Represents a TransactionContext scope within an ITransactionalManager. Encapsulates the real TransactionContext, so that in reality it only exists one single TransactionContext object in a joined scope, but multiple TransactionScopeProxies that can be pushed, or popped (in a scope context).
Inheritance: INeo4jTransaction
 private void PushScopeTransaction(TransactionScopeProxy transaction)
     if (_scopedTransactions == null)
         _scopedTransactions = new Stack <TransactionScopeProxy>();
 private void PushScopeTransaction(TransactionScopeProxy transaction)
     if (ScopedTransactions == null)
         ScopedTransactions = GetNewScopedTransactions();
        public void EndTransaction()
            TransactionScopeProxy currentTransaction = null;

                currentTransaction = _scopedTransactions == null ? null : _scopedTransactions.Pop();
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
            if (currentTransaction != null)
 private void PushScopeTransaction(TransactionScopeProxy transaction)
     if (_scopedTransactions == null)
         _scopedTransactions = new Stack<TransactionScopeProxy>();