public User(int ID_, string nickname_, string password_, Birth birth_, Location place_, Email email_) { ID = ID_; nickname = nickname_; passwordMD5 = SHA512(password_); birth = birth_; location = place_; email = email_; }
public User(string line) { string[] parts = line.Split(','); ID = int.Parse(parts[0]); nickname = parts[1]; passwordMD5 = parts[2]; birth = new Birth(parts[3]); location = new Location(parts[4]); email = new Email(parts[5]); }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Textbox_Email.Text == "" || Textbox_Email.Text == "EMAIL" || Textbox_Username.Text == "" || Textbox_Username.Text == "USERNAME" || Passwordbox_First.ToString() == "" || Passwordbox_confirm.ToString() == "" || Combobox_country.Text == "" || Textbox_State.Text == "" || Textbox_State.Text == "STATE" || Textbox_City.Text == "" || Textbox_City.Text == "CITY" || Combobox_Day.Text == "" || Combobox_Month.Text == "" || Textbox_Year.Text == "") { Label_Incorrect.Content = "-Please, fill in the blanks"; } else { if (Textbox_Email.Text.Contains("@") & Textbox_Email.Text.Contains(".")) { if (Passwordbox_First.Password.Length < 8 || Passwordbox_First.Password.Length > 15) { Label_Incorrect.Content = "-Your password is either short or too large!"; } else { if (Textbox_Year.Text.Length < 4) { Label_Incorrect.Content = "-The year of your birthday is incorrect!"; } else { if (Passwordbox_First.Password != Passwordbox_confirm.Password) { Label_Incorrect.Content = "-Password doesn't match!"; } else { bool validNickname = Login.validateJustUser(Textbox_Username.Text); bool validEmail = Login.validateEmail(Textbox_Email.Text); if (validNickname) { Label_Incorrect.Content = "This username is already in use!"; } else { if (validEmail) { Label_Incorrect.Content = "This email is already in use!"; } else { Birth birthie = new Birth(Combobox_Day.Text, Combobox_Month.Text, Textbox_Year.Text); Location loc = new Location(Combobox_country.Text, Textbox_State.Text, Textbox_City.Text); Email email = new Email(Textbox_Email.Text); User user = new User(Data.getNextID(), Textbox_Username.Text, Passwordbox_First.ToString(), birthie, loc, email); Data.addUser(user); this.Hide(); Window1 sistema = new Window1(); sistema.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } } } } } } else { Label_Incorrect.Content = "-Your email is incomplete!"; } } }