Example #1
        public void InteractiveObjectButton_UpdateEvent(NeoAxis.Component sender, float delta)
            var _this = sender as Component_ButtonInSpace;

            if (_this != null)
                var indicator = _this.GetComponent("Indicator") as Component_MeshInSpace;
                if (indicator != null)
                    indicator.Color = _this.Activated ? new ColorValue(0, 1, 0) : new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                var buttonOffset = _this.Components.GetByPath("Button\\Attach Transform Offset") as Component_TransformOffset;
                if (buttonOffset != null)
                    var offsetPushed  = 0.01;
                    var offsetDefault = 0.05;
                    var coef          = 0.0;
                    if (_this.Clicking && _this.ClickingTotalTime != 0)
                        var timeFactor = MathEx.Saturate(_this.ClickingCurrentTime / _this.ClickingTotalTime);
                        if (timeFactor < 0.5)
                            coef = timeFactor * 2;
                            coef = (1.0f - timeFactor) * 2;

                    var offset = MathEx.Lerp(offsetDefault, offsetPushed, coef);
                    buttonOffset.PositionOffset = new Vector3(offset, 0, 0);
        public void InputProcessing_SimulationStep(NeoAxis.Component obj)
            var sender = (NeoAxis.Component_InputProcessing)obj;
            //get access to the ship
            var ship = sender.Parent;

            if (ship == null)
            //control the ship
            var body = ship.GetComponent <Component_RigidBody2D>();

            if (body != null)
                //fly front
                if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.W) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Up) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad8))
                    var dir = body.TransformV.Rotation.GetForward().ToVector2();
                    body.ApplyForce(dir * 1.0);

                //fly back
                if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.S) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Down) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad2))
                    var dir = body.TransformV.Rotation.GetForward().ToVector2();
                    body.ApplyForce(dir * -1.0);

                //turn left
                if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.A) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Left) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad4))
                //turn right
                if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.D) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Right) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad6))
                //movement by joystick axes
                if (Math.Abs(sender.JoystickAxes[0]) >= 0.01)
                if (Math.Abs(sender.JoystickAxes[1]) >= 0.01)
                    var dir = body.TransformV.Rotation.GetForward().ToVector2();
                    body.ApplyForce(dir * sender.JoystickAxes[1]);
        public void Box_UpdateEvent(NeoAxis.Component sender, float delta)
            var obj = Owner.Parent as Component_MeshInSpace;

            if (obj != null)
                var offset = new Vector2(Math.Cos(Time.Current), Math.Sin(Time.Current));
                obj.SetPosition(new Vector3(2.91991239547747 + offset.X, 6.21684634298425 + offset.Y, -0.5));
Example #4
        protected override void OnRemovedFromParent(NeoAxis.Component oldParent)


            if (instance == this)
                instance = null;
        protected override void OnEnabledInSimulation()
            parent_comp      = this.Parent;
            parent_inputproc = parent_comp?.GetComponent <Component_InputProcessing>();
            if (parent_inputproc == null)

            parent_inputproc.InputMessageEvent += inputProcess;
            Component_Scene.First.RenderEvent  += SceneRenderEvent;
Example #6
        public void _UpdateEvent(NeoAxis.Component sender, float delta)
            var object1 = sender.Components["Sphere"] as Component_MeshInSpace;

            if (object1 != null)
                object1.Color = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.75 + Math.Sin(Time.Current) * 0.25, 0.5);
            var material2 = sender.Components["Box\\Material"] as Component_Material;

            if (material2 != null)
                material2.Emissive = new ColorValuePowered(0, (1.0 + Math.Sin(Time.Current)) * 5, 0);
            var material3 = sender.Components["Cylinder\\Material"] as Component_Material;

            if (material3 != null)
                material3.PropertySet("Multiplier", new ColorValue(1, 1, 1.0 + (1.0 + Math.Sin(Time.Current)) * 5));
Example #7
        public void InteractiveObjectButton_UpdateEvent(NeoAxis.Component sender, float delta)
            var _this = sender as Component_RegulatorSwitchInSpace;

            if (_this != null)
                var indicatorMin = _this.GetComponent("Indicator Min") as Component_MeshInSpace;
                if (indicatorMin != null)
                    indicatorMin.Color = _this.Value.Value <= _this.ValueRange.Value.Minimum ? new ColorValue(1, 0, 0) : new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                var indicatorMax = _this.GetComponent("Indicator Max") as Component_MeshInSpace;
                if (indicatorMax != null)
                    indicatorMax.Color = _this.Value.Value >= _this.ValueRange.Value.Maximum ? new ColorValue(0, 1, 0) : new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                var button = _this.GetComponent("Button");
                if (button != null)
                    var offset = button.GetComponent <Component_TransformOffset>();
                    if (offset != null)
                        var angle = _this.GetValueAngle() - 90;
                        offset.RotationOffset = new Angles(angle, 0, 0).ToQuaternion();

                var markerMin = _this.GetComponent("Marker Min");
                if (markerMin != null)
                    var offset = markerMin.GetComponent <Component_TransformOffset>();
                    if (offset != null)
                        var angle  = _this.AngleRange.Value.Minimum - 90;
                        var angleR = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(angle);
                        offset.PositionOffset = new Vector3(0.01, Math.Cos(angleR) * 0.04, Math.Sin(-angleR) * 0.04);
                        offset.RotationOffset = new Angles(angle, 0, 0).ToQuaternion();

                var markerMax = _this.GetComponent("Marker Max");
                if (markerMax != null)
                    var offset = markerMax.GetComponent <Component_TransformOffset>();
                    if (offset != null)
                        var angle  = _this.AngleRange.Value.Maximum - 90;
                        var angleR = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(angle);
                        offset.PositionOffset = new Vector3(0.01, Math.Cos(angleR) * 0.04, Math.Sin(-angleR) * 0.04);
                        offset.RotationOffset = new Angles(angle, 0, 0).ToQuaternion();

                var markerCurrent = _this.GetComponent("Marker Current");
                if (markerCurrent != null)
                    var offset = markerCurrent.GetComponent <Component_TransformOffset>();
                    if (offset != null)
                        var angle  = _this.GetValueAngle() - 90;
                        var angleR = MathEx.DegreeToRadian(angle);
                        offset.PositionOffset = new Vector3(0.06, Math.Cos(angleR) * 0.04, Math.Sin(-angleR) * 0.04);
                        offset.RotationOffset = new Angles(angle, 0, 0).ToQuaternion();
 public void Box_UpdateEvent(NeoAxis.Component sender, float delta)
        public void InputProcessing_SimulationStep(NeoAxis.Component obj)
            var sender = (NeoAxis.Component_InputProcessing)obj;
            //get car object
            var car = Owner.Parent.Parent;

            if (car == null)
            //get control data
            double throttle = 0;

            if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.W) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Up) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad8))
                throttle += 1;
            if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.S) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Down) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad2))
                throttle -= 1;
            double steering = 0;

            if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.A) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Left) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad4))
                steering -= 1;
            if (sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.D) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Right) || sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.NumPad6))
                steering += 1;
            var brake = sender.IsKeyPressed(EKeys.Space);
            //get front constraints
            var frontConstraints = new List <Component_Constraint>();
                var right = car.GetComponent("Front Right Constraint") as Component_Constraint;
                if (right != null)
                var left = car.GetComponent("Front Left Constraint") as Component_Constraint;
                if (left != null)

            //get back constraints
            var backConstraints = new List <Component_Constraint>();

                var right = car.GetComponent("Back Right Constraint") as Component_Constraint;
                if (right != null)
                var left = car.GetComponent("Back Left Constraint") as Component_Constraint;
                if (left != null)

            //!!!!engine bug fix. motor doesn't wake up rigid body
            if (throttle != 0 || brake)
                var body = car.GetComponent("Collision Body") as Component_RigidBody;
                if (body != null)

            //update front constraints
            foreach (var constraint in frontConstraints)
                if (brake)
                    constraint.AngularAxisXMotorTargetVelocity = 0;
                    constraint.AngularAxisXMotorMaxForce       = 10;
                    constraint.AngularAxisXMotorTargetVelocity = 15.0 * -throttle;
                    constraint.AngularAxisXMotorMaxForce       = throttle != 0 ? 0.5 : 0;

                constraint.AngularAxisZServoTarget         = constraint.AngularAxisZLimitHigh.Value * steering;
                constraint.AngularAxisZMotorTargetVelocity = 1;
                constraint.AngularAxisZMotorMaxForce       = 10;

            //update back constraints
            foreach (var constraint in backConstraints)
                constraint.AngularAxisZMotorTargetVelocity = 0;
                constraint.AngularAxisZMotorMaxForce       = brake ? 10 : 0;