public override bool Admissable(Frame th, Variable[] pos, VarHash named) { if (named != null && named.IsNonEmpty) { return(false); } if (!AdmissableArity(pos.Length)) { return(false); } object dummy; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (!CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out dummy, args[i], pos[i]) || (refs[i] && !pos[i].rw)) { return(false); } } // XXX: maybe param arrays should be treated as slurpies? for (int i = args.Length; i < pos.Length; i++) { if (!CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out dummy, param_array, pos[i])) { return(false); } } return(true); }
internal static VarHash Thaw(ThawBuffer tb) { VarHash r = new VarHash(); tb.Register(r); int c = tb.Int(); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { r[tb.String()] = (Variable)tb.ObjRef(); } return(r); }
// throws on dispatch failure public MultiCandidate DoDispatch(Frame th, Variable[] pos, VarHash named) { MultiCandidate[] avail = GetCandidateList(pos.Length); int last_ix; for (last_ix = avail.Length - 1; last_ix >= 0; last_ix--) { if (avail[last_ix].Admissable(th, pos, named)) { break; } } if (last_ix < 0) { throw new NieczaException("No candidates for dispatch to " + name + "; candidates are:" + Console.Out.NewLine + " " + Kernel.JoinS(Console.Out.NewLine + " ", avail)); } foreach (int ci in avail[last_ix].conflictors) { if (avail[ci].Admissable(th, pos, named)) { List <MultiCandidate> matched = new List <MultiCandidate>(); foreach (MultiCandidate mc in avail) { if (mc.Admissable(th, pos, named)) { matched.Add(mc); } } throw new NieczaException("Ambiguous dispatch for " + name + "; matched candidates are:" + Console.Out.NewLine + " " + Kernel.JoinS(Console.Out.NewLine + " ", matched)); } } if (CLROpts.MMDDebug) { Console.WriteLine("Using {0}", avail[last_ix]); } return(avail[last_ix]); }
public Variable Invoke(object obj, Variable[] pos, VarHash named) { object[] argv = new object[args.Length + (param_array != null ? 1 : 0)]; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out argv[i], args[i], pos[i]); } if (param_array != null) { int npa = pos.Length - args.Length; Array pa = Array.CreateInstance(param_array, npa); for (int j = 0; j < npa; j++) { object arg; CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out arg, param_array, pos[j + args.Length]); pa.SetValue(arg, j); } argv[args.Length] = pa; } if (what_call is MethodInfo) { MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo)what_call; object ret = mi.Invoke((mi.IsStatic ? null : obj), argv); WritebackRefs(pos, argv); return(CLRWrapperProvider.BoxResult(mi.ReturnType, ret)); } else if (what_call is ConstructorInfo) { ConstructorInfo ci = (ConstructorInfo)what_call; object ret = ci.Invoke(argv); WritebackRefs(pos, argv); return(CLRWrapperProvider.BoxResult(ci.DeclaringType, ret)); } else if (what_call is FieldInfo) { return(new FieldProxy((FieldInfo)what_call, obj)); } else if (what_call is PropertyInfo) { return(new PropertyProxy((PropertyInfo)what_call, obj, argv)); } else { throw new NieczaException("Unhandled member type " + what_call.GetType()); } }
public VarHash(VarHash from) { hfree = from.hfree; count = from.count; int l = from.heap.Length; if (from.htab != null) { htab = new int[l]; Array.Copy(from.htab, 0, htab, 0, l); } else { htab = null; } heap = new VarHashLink[l]; Array.Copy(from.heap, 0, heap, 0, l); }
// include the invocant in the positionals! it will not usually be // this, rather a container of this public virtual Frame InvokeMethod(Frame caller, string name, Variable[] pos, VarHash named) { DispatchEnt m; //Kernel.LogNameLookup(name); if ((m = mo.FindMethod(name)) != null) { return(, m.outer, m.ip6, pos, named, false, m)); } if (mo.mro_methods.TryGetValue("FALLBACK", out m)) { Variable[] npos = new Variable[pos.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(pos, 1, npos, 2, pos.Length - 1); npos[0] = pos[0]; npos[1] = Kernel.BoxAnyMO(name, Kernel.StrMO); return(, m.outer, m.ip6, npos, named, false, m)); } return(Fail(caller, "Unable to resolve method " + name)); }
public abstract Frame Invoke(P6any obj, Frame th, Variable[] pos, VarHash named);
public Frame Invoke(Frame c, Variable[] p, VarHash n) { return(mo.mro_INVOKE.Invoke(this, c, p, n)); }
internal VarHashKeys(VarHash x) { th = x; }
public abstract bool Admissable(Frame th, Variable[] pos, VarHash named);