public static TagCountViewModel TagsAndCount(int movieID)
            MovieDbContext db = new MovieDbContext();
            TagCountViewModel tagView = new TagCountViewModel(){ TagAndCount = new Dictionary<string, int>()};

            //find the ids of the tags related to the movie
            var tagsForMovie = from MtT in db.UserToMovieToTags
                               where MtT.movie_ID == movieID
                               select MtT.TagId;

            //find the tag string based on the id of the strings
            var tagStrings = from tag in db.MovieTags
                             from tag_id in tagsForMovie
                             where tag.TagId == tag_id
                             select tag.Name;

            var tagCounts = from tagString in db.MovieTags
                            where tagStrings.Contains(tagString.Name)
                            from MtT in db.UserToMovieToTags
                            where MtT.TagId == tagString.TagId
                            group MtT.TagId by tagString.Name
                            into grouping
                            select grouping;

            foreach (IGrouping<string, int> result in tagCounts)
                tagView.TagAndCount.Add(result.Key, result.Count());

            return tagView;
        private TagCountViewModel TagsAndCounts()
            MovieDbContext db = new MovieDbContext();
            TagCountViewModel tagView = new TagCountViewModel() { TagAndCount = new Dictionary<string, int>() };

            //find the ids of the tags related to the movie
            //var tagsForMovie = from MtT in db.UserToMovieToTags
            //                   where MtT.movie_ID == movieID
            //                   select MtT.TagId;

            //find the tag string based on the id of the strings
            var tagStrings = from tag in db.MovieTags
                             //from tag_id in tagsForMovie
                             //where tag.TagId == tag_id
                             select tag.Name;

            var tagCounts = from tagString in db.MovieTags
                            where tagStrings.Contains(tagString.Name)
                            from MtT in db.UserToMovieToTags
                            where MtT.TagId == tagString.TagId
                            group MtT.TagId by tagString.Name
                                into grouping
                                select grouping;

            foreach (IGrouping<string, int> result in tagCounts)
                tagView.TagAndCount.Add(result.Key, result.Count());

            return tagView;
            var allTags = (from tagName in db.MovieTags
                          from tagID in db.UserToMovieToTags
                          where tagName.TagId == tagID.TagId
                          group tagID.TagId by tagName.Name into grouping
                          select grouping).ToDictionary(grp => grp.Key, grp => grp.Key.Count());

            return allTags; */