Example #1
        public void DrawCurrentGridSquare()
            // Draw Currently Slotted Item & Highlighted Grid Square (if not overlapping a UI component)
            if (UIComponent.ComponentWithFocus == null)
                // Draw Temporary Function Tool (if active)
                if (EditorTools.tempTool != null)

                // Draw Function Tool (if active)
                else if (EditorTools.funcTool != null)

                // Draw AutoTile Tool (if active)
                else if (EditorTools.autoTool.IsActive)

                // Draw Tile Tool (if active)
                else if (EditorTools.tileTool != null)
                    EditorPlaceholder ph = EditorTools.tileTool.CurrentPlaceholder;

                    // Draw Tile
                    if (ph.tileId > 0)
                        if (Systems.mapper.TileDict.ContainsKey(ph.tileId))
                            TileObject tgo = Systems.mapper.TileDict[ph.tileId];
                            tgo.Draw(null, ph.subType, Cursor.TileGridX * (byte)TilemapEnum.TileWidth - Systems.camera.posX, Cursor.TileGridY * (byte)TilemapEnum.TileHeight - Systems.camera.posY);

                    // Draw Object
                    else if (ph.objectId > 0)
                        ShadowTile.Draw(ph.objectId, ph.subType, null, Cursor.TileGridX * (byte)TilemapEnum.TileWidth - Systems.camera.posX, Cursor.TileGridY * (byte)TilemapEnum.TileHeight - Systems.camera.posY);

                    Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dDarkRed, new Rectangle(Cursor.TileGridX * (byte)TilemapEnum.TileWidth - Systems.camera.posX, Cursor.TileGridY * (byte)TilemapEnum.TileHeight - Systems.camera.posY, (byte)TilemapEnum.TileWidth, (byte)TilemapEnum.TileHeight), Color.White * 0.25f);
Example #2
        public static void UpdateHelperText()
            if (Systems.scene is EditorScene == false)
            EditorScene editorScene = (EditorScene)Systems.scene;

            // Tile Tool Helper Text
            if (EditorTools.tileTool != null)
                EditorPlaceholder ph = EditorTools.tileTool.CurrentPlaceholder;

                // Display Tile Helper Text
                if (ph.tileId > 0)
                    // If there's an error here, we need to add the value to TileDict.
                    TileObject tile = Systems.mapper.TileDict[ph.tileId];

                    if (tile.titles != null)
                        editorScene.editorUI.statusText.SetText(tile.titles[ph.subType], tile.descriptions[ph.subType]);

                    else if (tile.title.Length > 0)
                        editorScene.editorUI.statusText.SetText(tile.title, tile.description);

                // Display Object Helper Text
                if (ph.objectId > 0)
                    string title = ShadowTile.ObjHelpText[ph.objectId][ph.subType][0];
                    string desc  = ShadowTile.ObjHelpText[ph.objectId][ph.subType][1];

                    editorScene.editorUI.statusText.SetText(title, desc);

Example #3
        public static void StartAutoTool(short gridX, short gridY)
            // Can only set an AutoTile tool if a TileTool is also active.
            if (EditorTools.tileTool == null)

            EditorPlaceholder ph = EditorTools.tileTool.CurrentPlaceholder;

            EditorTools.autoTool.StartAutoTile(ph.tileId, ph.subType, ph.layerEnum, gridX, gridY);

            // Only disable other tools if the AutoTile tool started.
            if (EditorTools.autoTool.IsActive)
                EditorTools.funcTool = null;
                EditorTools.tempTool = null;
Example #4
        public void Draw()
            byte tileWidth = (byte)TilemapEnum.TileWidth + 2;

            // Draw Utility Bar Background
            Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dWhite, new Rectangle(this.x, this.y - 2, this.width, this.height + 2), Color.DarkSlateGray);
            Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dWhite, new Rectangle(this.x + 2, this.y, this.width - 2, this.height), Color.White);

            // Tile Outlines
            for (byte i = 0; i <= (byte)UtilityBarEnum.BarTiles; i++)
                Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dWhite, new Rectangle(this.x + i * tileWidth, this.y, 2, this.height), Color.DarkSlateGray);

            // Tile Icons
            if (TileTool.tileToolMap.ContainsKey(EditorUI.currentSlotGroup))
                List <EditorPlaceholder[]>    placeholders = TileTool.tileToolMap[EditorUI.currentSlotGroup].placeholders;
                Dictionary <byte, TileObject> tileDict     = Systems.mapper.TileDict;

                for (byte i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (placeholders.Count <= i)
                    EditorPlaceholder ph = placeholders[i][0];
                    byte tileId          = ph.tileId;

                    // Draw Tile
                    if (tileId > 0)
                        if (!tileDict.ContainsKey(tileId))
                        tileDict[tileId].Draw(null, ph.subType, this.x + i * tileWidth + 2, this.y);

                    // Draw Object (if tile is not present)
                    else if (ph.objectId > 0)
                        ShadowTile.Draw(ph.objectId, ph.subType, null, this.x + i * tileWidth + 2, this.y);

            // Draw Keybind Text
            for (byte i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Systems.fonts.baseText.Draw((i + 1).ToString(), this.x + i * tileWidth + 4, this.y + this.height - 18, Color.DarkOrange);

            // Function Icons
            foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, FuncButton> button in this.buttonMap)
                byte barIndex = button.Key;
                button.Value.DrawFunctionTile(this.x + barIndex * tileWidth + 2, this.y);

            // Hovering Visual
            if (UIComponent.ComponentWithFocus is UtilityBar)
                short mx = (short)Snap.GridFloor(tileWidth, Cursor.MouseX - this.x);

                Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dDarkRed, new Rectangle(this.x + mx * tileWidth, this.y, tileWidth, this.height), Color.White * 0.5f);
Example #5
        public static TileTool GetTileToolFromTileData(byte[] tileData, bool isObject = false)
            if (tileData == null)

            // If we're retrieving a object, verify that it exists in the Object Dictionary (otherwise it's invalid).
            if (isObject)
                Dictionary <byte, System.Type> objDict = Systems.mapper.ObjectTypeDict;
                if (!objDict.ContainsKey(tileData[0]))

            // If we're retrieving a tile, verify that it exists in the Tile Dictionary (otherwise it's invalid).
                Dictionary <byte, TileObject> tileDict = Systems.mapper.TileDict;
                if (!tileDict.ContainsKey(tileData[0]))

            // Loop through every TileTool in an effort to locate a match for the tile data.
            for (byte slotGroupNum = 1; slotGroupNum < 13; slotGroupNum++)
                List <EditorPlaceholder[]> placeholders = TileTool.tileToolMap[(byte)slotGroupNum].placeholders;

                // Loop through each placeholders to see if a tileData ID match is found.
                byte phLen = (byte)placeholders.Count;

                for (byte i = 0; i < phLen; i++)
                    EditorPlaceholder[] pData = placeholders[i];

                    byte phSubLen = (byte)pData.Length;
                    for (byte s = 0; s < phSubLen; s++)
                        EditorPlaceholder ph = pData[s];

                        // Check if the placeholder matches the tileData correctly:
                        if (isObject)
                            if (tileData[0] != ph.objectId || tileData[1] != ph.subType)
                            if (tileData[0] != ph.tileId || tileData[1] != ph.subType)

                        // If the tileData[0] ID & SubType matches with the TileTool placeholder, we've found a match.
                        TileTool clonedTool = TileTool.tileToolMap[(byte)slotGroupNum];

                        // Set the default values for the tool.
                        clonedTool.index            = i;
                        clonedTool.subIndex         = s;
                        clonedTool.subIndexSaves[i] = s;


Example #6
        public void Draw()
            if (EditorTools.tileTool is TileTool == false)

            byte tileHeight = (byte)TilemapEnum.TileHeight + 2;

            // Draw Editor Scroller Background
            Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dWhite, new Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height), Color.DarkSlateGray);
            Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dWhite, new Rectangle(this.x + 2, this.y + 2, (byte)TilemapEnum.TileWidth, this.height - 6), Color.White);

            // Grid Outline
            for (byte i = 1; i < (byte)EScrollerEnum.NumTiles; i++)
                Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dWhite, new Rectangle(this.x, this.y + i * tileHeight, this.width, 2), Color.DarkSlateGray);

            // Draw TileTool Subtype Buttons
            List <EditorPlaceholder[]> placeholders = EditorTools.tileTool.placeholders;

            // Placeholder Loop
            byte len = (byte)placeholders.Count;

            EditorPlaceholder[] pData = placeholders[EditorTools.tileTool.index];

            byte phSubLen = (byte)pData.Length;

            for (byte s = 0; s < phSubLen; s++)
                EditorPlaceholder ph = pData[s];

                byte subType = ph.subType;
                byte tileId  = ph.tileId;

                // Draw Tiles
                if (tileId > 0)
                    if (Systems.mapper.TileDict.ContainsKey(tileId))
                        TileObject tgo = Systems.mapper.TileDict[tileId];
                        tgo.Draw(null, subType, this.x + 2, this.y + 50 * s + 2);

                // Draw Objects
                else if (ph.objectId > 0)
                    ShadowTile.Draw(ph.objectId, ph.subType, null, this.x + 2, this.y + 50 * s + 2);

            // Highlight the active color
            short my = (short)Snap.GridFloor(tileHeight, EditorTools.tileTool.subIndex * tileHeight - this.y);

            Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dDarkRed, new Rectangle(this.x, this.y + my * tileHeight, this.width, tileHeight), Color.White * 0.5f);

            // Hovering Visual
            if (UIComponent.ComponentWithFocus is EditorScroller)
                short my2 = (short)Snap.GridFloor(tileHeight, Cursor.MouseY - this.y);

                Systems.spriteBatch.Draw(Systems.tex2dDarkRed, new Rectangle(this.x, this.y + my2 * tileHeight, this.width, tileHeight), Color.White * 0.5f);
Example #7
        public void TileToolTick(short gridX, short gridY)
            // Prevent drawing when a component is selected.
            if (UIComponent.ComponentWithFocus != null)

            // Make sure placement is in valid location:
            if (gridY < 0 || gridY > this.yCount)
            if (gridX < 0 || gridX > this.xCount)

            TileTool tool = EditorTools.tileTool;

            // Make sure the tile tool is set, or placement cannot occur:
            if (tool == null)

            // Check if AutoTile Tool is intended. Requires Control to be held down.
            if (Systems.input.LocalKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
                // If left mouse button was just clicked, AutoTile is being activated.
                if (Cursor.LeftMouseState == Cursor.MouseDownState.Clicked)
                    EditorTools.StartAutoTool(gridX, gridY);

            // If AutoTile Tool is active, run it's behavior:
            if (EditorTools.autoTool.IsActive)
                // If left mouse was just released and AutoTile is active, place AutoTiles.
                if (Cursor.LeftMouseState == Cursor.MouseDownState.Released)

                // If Control key is not held down, auto-tiles must be deactivated.
                else if (!Systems.input.LocalKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))


            // Left Mouse Button (Overwrite Current Tile)
            if (Cursor.mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                // Prevent repeat-draws on the same tile (e.g. within the last 100ms).
                if (!DrawTracker.AttemptPlace(gridX, gridY))

                EditorPlaceholder ph = tool.CurrentPlaceholder;

                // Place Tile
                if (ph.tileId > 0)
                    RoomFormat roomData = this.levelContent.data.rooms[this.roomID];

                    if (ph.layerEnum == LayerEnum.main)
                        // Check the Tile Limiter before placing the tile.
                        if (this.scene.limiter.AddLimitTile(this.scene.curRoomID, ph.tileId, ph.subType))
                            this.PlaceTile(roomData.main, ph.layerEnum, gridX, gridY, ph.tileId, ph.subType, null);

                        // If the Object Limiter failed, display the error message.
                            UIHandler.AddNotification(UIAlertType.Error, "Limit Reached", ObjectLimiter.LastFailMessage, 240);
                    else if (ph.layerEnum == LayerEnum.bg)
                        this.PlaceTile(roomData.bg, ph.layerEnum, gridX, gridY, ph.tileId, ph.subType, null);
                    else if (ph.layerEnum == LayerEnum.fg)
                        this.PlaceTile(roomData.fg, ph.layerEnum, gridX, gridY, ph.tileId, ph.subType, null);

                // Place Object
                else if (ph.objectId > 0)
                    // Check the Object Limiter before placing the tile.
                    if (this.scene.limiter.AddLimitObject(this.scene.curRoomID, ph.objectId))
                        this.PlaceTile(this.levelContent.data.rooms[this.roomID].obj, LayerEnum.obj, gridX, gridY, ph.objectId, ph.subType, null);

                    // If the Object Limiter failed, display the error message.
                        UIHandler.AddNotification(UIAlertType.Error, "Limit Reached", ObjectLimiter.LastFailMessage, 240);
