Example #1
		public bool SaveOri()
				string mess1 = "";
				if (_oriCurrent == -100){
					mess1 = T._("This file has no Exif orientation.");
					MessageBox.Show(mess1, T._("Save not possible"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
					return false;

				if (_oriCurrent == _oriInitial){
					mess1 = T._("Orientation not changed");
					MessageBox.Show(mess1, T._("Save not possible"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
					return false;
				byte oriByte;
					case 1:  oriByte = 6;      //  90 l
					case 2:  oriByte = 3;      // 180
					case 3:  oriByte = 8;      //  270
					default: oriByte = 1;      // 0
				ushort ori = 0;
				using (var reader = new ExifReader(_currentPath))
					if (reader.GetTagValue(ExifTags.Orientation, out ori)) {
				//  set original date after update
				DateTime dtOriginal = DateTime.MinValue;
				ExifRead.ExifODate(out dtOriginal, _currentPath);
				System.IO.File.SetLastWriteTime(_currentPath, dtOriginal);

				//Debug.WriteLine("Orient ini: {0}, current {1}, byte {2} ", _oriInitial, _oriCurrent, ori);
				return true;
			catch (Exception e)
				MessageBox.Show(T._("Error for update") + "\n"  + e.Message, T._("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
				return false;
Example #2
		//------------------------------   bar functions    ----------------------------------------------------------

		public void ScanImagesBar( )
			List<ImgFile> imList;
			_il.ImgListOut(out imList);

			DateTime dtOriginal = DateTime.MinValue;
			foreach (ImgFile imf in imList)
				string picPath = imf.fName;
				DateTime dtCreation = File.GetCreationTime(picPath);
				DateTime dtChanged = File.GetLastWriteTime(picPath);
				DateTime dtFile;
				if (dtCreation < dtChanged){
					dtFile = dtCreation;
				else {
					dtFile = dtChanged;
				imf.fDate = dtFile;

				ExifRead.ExifODate(out dtOriginal, picPath);
				imf.fDateOriginal = dtOriginal;
Example #3
        // ------------------------------   BackgroundWorker  ----------------------------------------------------------

        public bool ScanImages(BackgroundWorker bw)
        // called by: BackgroundWorker1DoWork
        // shown with ExifDataShow
            var  dashImgList = new List <string>();
            bool allDirs     = false;

            if (allDirs)
                dashImgList = Directory.GetFiles(_imgDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                              .Where(file => _validExtensions.Any(file.ToLower().EndsWith))
                dashImgList = Directory.GetFiles(_imgDir)
                              .Where(file => _validExtensions.Any(file.ToLower().EndsWith))
            FilenameComparer fc = new FilenameComparer();


            int      exType;
            string   orientation;
            string   model;
            DateTime dtOriginal;
            int      timeOfD;
            string   expotime;
            string   fnumber;
            string   fLength;
            bool     flash;
            string   exposi;
            string   lens;
            string   scene;
            bool     gps;
            bool     face;
            string   exError;
            DateTime nullDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int      maxTicks = dashImgList.Count() / 100;

            if (maxTicks < 1)
                maxTicks = 1;
            bw.ReportProgress(maxTicks, T._("Start"));

            int      fCount    = 0;
            DateTime priorDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            var      spanDict  = new Dictionary <int, int>();


            foreach (string picPath in dashImgList)
                ExifRead.CheckExif(out exType, out orientation, out model, out dtOriginal, out timeOfD, out expotime, out fnumber, out fLength, out flash, out exposi, out lens, out scene,
                                   out gps, out face, out exError, picPath);
                DateTime dtCreation = File.GetCreationTime(picPath);
                DateTime dtChanged  = File.GetLastWriteTime(picPath);
                DateTime dtFile;
                if (dtCreation < dtChanged)
                    dtFile = dtCreation;
                    dtFile = dtChanged;

                exList.Add(new Exif(exType, model, dtOriginal, timeOfD,
                                    expotime, fnumber, fLength, flash, exposi, lens, scene,
                                    gps, face, picPath, dtFile));
                if (exError != "")
                int mod = fCount % 100;
                if (mod == 0)
                    bw.ReportProgress(-1, "");

                if (dtOriginal != nullDate)
                    //Debug.WriteLine("path: " + picPath + " " + dtOriginal.ToString());
                    if (_minDate > dtOriginal)
                        _minDate = dtOriginal;
                    if (_maxDate < dtOriginal)
                        _maxDate = dtOriginal;

                    if (_dateCount > 1)
                        TimeSpan span    = dtOriginal.Subtract(priorDate);
                        int      spanSec = Math.Abs((int)span.TotalSeconds);
                        spanDict.Add(fCount, spanSec);
                    priorDate = dtOriginal;

                if (dicExift.ContainsKey(exType))
                    dicExift[exType] += 1;
                    dicExift[exType] = 1;
                if (dicModel.ContainsKey(model))
                    dicModel[model] += 1;
                    dicModel[model] = 1;
                if (dicToD.ContainsKey(timeOfD))
                    dicToD[timeOfD] += 1;
                    dicToD[timeOfD] = 1;

                if (dicExpot.ContainsKey(expotime))
                    dicExpot[expotime] += 1;
                    dicExpot[expotime] = 1;
                if (dicFNum.ContainsKey(fnumber))
                    dicFNum[fnumber] += 1;
                    dicFNum[fnumber] = 1;

                if (dicFLen.ContainsKey(fLength))
                    dicFLen[fLength] += 1;
                    dicFLen[fLength] = 1;
                if (flash)
                if (dicExposi.ContainsKey(exposi))
                    dicExposi[exposi] += 1;
                    dicExposi[exposi] = 1;

                if (dicLens.ContainsKey(lens))
                    dicLens[lens] += 1;
                    dicLens[lens] = 1;
                if (dicScene.ContainsKey(scene))
                    dicScene[scene] += 1;
                    dicScene[scene] = 1;

                if (gps)
                if (face)
Example #4
		public bool PicLoad(string pPath)
			//Debug.WriteLine("pic load: " + pPath);
				if (!File.Exists(pPath)){
					picBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
					picBox.Image = picBox.ErrorImage;
					return false;

				//Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();
				bool showOk = ShowExif();
				if (!showOk){   // exif form not shown
					ExifRead.ExifOrient(ref _exifType, ref _orientationStr, _currentPath);

				//Debug.WriteLine("Ticks: " + sw1.Elapsed.Ticks.ToString());
				//var t = new DateTime(sw1.Elapsed.Ticks);
				//Debug.WriteLine("Exif time: {0:D2}s:{1:D5}ms", t.Second, t.Millisecond);

				//Image myImg;
				_oriInitial = -100;
				using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(pPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
					_myImg = Image.FromStream(stream);  // abort for gif
					if (_orientationStr.Equals("right side, top (rotate 90 cw)")){
						_oriInitial = 1;
					else if (_orientationStr.Equals("bottom, right side (rotate 180)")){
						_oriInitial = 2;
					else if (_orientationStr.Equals("left side, bottom (rotate 270 cw)")){
						_oriInitial = 3;
					else if (_orientationStr.Equals("top, left side (horizontal / normal)")){
						_oriInitial = 0;

				_oriCurrent = _oriInitial;
				Application.DoEvents();      // like delphi processMessages

				//using (Image bmpTemp = new Bitmap(pPath))      // abort for invalid jpg
				//  _myImg = new Bitmap(bmpTemp);
				//  if(bmpTemp != null)
				//    ((IDisposable)bmpTemp).Dispose();

				string ext = Path.GetExtension(pPath).ToLower();
				if (ext == ".gif"){
					SetCommand('g', "");
					picBox.Image = Image.FromFile(pPath);    // workaround, only direct load makes gif animation, but file can't be renamed
					gifImage = new GifImage(pPath);
					_isGif = true;
				else {
					SetCommand('h', "");
					picBox.Image = _myImg;
					picBox.Enabled = true;
					_isGif = false;

				int scalePerc = PicSetSize();
				//Debug.WriteLine("Size: {0}x{1}", picBox.Image.Width, picBox.Image.Height);
				SetStatusText(-2, String.Format("Size: {0} x {1} ({2} %)", picBox.Image.Width, picBox.Image.Height, scalePerc));

				if (_wType != WinType.second){
					Settings.Default.LastImage = pPath;

				//Debug.WriteLine("pic end " + pPath);
				_barClick = true;
				return true;
			catch (Exception e)
				picBox.Image = null;
				MessageBox.Show(T._("File is invalid") + "\n "  + pPath + "\n " + e.Message, T._("Invalid file"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
				return false;
Example #5
		public void CalcBar( )
			List<ImgFile> imList;
			_il.ImgListOut(out imList);

			DateTime dtOriginal = DateTime.MinValue;
			DateTime nullDate = DateTime.MinValue;
			DateTime minDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
			DateTime maxDate = DateTime.MinValue;

			int fCount = 0;
			int fCountExif = -1;
			int dateCount = 0;
			DateTime priorDate = DateTime.MinValue;
			var spanDict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
			// dict for time gaps
			foreach (ImgFile imf in imList)
				string picPath = imf.fName;
				dtOriginal = imf.fDateOriginal;

				string fName = Path.GetFileName(picPath);
				int pPos = fName.IndexOf("+");
				if (pPos > -1){

				if (dtOriginal != nullDate){
					//Debug.WriteLine("path: " + picPath + " " + dtOriginal.ToString());
					fCountExif = fCount;
					imf.fDateOriginal = dtOriginal;
					if (priorDate > dtOriginal){
						//Debug.WriteLine("prior date: " + fCount);
					if (minDate > dtOriginal) minDate = dtOriginal;
					if (maxDate < dtOriginal) maxDate = dtOriginal;

					if (dateCount > 1){
						TimeSpan span = dtOriginal.Subtract(priorDate);
						int spanSec = Math.Abs((int) span.TotalSeconds);
						spanDict.Add(fCount, spanSec);
					priorDate = dtOriginal;
				else {   // no exif date
					if (fCountExif == fCount - 1){        // gap to exif date
						spanDict.Add(fCount, Int32.MaxValue);

			// span values
			if (dateCount > 0){
				TimeSpan imgSpan = maxDate.Subtract(minDate);
				//Debug.WriteLine("min: " + minDate.ToString() + " max: " + maxDate.ToString());
				//Debug.WriteLine("range: " + imgSpan.ToString());

				int mean = (int) imgSpan.TotalSeconds / dateCount;
				long sumVar = 0;
				foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> sd in spanDict)
					if (sd.Value != Int32.MaxValue){
						long var = (long) Math.Pow((mean - sd.Value), 2);
						sumVar += var;
						//Debug.WriteLine("F Num: " + dfn.Key + " " + dfn.Value);
				int stdDev = (int) Math.Sqrt(sumVar / dateCount);
				//Debug.WriteLine("mean / std: {0}/{1}", mean, stdDev);

				int	breakVal = mean + stdDev * 2;
				//int wi = 2;

				if (imgSpan.TotalDays > 730){
					_rangeType = 1;      // years
				else if (imgSpan.TotalDays > 60){
					_rangeType = 2;      // months
				else if (imgSpan.TotalDays > 1){
					_rangeType = 3;      // days
				else {
					_rangeType = 4;      // hours

				int i = 0;
				// largest breaks
				string p0Path = "";
				if (_il.DirPathPos(ref p0Path, 1)){
					ExifRead.ExifODate(out _r0Date, p0Path);
				foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> sd in spanDict.OrderByDescending(key=> key.Value))
					//Debug.WriteLine("pic no / dist: {0}/{1}", sd.Key, sd.Value);
					if (sd.Value < breakVal) break;

					string piPath = "";
					DateTime dOriginal = nullDate;
					if (_il.DirPathPos(ref piPath, sd.Key)){
						ExifRead.ExifODate(out dOriginal, piPath);
					_rangeDict.Add(sd.Key, dOriginal);