Inheritance: IDisposable
Example #1
        VIDEOINFOHEADER m_VideoInfo;    // Derived from the AMMediaType object

        #region Constructor
        internal VideoCapability(AMMediaType mediaType, VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS caps)
            if (null == mediaType)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaType");

            m_MediaType = mediaType;
            m_StreamConfigCaps = caps;

            m_VideoInfo = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.formatPtr, typeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER));
Example #2
        void GetCaptureSize()
            int hr = 0;

            // After the filter is added to the graph, and before
            // it is connected to anything, we need to set the format
            // and size that we expect.
            AMMediaType mt = new AMMediaType();

            hr = sampleGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType(mt);

                if ((mt.formatType != FormatType.VideoInfo) || (mt.formatPtr == IntPtr.Zero))
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown Grabber Media Format");

                // Get the struct
                VIDEOINFOHEADER videoInfoHeader = new VIDEOINFOHEADER();
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(mt.formatPtr, videoInfoHeader);

                // Grab the size info
                fGrabber.Width = videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.biWidth;
                fGrabber.Height = videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.biHeight;
                fGrabber.FrameBytes = (int)videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.biSizeImage;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the capture filter once it is in the graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="iWidth">Desired width of video</param>
        /// <param name="iHeight">Desired height of video</param>
        /// <param name="bitsPerPixel">Number of bits per pixel</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We configure the source filter with the desired size, mediasubtype, and 
        /// bits per pixel.  This must be done before the capture pin is connected
        /// to other filters in the graph.
        /// </remarks>
        private void ConfigureSourceFilter(IAMStreamConfig streamConfig, int iWidth, int iHeight, short bitsPerPixel)
            int hr;
            AMMediaType mType = new AMMediaType();
            VIDEOINFOHEADER v;

            // First, we need to get the existing format block
            // If there's an error, throw an exception.
            hr = streamConfig.GetFormat(out mType);

            // Return early if the media type is not what we expect
            // First, the majorType must be 'Video'
            // Second, the size of the format structure must be sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER)
            if ((MediaType.Video != mType.majorType) || 
                (mType.formatSize != Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER))))

                // The formatPtr member of the AMMediaType object points
                // to a chunk of unmanaged memory that contains the data
                // for the format structure.  We need to copy this data 
                // into a structure object so we can manipulate it.
                v = new VIDEOINFOHEADER();
                Marshal.PtrToStructure(mType.formatPtr, v);

                // In order to change the size and bits per pixel, we
                // need to change the values of the VIDEOINFOHEADER object
                // that we pulled out from the AMMediaType object.
                if (iWidth > 0)
                    v.BmiHeader.biWidth = iWidth;

                if (iHeight > 0)
                    v.BmiHeader.biHeight = iHeight;

                if (bitsPerPixel > 0)
                    v.BmiHeader.biBitCount = (ushort)bitsPerPixel;

                // Now we copy the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure back into 
                // a piece of unmanaged memory and give the pointer to 
                // the AMMediaType structure.
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(v, mType.formatPtr, false);

                // Finally, we set the new format on the pin
                hr = streamConfig.SetFormat(mType);
Example #4
        void AddSampleGrabber()
            int hr = 0;

            // Add the sample grabber to the graph
            hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(grabberFilter, "NewTOAPIA Grabber");

            // After the filter is added to the graph, and before
            // it is connected to anything, we need to set the format
            // and size that we expect.
            AMMediaType mt = new AMMediaType();

            // Set the media type to Video/RBG24
            mt.majorType = MediaType.Video;
            mt.subType = MediaSubType.RGB24;
            mt.formatType = FormatType.VideoInfo;    // What format do we want to use to describe the media

            //vih.BmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biCompression = 0;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biHeight = fDesiredHeight;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biSize = Marshal.SizeOf(vih);
            //vih.BmiHeader.biSizeImage = (uint)(fDesiredWidth * fDesiredHeight * 3); // It's very important to set this one or things won't be right
            //vih.BmiHeader.biWidth = fDesiredWidth;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
            //vih.BmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
            //// turn the structure back into a pointer
            //mt.formatPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(vih));
            //mt.formatSize = Marshal.SizeOf(vih);
            //mt.formatType = FormatType.VideoInfo;
            //Marshal.StructureToPtr(vih, mt.formatPtr, false);

            hr = sampleGrabber.SetMediaType(mt);

            // Free the media type object because we're done with it
            mt = null;

            // Final sample grabber configuration
            hr = sampleGrabber.SetOneShot(false);
            hr = sampleGrabber.SetBufferSamples(false);
            hr = sampleGrabber.SetCallback(fGrabber, 1);

Example #5
        public static List<VideoCapability> GetAllVideoCapabilities(IAMStreamConfig videoStreamConfig)
            if (videoStreamConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("videoStreamConfig");

            UnmanagedMemory pCaps = null;

            List<VideoCapability> capsList = new List<VideoCapability>();

                // Ensure this device reports capabilities
                int c, size;
                int hr = videoStreamConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities(out c, out size);

                if (c <= 0)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Video device does not report capabilities.");

                if (size > Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)))
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to retrieve video device capabilities. This video device requires a larger VideoStreamConfigCaps structure.");

                // Alloc memory for structure
                pCaps = new UnmanagedMemory(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)));

                VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS cap;

                // Retrieve all capability structures
                for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                    AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType();
                    hr = videoStreamConfig.GetStreamCaps(i, out mediaType, pCaps.MemoryPointer);

                    if (MediaType.Video.Equals(mediaType.majorType))
                        cap = (VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pCaps.MemoryPointer, typeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS));
                        VideoCapability newCap = new VideoCapability(mediaType, cap);
                    } else if (MediaType.Audio.Equals(mediaType.majorType))
                            Console.WriteLine("Audio Configuration");
                if (pCaps != null)
                pCaps = null;

                //if (mediaType != null)
                //    DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(mediaType); 
                //mediaType = null;

            return capsList;