public BaseShare() //string[] jumpfromto) { InitializeComponent(); this.Title = "Share this App"; BackgroundColor = Color.Black; _ = ShareTest.ShareText(shareLabel.Text); }
private async void SfButton_Share_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { await ShareTest.ShareText(shareLabel.Text); }
public BaseShare() //string[] jumpfromto) { InitializeComponent(); //string xxffmutter = jumpfromto[0]; this.Title = "Share this App"; BackgroundColor = Color.Black; Label Text001 = new Label() { Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 0), Text = "\n" + "If you think that this app could be of Use to someone else, why not send a brief note and let that person know.", FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Default, typeof(Label)), TextColor = Color.White, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand }; spacerButton7 = new Xamarin.Forms.Button { Text = " ", CornerRadius = 1, BorderColor = Color.LightSkyBlue, BorderWidth = 2, TextColor = Color.LightSkyBlue, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold, FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Micro, typeof(Xamarin.Forms.Button)), BackgroundColor = Color.LightSkyBlue, HeightRequest = 5, WidthRequest = 15 }; #region Summary Stack contentstack = new StackLayout() { Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 10, 0), VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, BackgroundColor = Color.LightSkyBlue, WidthRequest = App.DisplayScaleMax, // App.DisplayScreenHeight, Spacing = 2, Children = { // SPheader001, 002, Website, expla002 new StackLayout() { Margin = new Thickness(10, 5, 10, 0), Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, BackgroundColor = Color.Black, Children = { Text001, } }, }, }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Page ------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content = new StackLayout() { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, BackgroundColor = Color.OldLace, //Spacing = 0, Children = { // scroll new ScrollView() { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Content = contentstack }, } }; #endregion string subText = "I found this new app\n" + "[Near Hospitals / EMS]. " + "This app has a great way to simmulate and train how to do this compression thing for proper CPR.\nIt's fun to do.; " + "I am sending you the link to get it for yourself.\n" + " "; ShareTest.ShareText(subText); //ShareTest.ShareUri() }