the leading ~ to make it work with the underlying IFileProvider.
                url = url.Substring(1);

            var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder(TagName);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CdnIntegrity) && url != null && url == UrlCdn)
                tagBuilder.Attributes["integrity"]   = CdnIntegrity;
                tagBuilder.Attributes["crossorigin"] = "anonymous";
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CdnDebugIntegrity) && url != null && url == UrlCdnDebug)
                tagBuilder.Attributes["integrity"]   = CdnDebugIntegrity;
                tagBuilder.Attributes["crossorigin"] = "anonymous";

            if (_resourceAttributes.ContainsKey(Type))

            if (Attributes != null)

            if (settings.HasAttributes)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePathAttributeName))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                    tagBuilder.MergeAttribute(FilePathAttributeName, url, true);
