public void SubscribeToNewsHeadlineStream()
            string searchKeywords = SearchTextBox.Text;

            App.ctx.BeginLogIn(App.USERNAME, App.PASSWORD, a =>

                //Next we create a connection to the streaming api, using the authenticated session
                streamingClient = App.StreamingClient;

                //And instantiate a listener for news headlines on the appropriate topic
                //You can have multiple listeners on one connection
                newsListener = streamingClient.BuildNewsHeadlinesListener(searchKeywords);

                //The MessageRecieved event will be triggered every time a new News headline is available,
                //so attach a handler for that event, and wait until something comes through
                NewsDTO recievedNewsHeadline = null;
                newsListener.MessageReceived += (s, e) =>
                    recievedNewsHeadline = e.Data;
                    //Add this new news headline to the main items collection.
                    ItemViewModel item = new ItemViewModel();
                    item.Headline = recievedNewsHeadline.Headline;
                    item.PublishDate = recievedNewsHeadline.PublishDate.ToString();
                    recievedNewsHeadline.StoryId = recievedNewsHeadline.StoryId;


            }, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds given item to news item collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        public void LoadData(ItemViewModel item)
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>

            IsDataLoaded = true;