public void Update(PersonDTO noteToSaveDTO)
            //1. load existing entity and modify
            //var existingPerson = _personRepo.All().Single();
            //var americanpassport = _passportRepo.Find(3);
            //existingPerson.Name = "Bush";
            //existingPerson.Passport = americanpassport;

            //2. Eager load and attach the foreigh key
            //var existingPerson = _personRepo.TestEagerLoad();
            //existingPerson.Name = "Bush";
            //var passportEx = new Passport() {Id = 8}; //existing id
            //existingPerson.Passport = passportEx;

            //3. Just attache the new entities with existing ids not working..
            var person = new Person();
            person.Id = 7;
            person.Name = "Bush";

            var passport = new Passport() { Id = 8 };
            person.Passport = passport;

        public void Save(PersonDTO noteToSaveDTO)
            var person = new Person();
            person.Passport = new Passport();

            _passportRepo.Add(new Passport(){ Number = "SCSCSCS", Nationality = "American"});
