Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the project settings for a specific transform file and return it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">The full path to the data file</param>
        /// <param name="baseDirectory">The path for the base directory (with a trailing \)</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">Argument list to pass to the returned transform</param>
        /// <param name="project">The context project</param>
        /// <param name="automationObjectName">The name of an automation object supported by the live document. Used
        /// to get a live version of the file stream.</param>
        /// <returns>The transform file name. Existence will have been verified.</returns>
        private string LoadProjectSettings(string sourceFile, string baseDirectory, XsltArgumentList arguments, EnvDTE.Project project, out string automationObjectName)
                        #if VerifyUIThread

            Debug.Assert(arguments != null);             // Allocate before call
            string transformFile = null;
            automationObjectName = null;
            string plixProjectSettingsFile = baseDirectory + PlixProjectSettingsFile;
            if (File.Exists(plixProjectSettingsFile))
                // Use the text from the live document if possible
                string          liveText    = null;
                EnvDTE.Document settingsDoc = null;
                    settingsDoc = project.DTE.Documents.Item(plixProjectSettingsFile);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // swallow
                catch (InvalidCastException)
                    // swallow
                if (settingsDoc != null)
                    EnvDTE.TextDocument textDoc = settingsDoc.Object("TextDocument") as EnvDTE.TextDocument;
                    if (textDoc != null)
                        liveText = textDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint().GetText(textDoc.EndPoint);
                string sourceFileIdentifier = sourceFile.Substring(baseDirectory.Length);
                PlixLoaderNameTable names   = PlixLoaderSchema.Names;
                using (FileStream plixSettingsStream = (liveText == null) ? new FileStream(plixProjectSettingsFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) : null)
                    using (XmlTextReader settingsReader = new XmlTextReader((liveText == null) ? new StreamReader(plixSettingsStream) as TextReader : new StringReader(liveText), names))
                        using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(settingsReader, PlixLoaderSchema.ReaderSettings))
                            References references = null;
                            bool       finished   = false;
                            while (!finished && reader.Read())
                                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                                        while (reader.Read())
                                            XmlNodeType nodeType = reader.NodeType;
                                            if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                                Debug.Assert(XmlUtility.TestElementName(reader.LocalName, names.SourceFileElement));                                                 // Only value allowed by the validating loader
                                                string testFileName = reader.GetAttribute(names.FileAttribute);
                                                if (0 == string.Compare(testFileName, sourceFileIdentifier, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                                                    finished = true;                                                     // Stop looking
                                                    string attrValue = reader.GetAttribute(names.TransformFileAttribute);
                                                    if (attrValue != null && attrValue.Length != 0)
                                                        transformFile = baseDirectory + attrValue;
                                                    attrValue = reader.GetAttribute(names.LiveDocumentObjectAttribute);
                                                    if (attrValue != null && attrValue.Length != 0)
                                                        automationObjectName = attrValue;
                                                    if (!reader.IsEmptyElement)
                                                        while (reader.Read())
                                                            nodeType = reader.NodeType;
                                                            if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                                                string localName = reader.LocalName;
                                                                if (XmlUtility.TestElementName(localName, names.TransformParameterElement))
                                                                    // Add an argument for the transform
                                                                    arguments.AddParam(reader.GetAttribute(names.NameAttribute), "", reader.GetAttribute(names.ValueAttribute));
                                                                else if (XmlUtility.TestElementName(localName, names.ExtensionClassElement))
                                                                    // Load an extension class and associate it with an extension namespace
                                                                    // used by the transform
                                                                    arguments.AddExtensionObject(reader.GetAttribute(names.XslNamespaceAttribute), Type.GetType(reader.GetAttribute(names.ClassNameAttribute), true, false).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[0]));
                                                                else if (XmlUtility.TestElementName(localName, names.ProjectReferenceElement))
                                                                    // The generated code requires project references, add them
                                                                    if (null == references)
                                                                        references = ((VSProject)project.Object).References;
                                                                    if (references.Item(reader.GetAttribute(names.NamespaceAttribute)) == null)
                                                                    Debug.Assert(false);                                                                     // Not allowed by schema definition
                                                            else if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                                            else if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
            bool verifiedExistence = false;
            if (transformFile == null)
                string fileBase = sourceFile.Substring(0, sourceFile.LastIndexOf('.'));
                transformFile = fileBase + ".xslt";
                if (File.Exists(transformFile))
                    verifiedExistence = true;
                    transformFile = fileBase + ".xsl";
            if (!verifiedExistence && !File.Exists(transformFile))
                transformFile = null;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a code file for the current xml file contents. Loads
        /// settings for the file off the Plix.xml settings file in the project to
        /// get the generation transform and other settings to apply to the specific file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileContents">Contents of an xml file to transform</param>
        /// <param name="defaultNamespace">The namespace provided in the property grid</param>
        /// <returns>Contents of the corresponding code file</returns>
        private string GenerateCode(string fileContents, string defaultNamespace)
                        #if VerifyUIThread

            // Make sure we have a CodeDomProvider
            CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider;
            if (provider == null)

            // Get the current project item and project information
            EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem     = CurrentProjectItem;
            string             sourceFile      = (string)projectItem.Properties.Item("LocalPath").Value;
            EnvDTE.Project     project         = projectItem.ContainingProject;
            string             projectFile     = (string)project.Properties.Item("LocalPath").Value;
            string             projectLocation = projectFile.Substring(0, projectFile.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);

            // If this is the Plix.xml settings file, then regenerate all other mentioned NUPlixLoader files
            if (0 == string.Compare(projectItem.Name, PlixProjectSettingsFile, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    delegate(EnvDTE.ProjectItem matchItem)
                                                #if VerifyUIThread

                    VSProjectItem vsProjItem = matchItem.Object as VSProjectItem;
                    if (vsProjItem != null)
                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                provider.GenerateCodeFromStatement(new CodeCommentStatement(
                                                       @"Empty file generated by NUPlixLoader for Plix.xml.

Setting NUPlixLoader as the custom tool on the Plix.xml settings file enables automatic
regeneration of other NUPlixLoader files in the project when the settings file is changed.

There is no way to both successfully trigger regeneration and avoid writing this file."), writer, null);

            // Load a language formatter for this file extension
            string fileExtension = CodeDomProvider.FileExtension;
            if (fileExtension.StartsWith("."))
                fileExtension = fileExtension.Substring(1);
            XslCompiledTransform formatter = FormatterManager.GetFormatterTransform(fileExtension);
            if (formatter == null)
                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                provider.GenerateCodeFromStatement(new CodeCommentStatement(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "A PLiX formatter transform for the '{0}' language was not found.", fileExtension)), writer, null);

            // Get options for this xml file
            XsltArgumentList arguments = new XsltArgumentList();
            string           automationObjectName;
            string           transformFile = LoadProjectSettings(sourceFile, projectLocation, arguments, project, out automationObjectName);

            // MSBUG: Beta2 There's a nasty bug with single-file generators right now where
            // the text for an open file that is not in a text document is
            // passed through as encoded bytes in the string.
            EnvDTE.Document itemDocument = projectItem.Document;
            if (itemDocument != null && "XML" != itemDocument.Language)
                if (fileContents.Length > 1)
                    char[]   leadChars = fileContents.ToCharArray(0, 2);
                    byte[]   leadBytes = new byte[2 * sizeof(char)];
                    GCHandle handle    = GCHandle.Alloc(leadBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    Marshal.Copy(leadChars, 0, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(leadBytes, 0), 2);
                    EncodingInfo[] encodingInfos  = Encoding.GetEncodings();
                    int            encodingsCount = encodingInfos.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < encodingsCount; ++i)
                        EncodingInfo encodingInfo      = encodingInfos[i];
                        Encoding     encoding          = encodingInfo.GetEncoding();
                        byte[]       preamble          = encoding.GetPreamble();
                        int          preambleByteCount = preamble.Length;
                        if (preambleByteCount != 0)
                            Debug.Assert(preambleByteCount <= 4);
                            int j;
                            for (j = 0; j < preambleByteCount; ++j)
                                if (preamble[j] != leadBytes[j])
                            if (j == preambleByteCount)
                                Decoder decoder = encoding.GetDecoder();
                                leadChars = fileContents.ToCharArray();
                                int startCharCount = leadChars.Length;
                                leadBytes = new byte[startCharCount * sizeof(char)];
                                int      byteCount = leadBytes.Length - preambleByteCount;
                                GCHandle handle2   = GCHandle.Alloc(leadBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                                Marshal.Copy(leadChars, 0, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(leadBytes, 0), startCharCount);
                                int    finalCharCount = decoder.GetCharCount(leadBytes, preambleByteCount, byteCount, true);
                                char[] finalChars     = new char[finalCharCount + 1];
                                decoder.GetChars(leadBytes, preambleByteCount, byteCount, finalChars, 0, true);

                                // Hack within a hack to make sure that the Xml element has a trailing >,
                                // byte data in a string has a tendency to lose the last byte
                                char testChar = finalChars[finalCharCount - 1];;
                                if (testChar != '>' && !char.IsWhiteSpace(testChar))
                                    finalChars[finalCharCount] = '>';
                                fileContents = new string(finalChars, 0, finalCharCount);

            // Resolve any file redirections here. File redirection allows the same source file
            // to generate multiple outputs via multiple transforms.
            string alternateSourceFile = null;
            using (StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(fileContents))
                    using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader))
                        if (XmlNodeType.Element == reader.MoveToContent())
                            if (reader.NamespaceURI == RedirectNamespace &&
                                reader.LocalName == RedirectElementName)
                                string   relativeTargetSourceFile = reader.GetAttribute(RedirectTargetAttribute);
                                FileInfo targetSourceFileInfo     = new FileInfo(sourceFile.Substring(0, sourceFile.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1) + relativeTargetSourceFile);
                                if (targetSourceFileInfo.Exists)
                                    alternateSourceFile = targetSourceFileInfo.FullName;
                                    sourceFile          = alternateSourceFile;
                                        itemDocument = null;
                                        itemDocument = project.DTE.Documents.Item(alternateSourceFile);
                                    catch (ArgumentException)
                                        // Swallow if the document is not open
                                    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                                    provider.GenerateCodeFromStatement(new CodeCommentStatement(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Redirection target file '{0}' not found", relativeTargetSourceFile)), writer, null);
                catch (XmlException ex)
                    return(GenerateExceptionInformation(ex, provider));

            // Add standard defined attributes to the argument list
            string projectNamespace = (string)project.Properties.Item("DefaultNamespace").Value;
            if (null == arguments.GetParam("ProjectPath", ""))
                arguments.AddParam("ProjectPath", "", projectLocation);
            if (null == arguments.GetParam("SourceFile", ""))
                arguments.AddParam("SourceFile", "", sourceFile.Substring(projectLocation.Length));
            if (null == arguments.GetParam("CustomToolNamespace", ""))
                if (defaultNamespace == null || defaultNamespace.Length == 0)
                    defaultNamespace = projectNamespace;
                arguments.AddParam("CustomToolNamespace", "", defaultNamespace);
            if (null == arguments.GetParam("ProjectNamespace", ""))
                arguments.AddParam("ProjectNamespace", "", projectNamespace);

                XslCompiledTransform transform = null;
                if (transformFile != null)
                    transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
                    using (FileStream transformStream = new FileStream(transformFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(transformStream))
                            transform.Load(new XmlTextReader(reader), XsltSettings.TrustedXslt, XmlUtility.CreateFileResolver(transformFile));
                MemoryStream plixStream = (transform != null) ? new MemoryStream() : null;
                using (XmlWriter xmlTextWriter = (transform != null) ? XmlWriter.Create(plixStream, transform.OutputSettings) : null)
                    // Variables that need to be disposed
                    TextReader reader    = null;
                    Stream     docStream = null;

                        // First try to get data from the live object
                        string docText = null;
                        if (itemDocument != null)
                            if (automationObjectName != null)
                                docStream = itemDocument.Object(automationObjectName) as Stream;
                                if (docStream != null)
                                    reader = new StreamReader(docStream);

                            // Fall back on getting the contents of the text buffer from the live document
                            if (reader == null)
                                EnvDTE.TextDocument textDoc = itemDocument.Object("TextDocument") as EnvDTE.TextDocument;
                                if (textDoc != null)
                                    docText = textDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint().GetText(textDoc.EndPoint);
                                    reader  = new StringReader(docText);

                        // If this is a redirection, then pull direction from the file
                        if (reader == null && alternateSourceFile != null)
                            reader = new StreamReader(alternateSourceFile);

                        // Fallback on the default reading mechanism
                        if (reader == null)
                            docText = fileContents;
                            reader  = new StringReader(fileContents);

                        if (transform == null)
                            XmlReaderSettings testPlixDocumentReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                            testPlixDocumentReaderSettings.CloseInput = false;
                            bool plixDocument = false;
                                using (XmlReader testPlixDocumentReader = XmlReader.Create(reader, testPlixDocumentReaderSettings))
                                    if (testPlixDocumentReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && testPlixDocumentReader.NamespaceURI == PlixSchemaNamespace)
                                        plixDocument = true;
                            catch (XmlException ex)
                                return(GenerateExceptionInformation(ex, provider));
                            if (!plixDocument)
                                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                                provider.GenerateCodeFromStatement(new CodeCommentStatement("Transform file not found"), writer, null);
                                GenerateNUPlixLoaderExceptionLine(writer, provider);
                            if (docText != null)
                                reader = new StringReader(docText);
                                StreamReader streamReader = (StreamReader)reader;
                                streamReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
                            // Use an XmlTextReader here instead of an XPathDocument
                            // so that our transforms support the xsl:preserve-space element
                            transform.Transform(new XmlTextReader(reader), arguments, xmlTextWriter, XmlUtility.CreateFileResolver(sourceFile));
                            plixStream.Position = 0;
                        // From the plix stream, generate the code
                        using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                            using (XmlReader plixReader = (plixStream != null) ? XmlReader.Create(plixStream, PlixReaderSettings) : XmlReader.Create(reader, PlixReaderSettings))
                                formatter.Transform(plixReader, new XsltArgumentList(), writer);
                        if (reader != null)
                            (reader as IDisposable).Dispose();
                        if (docStream != null)
                            (docStream as IDisposable).Dispose();
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(GenerateExceptionInformation(ex, provider));
                // Regardless of how we finish process this file, we need to find files redirected to this
                // one and regenerate them.
                if (alternateSourceFile == null)                 // We only redirect one level
                    FileInfo sourceFileInfo = new FileInfo(sourceFile);
                        delegate(EnvDTE.ProjectItem matchItem)
                                                        #if VerifyUIThread

                        VSProjectItem vsProjItem = matchItem.Object as VSProjectItem;
                        if (vsProjItem != null)
                            string itemFile = (string)matchItem.Properties.Item("LocalPath").Value;
                            EnvDTE.Document liveDoc;
                            EnvDTE.TextDocument textDoc;
                            string liveText = null;
                            if (null != (liveDoc = matchItem.Document) &&
                                null != (textDoc = liveDoc.Object("TextDocument") as EnvDTE.TextDocument))
                                liveText = textDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint().GetText(textDoc.EndPoint);
                                using (FileStream fileStream = (liveText == null) ? new FileStream(itemFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) : null)
                                    using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader((liveText == null) ? new StreamReader(fileStream) as TextReader : new StringReader(liveText)))
                                        if (XmlNodeType.Element == reader.MoveToContent())
                                            if (reader.NamespaceURI == RedirectNamespace &&
                                                reader.LocalName == RedirectElementName)
                                                FileInfo targetSourceFileInfo = new FileInfo(itemFile.Substring(0, itemFile.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1) + reader.GetAttribute(RedirectTargetAttribute));
                                                if (0 == string.Compare(sourceFileInfo.FullName, targetSourceFileInfo.FullName, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                            catch (XmlException)
                                // Swallow anything that Xml gripes about