Contains options and flags for sending and receiving data such as serialisation method, data processors, encryption etc. Several static constructors are provided to help create SendReceiveOptions in the most common formats.
        public static void RunExample()
            //Ensure we use the null serializer for unmanaged connections
            SendReceiveOptions options = new SendReceiveOptions<NullSerializer>();

            //Setup listening for incoming unmanaged UDP broadcasts
            UDPConnectionListener listener = new UDPConnectionListener(options, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled, UDPOptions.None);
            Connection.StartListening(listener, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 10000));

            //Add a packet handler for unmanaged connections
            NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingUnmanagedPacketHandler((packetHeader, connection, incomingBytes) => {
                Console.WriteLine("Received {0} bytes from {1}", incomingBytes.Length, connection.ConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint);

            //Generate some test data to broadcast
            byte[] dataToSend = new byte[] { 1, 2,3, 4 };

            //Create an unmanaged packet manually and broadcast the test data
            //In future this part of the API could potentially be improved to make it clearer
            using(Packet sendPacket = new Packet("Unmanaged", dataToSend, options))
                UDPConnection.SendObject<byte[]>(sendPacket, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, 10000), options, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled);

            Console.WriteLine("Client done!");
        public static void RunExample()
            Console.WriteLine("Please select thrower or catcher mode:");
            Console.WriteLine("1 - Thrower Mode (Sends data)");
            Console.WriteLine("2 - Catcher Mode (Listens for data)");

            //Read in user choice
            if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.D1) throwerMode = true;
            else throwerMode = false;

            if (throwerMode)
                var nullCompressionSRO = new SendReceiveOptions(DPSManager.GetDataSerializer<ProtobufSerializer>(),
                            new List<DataProcessor>(),
                            new Dictionary<string, string>());

                //IPEndPoint catcherPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 10000);
                IPEndPoint catcherPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 10000);
                byte[] throwData = new byte[20*1024*1024];
                //byte[] throwData = new byte[1024 * 50];
                new Random().NextBytes(throwData);

                Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        while (true)
                            TCPConnection.GetConnection(new ConnectionInfo(catcherPoint)).SendObject("ThrowData", throwData, nullCompressionSRO);

                Console.WriteLine("Let the throwing begin!\n");

                while (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("IN - {0} - Instance Load = {1}, 5 sec load= {2}, 15 sec load= {3}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), HostInfo.IP.CurrentNetworkLoadIncoming.ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadIncoming(5).ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadIncoming(15).ToString("0.000"));
                    Console.WriteLine("OUT - {0} - Instance Load = {1}, 5 sec load= {2}, 15 sec load= {3}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), HostInfo.IP.CurrentNetworkLoadOutgoing.ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadOutgoing(5).ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadOutgoing(15).ToString("0.000"));
                NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<byte[]>("ThrowData", (packetHeader, connection, data) => 
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} - Caught {1} bytes thrown by {2}.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), data.Length, connection.ConnectionInfo);

                //Start listening for TCP connections
                //We want to select a random port on all available adaptors so provide 
                //an IPEndPoint using IPAddress.Any and port 0.
                Connection.StartListening(ConnectionType.TCP, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));

                Console.WriteLine("Let the catching begin, on port " + ((IPEndPoint)Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.TCP).First()).Port + "!\n");
                while (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("IN - {0} - Instance Load = {1}, 5 sec load= {2}, 15 sec load= {3}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), HostInfo.IP.CurrentNetworkLoadIncoming.ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadIncoming(5).ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadIncoming(15).ToString("0.000"));
                    Console.WriteLine("OUT - {0} - Instance Load = {1}, 5 sec load= {2}, 15 sec load= {3}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), HostInfo.IP.CurrentNetworkLoadOutgoing.ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadOutgoing(5).ToString("0.000"), HostInfo.IP.AverageNetworkLoadOutgoing(15).ToString("0.000"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Run example
        /// </summary>
        public static void RunExample()
            SendReceiveOptions nullCompressionSRO = new SendReceiveOptions(DPSManager.GetDataSerializer<ProtobufSerializer>(), null, null);
            NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions = nullCompressionSRO;

            //We need to define what happens when packets are received.
            //To do this we add an incoming packet handler for a 'Message' packet type. 
            //We will define what we want the handler to do inline by using a lambda expression
            //We could also just point the AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler method 
            //to a standard method (See AdvancedSend example)
            //This handler will convert the incoming raw bytes into a string (this is what 
            //the <string> bit means) and then write that string to the local console window.
            NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<PingRequestReturnDC>("Message", (packetHeader, connection, incomingString) => { Console.WriteLine("\n  ... Incoming message from " + connection.ToString() + " saying '" + incomingString.ClientID + "'-'" + incomingString .PingID+ "'."); });

            //Start listening for incoming 'TCP' connections.
            //We want to select a random port on all available adaptors so provide 
            //an IPEndPoint using IPAddress.Any and port 0.
            //See also UDPConnection.StartListening()
            Connection.StartListening(ConnectionType.TCP, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));

            //Print the IP addresses and ports we are listening on to make sure everything
            //worked as expected.
            Console.WriteLine("Listening for messages on:");
            foreach (System.Net.IPEndPoint localEndPoint in Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.TCP)) 
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", localEndPoint.Address, localEndPoint.Port);

            //We loop here to allow any number of test messages to be sent and received
            while (true)
                //Request a message to send somewhere
                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter your message and press enter (Type 'exit' to quit):");
                string stringToSend = Console.ReadLine();

                //If the user has typed exit then we leave our loop and end the example
                if (stringToSend == "exit") break;
                    //Once we have a message we need to know where to send it
                    //We have created a small wrapper class to help keep things clean here
                    ConnectionInfo targetServerConnectionInfo;
                    ExampleHelper.GetServerDetails(out targetServerConnectionInfo);

                    PingRequestReturnDC test = new PingRequestReturnDC(0,0);

                    //There are loads of ways of sending data (see AdvancedSend example for more)
                    //but the most simple, which we use here, just uses an IP address (string) and port (integer) 
                    //We pull these values out of the ConnectionInfo object we got above and voila!
                    NetworkComms.SendObject("Message", ((System.Net.IPEndPoint)targetServerConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(), ((System.Net.IPEndPoint)targetServerConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint).Port, test);

            //We should always call shutdown on comms if we have used it
        /// <summary>
        /// Run example
        /// </summary>
        public static void RunExample()
            //NetworkComms.PacketConfirmationTimeoutMS = 1000000;

            //var processors = new List<DataProcessor> { DPSManager.GetDataProcessor<SharpZipLibCompressor.SharpZipLibGzipCompressor>(), DPSManager.GetDataProcessor<RijndaelPSKEncrypter>() };
            var processors = new List<DataProcessor> { DPSManager.GetDataProcessor<RijndaelPSKEncrypter>() };
            var dataOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            RijndaelPSKEncrypter.AddPasswordToOptions(dataOptions, "oj1N0bcfsjtQxfgRKT7B");
            var options = new SendReceiveOptions(DPSManager.GetDataSerializer<ProtobufSerializer>(), processors, dataOptions) { UseNestedPacket = false };

            //Uncomment to make it work
            //RijndaelPSKEncrypter.AddPasswordToOptions(NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions.Options, "oj1N0bcfsjtQxfgRKT7B");

            var points = new List<IPEndPoint>();
            var localIPs = HostInfo.IP.FilteredLocalAddresses();
            foreach (var ip in localIPs)
                var listener = new TCPConnectionListener(options, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled);
                listener.AppendIncomingPacketHandler<string>("Kill all humans",
                                (header, con, customObject) =>
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nReceived custom protobuf object from " + con);
                                }, options);
                Connection.StartListening(listener, new IPEndPoint(ip, 0));
                points.Add(listener.LocalListenEndPoint as IPEndPoint);

            Console.WriteLine("Listening on:");
            foreach (var endpoint in points)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", endpoint.Address.ToString(), endpoint.Port.ToString());

            var point = points.First();
            //IPEndPoint point = IPTools.ParseEndPointFromString("::1:46112");

            var connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(point);
            var connection = TCPConnection.GetConnection(connectionInfo);

            options.ReceiveConfirmationRequired = true;
            connection.SendObject("Kill all humans", "Bite my shiny metal ass", options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Run example
        /// </summary>
        public static void RunExample()
            //Select mode
            Console.WriteLine("SpeedTest Example ...\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Please select host or peer mode:");
            Console.WriteLine("1 - Host Mode (Catches Data)");
            Console.WriteLine("2 - Peer Mode (Sends Data)");

            //Read in user choice
            if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.D1) hostMode = true;
            else hostMode = false;

            if (hostMode)
                //Prepare DFS in host mode
                #region ServerMode
                Console.WriteLine("\n ... host mode selected.");

                NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishShutdownDelegate clientEstablishDelegate = (connection) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Client " + connection.ConnectionInfo + " connected.");

                NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishShutdownDelegate clientShutdownDelegate = (connection) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Client " + connection.ConnectionInfo + " disconnected.");

                NetworkComms.PacketHandlerCallBackDelegate<byte[]> IncomingDataDelegate = (packetHeader, connection, incomingObject) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Speed bytes received from " + connection.ConnectionInfo +".");

                NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler("SpeedData", IncomingDataDelegate);

                //Start listening for TCP connections
                //We want to select a random port on all available adaptors so provide 
                //an IPEndPoint using IPAddress.Any and port 0.
                Connection.StartListening(ConnectionType.TCP, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));

                Console.WriteLine("\nListening for incoming connections on:");
                foreach (IPEndPoint localEndPoint in Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.TCP))
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", localEndPoint.Address, localEndPoint.Port);

                Console.WriteLine("\nIdentifier - {0}", NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier);
                Console.WriteLine("\nPress 'q' to close host.\n");

                while (true)
                    ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = Console.ReadKey(true);
                    if (pressedKey.Modifiers != ConsoleModifiers.Control && pressedKey.Key == ConsoleKey.Q)
                        Console.WriteLine("Closing host.");
            else if (!hostMode)
                //Prepare DFS in peer mode
                #region PeerMode
                Console.WriteLine("\n ... peer mode selected.");

                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter how large the test data packet should be in MB and press return (larger is more accurate), e.g. 1024:");
                int numberMegsToCreate = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                //Fill a byte[] with random data
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                Random randGen = new Random();
                byte[] someRandomData = new byte[numberMegsToCreate * 1024 * 1024];

                Console.WriteLine("\nTest speed data created. Using {0}MB.\n", numberMegsToCreate);

                NetworkComms.PacketConfirmationTimeoutMS = 20000;
                ConnectionInfo serverConnectionInfo = ExampleHelper.GetServerDetails();

                Console.WriteLine("\nIdentifier - {0}", NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier);

                SendReceiveOptions nullCompressionSRO = new SendReceiveOptions<NullSerializer>();

                //Add options which will require receive confirmations and also include packet construction time
                //in the packet header.
                nullCompressionSRO.Options.Add("ReceiveConfirmationRequired", "");
                nullCompressionSRO.Options.Add("IncludePacketConstructionTime", "");

                TCPConnection serverConnection = TCPConnection.GetConnection(serverConnectionInfo);
                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

                while (true)
                    serverConnection.SendObject("SpeedData", someRandomData, nullCompressionSRO);
                    Console.WriteLine("SpeedData sent successfully with receive confirmation in {0}secs. Corresponds to {1}MB/s", (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0).ToString("0.00"), (numberMegsToCreate / (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0)).ToString("0.00"));

        /// <summary>
        /// Run example
        /// </summary>
        public static void RunExample()
            NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS = int.MaxValue;

            SendReceiveOptions nullCompressionSRO = new SendReceiveOptions(DPSManager.GetDataSerializer<ProtobufSerializer>(), null, null);
            NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions = nullCompressionSRO;

            //We need to define what happens when packets are received.
            //To do this we add an incoming packet handler for a 'Message' packet type. 
            //We will define what we want the handler to do inline by using a lambda expression
            //We could also just point the AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler method 
            //to a standard method (See AdvancedSend example)
            //This handler will convert the incoming raw bytes into a string (this is what 
            //the <string> bit means) and then write that string to the local console window.
            NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<string>("Message", (packetHeader, connection, incomingString) => { Console.WriteLine("\n  ... Incoming message from " + connection.ToString() + " saying '" + incomingString + "'."); });

            //Start listenning
            BluetoothRadio defaultRadio = BluetoothRadio.PrimaryRadio;
            defaultRadio.Mode = RadioMode.Discoverable;
            Connection.StartListening(ConnectionType.Bluetooth, new BluetoothEndPoint(defaultRadio.LocalAddress, ServiceGUID), true);

            //Print the address we are listening on to make sure everything
            //worked as expected.
            Console.WriteLine("Listening for messages on:");
            foreach (var localEndPoint in Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.Bluetooth))
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", localEndPoint);


            //We loop here to allow any number of test messages to be sent and received
            while (true)
                //Request a message to send somewhere
                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter your message and press enter (Type 'exit' to quit):");
                string stringToSend = Console.ReadLine();

                //If the user has typed exit then we leave our loop and end the example
                if (stringToSend == "exit") break;
                    //Once we have a message we need to know where to send it
                    //We have created a small wrapper class to help keep things clean here
                    var endpoints = PeerDiscovery.DiscoverPeers(PeerDiscovery.DiscoveryMethod.BluetoothSDP, 1000);

                    ConnectionInfo targetServerConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(new BluetoothEndPoint(new BluetoothAddress(0xE0B9A5FB552BL), ServiceGUID));

                    //There are loads of ways of sending data (see AdvancedSend example for more)
                    //but the most simple, which we use here, just uses an IP address (string) and port (integer) 
                    //We pull these values out of the ConnectionInfo object we got above and voila!
                    var connection = BluetoothConnection.GetConnection(targetServerConnectionInfo);

                    connection.SendObject("Message", "Hello world");

            //We should always call shutdown on comms if we have used it
Example #7
        static DFS()
            MinTargetLocalPort = 10000;
            MaxTargetLocalPort = 10999;

            //BuildTaskFactory = new TaskFactory(new LimitedParallelismTaskScheduler(MaxConcurrentLocalItemBuild));
            BuildTaskFactory = new TaskFactory();

            nullCompressionSRO = new SendReceiveOptions(DPSManager.GetDataSerializer<ProtobufSerializer>(),
                            new List<DataProcessor>(),
                            new Dictionary<string, string>());

            highPrioReceiveSRO = (SendReceiveOptions)NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions.Clone();
            highPrioReceiveSRO.Options.Add("ReceiveHandlePriority", Enum.GetName(typeof(ThreadPriority), ThreadPriority.AboveNormal));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// TCP - Received by this DFS if a server is telling this instance to build a local file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packetHeader"></param>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="assemblyConfig"></param>
        private static void IncomingLocalItemBuild(PacketHeader packetHeader, Connection connection, ItemAssemblyConfig assemblyConfig)
            //We start the build in the DFS task factory as it will be a long lived task
            //BuildTaskFactory.StartNew(() =>
            Action assembleAction = new Action(() =>
                    DistributedItem newItem = null;
                    byte[] itemBytes = null;

                        if (assemblyConfig == null)
                            throw new NullReferenceException("AssemblyConfig should not be null.");

                        if (DFS.loggingEnabled) DFS._DFSLogger.Debug("IncomingLocalItemBuild from " + connection + " for item " + assemblyConfig.CompleteDataCheckSum + ".");

                        //We check to see if we already have the necessary file locally
                        lock (globalDFSLocker)
                            if (swarmedItemsDict.ContainsKey(assemblyConfig.CompleteDataCheckSum))
                                if (swarmedItemsDict[assemblyConfig.CompleteDataCheckSum].Data.ItemBytesLength != assemblyConfig.TotalItemSizeInBytes)
                                    throw new Exception("Possible MD5 conflict detected.");
                                    newItem = swarmedItemsDict[assemblyConfig.CompleteDataCheckSum];
                                newItem = new DistributedItem(assemblyConfig);
                                swarmedItemsDict.Add(assemblyConfig.CompleteDataCheckSum, newItem);

                        //Ensure all possible local listeners are added here
                        List<ConnectionInfo> seedConnectionInfoList = (from current in Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.TCP) select new ConnectionInfo(ConnectionType.TCP, NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier, current, true)).ToList();
                        foreach (ConnectionInfo info in seedConnectionInfoList)
                            newItem.SwarmChunkAvailability.AddOrUpdateCachedPeerChunkFlags(info, newItem.SwarmChunkAvailability.PeerChunkAvailability(NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier), newItem.SwarmChunkAvailability.PeerIsSuperPeer(NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier), false);

                        //Build the item from the swarm
                        //If the item is already complete this will return immediately
                        newItem.AssembleItem((int)(ItemBuildTimeoutSecsPerMB * (assemblyConfig.TotalItemSizeInBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0))));

                        //Once complete we pass the item bytes back into network comms
                        //If an exception is thrown we will probably not call this method, timeouts in other areas should then handle and can restart the build.
                        if (newItem.LocalItemComplete() && assemblyConfig.CompletedPacketType != "")
                            if (DFS.loggingEnabled) DFS._DFSLogger.Debug("IncomingLocalItemBuild completed for item with MD5 " + assemblyConfig.CompleteDataCheckSum + ". Item build target is " + assemblyConfig.ItemBuildMode + ".");

                            itemBytes = newItem.GetCompletedItemBytes();
                        else if (assemblyConfig.CompletedPacketType != "")

                        if (DFS.loggingEnabled)
                            Exception exceptionToLogWith = new Exception("Build completed successfully. Logging was enabled so saving build log.");
                            string fileName = "DFSItemBuildLog_" + newItem.ItemIdentifier + "_" + NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier;
                            if (newItem != null)
                                LogTools.LogException(exceptionToLogWith, fileName, newItem.BuildLog().Aggregate(Environment.NewLine, (p, q) => { return p + Environment.NewLine + q; }));
                                LogTools.LogException(exceptionToLogWith, fileName, "newItem==null so no build log was available.");
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                        //The item was closed during assemble, no need to log an errors here
                    catch (CommsException e)
                        //Crap an error has happened, let people know we probably don't have a good file
                        //connection.CloseConnection(true, 30);
                        //LogTools.LogException(e, "CommsError_IncomingLocalItemBuild");

                        if (newItem != null)
                            LogTools.LogException(e, "Error_IncomingLocalItemBuildComms", newItem.BuildLog().Aggregate(Environment.NewLine, (p, q) => { return p + Environment.NewLine + q; }));
                            LogTools.LogException(e, "Error_IncomingLocalItemBuildComms", "newItem==null so no build log was available.");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //Crap an error has happened, let people know we probably don't have a good file
                        //connection.CloseConnection(true, 31);

                        if (newItem != null)
                            LogTools.LogException(e, "Error_IncomingLocalItemBuild", newItem.BuildLog().Aggregate(Environment.NewLine, (p, q) => { return p + Environment.NewLine + q; }));
                            LogTools.LogException(e, "Error_IncomingLocalItemBuild", "newItem==null so no build log was available.");
                    //Putting any code here appears to cause a sigsegv fault on leaving the finally in mono
                    //Just moved the code out to below as it makes no difference

                    //Regardless of if the item completed we call the necessary packet handlers
                    //If there was a build error we just pass null data to the handlers so that the errors can get called up the relevant stack traces.
                        PacketHeader itemPacketHeader = new PacketHeader(assemblyConfig.CompletedPacketType, newItem == null ? 0 : newItem.Data.ItemBytesLength);
                        //We set the item checksum so that the entire distributed item can be easily retrieved later
                        itemPacketHeader.SetOption(PacketHeaderStringItems.PacketIdentifier, newItem == null ? "" :  newItem.ItemTypeStr + "|" + newItem.ItemIdentifier + "|" + newItem.Data.CompleteDataCheckSum);

                        var dataStream = (itemBytes == null ? new MemoryStream(new byte[0], 0, 0, false, true) : new MemoryStream(itemBytes, 0, itemBytes.Length, false, true));
                        var sendRecieveOptions = new SendReceiveOptions<NullSerializer>(new Dictionary<string, string>());
                        NetworkComms.TriggerAllPacketHandlers(itemPacketHeader, connection, dataStream, sendRecieveOptions);                            
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogTools.LogException(ex, "Error_IncomingLocalItemBuildFinal");

            if (BuildTaskFactory == null)
                LogTools.LogException(new NullReferenceException("BuildTaskFactory is null in IncomingLocalItemBuild"), "IncomingLocalBuildError");
                //Thread buildThread = new Thread(buildAction);
                //buildThread.Name = "DFS_" + assemblyConfig.ItemIdentifier + "_Build";
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the supplied <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> is compatible, from a serialization point of view, with this instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> to compare against</param>
        /// <returns>True if the options are compatible, false otherwise</returns>
        /// <remarks>Two <see cref="SendReceiveOptions"/> instances will be compatible if they use the same <see cref="DPSBase.DataSerializer"/> and the same set of <see cref="DPSBase.DataProcessor"/>s</remarks>
        public bool OptionsCompatible(SendReceiveOptions options)
            if (options == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("options", "Provided SendReceiveOptions cannot be null.");

            bool equal = options.DataSerializer == DataSerializer;

            for (int i = 0; i < options.DataProcessors.Count; i++)
                equal &= options.DataProcessors[i] == DataProcessors[i];

            return equal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new packetHeader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packetTypeStr">The packet type to be used.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadPacketSize">The size on bytes of the payload</param>
        /// <param name="sendReceiveOptions">Send receive options which may contain header relevant options.</param>
        /// <param name="requestedReturnPacketTypeStr">An optional field representing the expected return packet type</param>
        /// <param name="checkSumHash">An optional field representing the payload checksum</param>
        public PacketHeader(string packetTypeStr, long payloadPacketSize, SendReceiveOptions sendReceiveOptions = null, string requestedReturnPacketTypeStr = null, string checkSumHash = null)
            if (packetTypeStr == requestedReturnPacketTypeStr)
                throw new ArgumentException("The provided packetTypeStr and requestedReturnPacketTypeStr parameters must be different.");

            longItems = new Dictionary<PacketHeaderLongItems, long>();
            stringItems = new Dictionary<PacketHeaderStringItems, string>();

            stringItems.Add(PacketHeaderStringItems.PacketType, packetTypeStr);
            longItems.Add(PacketHeaderLongItems.TotalPayloadSize, payloadPacketSize);

            if (payloadPacketSize < 0)
                throw new Exception("payloadPacketSize can not be less than 0.");

            if (requestedReturnPacketTypeStr != null)
                stringItems.Add(PacketHeaderStringItems.RequestedReturnPacketType, requestedReturnPacketTypeStr);

            if (checkSumHash != null)
                stringItems.Add(PacketHeaderStringItems.CheckSumHash, checkSumHash);

            if (sendReceiveOptions != null)
                if (sendReceiveOptions.Options.ContainsKey("ReceiveConfirmationRequired"))
                    stringItems.Add(PacketHeaderStringItems.ReceiveConfirmationRequired, "");

                if (sendReceiveOptions.Options.ContainsKey("IncludePacketConstructionTime"))
                    longItems.Add(PacketHeaderLongItems.PacketCreationTime, DateTime.Now.Ticks);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor used for deserialisation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packetHeaderStream"></param>
        /// <param name="headerSendReceiveOptions"></param>
        internal PacketHeader(MemoryStream packetHeaderStream, SendReceiveOptions headerSendReceiveOptions)
                if (packetHeaderStream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("packetData", "Provided MemoryStream parameter cannot be null.");
                if (headerSendReceiveOptions == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sendReceiveOptions", "Provided SendReceiveOptions parameter cannot be null.");

                if (packetHeaderStream.Length == 0)
                    throw new SerialisationException("Attempted to create packetHeader using byte[0].");

                PacketHeader tempObject = headerSendReceiveOptions.DataSerializer.DeserialiseDataObject<PacketHeader>(packetHeaderStream, headerSendReceiveOptions.DataProcessors, headerSendReceiveOptions.Options);
                if (tempObject == null || !tempObject.longItems.ContainsKey(PacketHeaderLongItems.TotalPayloadSize) || !tempObject.stringItems.ContainsKey(PacketHeaderStringItems.PacketType))
                    throw new SerialisationException("Failed to deserialize a valid packet header. Deserialized header result was null or did not contain the compulsory fields, TotalPayloadSize and PacketType.");
                    stringItems = new Dictionary<PacketHeaderStringItems, string>();
                    foreach (var pair in tempObject.stringItems)
                        stringItems.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
                    longItems = new Dictionary<PacketHeaderLongItems, long>();
                    foreach (var pair in tempObject.longItems)
                        longItems.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                NetworkCommsDotNet.Tools.LogTools.LogException(ex, "PacketHeaderDeserialisationError", "The header data follows:" + BitConverter.ToString(packetHeaderStream.ToArray())); 
                throw new SerialisationException("Error deserializing packetHeader. " + ex.ToString());
        public static void RunExample()
            Console.WriteLine("Please select mode:");
            Console.WriteLine("1 - Server (Listens for connections)");
            Console.WriteLine("2 - Client (Creates connections to server)");

            sendReceiveOptions = new SendReceiveOptions<NullSerializer>();
            //RijndaelPSKEncrypter.AddPasswordToOptions(sendReceiveOptions.Options, "test");

            //NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS = 600000;
            NetworkComms.ConnectionListenModeUseSync = true;

            X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate2("testCertificate.pfx");
            sslOptions = new SSLOptions(cert, true);

            //Read in user choice
            if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.D1) serverMode = true;
            else serverMode = false;

            UDPConnection.DefaultUDPOptions = UDPOptions.None;

            IPAddress localIPAddress = IPAddress.Parse("::1");
            packetTypeStr = "Unmanaged";

            if (serverMode)
                //NetworkComms.DOSProtection.Enabled = true;


                //Listen for connections
                int totalNumberOfListenPorts = 500;

                int portDivisor = 0;
                if ((mode & TestMode.TCP_Managed) == TestMode.TCP_Managed) portDivisor++;
                if ((mode & TestMode.TCP_Unmanaged) == TestMode.TCP_Unmanaged) portDivisor++;
                if ((mode & TestMode.UDP_Managed) == TestMode.UDP_Managed) portDivisor++;
                if ((mode & TestMode.UDP_Unmanaged) == TestMode.UDP_Unmanaged) portDivisor++;
                if ((mode & TestMode.TCPSSL_Managed) == TestMode.TCPSSL_Managed) portDivisor++;

                List<EndPoint> localIPEndPoints = new List<EndPoint>();
                List<ConnectionListenerBase> listeners = new List<ConnectionListenerBase>();
                for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfListenPorts/portDivisor; i++)
                    if ((mode & TestMode.TCP_Managed) == TestMode.TCP_Managed)
                        localIPEndPoints.Add(new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 10000 + i));
                        listeners.Add(new TCPConnectionListener(sendReceiveOptions, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled));

                    if ((mode & TestMode.TCP_Unmanaged) == TestMode.TCP_Unmanaged)
                        localIPEndPoints.Add(new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 20000 + i));
                        listeners.Add(new TCPConnectionListener(sendReceiveOptions, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled));

                    if ((mode & TestMode.UDP_Managed) == TestMode.UDP_Managed)
                        localIPEndPoints.Add(new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 30000 + i));
                        listeners.Add(new UDPConnectionListener(sendReceiveOptions, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled, UDPConnection.DefaultUDPOptions));

                    if ((mode & TestMode.UDP_Unmanaged) == TestMode.UDP_Unmanaged)
                        localIPEndPoints.Add(new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 40000 + i));
                        listeners.Add(new UDPConnectionListener(sendReceiveOptions, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled, UDPConnection.DefaultUDPOptions));

                    if ((mode & TestMode.TCPSSL_Managed) == TestMode.TCPSSL_Managed)
                        localIPEndPoints.Add(new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 50000 + i));
                        listeners.Add(new TCPConnectionListener(sendReceiveOptions, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled, sslOptions));

                Connection.StartListening(listeners, localIPEndPoints, true);

                object locker = new object();
                int messageCount = 0;
                long totalBytesReceived = 0;
                int tcpFragmentationConcatCount = 0;
                int connectionEstablishCount = 0;
                int connectionCloseCount = 0;

                //List<string> packetSequenceNumbers = new List<string>();

                NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<byte[]>(packetTypeStr, (header, connection, data) =>
                        lock (locker)
                            //long seqNumber = header.GetOption(PacketHeaderLongItems.PacketSequenceNumber);
                            //packetSequenceNumbers.Add(connection.ToString() + "," + seqNumber);

                            //Increment a global counter

                            if (data.Length != testDataSize)

                            totalBytesReceived += data.Length;
                    }, sendReceiveOptions);

                //Establish handler
                NetworkComms.AppendGlobalConnectionEstablishHandler((connection) =>
                    { lock (locker)

                //Close handler
                NetworkComms.AppendGlobalConnectionCloseHandler((connection) =>
                    lock (locker)

                //Save the ports list out to disk
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("TCPServerPorts.txt", false))
                    List<EndPoint> localListenEndPoints = Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.TCP);
                    foreach (IPEndPoint endPoint in localListenEndPoints)
                        if (Connection.ExistingLocalListeners<TCPConnectionListener>(endPoint)[0].ApplicationLayerProtocol == ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled)
                            sw.WriteLine("T-"+endPoint.Address.ToString() + "-" + endPoint.Port);
                            sw.WriteLine("F-" + endPoint.Address.ToString() + "-" + endPoint.Port);

                //Save the ports list out to disk
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("UDPServerPorts.txt", false))
                    List<EndPoint> localListenEndPoints = Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.UDP);
                    foreach (IPEndPoint endPoint in localListenEndPoints)
                        if (Connection.ExistingLocalListeners<UDPConnectionListener>(endPoint)[0].ApplicationLayerProtocol == ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled)
                            sw.WriteLine("T-" + endPoint.Address.ToString() + "-" + endPoint.Port);
                            sw.WriteLine("F-" + endPoint.Address.ToString() + "-" + endPoint.Port);

                Console.WriteLine("\nSelected mode = {0}, UDPOptions = {1}", mode, UDPConnection.DefaultUDPOptions);
                Console.WriteLine("Connection close after send = {0}", (closeConnectionAfterSend? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
                Console.WriteLine("\nListening for incoming connections on {0} ports. Press 'c' key to see message count.", totalNumberOfListenPorts);

                while (true)
                    ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true);
                    if (key.KeyChar == 'c')
                        Console.WriteLine("#Handlers={0}, #Data={2}, #TCPFragConcat={1}, #Establish={3}, #Close={4}. Press 'c' to refresh message count, any other key to quit.", messageCount, tcpFragmentationConcatCount, totalBytesReceived / (double)testDataSize, connectionEstablishCount, connectionCloseCount);
                        //using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("seqNumbers.txt", false))
                        //    List<string> copy = packetSequenceNumbers.ToList();
                        //    foreach (string line in copy)
                        //        sw.WriteLine(line);

                //Load server port list
                string[] tcpServerPortList = File.ReadAllLines("TCPServerPorts.txt");
                TCPServerEndPoints = new Dictionary<IPEndPoint, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus>();
                foreach (string current in tcpServerPortList)
                    TCPServerEndPoints.Add(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(current.Split('-')[1]), int.Parse(current.Split('-')[2])), (current.Substring(0, 1) == "T" ? ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled : ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled));

                TCPServerEndPointsKeys = TCPServerEndPoints.Keys.ToList();

                string[] udpServerPortList = File.ReadAllLines("UDPServerPorts.txt");
                UDPServerEndPoints = new Dictionary<IPEndPoint, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus>();
                foreach (string current in udpServerPortList)
                    UDPServerEndPoints.Add(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(current.Split('-')[1]), int.Parse(current.Split('-')[2])), (current.Substring(0, 1) == "T" ? ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled : ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled));

                //UDPConnectionListener udpListener = new UDPConnectionListener(sendReceiveOptions,
                //    ((UDPConnection.DefaultUDPOptions & UDPOptions.Handshake) != UDPOptions.Handshake ? ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled : ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled), 
                //    UDPConnection.DefaultUDPOptions);
                //Connection.StartListening(udpListener, new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 10010), true);

                Console.WriteLine("Listening for connections on:");
                foreach (System.Net.IPEndPoint localEndPoint in Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(ConnectionType.UDP)) 
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", localEndPoint.Address, localEndPoint.Port);

                UDPServerEndPointsKeys = UDPServerEndPoints.Keys.ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("\nLoaded {0} TCP & {1} UDP server ports. Press any key to start the hammer!", TCPServerEndPoints.Count, UDPServerEndPointsKeys.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("It's hammer time ...");

                clientHammerData = new byte[testDataSize];

                //Lets start by making as many connections as possible, go to absolute maximum performance
                ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions();
                options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8;

                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
                Parallel.For(0, connectionHammerExecCount, options, ConnectionHammer);

                Console.WriteLine("\nCompleted {0} connections in {1} secs. {2}ms per connection. {3} exceptions. Press any key to quit.", connectionHammerExecCount * connectionsPerHammer, (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0).ToString("0.00"), ((double)timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / (connectionHammerExecCount * connectionsPerHammer)).ToString("0.00"), exceptionCount);

        /// <summary>
        /// Run the AdvancedSend example.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RunExample()
            Console.WriteLine("Unmanaged Connection Example ...\n");

            //              Start of interesting stuff                       //

            Console.WriteLine("\nNOTE: From this point on make sure both clients are configured in the same way if you want the example to work.");

            Console.WriteLine("\nIMPORTANT!! - Many of the features offered by NetworkComms.Net rely on managed connections, "+
                "i.e. those which enable the custom ApplicationLayerProtocol. If you use unmanaged connections, i.e. where the custom "+
                "application protocol has been disabled, you must take into account TCP packet fragmentation and concatenation, "+
                "correctly handling it, for all circumstances.");

            //Choose between unmanaged TCP or UDP

            //Add a packet handler for dealing with incoming unmanaged data
            NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingUnmanagedPacketHandler((header, connection, array) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("\nReceived unmanaged byte[] from " + connection.ToString());

                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + " - " + array[i].ToString());

            //Create suitable send receive options for use with unmanaged connections
            SendReceiveOptions optionsToUse = new SendReceiveOptions<NullSerializer>();

            //Get the local IPEndPoints we intend to listen on
            //The port provided is '0' meaning select a random port.
            List<IPEndPoint> localIPEndPoints = (from current in HostInfo.IP.FilteredLocalAddresses()
                                               select new IPEndPoint(current, 0)).ToList();

            //Create suitable listeners depending on the desired connectionType
            List<ConnectionListenerBase> listeners;
            if (connectionTypeToUse == ConnectionType.TCP)
                //For each localIPEndPoint get a TCP listener
                //We need to set the ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus to Disabled
                listeners = (from current in localIPEndPoints
                             select (ConnectionListenerBase)new TCPConnectionListener(optionsToUse, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled)).ToList();
                //We need to set the ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus to Disabled
                listeners = (from current in localIPEndPoints
                             select (ConnectionListenerBase)new UDPConnectionListener(optionsToUse, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled, UDPConnection.DefaultUDPOptions)).ToList();

            //Start listening
            Connection.StartListening(listeners, localIPEndPoints, true);

            //                End of interesting stuff                       //

            Console.WriteLine("Listening for incoming byte[] on:");
            List<EndPoint> localListeningEndPoints = Connection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints(connectionTypeToUse);
            foreach (IPEndPoint localEndPoint in localListeningEndPoints)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", localEndPoint.Address, localEndPoint.Port);

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key if you want to send data from this client. Press q to quit.");

            while (true)
                //Wait for user to press something before sending anything from this end
                var keyContinue = Console.ReadKey(true);
                if (keyContinue.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) break;

                //Create the send object based on user input
                byteDataToSend = CreateSendArray();

                //Get remote endpoint address
                //Expecting user to enter IP address as
                ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = ExampleHelper.GetServerDetails(ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled);

                //              Start of interesting stuff                       //

                Connection connectionToUse;

                //Create the connection
                if (connectionTypeToUse == ConnectionType.TCP)
                    connectionToUse = TCPConnection.GetConnection(connectionInfo, optionsToUse);
                    connectionToUse = UDPConnection.GetConnection(connectionInfo, UDPOptions.None, optionsToUse);

                //Send the object

                //                End of interesting stuff                       //

                Console.WriteLine("\nSend complete. Press 'q' to quit or any other key to send something else.");

            //              Start of interesting stuff                       //

            //Make sure you call shutdown when finished to clean up.

            //                End of interesting stuff                       //
        /// <summary>
        /// Discover peers using TCP port scan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="discoverTimeMS"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Dictionary<ShortGuid, Dictionary<ConnectionType, List<EndPoint>>> DiscoverPeersTCP(int discoverTimeMS)
            #region Determine All Possible Peers/Port Combinations
            //Get a list of all IPEndPoint that we should try and connect to
            //This requires the network and peer portion of current IP addresses
            List<IPEndPoint> allIPEndPointsToConnect = new List<IPEndPoint>();

            //Look at all possible addresses
            foreach (var iFace in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
                bool interfaceValid = false;
                var unicastAddresses = iFace.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses;

                //Check if this adaptor is allowed
                if (HostInfo.RestrictLocalAdaptorNames != null)
                    foreach (var currentName in HostInfo.RestrictLocalAdaptorNames)
                        if (iFace.Name == currentName)
                            interfaceValid = true;
                    interfaceValid = true;

                //If the interface is not allowed move to the next adaptor
                if (!interfaceValid)

                //If the adaptor is allowed we can now investigate the individual addresses
                foreach (var address in unicastAddresses)
                    //We are only interested in IPV4 ranges. A TCPPortScan on an IPV6 range may take a while
                    if (address.Address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork &&
                        //Check if we have restricted the addresses
                        bool addressAllowed = true;
                        if (HostInfo.IP.RestrictLocalAddressRanges != null)
                            addressAllowed = IPRange.Contains(HostInfo.IP.RestrictLocalAddressRanges, address.Address);

                        if (addressAllowed)
                            //Generate all possible IPEndPoints for the current address and subnetmask
                            //We have a special catch for the loopback address which has a very large range
                            List<IPAddress> addressesInRange;
                            if (address.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Loopback))
                                addressesInRange = new List<IPAddress>() { IPAddress.Loopback };
                                IPRange range = new IPRange(address.Address, address.IPv4Mask);
                                addressesInRange = range.AllAddressesInRange();

                            foreach (IPAddress currentAddressInRange in addressesInRange)
                                for (int port = MinTargetLocalIPPort; port <= MaxTargetLocalIPPort; port++)
                                    allIPEndPointsToConnect.Add(new IPEndPoint(currentAddressInRange, port));

            #region Send Discovery Packet & Wait
            //For each address send the discovery packet
            SendReceiveOptions nullOptions = new SendReceiveOptions<NullSerializer>();
            StreamTools.StreamSendWrapper sendStream =
                new StreamTools.StreamSendWrapper(new StreamTools.ThreadSafeStream(new MemoryStream(new byte[0])));

            int previousConnectionTimeout = NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS;
            NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS = 1000;

            AutoResetEvent allSendsCompleteEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            long interlockedCompletedCount = 0;
            object _syncRoot = new object();
            List<Connection> allConnections = new List<Connection>();

            //Get unconnected TCP connections
            foreach (IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint in allIPEndPointsToConnect)
                Connection conn = TCPConnection.GetConnection(new ConnectionInfo(remoteEndPoint), false);
                conn.AppendIncomingPacketHandler<byte[]>(discoveryPacketType, PeerDiscoveryHandler);

            using (Packet sendPacket = new Packet(discoveryPacketType, sendStream, nullOptions))
                foreach (Connection conn in allConnections)
                    Connection innerConnection = conn;

                    //The longest wait for the port scan is the TCP connect timeout
                    //The thread pool will start a large number of threads (each of which does very little)
                    // to greatly speed this up
                    _tcpPortScanThreadPool.EnqueueItem(QueueItemPriority.Normal, (state) =>
                            catch (CommsException)

                            lock (_syncRoot)
                                if (interlockedCompletedCount == allIPEndPointsToConnect.Count)
                        catch (Exception) { }
                    }, null);


            NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS = previousConnectionTimeout;

            AutoResetEvent sleep = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            //We wait at least 1 second so that connected peers can respond
            //If we do not wait and close all connections immediately we may miss some replies
#if NET2
            sleep.WaitOne(Math.Max(discoverTimeMS, 500), false);
            sleep.WaitOne(Math.Max(discoverTimeMS, 500));

            //Close any connections we may have established
            foreach (Connection conn in allConnections)
                catch (CommsException) { }

            #region Return Discovered Peers
            Dictionary<ShortGuid, Dictionary<ConnectionType, List<EndPoint>>> result = new Dictionary<ShortGuid, Dictionary<ConnectionType, List<EndPoint>>>();
            lock (_syncRoot)
                foreach (var idPair in _discoveredPeers)
                    if (!result.ContainsKey(idPair.Key))
                        result.Add(idPair.Key, new Dictionary<ConnectionType, List<EndPoint>>());

                    foreach (var typePair in idPair.Value)
                        if (!result[idPair.Key].ContainsKey(typePair.Key))
                            result[idPair.Key].Add(typePair.Key, new List<EndPoint>());

                        foreach (var endPoint in typePair.Value)
                            if (!result[idPair.Key][typePair.Key].Contains(endPoint.Key))

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Discover peers using UDP broadcast
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="discoverTimeMS"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Dictionary<ShortGuid, Dictionary<ConnectionType, List<EndPoint>>> DiscoverPeersUDP(int discoverTimeMS)
            SendReceiveOptions nullOptions = new SendReceiveOptions<NullSerializer>();
            StreamTools.StreamSendWrapper sendStream =
                new StreamTools.StreamSendWrapper(new StreamTools.ThreadSafeStream(new MemoryStream(new byte[0])));

            using (Packet sendPacket = new Packet(discoveryPacketType, sendStream, nullOptions))
                for (int port = MinTargetLocalIPPort; port <= MaxTargetLocalIPPort; port++)
                    UDPConnection.SendObject<byte[]>(sendPacket, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, port), nullOptions, ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Enabled);


            AutoResetEvent sleep = new AutoResetEvent(false);
#if NET2
            sleep.WaitOne(discoverTimeMS, false);

            Dictionary<ShortGuid, Dictionary<ConnectionType, List<EndPoint>>> result = new Dictionary<ShortGuid, Dictionary<ConnectionType, List<EndPoint>>>();
            lock (_syncRoot)
                foreach (var idPair in _discoveredPeers)
                        result.Add(idPair.Key, new Dictionary<ConnectionType,List<EndPoint>>());

                    foreach(var typePair in idPair.Value)
                            result[idPair.Key].Add(typePair.Key, new List<EndPoint>());

                        foreach(var endPoint in typePair.Value)

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Select the SSL options
        /// </summary>
        private static void SelectSSLOptions()
            int selectedOption;

            //Configure the server options
            //These will be applied for incoming connections
            Console.WriteLine("\nRequire connecting clients to provide certificate?\n1 - Yes (Connection will only be successful if client provides certificate.) \n2 - No (Client only requires certificate name to connect.)");
            while (true)
                bool parseSucces = int.TryParse(Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString(), out selectedOption);
                if (parseSucces && selectedOption <= 2) break;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid connection type choice. Please try again.");

            if (selectedOption == 1)
                Console.WriteLine(" ... selected yes.");
                listenerSSLOptions = new SSLOptions(certificate, true, true);
            else if (selectedOption == 2)
                Console.WriteLine(" ... selected no.");
                listenerSSLOptions = new SSLOptions(certificate, true, false);
                throw new Exception("Unable to determine selected option.");

            //Configure the connection options
            //These will be used when establishing outgoing connections
            Console.WriteLine("\nProvide certificate for outgoing connections?\n1 - Yes (Connection will only be successful if client and server certificate match.)\n2 - No (Client will accept any certificate from server.)");
            while (true)
                bool parseSucces = int.TryParse(Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString(), out selectedOption);
                if (parseSucces && selectedOption <= 2) break;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid connection type choice. Please try again.");

            if (selectedOption == 1)
                Console.WriteLine(" ... selected yes.");
                connectionSSLOptions = new SSLOptions(certificate, true);
            else if (selectedOption == 2)
                Console.WriteLine(" ... selected no.");
                connectionSSLOptions = new SSLOptions("", true);
                throw new Exception("Unable to determine selected option.");

            //Select if the dataPadder will be enabled
            Console.WriteLine("\nWhen sending encrypted data"+
            " the quantity of traffic can give away a significant amount of information. To prevent this"+
            " traffic analysis attack we have included a data processor which if enabled ensures every packet sent"+
            " is of a fixed size. Do you want to enable this padding data processor? " + "\n1 - Yes\n2 - No");
            while (true)
                bool parseSucces = int.TryParse(Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString(), out selectedOption);
                if (parseSucces && selectedOption <= 2) break;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice. Please try again.");

            if (selectedOption == 1)
                Console.WriteLine(" ... selected yes.");
                sendingSendReceiveOptions = new SendReceiveOptions<ProtobufSerializer, DataPadder>();
                DataPadder.AddPaddingOptions(sendingSendReceiveOptions.Options, 1024, DataPadder.DataPaddingType.Random, true);
            else if (selectedOption == 2)
                Console.WriteLine(" ... selected no.");
                sendingSendReceiveOptions = NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions;
                throw new Exception("Unable to determine selected option.");