/// <summary>
        /// Begins a scaled local area.
        /// Returns vector to offset GUI controls with to account for zooming to the pivot.
        /// Using adjustGUILayout does that automatically for GUILayout rects. Theoretically can be nested!
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector2 BeginScale(ref Rect rect, Vector2 zoomPivot, float zoom, bool IsEditorWindow, bool adjustGUILayout)
            isEditorWindow = IsEditorWindow;

            Rect screenRect;

            if (compabilityMode)
            { // In compability mode, we will assume only one top group and do everything manually, not using reflected calls (-> practically blind)
                screenRect = rect;
                if (isEditorWindow)
                    screenRect.y += 23;
            { // If it's supported, we take the completely generic way using reflected calls
                screenRect = GUIScaleUtility.GUIToScaledSpace(rect);

            rect = Scale(screenRect, screenRect.position + zoomPivot, new Vector2(zoom, zoom));

            // Now continue drawing using the new clipping group
            rect.position = Vector2.zero; // Adjust because we entered the new group

            // Because I currently found no way to actually scale to a custom pivot rather than (0, 0),
            // we'll make use of a cheat and just offset it accordingly to let it appear as if it would scroll to the center
            // Note, due to that, controls not adjusted are still scaled to (0, 0)
            Vector2 zoomPosAdjust = rect.center - screenRect.size / 2 + zoomPivot;

            // For GUILayout, we can make this adjustment here if desired
            if (adjustGUILayout)
                GUILayout.Space(rect.center.x - screenRect.size.x + zoomPivot.x);
                GUILayout.Space(rect.center.y - screenRect.size.y + zoomPivot.y);

            // Take a matrix backup to restore back later on

            // Scale GUI.matrix. After that we have the correct clipping group again.
            GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(new Vector2(1 / zoom, 1 / zoom), zoomPosAdjust);

        /// <summary>
        /// Ends a scale region previously opened with BeginScale
        /// </summary>
        public static void EndScale()
            // Set last matrix and clipping group
            if (GUIMatrices.Count == 0 || adjustedGUILayout.Count == 0)
                throw new UnityException("GUIScaleUtility: You are ending more scale regions than you are beginning!");
            GUI.matrix = GUIMatrices[GUIMatrices.Count - 1];
            GUIMatrices.RemoveAt(GUIMatrices.Count - 1);

            // End GUILayout zoomPosAdjustment
            if (adjustedGUILayout[adjustedGUILayout.Count - 1])
            adjustedGUILayout.RemoveAt(adjustedGUILayout.Count - 1);

            // End the scaled group

            if (compabilityMode)
            {                       // In compability mode, we don't know the previous group rect, but as we cannot use top groups there either way, we restore the screen group
                if (isEditorWindow) // We're in an editor window
                    GUI.BeginClip(new Rect(0, 23, Screen.width, Screen.height - 23));
                    GUI.BeginClip(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height));
            { // Else, restore the clips (groups)