Example #1
        public override Boolean Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope)
            //Console.WriteLine("Assignment is being executed");
            Boolean Result = false;

            String AssignedValue = this.AssignedExpression.Evaluate(Scope, OALProgram.ExecutionSpace);

            if (AssignedValue == null)

            // If we are assigning to a variable
            if (this.AttributeName == null)
                //Console.WriteLine("Assigning value: " + AssignedValue + " to variable " + this.VariableName);

                EXEPrimitiveVariable Variable = Scope.FindPrimitiveVariableByName(this.VariableName);
                // If the variable doesnt exist, we simply create it
                if (Variable == null)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Creating new var " + this.VariableName);
                    Result = Scope.AddVariable(new EXEPrimitiveVariable(this.VariableName, AssignedValue));
                //If variable exists and its type is UNDEFINED
                else if (EXETypes.UnitializedName.Equals(Variable.Type))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Assigning to unitialized var" + this.VariableName);
                    Result = Variable.AssignValue(Variable.Name, AssignedValue);
                // If the variable exists and is primitive
                else if (!EXETypes.ReferenceTypeName.Equals(Variable.Type))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Assigning to initialized var" + this.VariableName);
                    // If the types don't match, this fails and returns false
                    AssignedValue = EXETypes.AdjustAssignedValue(Variable.Type, AssignedValue);
                    Result        = Variable.AssignValue("", AssignedValue);

                // Variable exists and is not primitive. What to do, what to do?
                // We do nothing, we CANNOT ASSIGN TO HANDLES!!!
            // We are assigning to an attribute of a variable
                EXEReferenceEvaluator RefEvaluator = new EXEReferenceEvaluator();
                Result = RefEvaluator.SetAttributeValue(this.VariableName, this.AttributeName, Scope, OALProgram.ExecutionSpace, AssignedValue);
                //Console.WriteLine("Tried to assign " + AssignedValue + " to " + this.VariableName + "." + this.AttributeName);

            //Console.WriteLine("Assignment Result: " + Result);
        // SetUloh2
        public override bool Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope)
            //Create an instance of given class -> will affect ExecutionSpace.
            //If ReferencingVariableName is provided (is not ""), create a referencing variable pointing to this instance -> will affect scope
            CDClass Class = OALProgram.ExecutionSpace.getClassByName(this.ClassName);

            if (Class == null)

            EXEReferencingVariable Variable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.ReferencingVariableName);

            if (Variable != null)
                if (!String.Equals(this.ClassName, Variable.ClassName))

            CDClassInstance Instance = Class.CreateClassInstance();

            if (Instance == null)

            if (!"".Equals(this.ReferencingVariableName))
                if (Variable != null)
                    Variable.ReferencedInstanceId = Instance.UniqueID;
                    Variable = new EXEReferencingVariable(this.ReferencingVariableName, Class.Name, Instance.UniqueID);

        // SetUloh2
        public override bool Execute(OALProgram OALProgram, EXEScope Scope)
            //Select instances of given class that match the criteria and assign them to variable with given name
            // ClassName tells us which class we are interested in
            // Cardinality tells us whether we want one random instance (matching the criteria) or all of them
            // "Many" - we create variable EXEReferencingSetVariable, "Any" - we create variable EXEReferencingVariable
            // Variable name tells us how to name the newly created referencing variable
            // Where condition tells us which instances to select from all instances of the class (just do EXEASTNode.Evaluate and return true if the result "true" and false for "false")
            // When making unit tests, do not use the "where" causule yet, because its evaluation is not yet implemented
            // If relationship selection does not exists, this is problem

            if (this.RelationshipSelection == null)

            CDClass Class = OALProgram.ExecutionSpace.getClassByName(this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName());

            if (Class == null)

            // We need to check, if the variable already exists, it must be of corresponding type
            if (Scope.VariableNameExists(this.VariableName))
                         this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName() == Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName).ClassName)
                         this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName() == Scope.FindSetReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName).ClassName)

            // Evaluate relationship selection. If it fails, execution fails too
            List <long> SelectedIds = this.RelationshipSelection.Evaluate(OALProgram.RelationshipSpace, Scope);

            if (SelectedIds == null)
            // If class has no instances, command may execute successfully, but we better verify references in the WHERE condition
            if (SelectedIds.Count() == 0 && this.WhereCondition != null)
                return(this.WhereCondition.VerifyReferences(Scope, OALProgram.ExecutionSpace));

            // Now let's evaluate the condition
            if (this.WhereCondition != null && SelectedIds.Any())
                String TempSelectedVarName = "selected";

                EXEReferencingVariable SelectedVar = new EXEReferencingVariable(TempSelectedVarName, this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName(), -1);
                if (!Scope.AddVariable(SelectedVar))

                List <long> ResultIds = new List <long>();
                foreach (long Id in SelectedIds)
                    SelectedVar.ReferencedInstanceId = Id;
                    String ConditionResult = this.WhereCondition.Evaluate(Scope, OALProgram.ExecutionSpace);
                    //Console.Write(Id + " : " + ConditionResult);

                    if (!EXETypes.IsValidValue(ConditionResult, EXETypes.BooleanTypeName))

                    if (EXETypes.BooleanTrue.Equals(ConditionResult))

                SelectedIds = ResultIds;

            // Now we have ids of selected instances. Let's assign them to a variable
            if (EXECommandQuerySelect.CardinalityMany.Equals(this.Cardinality))
                EXEReferencingSetVariable Variable = Scope.FindSetReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName);
                if (Variable == null)
                    Variable = new EXEReferencingSetVariable(this.VariableName, this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName());
                    if (!Scope.AddVariable(Variable))
                foreach (long Id in SelectedIds)
                    Variable.AddReferencingVariable(new EXEReferencingVariable("", Variable.ClassName, Id));
            else if (EXECommandQuerySelect.CardinalityAny.Equals(this.Cardinality))
                EXEReferencingVariable Variable = Scope.FindReferencingVariableByName(this.VariableName);
                if (Variable == null)
                    long ResultId = SelectedIds.Any() ? SelectedIds[new Random().Next(SelectedIds.Count)] : -1;
                    Variable = new EXEReferencingVariable(this.VariableName, this.RelationshipSelection.GetLastClassName(), ResultId);
                    if (!Scope.AddVariable(Variable))
