private void GenFileLog(string str, eI2LogLevel thisLevel) { if (logLevel <= thisLevel) { KnownFiles.ioAppend(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.Log, _2InfoDisplay_DebugOut.PreForLevel(thisLevel) + FileLog_GetPreText() + str); } }
private void addBodyFile(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles which) { try { MSAppendLine("<pre>"); MSAppendLine(KnownFiles.ioReadAllText(which)); MSAppendLine("</pre>"); } catch (IOException) { } }
private void fileLog(bool isWrite, string msg) { if (ClearLogFirst && !ClearLogFirst_Done) { ClearLogFirst_Done = true; KnownFiles.ioDelete(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.AndroidCom); KnownFiles.ioAppend(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.AndroidCom, Endpoint); } var line = $"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToSwissTime(false)}: {(isWrite ? "pc --> a" : "pc <-- a")}: {msg}"; KnownFiles.ioAppend(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.AndroidCom, line); }
TimeSpan CheckInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0); //once every 10 minutes public override eI6Error Process(string destMobile, string msg, Ix iAll) { using (var x = new LogPreText("DelLog", iAll)) { if (DateTime.UtcNow > (LastCheck + CheckInterval)) { LastCheck = DateTime.UtcNow; long maxSize; if (long.TryParse("_6WhatsAppProcess_Pre_DeleteLogFile.MaxSize".GetConfig(), out maxSize)) { long currentSize = KnownFiles.ioSize(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.Log); if (currentSize > maxSize) { KnownFiles.ioDelete(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.Log); } } } return(Child.Process(destMobile, msg, iAll)); } }
//public string GetTest() //{ // MS = new MemoryStream(); // addHeader("Test"); // addBodyTest(); // addFooter(); // return SB.ToString(); //} public void GetData(string request, out MemoryStream msOut, out string ContentType) { MS = new MemoryStream(); KnownFiles.eKnownFiles which; if (KnownFiles.IsKnown(request, out which)) { addHeader(KnownFiles.Get(which)); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); addBodyFile(which); addFooter(); } else if (request == "Screen") { Bitmap bAll = ImageCapture.GetAll(); bAll.Save(MS, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); this.ContentType = "image/png"; } else if (request == "FullInfo") { this.ContentType = "text/plain"; TrayStatus full = Mem.GetValues(); if (DisplayTextController._globInstance != null) { full.AddRange(DisplayTextController._globInstance.GetStatus()); } MSAppendLine(full.ToString()); } else if (request == "FullInfoIM") { this.ContentType = "text/plain"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TrayStatus full = Mem.GetValues(); if (DisplayTextController._globInstance != null) { full.AddRange(DisplayTextController._globInstance.GetStatus()); } full.TheList.ForEach(i => i.ToIntermapperInfo(sb)); MSAppendLine(sb.ToString()); } else if (request == "Memory") { addHeader(request); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); MSAppendLine("<pre>"); MSAppendLine(Mem.GetValues().ToString()); MSAppendLine("</pre>"); addFooter(); } else if (request == "DelPic") { addHeader(request); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); foreach (BmpFileHandler.PathAndDate f1 in new BmpFileHandler(".").GetSortedList()) { if (f1.Path.Contains("zapi")) { File.Delete(f1.Path); MSAppendLine(f1.Path + "<br />"); } } addFooter(); } else if (request == "ListPic") { addHeader(request); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); MSAppendLine("<pre>"); foreach (BmpFileHandler.PathAndDate f1 in new BmpFileHandler(".").GetSortedList()) { MSAppendLine(f1.LastWrite.ToString() + " " + f1.Path + "<br />"); } MSAppendLine("</pre>"); addFooter(); } else if (request.StartsWith("ShowPic_")) { try { int id = int.Parse(request.Substring("ShowPic_".Length)); addHeader(request); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); MSAppendLine("<br>"); MSAppendLine("<br>"); foreach (BmpFileHandler.PathAndDate f1 in new BmpFileHandler(".").GetSortedList()) { MSAppendLine(f1.Path); MSAppendLine("<br>"); MSAppendLine(string.Format("<img src=\"Pic_{0}\" width=\"600\" height=\"500\" > ", f1.Path)); MSAppendLine("<hr>"); } addFooter(); } catch (Exception _) { } } else if (request.StartsWith("Pic_")) { string path = null; try { path = request.Substring("Pic_".Length).Replace("%20", " "); Bitmap bAll = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(path); bAll.Save(MS, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); this.ContentType = "image/png"; } catch (Exception _) { } } else if (request == "DelLog") { addHeader(request); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); KnownFiles.ioDelete(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.Log); addFooter(); } else if (request == "Step") { addHeader(request); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); MSAppendLine("<pre>"); MSAppendLine("_6WhatsAppProcess_Real performs steps to send a whatsapp message:<br>"); MSAppendLine("Step 1: findSearchWindow and enter tel<br>"); MSAppendLine("Step 2: findAccount and Click it<br>"); MSAppendLine("Step 3: verify account string top rigth position<br>"); MSAppendLine("Step 4: find type-msg-here, and enter text<br>"); MSAppendLine("</pre>"); addFooter(); } else { addHeader("No selection"); addBodyLinks(KnownFiles.GetAll()); addFooter(); } msOut = this.MS; ContentType = this.ContentType; }
public void FileLog_TelStatus(List <string> val) { KnownFiles.ioWriteAllLines(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.TelStatus, val.ToArray()); }
public long FileSize() { return(KnownFiles.ioSize(KnownFiles.eKnownFiles.Log)); }