Representation of an XML element node.
Inheritance: ContainerNode
Example #1
        internal override void Fetch(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            if (target == null) return;

            // Get all values first so if something goes wrong we haven't started modifying the object
            List<KeyValuePair<PersistentMemberInfo, object>> values
                = new List<KeyValuePair<PersistentMemberInfo, object>>();
            foreach (PersistentMemberInfo memberInfo
                in typeCache.PersistentMemberInfo.Where(m => m.Attribute.Fetch))
                object member = memberInfo.GetValue(target);
                TypeCache memberTypeCache = cache.GetTypeCache(memberInfo.Type);
                object value = memberInfo.Attribute.FetchValue(element, member, memberTypeCache, cache);
                if (memberInfo.Attribute.Required && value == null) throw new Exception("Could not get required member.");
                values.Add(new KeyValuePair<PersistentMemberInfo, object>(memberInfo, value));

            // Now that all conversions have been succesfully performed, set the values
            foreach (KeyValuePair<PersistentMemberInfo, object> value in values)
                value.Key.SetValue(target, value.Value);

            // Call any custom logic if implemented
            ICustomFetch custom = target as ICustomFetch;
            if(custom != null)
Example #2
 // This just does both steps in one operation and is the primary entry point for store operations
 internal void Store(Element element, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     using (new Updates())
         Store(element, Serialize(source, typeCache, cache), source, typeCache, cache);
 internal override object FetchValue(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     Node.Attribute attribute;
     if (!GetNodeFromQuery(Query, null, element, out attribute))
         attribute = element.Attribute(Name);
     return attribute == null ? null : GetObjectFromString(attribute.Value, Default, target, typeCache.Type, _typeConverter);
 internal override object FetchValue(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     Text child;
     if (!GetNodeFromQuery(Query, null, element, out child))
         child = element.Children.OfType<Text>().FirstOrDefault();
     return child == null ? null : GetObjectFromString(child.Value, Default, target, typeCache.Type, _typeConverter);
        internal override void Fetch(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            if (target == null) return;

            // Deserialize the object
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeCache.Type);
            object deserialized;
            using(TextReader reader = new StringReader(element.OuterXml))
                deserialized = serializer.Deserialize(reader);

            // Deep copy the deserialized object to the target object
            foreach(FieldInfo field in typeCache.Fields)
                object value = field.GetValue(deserialized);
                field.SetValue(target, value);
Example #6
 internal override void Store(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     if (source == null || serialized == null) return;
     ((PersistentCollection)source).Store(element, serialized, cache);
Example #7
 internal override void Fetch(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     if (target == null) return;
     ((PersistentCollection)target).Fetch(element, cache);
 internal override object FetchValue(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     object result = element.EvalSingle(Query);
     if (result == null) return null;
     Node.Node node = result as Node.Node;
     return GetObjectFromString(
         node != null ? node.Value : result.ToString(), Default, target, typeCache.Type, _typeConverter);
        internal override void StoreValue(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            Node.Node node = element.EvalSingle(Query) as Node.Node;
            string value = (string) serialized;

            if (node == null && value != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(CreateQuery))
                node = element.EvalSingle(Query) as Node.Node;
            else if (node != null && value == null)

            if (node != null)
                node.Value = value;
Example #10
 internal DomElement(Element node)
     : base(node.Prefix, node.LocalName, node.NamespaceUri, (XmlDocument)node.Document.XmlNode)
     _node = node;
        internal override void StoreValue(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            Node.Attribute attribute;
            if (!GetNodeFromQuery(Query, CreateQuery, element, out attribute))
                attribute = element.Attribute(Name);
            else if (attribute == null)

            string value = (string) serialized;
            if (attribute == null && value != null)
                element.InsertAttribute(Name, value);
            else if (attribute != null && value == null)
            else if (attribute != null)
                attribute.Value = value;
Example #12
 internal virtual void Store(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     Store(element, serialized, source);
Example #13
 internal virtual void Fetch(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
     Fetch(element, target);
Example #14
        // This scans over all instance fields in the object and uses a TypeConverter to convert them to string
        // If any fields cannot be converted an exception is thrown because the entire state was not stored
        internal override void Store(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            if (source == null || serialized == null) return;

            // Custom store
            List<SerializedValue> values = (List<SerializedValue>) serialized;
            ICustomStore custom = source as ICustomStore;
            if (custom != null && values.Count > 0)
                // The custom serialized value is always first
                custom.Store(element, values[0]);

            // Store the members
            foreach (SerializedValue value in values)
                value.PersistentMemberAttribute.StoreValue(element, value.Serialized,
                    value.Member, value.MemberTypeCache, cache);
Example #15
 internal void Fetch(Element element, Cache cache)
     Collection = _attribute.FetchValue(element, Collection, cache.GetTypeCache(_type), cache);
Example #16
 // Returns the first object in the cache for the specified element (or null if none exists)
 // Also cleans the cache of disposed objects
 public object FindObject(Element element)
     HashSet<ObjectWrapper> wrappers;
     if (_elementToWrappers.TryGetValue(element, out wrappers))
         // Try to get an active instance
         foreach (ObjectWrapper wrapper in wrappers)
             object obj = wrapper.Object;
             if (obj != null)
                 return obj;
     return null;
Example #17
        internal override void Store(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            if (source == null || serialized == null) return;

            // Replace the element content in the database with the new content
            using (TextReader textReader = new StringReader((string)serialized))
                using(XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(textReader))
                    // Move to the root element

                    // Replace all attributes
                            element.InsertAttribute(reader.Name, reader.Value);

                    // Replace the child content
                    // Need to use an intermediate string since there is no way to
                    // get the "inner XML" of an XmlReader without getting the
                    // parent element too
                    element.InnerXml = reader.ReadInnerXml();
        internal override object FetchValue(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            // Get the primary element
            Element child;
            if (!GetNodeFromQuery(Query, null, element, out child))
                child = element.Children.OfType<Element>().Where(e => e.Name.Equals(Name)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (child == null)
                return null;

            // Get all the item nodes
            IList<object> items = new List<object>(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemQuery) ? child.Eval(ItemQuery)
                : child.Children.OfType<Element>().Where(e => e.Name.Equals(ItemName)).Cast<object>());

            // Create the collection (or reuse it if appropriate)
            object collection = _getCollection(target, items.Count);

            // Populate with values
            int c = 0;
            foreach(object item in items)
                    // Get, attach, and fetch the persistent object instance
                    Element itemElement = item as Element;
                    if (itemElement == null) throw new Exception("Persistent value node must be an element.");
                    object itemObject = cache.GetObject(_itemTypeCache, itemElement, AttachItems);
                    if(itemObject != null) _setCollectionItem(collection, c++, itemObject);
                    Node.Node itemNode = item as Node.Node;
                    object itemObject = GetObjectFromString(
                        itemNode != null ? itemNode.Value : item.ToString(), null, null, _itemTypeCache.Type, _itemTypeConverter);
                    if (itemObject != null) _setCollectionItem(collection, c++, itemObject);

            return collection;
 private object FetchValue(Element item, string attributeName, string elementName, string query,
     bool arePersistentObjects, bool attach, TypeCache typeCache, TypeConverter typeConverter, Cache cache)
     object value = null;
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeName))
         Node.Attribute attribute = item.Attribute(attributeName);
         value = attribute == null ? null : GetObjectFromString(attribute.Value, null, null, typeCache.Type, typeConverter);
         object result = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(query) ? item.EvalSingle(query)
             : item.Children.OfType<Element>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name.Equals(elementName));
         if (arePersistentObjects)
             // Get, attach, and fetch the persistent object instance
             Element element = result as Element;
             if (element == null) throw new Exception("Persistent value node must be an element.");
             value = cache.GetObject(typeCache, element, attach);
             Node.Node itemNode = result as Node.Node;
             value = GetObjectFromString(itemNode != null ? itemNode.Value
                 : result == null ? null : result.ToString(), null, null, typeCache.Type, typeConverter);
     return value;
        internal override void StoreValue(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemQuery))
                throw new Exception("Can not store persistent collection that uses queries.");

            // Get the child element
            Element child;
            if (!GetNodeFromQuery(Query, CreateQuery, element, out child))
                child = element.Children.OfType<Element>().Where(e => e.Name.Equals(Name)).FirstOrDefault();
            else if (child == null)

            // Create or remove the child if needed
            if (child == null && serialized != null)
                element.Append(new Element(Name));
                child = (Element)element.Children.Last();
            else if (child != null && serialized == null)
            else if (child == null)

            // Remove all elements with the item name
            List<Element> removeElements =
                .Where(e => e.Name == ItemName).ToList();
            foreach (Element removeElement in removeElements)

            // Store all items
            foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> kvp in
                (IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<object, object>>) serialized)
                child.Append(new Element(ItemName));
                Element itemElement = (Element) child.Children.Last();
                if (ItemsArePersistentObjects)
                    _itemTypeCache.Persister.Store(itemElement, kvp.Value, kvp.Key, _itemTypeCache, cache);
                    itemElement.Value = (string) kvp.Value;
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Fetches data for the specified object from the specified element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element to fetch data from.</param>
 /// <param name="target">The object to fetch data for.</param>
 protected virtual void Fetch(Element element, object target)
        internal override void StoreValue(Element element, object serialized, object source, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            Text child;
            if (!GetNodeFromQuery(Query, CreateQuery, element, out child))
                child = element.Children.OfType<Text>().FirstOrDefault();
            else if (child == null)

            string value = (string) serialized;
            if (child == null && value != null)
                element.Append(new Text(value));
            else if (child != null && value == null)
            else if (child != null)
                child.Value = value;
Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores data for the specified object to the specified element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element to store data to.</param>
 /// <param name="serialized">The serialized object returned by Serialize.</param>
 /// <param name="source">The object to store data for.</param>
 protected virtual void Store(Element element, object serialized, object source)
        internal override object FetchValue(Element element, object target, TypeCache typeCache, Cache cache)
            // Get the primary element
            Element child;
            if (!GetNodeFromQuery(Query, null, element, out child))
                child = element.Children.OfType<Element>().Where(e => e.Name.Equals(Name)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (child == null)
                return null;

            // Get all the item nodes (this will throw an exception on Cast<>() if an ItemQuery returns other than Element nodes)
            IList<Element> items = new List<Element>(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemQuery) ? child.Eval(ItemQuery).Cast<Element>()
                : child.Children.OfType<Element>().Where(e => e.Name.Equals(ItemName)));

            // Create the collection
            object collection = _getCollection(target);

            // Populate with values
            foreach(Element item in items)
                object keyValue = FetchValue(item, KeyAttributeName, KeyElementName, KeyQuery,
                    KeysArePersistentObjects, AttachKeys, _keyTypeCache, _keyTypeConverter, cache);
                object valueValue = FetchValue(item, ValueAttributeName, ValueElementName, ValueQuery,
                    ValuesArePersistentObjects, AttachValues, _valueTypeCache, _valueTypeConverter, cache);
                if(keyValue != null && valueValue != null) _setCollectionItem(collection, keyValue, valueValue);

            return collection;
Example #25
 internal void Store(Element element, object serialized, Cache cache)
     _attribute.StoreValue(element, serialized, Collection, cache.GetTypeCache(_type), cache);