public void RetrievingACustomerAddressByType(JArray addresses)
            const int CustomerId = 346760;

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetCustomerAddresses(It.Is<int>(customerId => customerId == CustomerId), It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[1])))).Returns((int customerId, AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where n.Value<int>("OwnerId") == customerId &&
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'address type for a customer' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(new Uri(string.Format(_customerAddressesFormat, CustomerId) + "?Type=" + this.AddressTypes[1])).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetCustomerAddresses(It.Is<int>(customerId => customerId == CustomerId), It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[1])))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then an address is returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(1));
            "Then each address references the queried customer".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => CustomerId.ShouldEqual(address.Value<int>("OwnerId"))));
            "Then each address references the queried type".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => address.Value<string>("Type").ShouldEqual(this.AddressTypes[1])));
        public void RetrievingAllAddressesForOwnerIds(JArray addresses)
            const int OwnerId1 = 346760;
            const int OwnerId2 = 42165;

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(OwnerId1) && addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(OwnerId2)))).Returns((AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(n.Value<int>("OwnerId"))
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'addresses for multiple owner ids' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(new Uri(_addressesUri + "/?OwnerId=" + OwnerId1 + "&OwnerId=" + OwnerId2)).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                  f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(OwnerId1) && addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(OwnerId2)))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then the expected addresses are returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(4));
            "Then each address references a queried owner".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => new int[] { OwnerId1, OwnerId2 }.ShouldContain(address.Value<int>("OwnerId"))));
        public void RetrievingAddressesByCity(JArray addresses)
            const string City = "Denver";

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.City == City))).Returns((AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where n.Value<string>("City").ToLowerInvariant().Contains(City.ToLowerInvariant())
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'addresses by city' request is sent".
                  f(() =>
                      Response = Client.GetAsync(_addressesUri + "/?City=" + City).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.City == City))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then addresses are returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(3));
            "Then each address's city references the queried city".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => address.Value<string>("City").ToLowerInvariant().ShouldContain(City.ToLowerInvariant())));
        public void RetrievingCustomerAddressesByZipCode(JArray addresses)
            const int CustomerId = 346760;
            const string ZipCode = "802";

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetCustomerAddresses(It.Is<int>(customerId => customerId == CustomerId), It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Zip.Contains(ZipCode)))).Returns((int customerId, AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where n.Value<string>("ZipCode").Contains(addressFilter.Zip) &&
                                                       n.Value<int>("OwnerId") == CustomerId
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'addresses for a customer by zip code' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(new Uri(string.Format(_customerAddressesFormat, CustomerId) + "/?Zip=" + ZipCode)).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetCustomerAddresses(It.Is<int>(customerId => customerId == CustomerId), It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Zip.Contains(ZipCode)))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then addresses are returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(2));
            "Then the address references the queried customer".
                f(() => addresses.First().Value<int>("OwnerId").ShouldEqual(CustomerId));
            "Then each address references the queried zip code".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => address.Value<string>("ZipCode").ShouldContain(ZipCode)));
        public void RetrievingAllCustomerAddresses(JArray addresses)
            const int CustomerId = 346760;

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetCustomerAddresses(It.Is<int>(customerId => customerId == CustomerId), It.IsAny<AddressesFilter>())).Returns((int customerId, AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where customerId == n.Value<int>("OwnerId")
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'all addresses for a customer' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(new Uri(string.Format(_customerAddressesFormat, CustomerId))).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetCustomerAddresses(It.Is<int>(customerId => customerId == CustomerId), It.IsAny<AddressesFilter>())));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then all addresses are returned for the owner".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(3));
            "Then each address references the expected owner id".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => address.Value<int>("OwnerId").ShouldEqual(CustomerId)));
        public void RetrievingAnAddressTypeForAnOwner(JArray addresses)
            const int OwnerIdTest = 346760;

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(OwnerIdTest) && addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[2])))).Returns((AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(n.Value<int>("OwnerId")) &&
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'address for owner id and type' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(new Uri(_addressesUri + "/?OwnerId=" + OwnerIdTest + "&Type=" + this.AddressTypes[2])).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                  f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerId.Contains(OwnerIdTest) && addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[2])))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then an address is returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(1));
            "Then the address references the queried owner id".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => OwnerIdTest.ShouldEqual(address.Value<int>("OwnerId"))));
            "Then the address references the queried type".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => address.Value<string>("Type").ShouldEqual(this.AddressTypes[2])));
        public void RetrievingAllAddressesForOwnerTypes(JArray addresses)
            string[] ownerType = { "BUS", "PER" };

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerType.Contains(ownerType[0]) && addressFilter.OwnerType.Contains(ownerType[1])))).Returns((AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where addressFilter.OwnerType.Contains(n.Value<string>("OwnerType"))
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'addresses for multiple owner types' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(new Uri(_addressesUri + "/?OwnerType=" + ownerType[0] + "&OwnerType=" + ownerType[1])).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                  f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerType.Contains(ownerType[0]) && addressFilter.OwnerType.Contains(ownerType[1])))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then the expected addresses are returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(9));
            "Then each address references a queried owner type".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => new string[] { ownerType[0], ownerType[1] }.ShouldContain(address.Value<string>("OwnerType"))));
        public void RetrievingAllAddressesForOwnerName(JArray addresses)
            const string OwnerNameTest = "THE DILLION COMPANY";

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerName.Contains(OwnerNameTest)))).Returns((AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where addressFilter.OwnerName.Contains(n.Value<string>("OwnerName"))
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'all addresses for owner name' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(new Uri(_addressesUri + "/?OwnerName=" + OwnerNameTest)).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.OwnerName.Contains(OwnerNameTest)))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then all addresses are returned for the queried owner name".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(3));
            "Then each address references the expected owner name".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => address.Value<string>("OwnerName").ShouldEqual(OwnerNameTest)));
 public void RetrievingAllAddresses(JArray addresses)
     "Given existing addresses".
          f(() =>
              MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(filter => filter == null))).Returns<dynamic>(filter =>
                  return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(this.FakeAddresses);
     "When a GET addresses request is sent".
         f(() =>
             Response = Client.GetAsync(_addressesUri).Result;
     "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
         f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.IsAny<AddressesFilter>())));
     "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
         f(() =>
     "Then content should be returned".
         f(() =>
             addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
     "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
         f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
     "Then all addresses are returned for all customers".
         f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(this.FakeAddresses.Count()));
        public void RetrievingAddressesByTypes(JArray addresses)
            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[0]) && addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[1])))).Returns((AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where addressFilter.Type.Contains(n.Value<string>("Type"))
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'addresses by multiple types' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(_addressesUri + "/?Type=" + this.AddressTypes[0] + "&Type=" + this.AddressTypes[1]).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[1]) && addressFilter.Type.Contains(this.AddressTypes[1])))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then addresses are returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(6));
            "Then each address references a queried type".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => new string[] { this.AddressTypes[0], this.AddressTypes[1] }.Contains(address.Value<string>("Type"))));
        public void RetrievingAddressesByStreet2(JArray addresses)
            const string Street2 = "VOGELWEIHERSTR";

            "Given existing addresses".
                 f(() =>
                     MockAddressesStore.Setup(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Street2.Contains(Street2)))).Returns((AddressesFilter addressFilter) =>
                         var filteredAddresses = from n in this.FakeAddresses
                                                 where n.Value<string>("Street2") != null &&
                                                 select n;

                         return Task.FromResult<dynamic>(filteredAddresses);
            "When a GET 'addresses by street2' request is sent".
                f(() =>
                    Response = Client.GetAsync(_addressesUri + "/?Street2=" + Street2).Result;
            "Then the request is received by the API Controller".
                f(() => MockAddressesStore.Verify(i => i.GetAddresses(It.Is<AddressesFilter>(addressFilter => addressFilter.Street2.Contains(Street2)))));
            "Then a response is received by the HTTP client".
                f(() =>
            "Then content should be returned".
                f(() =>
                    addresses = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<JArray>().Result;
            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            "Then addresses are returned".
                f(() => addresses.Count().ShouldEqual(1));
            "Then each address references the queried street2".
                f(() => addresses.ToList().ForEach(address => address.Value<string>("Street2").ShouldContain(Street2)));