Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the AppShell, sets the static 'Current' reference,
        /// adds callbacks for Back requests and changes in the SplitView's DisplayMode, and
        /// provide the nav menu list with the data to display.
        /// </summary>
        public NavigationPage()

            this.Loaded += (sender, args) =>
                Current = this;


                (s, a) =>
                    // Ensure that we update the reported size of the TogglePaneButton when the SplitView's
                    // DisplayMode changes.

            SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += SystemNavigationManager_BackRequested;

            // If on a phone device that has hardware buttons then we hide the app's back button.
            //if (ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons"))
                this.BackButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            NavMenuList.ItemsSource = navlist;

            this.highlightBtnTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            this.highlightBtnTimer.Tick += HighlightBtnTimer_Tick;
            this.highlightBtnTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(HIGHLIGHT_BTN_TIMER_TICKS);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new navigation page and register it in the suspension manager. Language selection is also handled here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private NavigationPage CreateNewNavigationPage()
            // Create a navigation page to act as the navigation context and navigate to the first page
            NavigationPage shell = new NavigationPage();
            shell.AppFrame.NavigationFailed += OnNavigationFailed;
            // Register the Frame in navigation page to suspension manager
            AppEventSource.Log.Debug("App: AppFrame registered in suspension manager.");

            // Set the default language
            shell.Language = Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguages.Languages[0];

            return shell;