public IOPH_DATA(ADTRecord adtRec, IAppMainWindow mainWin) { _adtRec = adtRec; _mainWin = mainWin; _teleToWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); _teleFromWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); }
public IOPH_EZLinkDongle(ADTRecord adtRec, IAppMainWindow mainWin) { this._adtRec = adtRec; this._mainWin = mainWin; this._teleFromWin = new Telegram(0x3e8); this._teleToWin = new Telegram(0x3e8); this._replyData = new DataBuffer(0x3e8); this._isSeries = false; this._seriesExecStat = SeriesExecutionState.Stop; this._taskEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); this._taskState = TaskState.TaskReady_OK; if (adtRec.isUsbEZLinkDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_EZLinkDongle.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isTESTDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_TEST.instance(); } else { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("FATAL ERROR: IOPH_EZLinkDongle", "I/O port type not supported, exit WDS!"); Application.Exit(); } this._iot = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.doDeviceIO)); this._iot.IsBackground = true; this._iot.Name = "IOPH_EZLink thread"; this._isTelegramRequest = false; this._isRxTimerRequest = false; this._isReadRxPacketEnabled = false; this._iot.Start(); }
public int telegramFromPortHandler(Telegram recTelegram) { TelegramTools.copyTelegram(recTelegram, ref this._savedTelegram); this._isDeviceBusy = false; if ((this._savedTelegram.type != TelegramType.PortHandlerTerminated) && this._savedTelegram.FireCallback()) { return 0; } return this.DefaultTelegramFromPortHandler(this._savedTelegram); }
public IOPH_DCP(ADTRecord adtRec, IAppMainWindow mainWin) { _adtRec = adtRec; _mainWin = mainWin; _teleFromWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxCommandDataLen); _teleToWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); _replyData = new DataBuffer(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); _isSeries = false; _seriesExecStat = SeriesExecutionState.Stop; _taskState = TaskState.TaskReady_OK; int num = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPMaxDataLen"]); int num2 = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPMsgRepeatNr"]); int num3 = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPRecTimeout"]); byte num4 = byte.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DCPSOFByte"]); _dcpProtocolEngine = new DCPProtocol(this, num, num2, num3, 10, num4); _DCPRXMsg = new DCPFrame(num, num4); _DCPAnswerMsg = new DCPFrame(num, num4); _DCPTXMsg = new DCPFrame(num, num4); _DCPTXBuf = new DCPFrame(num, num4); if (adtRec.isUsbFtdiDevice()) { _ddi = DDI_USB.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isRS232Device()) { _ddi = DDI_RS232.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isTESTDevice()) { _ddi = DDI_TEST.instance(); } else if (adtRec.isHIDDevice()) { _ddi = DDI_HID.instance(); } else { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("IOPH_DCP.IOPH_DCP()", "FATAL ERROR: Unknown I/O port type, exit WDS!"); Application.Exit(); } _iot = new Thread(new ThreadStart(doDeviceIO)); _iot.IsBackground = true; _iot.Name = "IOPH_DCP thread"; _isTelegramRequest = false; _iot.Start(); }
public static void copyTelegram(Telegram srcTele, ref Telegram dstTele) { if (srcTele != null) { dstTele = new Telegram(100); if (dstTele.copy(srcTele) == -1) { int numItems =; dstTele = new Telegram((numItems < 0x3e8) ? (numItems * 5) : (numItems * 2)); if (dstTele.copy(srcTele) == -1) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("TelegramTools.copyTelegram()", "FATAL ERROR: erroneous telegram copy implementation, exit WDS!"); Application.Exit(); } } } }
public IOPH_LoadBoard(ADTRecord adtRec, IAppMainWindow mainWin) { this._adtRec = adtRec; this._mainWin = mainWin; this._teleFromWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxCommandDataLen); this._teleToWin = new Telegram(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen); this._replyData = new DataBuffer(GlobalServices.maxReplyDataLen, Data_Type.ASCII); this._isSeries = false; this._seriesExecStat = SeriesExecutionState.Stop; this._taskEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); this._taskState = TaskState.TaskReady_OK; if (adtRec.isUsbFtdiDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_USB.instance(); this._isTestDevice = false; } else if (adtRec.isRS232Device()) { this._ddi = DDI_RS232.instance(); this._isTestDevice = false; } else if (adtRec.isTESTDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_TEST.instance(); this._isTestDevice = true; } else if (adtRec.isHIDDevice()) { this._ddi = DDI_HID.instance(); this._isTestDevice = false; } else { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("IOPH_LoadBoard.IOPH_LoadBoard()", "FATAL ERROR: Unknown I/O port type, exit WDS!"); GlobalServices.msgBox("FATAL ERROR: Unknown I/O port type, exit WDS!", "IOPH_LoadBoard.IOPH_LoadBoard()"); Application.Exit(); } this.ReadReplytimerDelegate = new TimerCallback(this.rxReadReplyTimerTickHandler); this._iot = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.doDeviceIO)); this._iot.IsBackground = true; this._iot.Name = "IOPH_LoadBoard thread"; this._iot.Start(); }
private void processRegisterIO(Telegram replyTele) { try { bool flag = false; if (replyTele.type == TelegramType.SeriesEndOK) { statusBarPanel4.Reset(); showLocalLog("\n"); if (tsrMainToolStrip.IsContCurrentReadOn) { base.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(tsrMainToolStrip_AmmeteringRequested), new object[2]); } } else { if ((((replyTele.type == TelegramType.PacketRecOK) && ( > 0)) && (([0] == 0x11) && replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("RegId"))) && ( >= 4)) { if ([1] != 0) { showLocalLog("< Reading returned with error code: " +[1].ToString()); return; } int registerIdx = (int) replyTele.UserDataExt["RegId"]; if (replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("IsRead") && ((bool) replyTele.UserDataExt["IsRead"])) { _myDev.Registers[registerIdx].DeviceValue = _myDev.Registers[registerIdx].CurrentValue =[3]; repaintRegisterRowColors(registerIdx); flag = true; } else { _myDev.Registers[registerIdx].DeviceValue = _myDev.Registers[registerIdx].CurrentValue; repaintRegisterRowColors(registerIdx); flag = true; } if (replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("SentData")) { showLocalLog(((string) replyTele.UserDataExt["SentData"]) + "\n"); showLocalLog("< " + WDSConverters.ToHexString(, + "\n"); statusBarPanel4.Step(); } } if (!flag) { showLocalLog("Unexpected packet received! The packet could not be procesed! " + replyTele.UserDataExt["RegId"].ToString()); _log.Error("Unexpected packet received! The packet could not be procesed!"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error("Register IO processing problem! " + exception.Message); } }
private void processReadCurrentReplyTelegram(Telegram replyTele) { if ((replyTele.type == TelegramType.DeviceFailure) && replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("SentData")) { showLocalLog(((string) replyTele.UserDataExt["SentData"]) + "\n"); showLocalLog("< " + ((TelegramType) replyTele.type).ToString() + "\n"); statusBarPanel4.Step(); } else if (replyTele.type == TelegramType.SeriesEndOK) { statusBarPanel4.Reset(); showLocalLog("\n"); } else { double num; byte[] buffer; if (( > 0) && ([0] == 0x20)) { if (replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("SentData")) { showLocalLog(((string) replyTele.UserDataExt["SentData"]) + "\n"); showLocalLog("< " + WDSConverters.ToHexString(, + "\n"); statusBarPanel4.Step(); } buffer = new byte[4]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(, 3, buffer, 0, 4); Array.Reverse(buffer, 0, 4); num = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0); num /= 1000000.0; } else { buffer = new byte[];, 0); Array.Reverse(buffer, 1, 2); num = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 1); num = (num * 31.25) / 20000000.0; } if (num >= 0.001) { num *= 1000.0; tsrMainToolStrip.setCurrentText(num.ToString("###.###") + " mA"); } else { tsrMainToolStrip.setCurrentText(((num * 1000000.0)).ToString("###.###") + " \x00b5A"); } } }
private void ProcessReceivedTelegram(Telegram command, Telegram reply) { try { switch (_task_id) { case Task.None: case Task.ACK: case Task.NACK: case Task.SetVoltage: case Task.ReadCurrent: case Task.Reset: case Task.IdentifyStart: case Task.IdentifyStop: case Task.SingleRegisterIO: return; case Task.MultipleRegisterIO: if (reply.type == TelegramType.DataAcknowledgeOK) { if (isWriteCommand(command)) { break; } _myDev.Registers[reply.userData].CurrentValue = getDeviceData(command, reply); _myDev.Registers[reply.userData].DeviceValue = getDeviceData(command, reply); if (!_isSeries) { repaintRegisterRowColors(reply.userData); } } goto Label_014F; case Task.Batch1: statusBarPanel4.Step(); if (chbLoopB1.Checked) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter++; if (_series.ItemNum <= _telegramSeriesReplyConuter) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter = 0; int num = Convert.ToInt32(txbLoopCount.Text) + 1; txbLoopCount.Text = num.ToString(); myFormStatus.LoopNum = num.ToString(); } } return; case Task.Batch2: statusBarPanel4.Step(); if (chbLoopB2.Checked) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter++; if (_series.ItemNum <= _telegramSeriesReplyConuter) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter = 0; int num2 = Convert.ToInt32(txbLoopCount.Text) + 1; txbLoopCount.Text = num2.ToString(); myFormStatus.LoopNum = num2.ToString(); } } return; case Task.Batch3: statusBarPanel4.Step(); if (chbLoopB3.Checked) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter++; if (_series.ItemNum <= _telegramSeriesReplyConuter) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter = 0; int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(txbLoopCount.Text) + 1; txbLoopCount.Text = num3.ToString(); myFormStatus.LoopNum = num3.ToString(); } } return; case Task.Batch4: statusBarPanel4.Step(); if (chbLoopB4.Checked) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter++; if (_series.ItemNum <= _telegramSeriesReplyConuter) { _telegramSeriesReplyConuter = 0; int num4 = Convert.ToInt32(txbLoopCount.Text) + 1; txbLoopCount.Text = num4.ToString(); myFormStatus.LoopNum = num4.ToString(); } } return; case Task.FIFOWrite: statusBarPanel4.Step(); return; case Task.FIFORead: { if (reply.userData == -1) { return; } string str = ((char)[ - 10]).ToString(); string str2 = ((char)[ - 9]).ToString(); string str3 = str + str2; myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[reply.userData].H = str3; dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[1].Value = str3; if (!(myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[reply.userData].Xpd != "")) { goto Label_03BA; } if (!(myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[reply.userData].H != myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[reply.userData].Xpd)) { goto Label_0324; } dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.Red; dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.Red; dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Value = "1"; goto Label_0450; } default: return; } if (_isSeries) { _myDev.Registers[reply.userData].DeviceValue = getDeviceData(_series.findTelegram(reply.parentUniqId), reply); } else { _myDev.Registers[reply.userData].DeviceValue = getDeviceData(command, reply); } calculateHexValueInGridLine(myDevIndexer.ListToView(reply.userData)); Label_014F: if (_isSeries) { statusBarPanel4.Step(); } else { _task_id = Task.None; } return; Label_0324: dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.LightGreen; dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Value = "0"; goto Label_0450; Label_03BA: dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.White; dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromName("HIGHLIGHT"); dgvRX.Rows[reply.userData].Cells[3].Value = ""; Label_0450: statusBarPanel4.Step(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error at ProcessRecivedTelegram()!\n" + exception.Message); } }
private int send_Script(List<string> commandSet, int delay, string commandName) { try { this._series.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < commandSet.Count; i++) { this._tele = new Telegram(commandSet[i].Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; string reply = null; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(commandSet[i], ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }[i]); this._tele.userData = -1; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); } if (delay > 0) { this._series.addDelay(delay); } if (this._series.ItemNum == 0) { return 0; } if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; this.lockDeviceButtons(ExceptedBtn.None); GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, commandName + " Series started"); return 0; } GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, commandName + "error at sending user scripts to the Device!"); return -1; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending " + commandName + " Commands!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending " + commandName + " Commands!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private void processFIFOReadIO(Telegram replyTele) { try { if ((replyTele.type == TelegramType.DeviceFailure) && replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("SentData")) { showLocalLog(((string) replyTele.UserDataExt["SentData"]) + "\n"); showLocalLog("< " + ((TelegramType) replyTele.type).ToString() + "\n"); statusBarPanel4.Step(); } else if (replyTele.type == TelegramType.SeriesEndOK) { statusBarPanel4.Reset(); showLocalLog("\n"); if (tsrMainToolStrip.IsContCurrentReadOn) { base.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(tsrMainToolStrip_AmmeteringRequested), new object[2]); } } else { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _myDev.RxPufferSize; i++) { byte num5; if ((i + 2) < { byte num4 =[i + 2]; num++; dgvRX.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = num4.ToString("X2"); if (byte.TryParse(dgvRX.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString(), NumberStyles.HexNumber, (IFormatProvider) null, out num5) && (num4 != num5)) { num2++; byte num7 = 0x80; int num8 = 0; while (num8 < 8) { if (((num4 ^ num5) & num7) != 0) { num3++; } num8++; num7 = (byte) (num7 >> 1); } } } else { dgvRX.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = string.Empty; if (byte.TryParse(dgvRX.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString(), NumberStyles.HexNumber, (IFormatProvider) null, out num5)) { num2++; num3 += 8; } } } txbPackets.Text = num.ToString(); txbLost.Text = num2.ToString(); txbPER.Text = Math.Round((double) (((double) num2) / ((double) num)), 4).ToString(); txbDatabits.Text = (num * 8).ToString(); txbBitErrors.Text = num3.ToString(); txbBER.Text = Math.Round((double) (((double) num3) / ((double) (num * 8))), 4).ToString(); if (replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("SentData")) { showLocalLog(((string) replyTele.UserDataExt["SentData"]) + "\n"); showLocalLog("< " + WDSConverters.ToHexString(, + "\n"); statusBarPanel4.Step(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error("FIFO read IO processing problem! " + exception.Message); } }
private int send_Nack() { try { Telegram telegram = new Telegram(0) { uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(), parentUniqId = -1, type = TelegramType.Command, lastReplyPrecondition = _lastReplyPec, protocol = Protocol.DCP, DCPCmdSet = 0, DCPMsgType = 0x80, replySize = 0x19 }; if (telegram.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); } telegram.userData = 2; telegram.portHandler = _mainWin._ioph; telegram.mainWin = _mainWin; _mainWin.showLocalLog("> NACK\n"); if (_mainWin._ioph.telegramFromMainWin(telegram) == 0) { return 0; } return -1; } catch (Exception exception) { AppWin_SPITool_PRO._log.Error(exception.Message); return -1; } }
public int oldTelegramFromPortHandler(Telegram telegram) { if (telegram.type == TelegramType.Command) { _closeCtrl.portHandlerClosed(telegram.portHandler); return 0; } if (telegram.type == TelegramType.DeviceFailure) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(_appId, "telegramFromPortHandler(): DeviceFailure received"); _ioph.controlSeriesExecution(SeriesExecutionState.Stop); statusBarPanel4.Reset(); sbDeviceStatePane.Text = "Status: DeviceFailure"; return -1; } if (_isSeries) { string str = ""; if (_series.findTelegram(telegram.parentUniqId) != null) { str = _series.findTelegram(telegram.parentUniqId).data.objectInfo(false); } GlobalServices.LogMsg(_appId, str +; } else { GlobalServices.LogMsg(_appId, "|--->\n\tWindow->Device: " + + "\n\tWindow<-Device: " +; } switch (telegram.type) { case TelegramType.AcknowledgeOK: showLocalLog( + "\n"); break; case TelegramType.AcknowledgeERROR: showLocalLog( + "\n"); break; case TelegramType.DataAcknowledgeOK: showLocalLog( + "\n"); break; case TelegramType.DataAcknowledgeERROR: showLocalLog(; break; case TelegramType.SeriesEndOK: GlobalServices.LogMsg(_appId, "<--- Series finished"); break; case TelegramType.SeriesEndERROR: GlobalServices.LogMsg(_appId, "<--- Series finished with SeriesEndERROR"); break; case TelegramType.DeviceFailure: showLocalLog("DeviceFailure telegram type received: " + ((TelegramType) telegram.type).ToString()); break; default: showLocalLog("Unexpected telegram type received: " + ((TelegramType) telegram.type).ToString()); break; } if ((telegram.type != TelegramType.SeriesEndOK) && (telegram.type != TelegramType.SeriesEndERROR)) { ProcessReceivedTelegram(_tele, telegram); } else { base._isDeviceBusy = false; statusBarPanel4.Reset(); if (telegram.type != TelegramType.SeriesEndOK) { statusBarPanel4.Reset(); ButtonLock(false); sbDeviceStatePane.Text = "Status: SeriesEnd Error"; } else { ButtonLock(false); switch (_task_id) { case Task.SetVoltage: _task_id = Task.None; if (!_isReadCurrentOnChange) { tsrMainToolStrip.setCurrentText("? \x00b5A"); } break; case Task.Reset: if (!_isReadCurrentOnChange) { tsrMainToolStrip.setCurrentText("? \x00b5A"); } break; case Task.SingleRegisterIO: if (!_isReadCurrentOnChange) { tsrMainToolStrip.setCurrentText("? \x00b5A"); } break; case Task.MultipleRegisterIO: RegisterDGVACC = _myDev; if (!_isReadCurrentOnChange) { tsrMainToolStrip.setCurrentText("? \x00b5A"); } break; case Task.Batch1: case Task.Batch2: case Task.Batch3: case Task.Batch4: tsrMainToolStrip.setCurrentText("? \x00b5A"); break; case Task.FIFORead: { myFifoReadWrite.Packets++; bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < myFifoReadWrite.RxArray.Length; i++) { if (myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[i].H != "") { myFifoReadWrite.Databits += 8; if (myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[i].Xpd != "") { if (!flag && (myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[i].H != myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[i].Xpd)) { myFifoReadWrite.Lost++; flag = true; } int variable = Convert.ToInt32(myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[i].H, 0x10); int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(myFifoReadWrite.RxArray[i].Xpd, 0x10); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (SPI_tools.isIndexedBitSet(variable, j) != SPI_tools.isIndexedBitSet(num3, j)) { myFifoReadWrite.BitError++; } } } } } myFifoReadWrite.Per = ((double) myFifoReadWrite.Lost) / ((double) myFifoReadWrite.Packets); myFifoReadWrite.Per = Math.Round(myFifoReadWrite.Per, 4); myFifoReadWrite.Ber = ((double) myFifoReadWrite.BitError) / ((double) myFifoReadWrite.Databits); myFifoReadWrite.Ber = Math.Round(myFifoReadWrite.Ber, 4); break; } } } } return 0; }
private void tsrMainToolStrip_ResetRequested(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Chip configuration will be changed to the POR values!\nDo you want to proceed?", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) && !this._isDeviceBusy) { string command = "S2"; command = (command + "FE") + "00" + "\r"; this._task_id = Task.SWReset; try { this._series.clear(); string reply = null; this._tele = new Telegram(command.Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(command, ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }; this._tele.userData = 2; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; this.lockDeviceButtons(ExceptedBtn.None); GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "SWReset Series started"); } else { GlobalServices.ErrMsg("IO operation failed", "SW Reset"); } } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Set Voltage Command!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Set Voltage Command!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); } } }
public int telegramFromPortHandler(Telegram telegram) { switch (telegram.type) { case TelegramType.AcknowledgeOK: switch (telegram.protocol) { case Protocol.Write: this.lsbRegisterLog.Items.Insert(0, "Transmit OK"); goto Label_02C4; case Protocol.WriteRegister: this.lsbRegisterLog.Items.Insert(0, "Write Register OK: address=" + this._regAddr.ToString("X") + " value=" + this._regVal.ToString("X")); goto Label_02C4; } GlobalServices.ErrMsg("AppWin_EZLinkTest.telegramFromPortHandler", "Unexpected protocol in handling AcknowledgeOK"); return -1; case TelegramType.AcknowledgeERROR: case TelegramType.DataAcknowledgeERROR: case TelegramType.DeviceFailure: GlobalServices.ErrMsg("AppWin_EZLinkTest.telegramFromPortHandler", "ERROR status received: type: " + ((TelegramType) telegram.type).ToString() + " protocol: " + telegram.protocol.ToString() + " error code: " + ((int) telegram.userData).ToString("X")); this.chbAutoTxmt.Checked = false; this.chbRxOnIdle.Checked = false; return -1; case TelegramType.DataAcknowledgeOK: string str; switch (telegram.protocol) { case Protocol.ReadRegister: uint num; uint num2; num, out num2); this.lsbRegisterLog.Items.Insert(0, "Read Register OK: Address=" + num.ToString("X") + " data=" + num2.ToString("X")); goto Label_02C4; case Protocol.ReadStatus: str); this.lsbRegisterLog.Items.Insert(0, "Read Status OK: " + str); goto Label_02C4; case Protocol.Read: str); this.lsbMessageLog.Items.Insert(0, "Receive OK: " + str); goto Label_02C4; } GlobalServices.ErrMsg("AppWin_EZLinkTest.telegramFromPortHandler", "Unexpected protocol in handling DataAcknowledgeOK"); return -1; case TelegramType.SeriesEndOK: this.lsbRegisterLog.Items.Insert(0, "Series terminated with OK"); break; case TelegramType.SeriesEndERROR: this.lsbRegisterLog.Items.Insert(0, "Series terminated with ERROR"); break; case TelegramType.PortHandlerTerminated: this._closeCtrl.portHandlerClosed(telegram.portHandler); return 0; default: GlobalServices.ErrMsg("AppWin_EZLinkTest.telegramFromPortHandler", "Unexpected telegram type received: type: " + ((TelegramType) telegram.type).ToString() + " protocol: " + telegram.protocol.ToString()); return -1; } Label_02C4: return 0; }
private int send_StopReceiveCommand() { try { if (!this._isDeviceBusy) { byte num; if (this.fifo_chbDisSensRes.Checked) { num = 1; } else { num = 0; } string str = ((byte) (0x80 | num)).ToString("X"); str = "S2CA" + str + "\r"; string[] strArray = new string[] { "F0\r", str }; this._series.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { this._tele = new Telegram(strArray[i].Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; string reply = null; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(strArray[i], ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }[i]); this._tele.userData = -1; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); } if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "STOP RECEIVE Series started"); return 0; } return -1; } return -2; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Stop Receive Commands!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Stop Receive Commands!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private int send_UpdateCommand() { try { if (!this._isDeviceBusy) { bool flag = this.cfgSet_chbEnTxLatch.Checked || this.cfgSet_chbEnRxFIFO.Checked; this._series.clear(); string[] strArray = new string[] { "S2" + this._cfgSettingCommand + "\r", flag ? "H3\r" : "Z3\r", "S2" + this._freqSettingCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._powerManCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._recSettingCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._transSettingCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._wakeUpTimerCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._lowDutyCycleCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._lowBattDetCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._afcCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._dataRateCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._dataFilterCommand + "\r", "S2" + this._fifoCommand + "\r" }; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { this._tele = new Telegram(strArray[i].Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; if (i == 1) { this._tele.protocol = Protocol.Write; this._tele.replySize = 0; } else { this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; string reply = null; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(strArray[i], ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); } }[i]); this._tele.userData = -1; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); } if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "UPDATE Series started"); this.lockDeviceButtons(ExceptedBtn.None); return 0; } return -1; } return -2; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Update Commands!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Update Commands!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private int send_StopContTransmitCommand() { try { string command = "T0\r"; this._series.clear(); string reply = null; this._tele = new Telegram(command.Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.userData = -1; = command.Length; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {[i] = (byte) command[i]; } this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(command, ref reply); this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; this.lockDeviceButtons(ExceptedBtn.None); GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "STOP CONTINUOUS TRANSMIT Series started"); return 0; } return -1; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Stop Continuous Transmit Command!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Stop Continuous Transmit Command!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private int send_SetVoltageCommand(double voltage) { try { if (!this._isDeviceBusy) { string str; this._series.clear(); if (this._loadBoardRev == 1) { str = "V" + Convert.ToInt32((double) (255.0 - (311.0 / voltage))).ToString("X") + "\r"; } else { if (this._loadBoardRev != 2) { throw new Exception("Not supported Loadboard type: " + this._loadBoardRev.ToString()); } str = "V" + Convert.ToInt32((double) (255.0 - (309.0 / voltage))).ToString("X") + "\r"; } string reply = null; this._tele = new Telegram(str.Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(str, ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }; this._tele.userData = 5; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; this._sentVoltage = voltage; this.lockDeviceButtons(ExceptedBtn.None); GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "SET VOLTAGE Series started"); return 0; } return -1; } return -2; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Set Voltage Command!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Set Voltage Command!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private int send_SetLoadboardLed(LBLEDMode mode) { try { if (!this._isDeviceBusy) { string str2; this._series.clear(); switch (mode) { case LBLEDMode.Mode0: str2 = "D0\r"; break; case LBLEDMode.Mode1: str2 = "D1\r"; break; case LBLEDMode.Mode2: str2 = "D2\r"; break; case LBLEDMode.Mode3: str2 = "D3\r"; break; default: str2 = "D0\r"; break; } this._tele = new Telegram(str2.Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; string reply = null; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(str2, ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }; this._tele.userData = -1; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "Set Loadboard Led Series started"); return 0; } return -1; } return -2; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Set Loadboard Led Command!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Set Loadboard Led Command!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private void processSimpleCommunicationReplyTelegram(Telegram replyTele) { if (!(_ioph is IOPH_DCP)) { if ((replyTele.type == TelegramType.DeviceFailure) && replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("SentData")) { showLocalLog(((string) replyTele.UserDataExt["SentData"]) + "\n"); showLocalLog("< " + ((TelegramType) replyTele.type).ToString() + "\n"); statusBarPanel4.Step(); } else if (replyTele.type == TelegramType.SeriesEndOK) { statusBarPanel4.Reset(); showLocalLog("\n"); if (tsrMainToolStrip.IsContCurrentReadOn) { base.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(tsrMainToolStrip_AmmeteringRequested), new object[2]); } } else if (replyTele.UserDataExt.hasStoredValue("SentData")) { showLocalLog(((string) replyTele.UserDataExt["SentData"]) + "\n"); showLocalLog("< " + WDSConverters.ToHexString(, + "\n"); statusBarPanel4.Step(); } } }
private int send_ReadStatusCommand(bool continuousMode) { try { if (!this._isDeviceBusy) { string[] strArray; bool flag = this.afc_chbEnAFC.Checked; bool isNeed = this.__isUpdateNeeded; this._series.clear(); if (flag) { this.afc_chbEnAFC.Checked = false; string command = this._afc.Command; this.afc_chbEnAFC.Checked = true; string str3 = this._afc.Command; if (isNeed != this.__isUpdateNeeded) { this.setUpdateNeeded(isNeed); } strArray = new string[] { "S2" + command + "\r", "S2" + command + "\r", "H2\r", "L2\r", "L0\r", "RS2\r", "S2" + str3 + "\r", "H2\r" }; } else { strArray = new string[] { "H2\r", "L2\r", "L0\r", "RS2\r", "H2\r" }; } int num = flag ? 5 : 3; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { this._tele = new Telegram(strArray[i].Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; string reply = null; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(strArray[i], ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }[i]); if (i == num) { this._tele.userData = 0; } else { this._tele.userData = -1; } this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); } if (continuousMode) { this._series.addDelay(0x3e8); this._series.setInfiniteRepetition(); } if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "STATUS READ Series started"); return 0; } return -1; } return -2; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Read Status Commands!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Read Status Commands!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private void replyTeleArrived(Telegram replyTelegram) { switch (replyTelegram.type) { case TelegramType.AckOrNackSentOK: if (_lastReplyPec == ((LastReplyPrecondition) replyTelegram.lastReplyPrecondition)) { if (replyTelegram.numOfLastReplyPackets != -1) { _replyPreconditionCnt--; if (_replyPreconditionCnt == 0) { execTelegramSeries(); } return; } execTelegramSeries(); } return; case TelegramType.AcknowledgeOK: _mainWin.showLocalLog("< ACK\n"); _gotACKforCommand = true; if (replyTelegram.lastReplyPrecondition == LastReplyPrecondition.ACK) { _replyPreconditionCnt--; if (_replyPreconditionCnt > 0) { return; } execTelegramSeries(); } return; case TelegramType.AcknowledgeERROR: _mainWin.showLocalLog("< NACK\n"); execTelegramSeries(); return; case TelegramType.DataAcknowledgeOK: _mainWin.showLocalLog("< " + WDSConverters.ToHexString(, + "\n"); if (_savedEvent != null) { _savedEvent(replyTelegram); } if (replyTelegram.lastReplyPrecondition == LastReplyPrecondition.DataACK) { if (replyTelegram.numOfLastReplyPackets == -1) { execTelegramSeries(); return; } _replyPreconditionCnt--; if (_replyPreconditionCnt != 0) { return; } execTelegramSeries(); } return; case TelegramType.PacketRecOK: if ((((replyTelegram.protocol == Protocol.DCP) || (replyTelegram.protocol == Protocol.DCP2)) && ((replyTelegram.DCPCmdSet == 4) || (replyTelegram.DCPCmdSet == 0x1c))) && (replyTelegram.DCPMsgType == 0)) { _mainWin.showLocalLog("< " + WDSConverters.ToHexString(, + "\n"); switch ([0]) { case 0x11: case 0x2c: if (!_gotACKforCommand) { _mainWin.showLocalLog(" Unexpected intication, did not got ACK!\n"); return; } waitForDevice(); send_Ack(new Telegram.Callback(replyTeleArrived)); _lastReplyPec = LastReplyPrecondition.Indication; if (_savedEvent == null) return; _savedEvent(replyTelegram); break; } } return; case TelegramType.Terminated: if (_savedEvent != null) { _savedEvent(replyTelegram); } execTelegramSeries(); return; } if (_savedEvent != null) { _savedEvent(replyTelegram); } }
private int getDeviceData(Telegram command, Telegram reply) { try { if (isWriteCommand(command)) { string str = ((char)[4]).ToString(); string str2 = ((char)[5]).ToString(); return Convert.ToInt32(str + str2, 0x10); } string str4 = ((char)[ - 10]).ToString(); string str5 = ((char)[ - 9]).ToString(); return Convert.ToInt32(str4 + str5, 0x10); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error at getDeviceData()!\n" + exception.Message); return -1; } }
public override int DefaultTelegramFromPortHandler(Telegram telegram) { if (telegram.type == TelegramType.Command) { _closeCtrl.portHandlerClosed(telegram.portHandler); return 0; } if (telegram.type == TelegramType.DeviceFailure) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(_appId, "telegramFromPortHandler(): DeviceFailure received"); _ioph.controlSeriesExecution(SeriesExecutionState.Stop); sbDeviceStatePane.Text = "Status: DeviceFailure"; return -1; } oldTelegramFromPortHandler(telegram); return 0; }
private bool isWriteCommand(Telegram command) { try { char ch = (char)[2]; return ((Convert.ToInt32(ch.ToString(), 0x10) & 8) > 0); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error at isWriteCommand()!\n" + exception.Message); return false; } }
public int send_TransmitPacketCommand(string hexStrPacket, bool continuousMode) { try { string reply = null; this._series.clear(); string command = "T14"; if ((hexStrPacket.Length % 2) == 1) { hexStrPacket = "0" + hexStrPacket; } for (int i = 0; i < hexStrPacket.Length; i += 2) { object obj2 = command; command = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, ",", hexStrPacket[i], hexStrPacket[i + 1] }); } command = command + "\r"; this._tele = new Telegram(command.Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(command, ref reply); if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }; this._tele.userData = 3; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; if (this.chbTransPackErrRateTestEnab.Checked) { this._tele.addHeader(0); } this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); if (continuousMode) { this._series.addDelay(this._transmitRepetitionTime); this._series.setInfiniteRepetition(); } if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "TRANSMIT PACKET Series started"); return 0; } return -1; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Transmit Packet Command!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Transmit Packet Command!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private int send_ReceivePacketCommand(bool enableEOPChar_or_PacketLength, bool enableEOPChar_only, int EOP, int PL, bool continuousMode) { try { byte num; string str2; if (this.fifo_chbDisSensRes.Checked) { num = 1; } else { num = 0; } string str = "S2CA" + ((byte) (0x80 | num)).ToString("X") + "\r"; if (enableEOPChar_or_PacketLength) { str2 = "F11," + EOP.ToString() + "," + PL.ToString() + "\r"; } else if (enableEOPChar_only) { str2 = "F12," + EOP.ToString() + "," + PL.ToString() + "\r"; } else { str2 = "F13," + EOP.ToString() + "," + PL.ToString() + "\r"; } string str3 = "S2CA" + ((byte) (130 | num)).ToString("X") + "\r"; string[] strArray = new string[] { str, "H2\r", "L2\r", "L0\r", "RS2\r", "H2\r", str2, str3, "" }; this._series.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++) { this._tele = new Telegram(strArray[i].Length); this._tele.uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(); this._tele.parentUniqId = -1; this._tele.type = TelegramType.Command; if (strArray[i] != "") { this._tele.protocol = Protocol.WriteRead; string reply = null; this._tele.replySize = GlobalServices.calculateExpextedReplyLen(strArray[i], ref reply); } else { this._tele.protocol = Protocol.ReadRxPacket; this._tele.replySize = PL; } if (this._tele.replySize == -1) { throw new Exception("Not supported command."); }[i]); this._tele.userData = -1; this._tele.portHandler = this._ioph; this._tele.mainWin = this; this._series.addTelegram(this._tele); } if (continuousMode) { this._series.setInfiniteRepetition(); } if (this._ioph.telegramSeriesFromMainWin(this._series, SeriesExecutionState.Run, true) == 0) { this._isDeviceBusy = true; GlobalServices.LogMsg(this._appId, "START RECEIVE Series started"); return 0; } return -1; } catch (Exception exception) { GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Error at sending Start Receive Commands!\n" + exception.Message); GlobalServices.msgBox("Error at sending Start Receive Commands!\n" + exception.Message, "Error!"); return -1; } }
private int ForceTelegramFromMainWin(Telegram tele, int waitMsec, int maxWaitMsec) { if (waitMsec <= 0) { return this._ioph.telegramFromMainWin(tele); } for (int i = 0; i < maxWaitMsec; i += waitMsec) { if (this._ioph.telegramFromMainWin(tele) == 0) { return 0; } if (this._ioph.IsLastErrorBusyState()) { Thread.Sleep(waitMsec); } else { return -1; } } GlobalServices.ErrMsg(this._appId, "Unable to send forced telegram, IOPH is busy"); return -1; }
private TelegramContainer createSeries(Task task, int numOfCommands, LastReplyPrecondition[] teleStopPrec, byte[][] teleData, Telegram.Callback callback, bool isGeneralCmd) { TelegramContainer container = new TelegramContainer(); container.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfCommands; i++) { Telegram tele = new Telegram(5) { uniqId = GlobalServices.uniqTelegramId(), parentUniqId = -1, type = TelegramType.Command }; if (_ioph is IOPH_DATA) { tele.protocol = Protocol.DCP2; if (isGeneralCmd) { tele.DCPCmdSet = 0x18; } else { tele.DCPCmdSet = 0x1c; } } else { tele.protocol = Protocol.DCP; tele.DCPCmdSet = 4; } tele.lastReplyPrecondition = teleStopPrec[i]; tele.UserDataExt.addUserData("Task", task); tele.portHandler = _ioph; tele.mainWin = this; tele.clearEventHandler(); tele.CallbackEvent += callback;[i]); container.addTelegramContainerItem(new TelegramContainerItem(tele)); } return container; }