A group that sizes and positions children using table constraints. By default, {@link #getTouchable()} is {@link Touchable#childrenOnly}. The preferred and minimum sizes are that of the chdebugn when laid out in columns and rows.
Inheritance: Group
Example #1
		public void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			table.getRowDefaults().setPadTop( 10 );
			table.add( name.Replace( "PostProcessor", string.Empty ) ).getElement<Label>().setFontScale( 1f ).setFontColor( new Color( 241, 156, 0 ) );

			// if we have a component, stick a bool for enabled here
			if( target != null )
				_enabledCheckbox = new CheckBox( string.Empty, skin );
				_enabledCheckbox.programmaticChangeEvents = false;

				if( target is Component )
					_enabledCheckbox.isChecked = ( (Component)target ).enabled;
				else if( target is PostProcessor )
					_enabledCheckbox.isChecked = ((PostProcessor)target ).enabled;
				_enabledCheckbox.onChanged += newValue =>
					if( target is Component )
						((Component)target).enabled = newValue;
					else if( target is PostProcessor )
						( (PostProcessor)target ).enabled = newValue;

				table.add( _enabledCheckbox ).right();

			foreach( var i in _inspectors )
				i.initialize( table, skin );
Example #2
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			var button = new TextButton( _name, skin );
			button.onClicked += onButtonClicked;

			// we could have zero or 1 param
			var parameters = ( _memberInfo as MethodInfo ).GetParameters();
			if( parameters.Length == 0 )
				table.add( button );

			var parameter = parameters[0];
			_parameterType = parameter.ParameterType;

			_textField = new TextField( _parameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType ? Activator.CreateInstance( _parameterType ).ToString() : "", skin );
			_textField.shouldIgnoreTextUpdatesWhileFocused = false;

			// add a filter for float/int
			if( _parameterType == typeof( float ) )
				_textField.setTextFieldFilter( new FloatFilter() );
			if( _parameterType == typeof( int ) )
				_textField.setTextFieldFilter( new DigitsOnlyFilter() );
			if( _parameterType == typeof( bool ) )
				_textField.setTextFieldFilter( new BoolFilter() );

			table.add( button );
			table.add( _textField ).setMaxWidth( 70 );
Example #3
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			// if we have a RangeAttribute we need to make a slider
			var rangeAttr = getFieldOrPropertyAttribute<RangeAttribute>();
			if( rangeAttr != null )
				setupSlider( table, skin, rangeAttr.minValue, rangeAttr.maxValue, rangeAttr.stepSize );
				setupTextField( table, skin );
Example #4
		private void initialize()
			defaults().space( 16 );
			add( contentTable = new Table() ).expand().fill();
			add( buttonTable = new Table() );

			contentTable.defaults().space( 16 );
			buttonTable.defaults().space( 16 );
Example #5
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			var label = createNameLabel( table, skin );
			_textField = new TextField( getValue<string>(), skin );
			_textField.setTextFieldFilter( new FloatFilter() );
			_textField.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				setValue( str );

			table.add( label );
			table.add( _textField ).setMaxWidth( 70 );
Example #6
		void setupSlider( Table table, Skin skin, float minValue, float maxValue, float stepSize )
			var label = createNameLabel( table, skin );
			_slider = new Slider( skin, null, minValue, maxValue );
			_slider.setStepSize( stepSize );
			_slider.setValue( getValue<float>() );
			_slider.onChanged += newValue =>
				_setter.Invoke( newValue );

			table.add( label );
			table.add( _slider );
Example #7
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			var label = createNameLabel( table, skin );
			_checkbox = new CheckBox( string.Empty, skin );
			_checkbox.programmaticChangeEvents = false;
			_checkbox.isChecked = getValue<bool>();
			_checkbox.onChanged += newValue =>
				setValue( newValue );

			table.add( label );
			table.add( _checkbox );
Example #8
		void setupTextField( Table table, Skin skin )
			var label = createNameLabel( table, skin );
			_textField = new TextField( getValue<float>().ToString(), skin );
			_textField.setTextFieldFilter( new FloatFilter() );
			_textField.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				float newValue;
				if( float.TryParse( str, out newValue ) )
					setValue( newValue );

			table.add( label );
			table.add( _textField ).setMaxWidth( 70 );
Example #9
        public Window( string title, WindowStyle style )
            Assert.isNotNull( title, "title cannot be null" );

            touchable = Touchable.Enabled;
            clip = true;

            titleLabel = new Label( title, new LabelStyle( style.titleFont, style.titleFontColor ) );
            titleLabel.setEllipsis( true );

            titleTable = new Table();
            titleTable.add( titleLabel ).setExpandX().setFillX().setMinWidth( 0 );
            addElement( titleTable );

            setStyle( style );
            width = 150;
            height = 150;
Example #10
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			// add a header
			var label = table.add( createNameLabel( table, skin ) ).setColspan( 2 ).getElement<Label>();
			label.setStyle( label.getStyle().clone() ).setFontColor( new Color( 228, 228, 76 ) );
			table.row().setPadLeft( 15 );

			// figure out which fiedls and properties are useful to add to the inspector
			var fields = ReflectionUtils.getFields( _valueType );
			foreach( var field in fields )
				if( !field.IsPublic && IEnumerableExt.count( field.GetCustomAttributes<InspectableAttribute>() ) == 0 )

				var inspector = getInspectorForType( field.FieldType, _target, field );
				if( inspector != null )
					inspector.setStructTarget( _target, this, field );
					inspector.initialize( table, skin );
					_inspectors.Add( inspector );
					table.row().setPadLeft( 15 );

			var properties = ReflectionUtils.getProperties( _valueType );
			foreach( var prop in properties )
				if( !prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite )

				if( ( !prop.GetMethod.IsPublic || !prop.SetMethod.IsPublic ) && IEnumerableExt.count( prop.GetCustomAttributes<InspectableAttribute>() ) == 0 )

				var inspector = getInspectorForType( prop.PropertyType, _target, prop );
				if( inspector != null )
					inspector.setStructTarget( _target, this, prop );
					inspector.initialize( table, skin );
					_inspectors.Add( inspector );
					table.row().setPadLeft( 15 );
Example #11
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			var value = getValue<Vector2>();
			var label = createNameLabel( table, skin );

			var labelX = new Label( "x", skin );
			_textFieldX = new TextField( value.X.ToString(), skin );
			_textFieldX.setTextFieldFilter( new FloatFilter() ).setPreferredWidth( 50 );
			_textFieldX.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				float newX;
				if( float.TryParse( str, out newX ) )
					var newValue = getValue<Vector2>();
					newValue.X = newX;
					setValue( newValue );

			var labelY = new Label( "y", skin );
			_textFieldY = new TextField( value.Y.ToString(), skin );
			_textFieldY.setTextFieldFilter( new FloatFilter() ).setPreferredWidth( 50 );
			_textFieldY.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				float newY;
				if( float.TryParse( str, out newY ) )
					var newValue = getValue<Vector2>();
					newValue.Y = newY;
					setValue( newValue );

			var hBox = new HorizontalGroup( 5 );
			hBox.addElement( labelX );
			hBox.addElement( _textFieldX );
			hBox.addElement( labelY );
			hBox.addElement( _textFieldY );

			table.add( label );
			table.add( hBox );
Example #12
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			var label = createNameLabel( table, skin );

			// gotta get ugly here
			_selectBox = new SelectBox<string>( skin );

			var enumValues = Enum.GetValues( _valueType );
			var enumStringValues = new List<string>();
			foreach( var e in enumValues )
				enumStringValues.Add( e.ToString() );
			_selectBox.setItems( enumStringValues );

			_selectBox.onChanged += selectedItem =>
				setValue( Enum.Parse( _valueType, selectedItem ) );

			table.add( label );
			table.add( _selectBox ).setFillX();
Example #13
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			// we either have a getter that gets a Material or an Effedt
			var effect = _valueType == typeof( Material ) ? getValue<Material>().effect : getValue<Effect>();
			if( effect == null )

			// add a header and indent our cells
			table.add( effect.GetType().Name ).setColspan( 2 ).getElement<Label>().setFontColor( new Color( 228, 228, 76 ) );
			table.row().setPadLeft( 15 );

			// figure out which properties are useful to add to the inspector
			var effectProps = ReflectionUtils.getProperties( effect.GetType() );
			foreach( var prop in effectProps )
				if( prop.DeclaringType == typeof( Effect ) )
				if( !prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite || prop.Name == "Name" )

				if( ( !prop.GetMethod.IsPublic || !prop.SetMethod.IsPublic ) && IEnumerableExt.count( prop.GetCustomAttributes<InspectableAttribute>() ) == 0 )

				var inspector = getInspectorForType( prop.PropertyType, effect, prop );
				if( inspector != null )
					inspector.setTarget( effect, prop );
					inspector.initialize( table, skin );
					_inspectors.Add( inspector );

					table.row().setPadLeft( 15 );

Example #14
        void prepCanvas()
            _skin = Skin.createDefaultSkin();

            // modify some of the default styles to better suit our needs
            var tfs = _skin.get<TextFieldStyle>();
            tfs.background.leftWidth = tfs.background.rightWidth = 4;
            tfs.background.bottomHeight = 0;
            tfs.background.topHeight = 3;

            var checkbox = _skin.get<CheckBoxStyle>();
            checkbox.checkboxOn.minWidth = checkbox.checkboxOn.minHeight = 15;
            checkbox.checkboxOff.minWidth = checkbox.checkboxOff.minHeight = 15;
            checkbox.checkboxOver.minWidth = checkbox.checkboxOver.minHeight = 15;

            // since we arent using this as a Component on an Entity we'll fake it here
            ui = new UICanvas();
            ui.stage.isFullScreen = true;

            _table = new Table();
            _table.defaults().setPadTop( 4 ).setPadLeft( 4 ).setPadRight( 0 ).setAlign( Align.left );
            _table.setBackground( new PrimitiveDrawable( new Color( 40, 40, 40 ) ) );

            // wrap up the table in a ScrollPane
            _scrollPane = ui.stage.addElement( new ScrollPane( _table, _skin ) );
            // force a validate which will layout the ScrollPane and populate the proper scrollBarWidth
            _scrollPane.setSize( 295 + _scrollPane.getScrollBarWidth(), Screen.height );
Example #15
		public override void initialize( Table table, Skin skin )
			var value = getValue<Color>();
			var label = createNameLabel( table, skin );

			var labelR = new Label( "r", skin );
			_textFieldR = new TextField( value.R.ToString(), skin );
			_textFieldR.setMaxLength( 3 );
			_textFieldR.setTextFieldFilter( new DigitsOnlyFilter() ).setPreferredWidth( 28 );
			_textFieldR.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				int newR;
				if( int.TryParse( str, out newR ) )
					var newValue = getValue<Color>();
					newValue.R = (byte)newR;
					setValue( newValue );

			var labelG = new Label( "g", skin );
			_textFieldG = new TextField( value.G.ToString(), skin );
			_textFieldG.setMaxLength( 3 );
			_textFieldG.setTextFieldFilter( new DigitsOnlyFilter() ).setPreferredWidth( 28 );
			_textFieldG.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				int newG;
				if( int.TryParse( str, out newG ) )
					var newValue = getValue<Color>();
					newValue.G = (byte)newG;
					setValue( newValue );

			var labelB = new Label( "b", skin );
			_textFieldB = new TextField( value.B.ToString(), skin );
			_textFieldB.setMaxLength( 3 );
			_textFieldB.setTextFieldFilter( new DigitsOnlyFilter() ).setPreferredWidth( 28 );
			_textFieldB.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				int newB;
				if( int.TryParse( str, out newB ) )
					var newValue = getValue<Color>();
					newValue.B = (byte)newB;
					setValue( newValue );

			var labelA = new Label( "a", skin );
			_textFieldA = new TextField( value.A.ToString(), skin );
			_textFieldA.setMaxLength( 3 );
			_textFieldA.setTextFieldFilter( new DigitsOnlyFilter() ).setPreferredWidth( 28 );
			_textFieldA.onTextChanged += ( field, str ) =>
				int newA;
				if( int.TryParse( str, out newA ) )
					var newValue = getValue<Color>();
					newValue.A = (byte)newA;
					setValue( newValue );

			var hBox = new HorizontalGroup( 2 );
			hBox.addElement( labelR );
			hBox.addElement( _textFieldR );
			hBox.addElement( labelG );
			hBox.addElement( _textFieldG );
			hBox.addElement( labelB );
			hBox.addElement( _textFieldB );
			hBox.addElement( labelA );
			hBox.addElement( _textFieldA );

			table.add( label );
			table.add( hBox );
Example #16
 internal void SetLayout(Table table)
     this.table = table;