public static async Task Test0Async()
            Storage storage = new FileStorage
                Path = @"c:\data\site\test",
                Container = "test",
                BaseAddress = "http://localhost:8000/"

            //  first save the delete into the catalog

            CatalogContext context = new CatalogContext();
            using (CatalogWriter writer = new CatalogWriter(storage, context, 1000, true))
                //writer.Add(new DeletePackageCatalogItem("Test.Metadata.Service", "1.0.0"));
                writer.Add(new DeletePackageCatalogItem("Test.Metadata.Service", "2.0.0"));
                //writer.Add(new DeletePackageCatalogItem("Test.Metadata.Service", "3.0.0"));
                await writer.Commit(DateTime.Now);

            //  second perform that delete on the various feeds - in this case the default resolver feed
            ResolverDeleteCollector collector = new ResolverDeleteCollector(storage);
            await collector.Run(new Uri("http://localhost:8000/test/catalog/index.json"), DateTime.MinValue);
        public static async Task Test0Async()
            string nuspecs = @"c:\data\nuget\versions";

            Storage storage = new FileStorage("http://*****:*****@"c:\data\site\full");

            CatalogContext context = new CatalogContext();

            CatalogWriter writer = new CatalogWriter(storage, context, 10);

            const int BatchSize = 1;
            int i = 0;

            int commitCount = 0;

            DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(nuspecs);
            foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directoryInfo.EnumerateFiles("*.xml"))
                writer.Add(new NuspecPackageCatalogItem(fileInfo.FullName));

                if (++i % BatchSize == 0)
                    await writer.Commit(DateTime.UtcNow);

                    Console.WriteLine("commit number {0}", commitCount++);

            await writer.Commit(DateTime.UtcNow);

            Console.WriteLine("commit number {0}", commitCount++);
 public override string CreateContent(CatalogContext context)
     string resourceUri = GetBaseAddress() + GetRelativeAddress();
     JObject content = CreateContent(resourceUri, _export);
     JObject frame = context.GetJsonLdContext("context.Package.json", GetItemType());
     content.Add("@context", frame["@context"]);
     return content.ToString();
        public StorageContent CreateContent(CatalogContext context)
            IGraph graph = new Graph();

            INode rdfTypePredicate = graph.CreateUriNode(Schema.Predicates.Type);
            INode timeStampPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode(Schema.Predicates.CatalogTimestamp);
            INode commitIdPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode(Schema.Predicates.CatalogCommitId);

            INode container = graph.CreateUriNode(_resourceUri);

            graph.Assert(container, rdfTypePredicate, graph.CreateUriNode(GetContainerType()));
            graph.Assert(container, timeStampPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(_timeStamp.ToString("O"), Schema.DataTypes.DateTime));
            graph.Assert(container, commitIdPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(_commitId.ToString()));

            if (_parent != null)
                graph.Assert(container, graph.CreateUriNode(Schema.Predicates.Parent), graph.CreateUriNode(_parent));

            AddCustomContent(container, graph);

            INode itemPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode(Schema.Predicates.CatalogItem);
            INode countPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode(Schema.Predicates.CatalogCount);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, CatalogContainerItem> item in _items)
                INode itemNode = graph.CreateUriNode(item.Key);

                graph.Assert(container, itemPredicate, itemNode);
                graph.Assert(itemNode, rdfTypePredicate, graph.CreateUriNode(item.Value.Type));

                if (item.Value.PageContent != null)

                graph.Assert(itemNode, timeStampPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(item.Value.TimeStamp.ToString("O"), Schema.DataTypes.DateTime));
                graph.Assert(itemNode, commitIdPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(item.Value.CommitId.ToString()));

                if (item.Value.Count != null)
                    graph.Assert(itemNode, countPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(item.Value.Count.ToString(), Schema.DataTypes.Integer));

            JObject frame = context.GetJsonLdContext("context.Container.json", GetContainerType());

            // The below code could be used to compact data storage by using relative URIs.
            //frame = (JObject)frame.DeepClone();
            //frame["@context"]["@base"] = _resourceUri.ToString();

            StorageContent content = new StringStorageContent(Utils.CreateJson(graph, frame), "application/json", "no-store");

            return content;
        public override string CreateContent(CatalogContext context)
            XDocument original = GetNuspec();
            XDocument nuspec = NormalizeNuspecNamespace(original, context.GetXslt("xslt.normalizeNuspecNamespace.xslt"));
            IGraph graph = CreateNuspecGraph(nuspec, GetBaseAddress(), context.GetXslt("xslt.nuspec.xslt"));

            JObject frame = context.GetJsonLdContext("context.Package.json", GetItemType());

            string content = Utils.CreateJson(graph, frame);

            return content;
        public CatalogWriter(Storage storage, CatalogContext context, int maxPageSize = 1000, bool append = true)
            Options.InternUris = false;

            _storage = storage;
            _context = context;
            _append = append;
            _batch = new List<CatalogItem>();
            MaxPageSize = maxPageSize;
            _first = true;
            _open = true;
        public string CreateContent(CatalogContext context)
            IGraph graph = new Graph();

            graph.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("rdf", new Uri(""));
            graph.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("catalog", new Uri(""));

            INode rdfTypePredicate = graph.CreateUriNode("rdf:type");
            INode timeStampPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode("catalog:timeStamp");

            Uri dateTimeDatatype = new Uri("");

            INode container = graph.CreateUriNode(_resourceUri);

            graph.Assert(container, rdfTypePredicate, graph.CreateUriNode(GetContainerType()));
            graph.Assert(container, timeStampPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(_timeStamp.ToString(), dateTimeDatatype));

            if (_parent != null)
                graph.Assert(container, graph.CreateUriNode("catalog:parent"), graph.CreateUriNode(_parent));

            AddCustomContent(container, graph);

            INode itemPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode("catalog:item");
            INode countPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode("catalog:count");

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Uri, Tuple<Uri, IGraph, DateTime, int?>> item in GetItems())
                INode itemNode = graph.CreateUriNode(item.Key);

                graph.Assert(container, itemPredicate, itemNode);
                graph.Assert(itemNode, rdfTypePredicate, graph.CreateUriNode(item.Value.Item1));

                if (item.Value.Item2 != null)

                graph.Assert(itemNode, timeStampPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(item.Value.Item3.ToString(), dateTimeDatatype));
                if (item.Value.Item4 != null)
                    Uri integerDatatype = new Uri("");
                    graph.Assert(itemNode, countPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(item.Value.Item4.ToString(), integerDatatype));

            JObject frame = context.GetJsonLdContext("context.Container.json", GetContainerType());

            string content = Utils.CreateJson(graph, frame);

            return content;
        public override string CreateContent(CatalogContext context)
            string id = GetBaseAddress() + _name + ".json";

            JObject obj = new JObject
                    { "name", _name },
                    { "@id", id },
                    { "@type", _type },
                    { "@context", new JObject { { "@vocab", "" } } }

            return obj.ToString();
        public static async Task Test1Async()
            string nuspecs = @"c:\data\nuget\nuspecs";

            Storage storage = new FileStorage("http://*****:*****@"c:\data\site\full");

            CatalogContext context = new CatalogContext();

            CatalogWriter writer = new CatalogWriter(storage, context, 200);

            int total = 0;

            //int[] commitSize = { 50, 40, 25, 50, 10, 30, 40, 5, 400, 30, 10, 20, 40, 50, 90, 70, 50, 50, 50, 50, 60, 70 };
            int[] commitSize = { 
                200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 
                //200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 
                //200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 
                //200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 
                //200, 200, 200, 200, 200,
                //200, 200, 200, 200, 200
            int i = 0;

            int commitCount = 0;

            DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(nuspecs);
            foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directoryInfo.EnumerateFiles("*.xml"))
                if (commitCount == commitSize.Length)

                writer.Add(new NuspecPackageCatalogItem(fileInfo.FullName));

                if (++i == commitSize[commitCount])
                    await writer.Commit(DateTime.UtcNow);

                    Console.WriteLine("commit number {0}", commitCount);

                    i = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("total: {0}", total);
        public override IGraph CreatePageContent(CatalogContext context)
            Uri resourceUri = new Uri(GetBaseAddress() + GetRelativeAddress());

            Graph graph = new Graph();

            INode subject = graph.CreateUriNode(resourceUri);
            INode galleryKeyPredicate = graph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(""));

            string key = _export.Package["Key"].ToString();

            Uri integerDatatype = new Uri("");
            graph.Assert(subject, galleryKeyPredicate, graph.CreateLiteralNode(key, integerDatatype));

            return graph;
        public static async Task Test0Async()
            string nuspecs = @"c:\data\nuspecs";

            Storage storage = new FileStorage
                Path = @"c:\data\site\pub",
                Container = "pub",
                BaseAddress = "http://localhost:8000/"

            //Storage storage = new AzureStorage
            //    AccountName = "nuget3",
            //    AccountKey = "",
            //    Container = "pub",
            //    BaseAddress = ""

            CatalogContext context = new CatalogContext();

            CatalogWriter writer = new CatalogWriter(storage, context, 1000);

            const int BatchSize = 1000;
            int i = 0;

            int commitCount = 0;

            DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(nuspecs);
            foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directoryInfo.EnumerateFiles("*.xml"))
                writer.Add(new NuspecPackageCatalogItem(fileInfo));

                if (++i % BatchSize == 0)
                    await writer.Commit(DateTime.Now);

                    Console.WriteLine("commit number {0}", commitCount++);

            await writer.Commit(DateTime.Now);

            Console.WriteLine("commit number {0}", commitCount++);
        public override string CreateContent(CatalogContext context)
            IGraph graph = new Graph();

            graph.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("rdf", new Uri(""));
            graph.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("nuget", new Uri(""));

            INode subject = graph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(GetBaseAddress() + GetItemIdentity()));

            graph.Assert(subject, graph.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"), graph.CreateUriNode("nuget:DeleteRegistration"));
            graph.Assert(subject, graph.CreateUriNode("nuget:id"), graph.CreateLiteralNode(_id));

            JObject frame = context.GetJsonLdContext("context.DeletePackage.json", GetItemType());

            string content = Utils.CreateJson(graph, frame);

            return content;
        public static async Task Test1Async()
            Storage storage = new FileStorage
                Path = @"c:\data\site\full",
                Container = "full",
                BaseAddress = "http://localhost:8000/"

            //  first save the delete into the catalog

            CatalogContext context = new CatalogContext();
            using (CatalogWriter writer = new CatalogWriter(storage, context, 1000, true))
                writer.Add(new DeleteRegistrationCatalogItem("abc"));
                await writer.Commit(DateTime.Now);

            //  second perform that delete on the various feeds - in this case the default resolver feed

            ResolverDeleteCollector collector = new ResolverDeleteCollector(storage);
            await collector.Run(new Uri("http://localhost:8000/full/catalog/index.json"), DateTime.MinValue);
 public abstract StorageContent CreateContent(CatalogContext context);
 public abstract string CreateContent(CatalogContext context);
 public virtual IGraph CreatePageContent(CatalogContext context)
     return null;
        public static async Task Test3Async()
            Storage storage = new FileStorage
                Path = @"c:\data\site\test",
                Container = "test",
                BaseAddress = "http://localhost:8000/"

            CatalogContext context = new CatalogContext();

            CatalogWriter writer = new CatalogWriter(storage, context, 1000);

            string[] names1 = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
            string[] names2 = { "f", "g", "h" };
            string[] names3 = { "i", "j", "k" };

            foreach (string name in names1)
                writer.Add(new TestCatalogItem(name));
            await writer.Commit(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "prop1", "value1.1" }, { "prop2", "value2.1" } });

            Console.WriteLine("commit user data #1");

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> items in await CatalogWriter.GetCommitUserData(storage))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", items.Key, items.Value);

            foreach (string name in names2)
                writer.Add(new TestCatalogItem(name));
            await writer.Commit(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "prop1", "value1.2" }, { "prop2", "value2.2" } });

            Console.WriteLine("commit user data #2");

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> items in await CatalogWriter.GetCommitUserData(storage))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", items.Key, items.Value);

            foreach (string name in names3)
                writer.Add(new TestCatalogItem(name));
            await writer.Commit(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "prop1", "value1.3" }, { "prop2", "value2.3" } });

            Console.WriteLine("commit user data #3");

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> items in await CatalogWriter.GetCommitUserData(storage))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", items.Key, items.Value);
        public static async Task Test4Async()
            Storage storage = new FileStorage
                Path = @"c:\data\site\test",
                Container = "test",
                BaseAddress = "http://localhost:8000/"

            CatalogContext context = new CatalogContext();

            CatalogWriter writer = new CatalogWriter(storage, context, 4);

            string[] names1 = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
            string[] names2 = { "f", "g", "h" };
            string[] names3 = { "i", "j", "k" };

            DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

            foreach (string name in names1)
                writer.Add(new TestCatalogItem(name));
            await writer.Commit(timeStamp);

            Console.WriteLine("commit #1 timeStamp {0}", await CatalogWriter.GetLastCommitTimeStamp(storage));
            Console.WriteLine("commit #1 count {0}", await CatalogWriter.GetCount(storage));

            timeStamp = timeStamp.AddHours(1);

            foreach (string name in names2)
                writer.Add(new TestCatalogItem(name));
            await writer.Commit(timeStamp);

            Console.WriteLine("commit #2 timeStamp {0}", await CatalogWriter.GetLastCommitTimeStamp(storage));
            Console.WriteLine("commit #2 count {0}", await CatalogWriter.GetCount(storage));

            timeStamp = timeStamp.AddHours(1);

            foreach (string name in names3)
                writer.Add(new TestCatalogItem(name));
            await writer.Commit(timeStamp);

            Console.WriteLine("commit #3 timeStamp {0}", await CatalogWriter.GetLastCommitTimeStamp(storage));
            Console.WriteLine("commit #3 count {0}", await CatalogWriter.GetCount(storage));