/// <summary> /// The default text query is of type boolean. It means that the text provided is analyzed and the analysis /// process constructs a boolean query from the provided text. /// </summary> public QueryContainer Match(Action <MatchQueryDescriptor <T> > selector) { var query = new MatchQueryDescriptor <T>(); selector(query); return(this.New(query, q => q.Match = query)); }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { var j = JObject.Load(reader); if (!j.HasValues) { return(null); } var firstProp = j.Properties().FirstOrDefault(); if (firstProp == null) { return(null); } var field = firstProp.Name; var jo = firstProp.Value.Value <JObject>(); if (jo == null) { return(null); } JToken v = null; string type = null; if (jo.TryGetValue("type", out v)) { type = v.Value <string>(); } IMatchQuery fq = null; if (type.IsNullOrEmpty()) { fq = new MatchQueryDescriptor <object>(); } else if (type == "phrase") { fq = new MatchPhraseQueryDescriptor <object>(); } else if (type == "phrase_prefix") { fq = new MatchPhrasePrefixQueryDescriptor <object>(); } else { return(null); } fq.Field = field; fq.Boost = GetPropValue <double?>(jo, "boost"); fq.Analyzer = GetPropValue <string>(jo, "analyzer"); fq.CutoffFrequency = GetPropValue <double?>(jo, "cutoff_frequency"); fq.Fuzziness = GetPropValue <double?>(jo, "fuzziness"); fq.Lenient = GetPropValue <bool?>(jo, "lenient"); fq.MaxExpansions = GetPropValue <int?>(jo, "max_expansions"); fq.PrefixLength = GetPropValue <int?>(jo, "prefix_length"); fq.Query = GetPropValue <string>(jo, "query"); fq.Slop = GetPropValue <int?>(jo, "slop"); var rewriteString = GetPropValue <string>(jo, "rewrite"); if (!rewriteString.IsNullOrEmpty()) { fq.Rewrite = rewriteString.ToEnum <RewriteMultiTerm>(); } var operatorString = GetPropValue <string>(jo, "operator"); if (!rewriteString.IsNullOrEmpty()) { fq.Operator = operatorString.ToEnum <Operator>(); } return(fq); }