Example #1
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            // Just measure every child, giving it infinite space.
            // The panel itself occupies the whole area given.

            var view2D = this.Viewport;

            var NodeEditorControl = VisualTreeUtils.GetVisualParent <NodeEditorControl>(this);
            var itemsControl      = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) as ItemsControl;
            var generator         = itemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator;

            Size childConstraint = new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity);

            foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
                if (child == null)

                var node = generator.ItemFromContainer(child) as Node;
                //var positionCCS = new Point2(GetX(child), GetY(child));
                var positionCCS = NodeEditorControl.GetNodePositionMaybePreview(node);
                var pointPCS    = view2D.TransformCCSToPCS(positionCCS);
                mNodeSizeInfos[node] = new Rect(pointPCS.X, pointPCS.Y, child.DesiredSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Height);

            return(new Size());
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            var NodeEditorControl = VisualTreeUtils.GetVisualParent <NodeEditorControl>(this);

            ItemsControl   nodesItemsControl   = null;
            CartesianPanel nodesCartesianPanel = null;

            if (NodeEditorControl != null)
                nodesItemsControl   = NodeEditorControl.GetNodesItemsControl();
                nodesCartesianPanel = VisualTreeUtils.GetItemsHost(nodesItemsControl) as CartesianPanel;

            if (nodesItemsControl == null)
                foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
                    if (child == null)
                    child.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(0, 0), new Size(0, 0)));
                var zoom = this.Zoom;

                var connectionsItemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) as ItemsControl;
                var connectionsGenerator    = connectionsItemsControl == null ? null : connectionsItemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator;
                var nodesGenerator          = nodesItemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator;
                foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
                    if (child == null)

                    Connection connection;
                    if (connectionsGenerator != null)
                        connection = connectionsGenerator.ItemFromContainer(child) as Connection;
                    else if (child as ContentControl != null)
                        connection = (child as ContentControl).Content as Connection;
                    else if ((child as FrameworkElement).DataContext as Connection != null)
                        connection = (child as FrameworkElement).DataContext as Connection;
                        // ???
                        connection = null;

                    var verticalOutputOffset = 47.0 + 20.0 * connection.FromNode.GetOutputIndex(connection.FromNodeOutput);

                    var fromNodeContainer = nodesGenerator.ContainerFromItem(connection.FromNode) as FrameworkElement;
                    if (!fromNodeContainer.IsArrangeValid)
                    var fromNodeOrigin = fromNodeContainer.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), nodesItemsControl);
                    var fromNodeSize   = nodesCartesianPanel.GetNodeSizeInfo(connection.FromNode).Size;
                    fromNodeSize = new Size(fromNodeSize.Width * zoom,
                                            fromNodeSize.Height * zoom);
                    Point fromPoint = new Point(fromNodeOrigin.X + fromNodeSize.Width,
                                                fromNodeOrigin.Y + verticalOutputOffset * zoom);

                    Point  toNodeOrigin;
                    double verticalInputOffset;
                    if (connection.ToNode != null)
                        var toNodeContainer = nodesGenerator.ContainerFromItem(connection.ToNode) as FrameworkElement;
                        if (!toNodeContainer.IsArrangeValid)
                        toNodeOrigin = toNodeContainer.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), nodesItemsControl);
                        //var toNodeSize = nodesCartesianPanel.GetNodeSizeInfo(connection.ToNode).Size;
                        //toNodeSize = new Size(toNodeSize.Width * zoom,
                        //                      toNodeSize.Height * zoom);

                        verticalInputOffset = 47.0 + 20.0 * connection.ToNode.GetInputIndex(connection.ToNodeInput);
                        //toNodeOrigin = NodeEditorControl.previewMousePosition;
                        toNodeOrigin        = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
                        verticalInputOffset = 0;
                        //child.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform(zoom, zoom);
                        //child.Arrange(new Rect(childOrigin, new Size(100, 50)));

                    var toPoint = new Point(toNodeOrigin.X, toNodeOrigin.Y + verticalInputOffset * zoom);

                    mLayoutInfo[connection] = new ConnectionPathLayoutInfo()
                        fromPoint = fromPoint, toPoint = toPoint

                    // We're making an assumption on the visual tree here.
                    // Invalidate the visual of the descendant, assuming it's a ConnectionPath which needs to do so
                    var cp = child as ContentPresenter;
                    if (cp != null)
                        (VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(cp, 0) as UIElement).InvalidateVisual();

                    child.RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform(zoom, zoom);
                    //child.Arrange(new Rect(fromPoint, childSize));
                    child.Arrange(new Rect(fromPoint, new Size(1, 1)));
