public async Task UpdateServersFromSubscribe() { void DisableItems(bool v) { MenuStrip.Enabled = ConfigurationGroupBox.Enabled = ProfileGroupBox.Enabled = ControlButton.Enabled = v; } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription && ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription = false; } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription && ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); return; } if (Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Count <= 0) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("No subscription link")); return; } StatusText(i18N.Translate("Starting update subscription")); DisableItems(false); try { if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { var mode = new Models.Mode { Remark = "ProxyUpdate", Type = 5 }; await MainController.Start(ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Server, mode); } await Task.WhenAll(Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Select(async item => await Task.Run(() => { try { var request = WebUtil.CreateRequest(item.Link); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UserAgent)) { request.UserAgent = item.UserAgent; } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { request.Proxy = new WebProxy($"{Global.Settings.HTTPLocalPort}"); } List <Server> servers; var result = WebUtil.DownloadString(request, out var rep); if (rep.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { servers = ShareLink.ParseText(result); } else { throw new Exception($"{item.Remark} Response Status Code: {rep.StatusCode}"); } foreach (var server in servers) { server.Group = item.Remark; } lock (_serverLock) { Global.Settings.Server.RemoveAll(server => server.Group.Equals(item.Remark)); Global.Settings.Server.AddRange(servers); } NotifyTip(i18N.TranslateFormat("Update {1} server(s) from {0}", item.Remark, servers.Count)); } catch (Exception e) { NotifyTip($"{i18N.TranslateFormat("Update servers error from {0}", item.Remark)}\n{e.Message}", info: false); Logging.Error(e.ToString()); } })).ToArray()); InitServer(); Configuration.Save(); StatusText(i18N.Translate("Subscription updated")); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } finally { if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { await MainController.Stop(); } DisableItems(true); } }
private void ControlButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global.Settings.ExitWhenClosed = ExitWhenClosedCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.StopWhenExited = StopWhenExitedCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.StartWhenOpened = StartWhenOpenedCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.CheckUpdateWhenOpened = CheckUpdateWhenOpenedCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.MinimizeWhenStarted = MinimizeWhenStartedCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.RunAtStartup = RunAtStartup.Checked; Global.Settings.BootShadowsocksFromDLL = BootShadowsocksFromDLLCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.Language = LanguageComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); // 开机自启判断 var scheduler = new TaskSchedulerClass(); scheduler.Connect(); var folder = scheduler.GetFolder("\\"); var taskIsExists = false; try { folder.GetTask("Netch Startup"); taskIsExists = true; } catch (Exception) { } if (RunAtStartup.Checked) { if (taskIsExists) { folder.DeleteTask("Netch Startup", 0); } var task = scheduler.NewTask(0); task.RegistrationInfo.Author = "Netch"; task.RegistrationInfo.Description = "Netch run at startup."; task.Principal.RunLevel = _TASK_RUNLEVEL.TASK_RUNLEVEL_HIGHEST; task.Triggers.Create(_TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2.TASK_TRIGGER_LOGON); var action = (IExecAction)task.Actions.Create(_TASK_ACTION_TYPE.TASK_ACTION_EXEC); action.Path = Application.ExecutablePath; task.Settings.ExecutionTimeLimit = "PT0S"; task.Settings.DisallowStartIfOnBatteries = false; task.Settings.RunOnlyIfIdle = false; folder.RegisterTaskDefinition("Netch Startup", task, (int)_TASK_CREATION.TASK_CREATE, null, null, _TASK_LOGON_TYPE.TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN, ""); } else { if (taskIsExists) { folder.DeleteTask("Netch Startup", 0); } } try { var Socks5Port = int.Parse(Socks5PortTextBox.Text); if (Socks5Port > 0 && Socks5Port < 65536) { Global.Settings.Socks5LocalPort = Socks5Port; } else { throw new FormatException(); } } catch (FormatException) { Socks5PortTextBox.Text = Global.Settings.Socks5LocalPort.ToString(); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Port value illegal. Try again.")); return; } try { var HTTPPort = int.Parse(HTTPPortTextBox.Text); if (HTTPPort > 0 && HTTPPort < 65536) { Global.Settings.HTTPLocalPort = HTTPPort; } else { throw new FormatException(); } } catch (FormatException) { HTTPPortTextBox.Text = Global.Settings.HTTPLocalPort.ToString(); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Port value illegal. Try again.")); return; } try { var RedirectorPort = int.Parse(RedirectorTextBox.Text); if (RedirectorPort > 0 && RedirectorPort < 65536) { Global.Settings.RedirectorTCPPort = RedirectorPort; } else { throw new FormatException(); } } catch (FormatException) { RedirectorTextBox.Text = Global.Settings.RedirectorTCPPort.ToString(); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Port value illegal. Try again.")); return; } if (AllowDevicesCheckBox.Checked) { Global.Settings.LocalAddress = ""; } else { Global.Settings.LocalAddress = ""; } try { var Address = IPAddress.Parse(TUNTAPAddressTextBox.Text); var Netmask = IPAddress.Parse(TUNTAPNetmaskTextBox.Text); var Gateway = IPAddress.Parse(TUNTAPGatewayTextBox.Text); var DNS = new List <IPAddress>(); foreach (var ip in TUNTAPDNSTextBox.Text.Split(',')) { DNS.Add(IPAddress.Parse(ip)); } } catch (FormatException) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("IP address format illegal. Try again.")); TUNTAPAddressTextBox.Text = Global.Settings.TUNTAP.Address; TUNTAPNetmaskTextBox.Text = Global.Settings.TUNTAP.Netmask; TUNTAPGatewayTextBox.Text = Global.Settings.TUNTAP.Gateway; var DNS = ""; foreach (var ip in Global.Settings.TUNTAP.DNS) { DNS += ip; DNS += ','; } DNS = DNS.Trim(); TUNTAPDNSTextBox.Text = DNS.Substring(0, DNS.Length - 1); UseCustomDNSCheckBox.Checked = Global.Settings.TUNTAP.UseCustomDNS; return; } try { var ProfileCount = int.Parse(ProfileCount_TextBox.Text); if (ProfileCount > -1) { Global.Settings.ProfileCount = ProfileCount; } else { throw new FormatException(); } } catch (FormatException) { ProfileCount_TextBox.Text = Global.Settings.ProfileCount.ToString(); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("ProfileCount value illegal. Try again.")); return; } try { var STUN_Server = STUN_ServerTextBox.Text; Global.Settings.STUN_Server = STUN_Server; var STUN_ServerPort = int.Parse(STUN_ServerPortTextBox.Text); if (STUN_ServerPort > 0) { Global.Settings.STUN_Server_Port = STUN_ServerPort; } else { throw new FormatException(); } } catch (FormatException) { ProfileCount_TextBox.Text = Global.Settings.ProfileCount.ToString(); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("STUN_ServerPort value illegal. Try again.")); return; } try { Global.Settings.StartedTcping = EnableStartedTcping_CheckBox.Checked; var DetectionInterval = int.Parse(DetectionInterval_TextBox.Text); if (DetectionInterval > 0) { Global.Settings.StartedTcping_Interval = DetectionInterval; } else { throw new FormatException(); } } catch (FormatException) { ProfileCount_TextBox.Text = Global.Settings.ProfileCount.ToString(); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Detection interval value illegal. Try again.")); return; } Global.Settings.ACL = AclAddr.Text; Global.Settings.TUNTAP.Address = TUNTAPAddressTextBox.Text; Global.Settings.TUNTAP.Netmask = TUNTAPNetmaskTextBox.Text; Global.Settings.TUNTAP.Gateway = TUNTAPGatewayTextBox.Text; Global.Settings.TUNTAP.DNS.Clear(); foreach (var ip in TUNTAPDNSTextBox.Text.Split(',')) { Global.Settings.TUNTAP.DNS.Add(ip); } Global.Settings.TUNTAP.UseCustomDNS = UseCustomDNSCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.TUNTAP.ProxyDNS = ProxyDNSCheckBox.Checked; Global.Settings.TUNTAP.UseFakeDNS = UseFakeDNSCheckBox.Checked; Configuration.Save(); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Saved")); Close(); }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RemarkTextBox.Text)) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Remark can not be empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkTextBox.Text)) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Link can not be empty")); return; } if (!LinkTextBox.Text.StartsWith("HTTP://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !LinkTextBox.Text.StartsWith("HTTPS://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Links must start with http:// or https://")); return; } // 备注重复的订阅项 var duplicateRemarkItems = Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Where(link => link.Remark.Equals(RemarkLabel.Text)); // 链接重复的订阅项 SubscribeLink duplicateLinkItem = null; try { duplicateLinkItem = Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.First(link => link.Link.Equals(LinkTextBox.Text)); } catch { // ignored } if (duplicateRemarkItems.Any()) { MessageBoxX.Show("Remark Name Duplicate!"); return; } if (duplicateLinkItem != null) { if (duplicateLinkItem.Remark != RemarkTextBox.Text) { RenameServersGroup(duplicateLinkItem.Remark, RemarkTextBox.Text); } duplicateLinkItem.Remark = RemarkTextBox.Text; duplicateLinkItem.UserAgent = UserAgentTextBox.Text; } else if (_editingIndex != -1) { // 只修改备注/未修改被上面处理 var target = Global.Settings.SubscribeLink[_editingIndex]; if (MessageBox.Show(i18N.Translate("Delete the corresponding group of items in the server list?"), i18N.Translate("Confirm"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { DeleteServersInGroup(target.Remark); } else { RenameServersGroup(target.Remark, RemarkTextBox.Text); } target.Link = LinkTextBox.Text; target.Remark = RemarkTextBox.Text; target.UserAgent = UserAgentTextBox.Text; } else { Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Add(new SubscribeLink { Remark = RemarkTextBox.Text, Link = LinkTextBox.Text, UserAgent = UserAgentTextBox.Text }); } Configuration.Save(); Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription = UseSelectedServerCheckBox.Checked; // MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Saved")); ResetEditingGroup(); InitSubscribeLink(); }
private void UpdateServersFromSubscribeLinksToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var bak_State = State; var bak_StateText = StatusLabel.Text; if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription && ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription = false; } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { // 当前 ServerComboBox 中至少有一项 if (ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); return; } MenuStrip.Enabled = ConfigurationGroupBox.Enabled = ControlButton.Enabled = SettingsButton.Enabled = false; ControlButton.Text = "..."; } if (Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Count > 0) { StatusText(i18N.Translate("Starting update subscription")); DeleteServerPictureBox.Enabled = false; UpdateServersFromSubscribeLinksToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; Task.Run(() => { if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { var mode = new Models.Mode { Remark = "ProxyUpdate", Type = 5 }; _mainController = new MainController(); _mainController.Start(ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Server, mode); } foreach (var item in Global.Settings.SubscribeLink) { using var client = new WebClient(); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UserAgent)) { client.Headers.Add("User-Agent", item.UserAgent); } else { client.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36"); } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { client.Proxy = new WebProxy($"{Global.Settings.HTTPLocalPort}"); } var response = client.DownloadString(item.Link); try { response = ShareLink.URLSafeBase64Decode(response); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } Global.Settings.Server = Global.Settings.Server.Where(server => server.Group != item.Remark).ToList(); var result = ShareLink.Parse(response); if (result != null) { foreach (var x in result) { x.Group = item.Remark; } Global.Settings.Server.AddRange(result); NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5, UpdateChecker.Name, string.Format(i18N.Translate("Update {1} server(s) from {0}"), item.Remark, result.Count), ToolTipIcon.Info); } else { NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5, UpdateChecker.Name, string.Format(i18N.Translate("Update servers error from {0}"), item.Remark), ToolTipIcon.Error); } } catch (Exception) { } } InitServer(); DeleteServerPictureBox.Enabled = true; if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { MenuStrip.Enabled = ConfigurationGroupBox.Enabled = ControlButton.Enabled = SettingsButton.Enabled = true; ControlButton.Text = i18N.Translate("Start"); _mainController.Stop(); NatTypeStatusLabel.Text = ""; } Configuration.Save(); StatusText(i18N.Translate("Subscription updated")); MenuStrip.Enabled = ConfigurationGroupBox.Enabled = ControlButton.Enabled = SettingsButton.Enabled = true; State = bak_State; StatusLabel.Text = bak_StateText; }).ContinueWith(task => { BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateServersFromSubscribeLinksToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; })); }); NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5, UpdateChecker.Name, i18N.Translate("Updating in the background"), ToolTipIcon.Info); } else { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("No subscription link")); } }
private async void ProfileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var index = ProfileButtons.IndexOf((Button)sender); if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { if (ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); } else if (ModeComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a mode first")); } else if (ProfileNameText.Text == "") { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please enter a profile name first")); } else { SaveProfile(index); ProfileButtons[index].Text = ProfileNameText.Text; } return; } if (Global.Settings.Profiles[index].IsDummy) { MessageBoxX.Show( i18N.Translate("No saved profile here. Save a profile first by Ctrl+Click on the button")); return; } if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { if (MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Remove this Profile?"), confirm: true) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } RemoveProfile(index); ProfileButtons[index].Text = i18N.Translate("None"); return; } try { LoadProfile(index); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBoxX.Show(exception.Message, LogLevel.ERROR); return; } // start the profile ControlFun(); if (State == State.Stopping || State == State.Stopped) { while (State != State.Stopped) { await Task.Delay(250); } ControlFun(); } }
public async Task UpdateServersFromSubscribe() { void DisableItems(bool v) { MenuStrip.Enabled = ConfigurationGroupBox.Enabled = ProfileGroupBox.Enabled = ControlButton.Enabled = v; } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription && ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription = false; } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription && ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); return; } if (Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Count <= 0) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("No subscription link")); return; } StatusText(i18N.Translate("Starting update subscription")); DisableItems(false); try { if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { var mode = new Models.Mode { Remark = "ProxyUpdate", Type = 5 }; await MainController.Start(ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Server, mode); } var serverLock = new object(); await Task.WhenAll(Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Select(async item => await Task.Run(async() => { try { var request = WebUtil.CreateRequest(item.Link); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UserAgent)) { request.UserAgent = item.UserAgent; } if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { request.Proxy = new WebProxy($"{Global.Settings.HTTPLocalPort}"); } var str = await WebUtil.DownloadStringAsync(request); try { str = ShareLink.URLSafeBase64Decode(str); } catch { // ignored } lock (serverLock) { Global.Settings.Server.RemoveAll(server => server.Group == item.Remark); var result = ShareLink.Parse(str); if (result != null) { foreach (var server in result) { server.Group = item.Remark; Global.Settings.Server.Add(server); } } NotifyTip(i18N.TranslateFormat("Update {1} server(s) from {0}", item.Remark, result?.Count ?? 0)); } } catch (WebException e) { NotifyTip($"{i18N.TranslateFormat("Update servers error from {0}", item.Remark)}\n{e.Message}", info: false); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Error(e.ToString()); } })).ToArray()); InitServer(); Configuration.Save(); StatusText(i18N.Translate("Subscription updated")); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } finally { if (Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription) { await MainController.Stop(); } DisableItems(true); } }
private async void ControlFun() { if (State == State.Waiting || State == State.Stopped) { // 服务器、模式 需选择 if (ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); return; } if (ModeComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a mode first")); return; } // 清除模式搜索框文本选择 ModeComboBox.Select(0, 0); State = State.Starting; await Task.Run(Firewall.AddNetchFwRules); var server = ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Server; var mode = ModeComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Mode; var result = false; await Task.Run(() => { try { // TODO 完善控制器异常处理 result = _mainController.Start(server, mode); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is DllNotFoundException || e is FileNotFoundException) { MessageBoxX.Show(e.Message + "\n\n" + i18N.Translate("Missing File or runtime components"), owner: Global.MainForm); } Netch.Application_OnException(null, new ThreadExceptionEventArgs(e)); } }); if (result) { State = State.Started; _ = Task.Run(() => { Bandwidth.NetTraffic(server, mode, _mainController); }); // 如果勾选启动后最小化 if (Global.Settings.MinimizeWhenStarted) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; if (_isFirstCloseWindow) { // 显示提示语 NotifyTip(i18N.Translate("Netch is now minimized to the notification bar, double click this icon to restore.")); _isFirstCloseWindow = false; } Hide(); } if (Global.Settings.StartedTcping) { // 自动检测延迟 await Task.Run(() => { while (State == State.Started) { server.Test(); // 重载服务器列表 InitServer(); Thread.Sleep(Global.Settings.StartedTcping_Interval * 1000); } }); } } else { State = State.Stopped; StatusText(i18N.Translate("Start failed")); } } else { // 停止 State = State.Stopping; _mainController.Stop(); State = State.Stopped; _ = Task.Run(TestServer); } }
private void ProfileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var index = ProfileButtons.IndexOf((Button)sender); if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { if (ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); } else if (ModeComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select an mode first")); } else if (ProfileNameText.Text == "") { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please enter a profile name first")); } else { SaveProfile(index); ProfileButtons[index].Text = ProfileNameText.Text; } } else if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift) { if (MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Remove this Profile?"), confirm: true) == DialogResult.OK) { RemoveProfile(index); ProfileButtons[index].Text = i18N.Translate("None"); MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Profile Removed!")); } } else { if (Global.Settings.Profiles[index].IsDummy) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("No saved profile here. Save a profile first by Ctrl+Click on the button")); return; } try { ProfileNameText.Text = LoadProfile(index); // start the profile ControlFun(); if (State == State.Stopping || State == State.Stopped) { Task.Run(() => { while (State != State.Stopped) { Thread.Sleep(250); } ControlButton.PerformClick(); }); } } catch (Exception ee) { Task.Run(() => { Logging.Info(ee.ToString()); ProfileButtons[index].Text = i18N.Translate("Error"); Thread.Sleep(1200); ProfileButtons[index].Text = i18N.Translate("None"); }); } } }
private async void ControlFun() { Configuration.Save(); if (State == State.Waiting || State == State.Stopped) { // 服务器、模式 需选择 if (ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); return; } if (ModeComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a mode first")); return; } // 清除模式搜索框文本选择 ModeComboBox.Select(0, 0); State = State.Starting; var server = ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Server; var mode = ModeComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Mode; if (await _mainController.Start(server, mode)) { State = State.Started; _ = Task.Run(() => { Bandwidth.NetTraffic(server, mode, ref _mainController); }); // 如果勾选启动后最小化 if (Global.Settings.MinimizeWhenStarted) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; if (_isFirstCloseWindow) { // 显示提示语 NotifyTip(i18N.Translate("Netch is now minimized to the notification bar, double click this icon to restore.")); _isFirstCloseWindow = false; } Hide(); } if (Global.Settings.StartedTcping) { // 自动检测延迟 _ = Task.Run(() => { while (State == State.Started) { server.Test(); // 重绘 ServerComboBox ServerComboBox.Invalidate(); Thread.Sleep(Global.Settings.StartedTcping_Interval * 1000); } }); } } else { State = State.Stopped; StatusText(i18N.Translate("Start failed")); } } else { // 停止 State = State.Stopping; await _mainController.Stop(); State = State.Stopped; _ = Task.Run(TestServer); } }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RemarkTextBox.Text)) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Remark can not be empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LinkTextBox.Text)) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Link can not be empty")); return; } if (!LinkTextBox.Text.StartsWith("HTTP://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !LinkTextBox.Text.StartsWith("HTTPS://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Link must start with http:// or https://")); return; } if (_editingIndex == -1) { if (Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Any(link => link.Remark.Equals(RemarkTextBox.Text))) { MessageBoxX.Show("Remark Name Duplicate!"); return; } Global.Settings.SubscribeLink.Add(new SubscribeLink { Enable = true, Remark = RemarkTextBox.Text, Link = LinkTextBox.Text, UserAgent = UserAgentTextBox.Text }); } else { var target = Global.Settings.SubscribeLink[_editingIndex]; /*if (MessageBox.Show(i18N.Translate("Delete the corresponding group of items in the server list?"), i18N.Translate("Confirm"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) * { * DeleteServersInGroup(target.Remark); * } * else * { * RenameServersGroup(target.Remark, RemarkTextBox.Text); * }*/ ListViewItem listViewItem = SubscribeLinkListView.Items[_editingIndex]; target.Enable = listViewItem.Checked; target.Link = LinkTextBox.Text; target.Remark = RemarkTextBox.Text; target.UserAgent = UserAgentTextBox.Text; } MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Saved")); Configuration.Save(); Global.Settings.UseProxyToUpdateSubscription = UseSelectedServerCheckBox.Checked; ResetEditingGroup(); InitSubscribeLink(); }
public void ControlFun() { SaveConfigs(); if (State == State.Waiting || State == State.Stopped) { // 服务器、模式 需选择 if (ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); return; } if (ModeComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select an mode first")); return; } //MenuStrip.Enabled = ConfigurationGroupBox.Enabled = ControlButton.Enabled = SettingsButton.Enabled = false; UpdateStatus(State.Starting); Firewall.AddNetchFwRules(); Task.Run(() => { var server = ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Server; var mode = ModeComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Mode; MainController = new MainController(); var startResult = MainController.Start(server, mode); if (startResult) { Task.Run(() => { LastUploadBandwidth = 0; //LastDownloadBandwidth = 0; //UploadSpeedLabel.Text = "↑: 0 KB/s"; DownloadSpeedLabel.Text = "↑↓: 0 KB/s"; UsedBandwidthLabel.Text = $"{i18N.Translate("Used",": ")}0 KB"; UsedBandwidthLabel.Visible = UploadSpeedLabel.Visible = DownloadSpeedLabel.Visible = true; UploadSpeedLabel.Visible = false; Bandwidth.NetTraffic(server, mode, MainController); }); //MainController.pNFController.OnBandwidthUpdated += OnBandwidthUpdated; // 如果勾选启动后最小化 if (Global.Settings.MinimizeWhenStarted) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; NotifyIcon.Visible = true; if (IsFirstOpened) { // 显示提示语 NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5, UpdateChecker.Name, i18N.Translate( "Netch is now minimized to the notification bar, double click this icon to restore."), ToolTipIcon.Info); IsFirstOpened = false; } Hide(); } // TODO 是否需要移到一个函数中 var text = new StringBuilder(" ("); text.Append(Global.Settings.LocalAddress == "" ? i18N.Translate("Allow other Devices to connect") + " " : ""); if (server.Type == "Socks5") { // 不可控Socks5 if (mode.Type == 3 && mode.Type == 5) { // 可控HTTP text.Append( $"HTTP {i18N.Translate("Local Port", ": ")}{Global.Settings.HTTPLocalPort}"); } else { // 不可控HTTP text.Clear(); } } else { // 可控Socks5 text.Append( $"Socks5 {i18N.Translate("Local Port", ": ")}{Global.Settings.Socks5LocalPort}"); if (mode.Type == 3 || mode.Type == 5) { //有HTTP text.Append( $" | HTTP {i18N.Translate("Local Port", ": ")}{Global.Settings.HTTPLocalPort}"); } } if (text.Length > 0) { text.Append(")"); } UpdateStatus(State.Started); StatusText(i18N.Translate(StateExtension.GetStatusString(State)) + text); if (Global.Settings.StartedTcping) { // 自动检测延迟 Task.Run(() => { while (true) { if (State == State.Started) { server.Test(); // 重载服务器列表 InitServer(); Thread.Sleep(Global.Settings.StartedTcping_Interval * 1000); } else { break; } } }); } } else { UpdateStatus(State.Stopped); StatusText(i18N.Translate("Start Failed")); } }); } else { // 停止 UpdateStatus(State.Stopping); Task.Run(() => { var server = ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Server; var mode = ModeComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Mode; MainController.Stop(); UpdateStatus(State.Stopped); TestServer(); }); } }
private void ControlFun() { //防止模式选择框变成蓝色:D ModeComboBox.Select(0, 0); if (State == State.Waiting || State == State.Stopped) { // 服务器、模式 需选择 if (ServerComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a server first")); return; } if (ModeComboBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxX.Show(i18N.Translate("Please select a mode first")); return; } UpdateStatus(State.Starting); Task.Run(() => { Task.Run(Firewall.AddNetchFwRules); var server = ServerComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Server; var mode = ModeComboBox.SelectedItem as Models.Mode; if (_mainController.Start(server, mode)) { Task.Run(() => { UpdateStatus(State.Started, i18N.Translate(StateExtension.GetStatusString(State.Started)) + LocalPortText(server.Type, mode.Type)); Bandwidth.NetTraffic(server, mode, _mainController); }); // 如果勾选启动后最小化 if (Global.Settings.MinimizeWhenStarted) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; NotifyIcon.Visible = true; if (_isFirstCloseWindow) { // 显示提示语 NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5, UpdateChecker.Name, i18N.Translate( "Netch is now minimized to the notification bar, double click this icon to restore."), ToolTipIcon.Info); _isFirstCloseWindow = false; } Hide(); } if (Global.Settings.StartedTcping) { // 自动检测延迟 Task.Run(() => { while (true) { if (State == State.Started) { server.Test(); // 重载服务器列表 InitServer(); Thread.Sleep(Global.Settings.StartedTcping_Interval * 1000); } else { break; } } }); } } else { UpdateStatus(State.Stopped, i18N.Translate("Start failed")); } }); } else { // 停止 UpdateStatus(State.Stopping); _mainController.Stop(); UpdateStatus(State.Stopped); Task.Run(TestServer); } }