public static void AddCustomer(string id, string name, string title, string phone,
            string fax, string address, string postalCode, string city, string region,
            string country, string company)
            using (NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities())
                Customer customer = new Customer();
                customer.CustomerID = id;
                customer.ContactName = name;
                customer.ContactTitle = title;
                customer.Phone = phone;
                customer.Fax = fax;
                customer.Address = address;
                customer.PostalCode = postalCode;
                customer.City = city;
                customer.Region = region;
                customer.Country = country;
                customer.CompanyName = company;

                if (northwind.Customers.Find(id) == null)

 public static void DeleteCustomer(string id)
     using (NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities())
         Customer customerToDelete = northwind.Customers.Find(id);
 public static string GetCustomerNameById(string id)
     using (NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities())
         var customer = northwind.Customers.Find(id);
         if (customer != null)
             return customer.ContactName;
             return string.Empty;
        public static void ModifyCustomer(string id, string name, string title, string phone,
            string fax, string address, string postalCode, string city, string region,
            string country, string company)
            using (NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities())
                Customer customerToEdit = northwind.Customers.Find(id);
                customerToEdit.ContactName = name;
                customerToEdit.ContactTitle = title;
                customerToEdit.Phone = phone;
                customerToEdit.Fax = fax;
                customerToEdit.Address = address;
                customerToEdit.PostalCode = postalCode;
                customerToEdit.City = city;
                customerToEdit.Region = region;
                customerToEdit.Country = country;
                customerToEdit.CompanyName = company;

                northwind.Entry(customerToEdit).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
        public static void Main()
            #region Problem 2 - Add, Modify and Delete
            NorthwindDAO.AddCustomer("ALABA", "Pesho Peshov", "Owner",
                "555-123123", "555-123124", "Dolno uino", "1000", "Sofia",
                "Sofia-grad", "Bulgaria", "McDonalds");

            var customerName = NorthwindDAO.GetCustomerNameById("ALABA");

            Console.WriteLine("Customer name will be blank if no entry found.");

            Console.WriteLine("Name for customer with id ALABA: {0}", customerName);

            NorthwindDAO.ModifyCustomer("ALABA", "Gosho Goshov", "Employee",
                "555-123123", "555-123124", "Gorno uino", "9999", "Pleven",
                "Plovdiv", "Bulgaria", "KFC");

            customerName = NorthwindDAO.GetCustomerNameById("ALABA");
            Console.WriteLine("Name for customer with id ALABA: {0}", customerName);


            customerName = NorthwindDAO.GetCustomerNameById("ALABA") ?? "";
            Console.WriteLine("Name for customer with id ALABA: {0}", customerName);

            #region Problem 3 - Get by year and location
            var customerNames = NorthwindDAO.GetCustomersByYearAndLocation("Canada", 1997);

            foreach (var name in customerNames)


            #region Problem 4 - Native SQL query
            var queryResult = NorthwindDAO.ExecuteQuery("SELECT c.ContactName FROM Customers c " +
                "INNER JOIN Orders o ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerId " +
                "WHERE (YEAR(o.OrderDate) = {0} AND o.ShipCountry = {1})", new object[] { 1997, "Canada" }).Distinct();

            foreach (var result in queryResult)

            #region Problem 5 - All sales by region and period
            var orders = NorthwindDAO.SalesByRegionAndDate("CA",
                new DateTime(1000, 1, 1), new DateTime(2000, 1, 1));

            foreach (var order in orders)


            #region Problem 6 - Twin database
            string createNorthwindCloneDBCommand = @"CREATE DATABASE NorthwindTwin ON PRIMARY 
(NAME = NorthwindTwin, FILENAME = 'D:\NorthwindTwin.mdf', SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE = 10MB, FILEGROWTH = 10%) 
LOG ON (NAME = NorthwindTwinLog, FILENAME = 'D:\NorthwindTwin.ldf', SIZE = 1MB, MAXSIZE = 5MB, FILEGROWTH = 10%)";
            SqlConnection dbConnectionForCreatingDB =
                new SqlConnection("Server=localhost;Database=master;Integrated Security=true");
            using (dbConnectionForCreatingDB)
                SqlCommand createDBCommand =
                    new SqlCommand(createNorthwindCloneDBCommand, dbConnectionForCreatingDB);

            IObjectContextAdapter northwindContext = new NorthwindEntities();
            string cloneNorthwindScript = northwindContext.ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript();
            SqlConnection dbConnectionForCloningDB = new SqlConnection("Server=localhost;Database=NorthwindTwin;Integrated Security=true");
            using (dbConnectionForCloningDB)
                SqlCommand cloneDBCommand = new SqlCommand(cloneNorthwindScript, dbConnectionForCloningDB);

            Console.WriteLine("Cloning done!");

            #region Problem 7 - Two dbcontext - solved using Singleton pattern
            Console.WriteLine("Using double context...");

            #region Problem 8 - Employee inheritance

            #region Problem 9 - 
            Console.WriteLine("Order added");
        public static IEnumerable<string> GetCustomersByYearAndLocation(string country, int year)
            using (NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities())
                var customers = northwind.Customers.Where(c =>
                    c.Orders.Where(o =>
                        o.OrderDate.Value.Year == year &&
                        o.ShipCountry == country).Any()

                IEnumerable<string> names = customers.Select(x => x.ContactName).ToList();

                return names;
        public static void CreateOrder()
            NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities();

            using (northwind)
                var order = new Order()
                    CustomerID = "BOTTM",
                    EmployeeID = 6,
                    ShipCity = "Sofia",
                    ShipCountry = "Bulgaria",
                    ShippedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    ShipPostalCode = "1000",
                    ShipVia = 2

                var orderDetail1 = new Order_Detail()
                    Order = order,
                    ProductID = 23,
                    Quantity = 10,
                    UnitPrice = 15

                var orderDetail2 = new Order_Detail()
                    Order = order,
                    ProductID = 27,
                    Quantity = 11,
                    UnitPrice = 19


 public static void Inheritance()
     NorthwindEntities northwindEntities = new NorthwindEntities();
     int employeeID = 1;
     Employee employee = northwindEntities.Employees.Find(employeeID);
     // Property added at Northwind.Data ExtendedEmployee file
     EntitySet<Territory> territories = employee.EntityTerritories;
     Console.WriteLine("All territories for employee with ID {0} are:", employeeID);
     foreach (var territory in territories)
        public static void DoubleContext()
            using (NorthwindEntities northwindEntities1 = new NorthwindEntities())
                using (NorthwindEntities northwindEntities2 = new NorthwindEntities())
                    Customer customerByFirstDataContext = northwindEntities1.Customers.Find("CHOPS");
                    customerByFirstDataContext.Region = "SW";

                    Customer customerBySecondDataContext = northwindEntities2.Customers.Find("CHOPS");
                    customerBySecondDataContext.Region = "SSWW";

 public static void CreateNewDatabase(NorthwindEntities northwind)
     // TODO
        public static IEnumerable<string> SalesByRegionAndDate(string region, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            using (NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities())
                var result = northwind.Orders.Where(o =>
                    o.ShipRegion == region &&
                    o.OrderDate.Value > start &&
                    o.OrderDate.Value < end).Select(x =>
                        "Contact name: " + x.Customer.ContactName + " Ship address: " +

                return result;
 public static IEnumerable<string> ExecuteQuery(string query, object[] parameters)
     using (NorthwindEntities northwind = new NorthwindEntities())
         var queryResult = northwind.Database.SqlQuery<string>(query, parameters).ToList();
         return queryResult;