public static void Init()
            string     name          = "Potto";
            string     resourcePath  = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/Companions/Potty/potty_spawnobject_002";
            GameObject gameObject    = new GameObject();
            var        companionItem = gameObject.AddComponent <Potty>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(name, resourcePath, gameObject);
            string shortDesc = "Clay Companion";
            string longDesc  = "Occasionally pops out some money on room clear, and hides some... other secrets." + "\n\nThis little pot appears to have gained sentience. It's empty head contains many things, but most of all it is full of friendship!";

            companionItem.SetupItem(shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");
            companionItem.quality       = PickupObject.ItemQuality.C;
            companionItem.CompanionGuid = Potty.guid;
