private StackItem UnregisterCandidate(ApplicationEngine engine, Array args) { ECPoint pubkey = args[0].GetSpan().AsSerializable <ECPoint>(); if (!engine.CheckWitnessInternal(Contract.CreateSignatureRedeemScript(pubkey).ToScriptHash())) { return(false); } return(UnregisterCandidate(engine.Snapshot, pubkey)); }
protected internal void RuntimeLog(byte[] state) { if (state.Length > MaxNotificationSize) { throw new ArgumentException(); } string message = Utility.StrictUTF8.GetString(state); Log?.Invoke(this, new LogEventArgs(ScriptContainer, CurrentScriptHash, message)); }
public void TestEnumerator_Next() { var engine = GetEngine(); var arr = new VMArray { new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 } }; engine.EnumeratorNext(new ArrayWrapper(arr)).Should().BeTrue(); }
protected internal IIterator CreateIterator(StackItem item) { return(item switch { Array array => new ArrayWrapper(array), Map map => new MapWrapper(map, ReferenceCounter), VM.Types.Buffer buffer => new ByteArrayWrapper(buffer), PrimitiveType primitive => new ByteArrayWrapper(primitive), _ => throw new ArgumentException() });
void IInteroperable.FromStackItem(StackItem stackItem) { Array array = (Array)stackItem; Id = (int)array[0].GetInteger(); UpdateCounter = (ushort)array[1].GetInteger(); Hash = new UInt160(array[2].GetSpan()); Nef = array[3].GetSpan().AsSerializable <NefFile>(); Manifest = array[4].ToInteroperable <ContractManifest>(); }
public void TestIterator_Value() { var arr = new VMArray { new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 } }; var wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(arr); wrapper.Next(); ApplicationEngine.IteratorValue(wrapper).GetSpan().ToHexString().Should().Be(new byte[] { 0x01 }.ToHexString()); }
private StackItem Vote(ApplicationEngine engine, Array args) { UInt160 account = new UInt160(args[0].GetSpan()); ECPoint voteTo = args[1].IsNull ? null : args[1].GetSpan().AsSerializable <ECPoint>(); if (!engine.CheckWitnessInternal(account)) { return(false); } return(Vote(engine.Snapshot, account, voteTo)); }
private static (BigInteger numerator, BigInteger denominator) Fraction(decimal d) { int[] bits = decimal.GetBits(d); BigInteger numerator = (1 - ((bits[3] >> 30) & 2)) * unchecked (((BigInteger)(uint)bits[2] << 64) | ((BigInteger)(uint)bits[1] << 32) | (uint)bits[0]); BigInteger denominator = BigInteger.Pow(10, (bits[3] >> 16) & 0xff); return(numerator, denominator); }
/// <summary> /// The implementation of System.Runtime.CheckWitness. /// Determines whether the specified account has witnessed the current transaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="hashOrPubkey">The hash or public key of the account.</param> /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the account has witnessed the current transaction; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</returns> protected internal bool CheckWitness(byte[] hashOrPubkey) { UInt160 hash = hashOrPubkey.Length switch { 20 => new UInt160(hashOrPubkey), 33 => Contract.CreateSignatureRedeemScript(ECPoint.DecodePoint(hashOrPubkey, ECCurve.Secp256r1)).ToScriptHash(), _ => throw new ArgumentException(null, nameof(hashOrPubkey)) }; return(CheckWitnessInternal(hash)); }
private StackItem Vote(ApplicationEngine engine, VMArray args) { UInt160 account = new UInt160(args[0].GetByteArray()); ECPoint[] pubkeys = ((VMArray)args[1]).Select(p => p.GetByteArray().AsSerializable <ECPoint>()).ToArray(); if (!InteropService.CheckWitness(engine, account)) { return(false); } StorageKey key_account = CreateAccountKey(account); if (engine.Snapshot.Storages.TryGet(key_account) is null) { return(false); } StorageItem storage_account = engine.Snapshot.Storages.GetAndChange(key_account); AccountState state_account = new AccountState(storage_account.Value); foreach (ECPoint pubkey in state_account.Votes) { StorageItem storage_validator = engine.Snapshot.Storages.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_Validator, pubkey.ToArray())); ValidatorState state_validator = ValidatorState.FromByteArray(storage_validator.Value); state_validator.Votes -= state_account.Balance; storage_validator.Value = state_validator.ToByteArray(); } pubkeys = pubkeys.Distinct().Where(p => engine.Snapshot.Storages.TryGet(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_Validator, p.ToArray())) != null).ToArray(); if (pubkeys.Length != state_account.Votes.Length) { StorageItem storage_count = engine.Snapshot.Storages.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_ValidatorsCount), () => new StorageItem { Value = new ValidatorsCountState().ToByteArray() }); ValidatorsCountState state_count = ValidatorsCountState.FromByteArray(storage_count.Value); if (state_account.Votes.Length > 0) { state_count.Votes[state_account.Votes.Length - 1] -= state_account.Balance; } if (pubkeys.Length > 0) { state_count.Votes[pubkeys.Length - 1] += state_account.Balance; } storage_count.Value = state_count.ToByteArray(); } state_account.Votes = pubkeys; storage_account.Value = state_account.ToByteArray(); foreach (ECPoint pubkey in state_account.Votes) { StorageItem storage_validator = engine.Snapshot.Storages.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_Validator, pubkey.ToArray())); ValidatorState state_validator = ValidatorState.FromByteArray(storage_validator.Value); state_validator.Votes += state_account.Balance; storage_validator.Value = state_validator.ToByteArray(); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// The implementation of System.Runtime.Notify. /// Sends a notification. /// </summary> /// <param name="eventName">The name of the event.</param> /// <param name="state">The arguments of the event.</param> protected internal void RuntimeNotify(byte[] eventName, Array state) { if (eventName.Length > MaxEventName) { throw new ArgumentException(null, nameof(eventName)); } using MemoryStream ms = new(MaxNotificationSize); using BinaryWriter writer = new(ms, Utility.StrictUTF8, true); BinarySerializer.Serialize(writer, state, MaxNotificationSize); SendNotification(CurrentScriptHash, Utility.StrictUTF8.GetString(eventName), state); }
public void TestIterator_Key() { var engine = GetEngine(); var arr = new VMArray { new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 } }; var wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(arr); wrapper.Next(); engine.IteratorKey(wrapper).GetInteger().Should().Be(0); }
public void TestEnumerator_Value() { var engine = GetEngine(); var arr = new VMArray { new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 } }; var wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(arr); wrapper.Next(); engine.EnumeratorValue(wrapper).GetSpan().ToHexString().Should().Be(new byte[] { 0x01 }.ToHexString()); }
public void TestEnumerator_Create() { var engine = GetEngine(); var arr = new VMArray { new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 } }; var ret = engine.CreateEnumerator(arr); ret.Next(); ret.Value().GetSpan().ToHexString().Should().Be(new byte[] { 0x01 }.ToHexString()); }
private StackItem SetFeePerByte(ApplicationEngine engine, Array args) { if (!CheckValidators(engine)) { return(false); } long value = (long)args[0].GetBigInteger(); StorageItem storage = engine.Snapshot.Storages.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_FeePerByte)); storage.Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); return(true); }
protected internal void InvokeCallback(CallbackBase callback, Array args) { if (args.Count != callback.ParametersCount) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } callback.LoadContext(this, args); if (callback is SyscallCallback syscallCallback) { OnSysCall(syscallCallback.Method); } }
public void FromStackItem(StackItem stackItem) { Array array = (Array)stackItem; OriginalTxid = new UInt256(array[0].GetSpan()); GasForResponse = (long)array[1].GetInteger(); Url = array[2].GetString(); Filter = array[3].GetString(); CallbackContract = new UInt160(array[4].GetSpan()); CallbackMethod = array[5].GetString(); UserData = array[6].GetSpan().ToArray(); }
protected StorageKey CreateStorageKey(byte prefix, byte[] key = null) { StorageKey storageKey = new StorageKey { Id = Id, Key = new byte[sizeof(byte) + (key?.Length ?? 0)] }; storageKey.Key[0] = prefix; key?.CopyTo(storageKey.Key.AsSpan(1)); return(storageKey); }
private StackItem SetMaxTransactionsPerBlock(ApplicationEngine engine, Array args) { if (!CheckValidators(engine)) { return(false); } uint value = (uint)args[0].GetBigInteger(); StorageItem storage = engine.Snapshot.Storages.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_MaxTransactionsPerBlock)); storage.Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); return(true); }
public void TestIterator_Keys() { var engine = GetEngine(); var arr = new VMArray { new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 } }; var wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(arr); var ret = engine.IteratorKeys(wrapper); ret.Next(); ret.Value().GetBigInteger().Should().Be(0); }
public void AddTransferNotification(ExecutionEngine engine, UIntBase assetId, UInt160 from, UInt160 to, Fixed8 value) { VMArray array = new VMArray(); array.Add("transfer"); array.Add(new ByteArray(from.ToArray())); array.Add(new ByteArray(to.ToArray())); array.Add(new ByteArray(new BigInteger(value.GetData()).ToByteArray())); NotifyEventArgs notification = new NotifyEventArgs(engine.ScriptContainer, assetId, array); InvokeNotification(notification); }
public void TestOnPersistWithArgs() { var snapshot = Blockchain.Singleton.GetSnapshot(); ApplicationEngine engine1 = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Application, null, snapshot, 0); VMArray args = new VMArray(); VM.Types.Boolean result1 = new VM.Types.Boolean(false); testNativeContract.TestOnPersist(engine1, args).Should().Be(result1); ApplicationEngine engine2 = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.System, null, snapshot, 0); VM.Types.Boolean result2 = new VM.Types.Boolean(true); testNativeContract.TestOnPersist(engine2, args).Should().Be(result2); }
public static StackItem StackItemFromJson(JObject json) { StackItemType type = json["type"].TryGetEnum <StackItemType>(); switch (type) { case StackItemType.Boolean: return(new Boolean(json["value"].AsBoolean())); case StackItemType.Buffer: return(new Buffer(Convert.FromBase64String(json["value"].AsString()))); case StackItemType.ByteString: return(new ByteString(Convert.FromBase64String(json["value"].AsString()))); case StackItemType.Integer: return(new Integer(new BigInteger(json["value"].AsNumber()))); case StackItemType.Array: Array array = new Array(); foreach (var item in (JArray)json["value"]) { array.Add(StackItemFromJson(item)); } return(array); case StackItemType.Struct: Struct @struct = new Struct(); foreach (var item in (JArray)json["value"]) { @struct.Add(StackItemFromJson(item)); } return(@struct); case StackItemType.Map: Map map = new Map(); foreach (var item in (JArray)json["value"]) { PrimitiveType key = (PrimitiveType)StackItemFromJson(item["key"]); map[key] = StackItemFromJson(item["value"]); } return(map); case StackItemType.Pointer: return(new Pointer(null, (int)json["value"].AsNumber())); case StackItemType.InteropInterface: return(new InteropInterface(new object())); // See } return(json["value"] is null ? StackItem.Null : json["value"].AsString()); }
public JObject GetNep17Balances(JArray _params) { UInt160 userScriptHash = GetScriptHashFromParam(_params[0].AsString()); JObject json = new(); JArray balances = new(); json["address"] = userScriptHash.ToAddress(_neoSystem.Settings.AddressVersion); json["balance"] = balances; int count = 0; byte[] prefix = Key(Nep17BalancePrefix, userScriptHash); foreach (var(key, value) in _db.FindPrefix <Nep17BalanceKey, TokenBalance>(prefix)) { if (NativeContract.ContractManagement.GetContract(_neoSystem.StoreView, key.AssetScriptHash) is null) { continue; } try { using var script = new ScriptBuilder(); script.EmitDynamicCall(key.AssetScriptHash, "decimals"); script.EmitDynamicCall(key.AssetScriptHash, "symbol"); var engine = ApplicationEngine.Run(script.ToArray(), _neoSystem.StoreView, settings: _neoSystem.Settings); var symbol = engine.ResultStack.Pop().GetString(); var decimals = engine.ResultStack.Pop().GetInteger(); var name = NativeContract.ContractManagement.GetContract(_neoSystem.StoreView, key.AssetScriptHash).Manifest.Name; balances.Add(new JObject { ["assethash"] = key.AssetScriptHash.ToString(), ["name"] = name, ["symbol"] = symbol, ["decimals"] = decimals.ToString(), ["amount"] = value.Balance.ToString(), ["lastupdatedblock"] = value.LastUpdatedBlock }); count++; if (count >= _maxResults) { break; } } catch { } } return(json); }
public void TestOnPersistWithArgs() { ApplicationEngine engine1 = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.Application, null, Store.GetSnapshot(), 0); TestNativeContract testNativeContract = new TestNativeContract(); VMArray args = new VMArray(); VM.Types.Boolean result1 = new VM.Types.Boolean(false); testNativeContract.TestOnPersist(engine1, args).Should().Be(result1); ApplicationEngine engine2 = new ApplicationEngine(TriggerType.System, null, Store.GetSnapshot(), 0); VM.Types.Boolean result2 = new VM.Types.Boolean(true); testNativeContract.TestOnPersist(engine2, args).Should().Be(result2); }
/// <summary> /// The implementation of System.Runtime.GetNotifications. /// Gets the notifications sent by the specified contract during the execution. /// </summary> /// <param name="hash">The hash of the specified contract. It can be set to <see langword="null"/> to get all notifications.</param> /// <returns>The notifications sent during the execution.</returns> protected internal NotifyEventArgs[] GetNotifications(UInt160 hash) { IEnumerable <NotifyEventArgs> notifications = Notifications; if (hash != null) // must filter by scriptHash { notifications = notifications.Where(p => p.ScriptHash == hash); } NotifyEventArgs[] array = notifications.ToArray(); if (array.Length > Limits.MaxStackSize) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } return(array); }
protected StorageKey CreateStorageKey(byte prefix, byte[] key = null) { StorageKey storageKey = new StorageKey { ScriptHash = Hash, Key = new byte[sizeof(byte) + (key?.Length ?? 0)] }; storageKey.Key[0] = prefix; if (key != null) { Buffer.BlockCopy(key, 0, storageKey.Key, 1, key.Length); } return(storageKey); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the event from a JSON object. /// </summary> /// <param name="json">The event represented by a JSON object.</param> /// <returns>The converted event.</returns> public static ContractEventDescriptor FromJson(JObject json) { ContractEventDescriptor descriptor = new() { Name = json["name"].GetString(), Parameters = ((JArray)json["parameters"]).Select(u => ContractParameterDefinition.FromJson((JObject)u)).ToArray(), }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptor.Name)) { throw new FormatException(); } _ = descriptor.Parameters.ToDictionary(p => p.Name); return(descriptor); }
/// <summary> /// check script if it contains wrong Opcode /// </summary> /// <param name="script"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task CheckBadOpcode(byte[] script) { Script scriptCodes = new Script(script); for (var i = 0; i < scriptCodes.Length;) { // Check bad opcodes Instruction inst = scriptCodes.GetInstruction(i); if (inst is null || !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(OpCode), inst.OpCode)) { throw new FormatException($"OpCode not found at {i}-{((byte)inst.OpCode):x2}"); } i += inst.Size; } }
public void TestEnumerator_Next() { var engine = GetEngine(); var arr = new VMArray { new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x02 } }; engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Push(new InteropInterface <ArrayWrapper>(new ArrayWrapper(arr))); InteropService.Invoke(engine, InteropService.Neo_Enumerator_Next).Should().BeTrue(); engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Pop().ToBoolean().Should().BeTrue(); engine.CurrentContext.EvaluationStack.Push(1); InteropService.Invoke(engine, InteropService.Neo_Enumerator_Next).Should().BeFalse(); }