public override void Calculate(DowPivotOld dowPivot)
            ISeries <double> lows;
            ISeries <double> highs;

            if (dowPivot.UseHighLow)
                lows  = dowPivot.Low;
                highs = dowPivot.High;
                lows  = dowPivot.Close;
                highs = dowPivot.Close;

            #region Calcula primeiro ponto
            // Este laço faz o calculo das primeiras barras do gráfico
            if (dowPivot.IsFirstTickOfBar && GetHigh(0) == null && GetLow(0) == null)
                initLowCache.Add(new HighLowAndIndex(lows[barsAgoConstant], dowPivot.CurrentBar - barsAgoConstant));
                initHighCache.Add(new HighLowAndIndex(highs[barsAgoConstant], dowPivot.CurrentBar - barsAgoConstant));

                HighLowAndIndex lowCandidate  = initLowCache[0];
                HighLowAndIndex highCandidate = initHighCache[0];

                if (initLowCache.Count - 1 >= strength)
                    for (int i = 0; i < strength; i++)
                        if (initLowCache[i].Price < lowCandidate.Price)
                            lowCandidate = initLowCache[i];

                if (initHighCache.Count - 1 >= strength)
                    for (int i = 0; i < strength; i++)
                        if (initHighCache[i].Price > highCandidate.Price)
                            highCandidate = initHighCache[i];

                if (initLowCache.Count - 1 >= strength && initHighCache.Count - 1 >= strength)
                    if (lowCandidate.Index < highCandidate.Index)
                        AddLow(dowPivot, lowCandidate.Price, lowCandidate.Index);
                        lastTrend         = TrendDir.Down;
                        calculationEstate = CalculationEstate.HistoricalRealTime;
                    else if (lowCandidate.Index > highCandidate.Index)
                        AddHigh(dowPivot, highCandidate.Price, highCandidate.Index);
                        lastTrend         = TrendDir.Up;
                        calculationEstate = CalculationEstate.HistoricalRealTime;
                        Miscellaneous.PrintError(dowPivot, "In the initial calculation of the 'Low' and 'High', they have the same index," +
                                                 " Low index: " + lowCandidate.Index + "    High index: " + highCandidate.Index);

            #region Calcula dados históricos e de tempo real
            else if (dowPivot.IsFirstTickOfBar && calculationEstate == CalculationEstate.HistoricalRealTime)
                bool isSwingLow  = lows[barsAgoConstant] < lows[1 + barsAgoConstant];
                bool isSwingHigh = highs[barsAgoConstant] > highs[1 + barsAgoConstant];

                if (isSwingLow)
                    for (int i = 1; i < strength + 1; i++)
                        if (lows[barsAgoConstant] > lows[i + barsAgoConstant])
                            isSwingLow = false;

                if (isSwingHigh)
                    for (int i = 1; i < strength + 1; i++)
                        if (highs[barsAgoConstant] < highs[i + barsAgoConstant])
                            isSwingHigh = false;

                #region CRUD
                // Add low
                if (isSwingLow && lastTrend != TrendDir.Down)
                    AddLow(dowPivot, lows[barsAgoConstant], dowPivot.CurrentBar - barsAgoConstant);
                    lastLow   = lows[barsAgoConstant];
                    lastTrend = TrendDir.Down;
                // Add high
                else if (isSwingHigh && lastTrend != TrendDir.Up)
                    AddHigh(dowPivot, highs[barsAgoConstant], dowPivot.CurrentBar - barsAgoConstant);
                    lastHigh  = highs[barsAgoConstant];
                    lastTrend = TrendDir.Up;
                // Update Low
                else if (isSwingLow && lastTrend == TrendDir.Down && lows[barsAgoConstant] < lastLow)
                    UpdateLow(dowPivot, lows[barsAgoConstant], dowPivot.CurrentBar - barsAgoConstant);
                    lastLow = lows[barsAgoConstant];
                // Update High
                else if (isSwingHigh && lastTrend == TrendDir.Up && highs[barsAgoConstant] > lastHigh)
                    UpdateHigh(dowPivot, highs[barsAgoConstant], dowPivot.CurrentBar - barsAgoConstant);
                    lastHigh = highs[barsAgoConstant];