public ScriptLineView CreateLineView(string scriptLineText, int lineIndex, bool @default = false) { var lineType = Script.ResolveLineType(scriptLineText); var lineView = default(ScriptLineView); switch (lineType.Name) { case nameof(CommentScriptLine): var commentScriptLine = new CommentScriptLine(null, lineIndex, scriptLineText, null, true); lineView = new CommentLineView(commentScriptLine, linesContainer); break; case nameof(LabelScriptLine): var labelScriptLine = new LabelScriptLine(null, lineIndex, scriptLineText, null, true); lineView = new LabelLineView(labelScriptLine, linesContainer); break; case nameof(DefineScriptLine): var defineScriptLine = new DefineScriptLine(null, lineIndex, scriptLineText, null, true); lineView = new DefineLineView(defineScriptLine, linesContainer); break; case nameof(CommandScriptLine): var commandScriptLine = new CommandScriptLine(null, lineIndex, scriptLineText, null, true); lineView = CommandLineView.CreateOrError(commandScriptLine, linesContainer, config.HideUnusedParameters, @default); break; case nameof(GenericTextScriptLine): var genericTextScriptLine = new GenericTextScriptLine(null, lineIndex, scriptLineText, null, true); lineView = new GenericTextLineView(genericTextScriptLine, linesContainer); break; } return(lineView); }
private static string ProcessActionInput(string input) { if (input is null || !input.StartsWithFast(CommandScriptLine.IdentifierLiteral)) { return(input); } var scriptLine = new CommandScriptLine(string.Empty, 0, input, null, false); if (scriptLine is null) { return(null); } var command = Commands.Command.FromScriptLine(scriptLine); if (command is null) { return(null); } if (command.ShouldExecute) { command.ExecuteAsync(); } return(null); }
public ErrorLineView(CommandScriptLine scriptLine, VisualElement container, string error = default) : base(scriptLine, container) { CommandId = scriptLine.CommandName.ToLowerInvariant(); valueField = new LineTextField(value: scriptLine.Text); Content.Add(valueField); if (error != default) { tooltip = "Error: " + error; } }
public static ScriptLineView CreateOrError(CommandScriptLine scriptLine, VisualElement container, bool hideParameters, bool @default = false) { ErrorLineView Error(string error) => new ErrorLineView(scriptLine, container, error); if (!scriptLine.Valid) { return(Error("Incorrect syntax.")); } var commandType = Command.FindCommandType(scriptLine.CommandName); if (commandType is null) { return(Error($"Unknown command `{scriptLine.CommandName}`.")); } var commandLineView = new CommandLineView(scriptLine, container); commandLineView.hideParameters = hideParameters; commandLineView.CommandId = scriptLine.CommandName; var nameLabel = new Label(scriptLine.CommandName); = "InputLabel"; nameLabel.AddToClassList("Inlined"); commandLineView.Content.Add(nameLabel); var paramaterFieldInfos = commandType.GetProperties() .Where(property => property.IsDefined(typeof(Command.CommandParameterAttribute), false)).ToList(); var parameterAttributes = paramaterFieldInfos .Select(f => f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Command.CommandParameterAttribute), false).First() as Command.CommandParameterAttribute).ToList(); Debug.Assert(paramaterFieldInfos.Count == parameterAttributes.Count); for (int i = 0; i < paramaterFieldInfos.Count; i++) { var paramFieldInfo = paramaterFieldInfos[i]; var paramAttribute = parameterAttributes[i]; var paramName = paramAttribute.Alias != null && scriptLine.CommandParameters.ContainsKey(paramAttribute.Alias) ? paramAttribute.Alias : paramFieldInfo.Name; if (!scriptLine.CommandParameters.ContainsKey(paramName) && !paramAttribute.Optional && !@default) { return(Error($"Missing `{paramName}` parameter.")); } scriptLine.CommandParameters.TryGetValue(paramName, out var paramValue); var textField = new LineTextField(paramAttribute.Alias ?? char.ToLowerInvariant(paramName[0]) + paramName.Substring(1), paramValue); // Show parameter ID of the nameless parameters via tooltip. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textField.label)) { textField.tooltip = paramFieldInfo.Name; } else { textField.AddToClassList("NamedParameterLabel"); } commandLineView.parameterFields.Add(textField); // Show the un-assigned named parameters only when hovered or focused. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textField.label) || !hideParameters || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textField.value)) { commandLineView.Content.Add(textField); } } foreach (var paramId in scriptLine.CommandParameters.Keys) { if (parameterAttributes.Exists(a => a.Alias?.EqualsFastIgnoreCase(paramId) ?? false)) { continue; } if (paramaterFieldInfos.Exists(f => f.Name.EqualsFastIgnoreCase(paramId))) { continue; } return(Error($"Unsupported `{paramId}` parameter.")); } return(commandLineView); }
private CommandLineView(CommandScriptLine scriptLine, VisualElement container) : base(scriptLine, container) { }
private List <CommandScriptLine> ExtractInlinedCommandLines(string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null) { // When actor name is present at the start of the line: extract it and cut from the line. var actorId = lineText.GetBefore(ActorIdLiteral); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actorId) && !actorId.Any(char.IsWhiteSpace) && !actorId.StartsWithFast("\"")) { lineText = lineText.GetAfterFirst(ActorIdLiteral); } else { actorId = null; } // Collect all inlined command strings (text inside square brackets). var inlinedCommandMatches = Regex.Matches(lineText, "\\[.*?\\]").Cast <Match>().ToList(); // In case no inlined commands found, just add a single @print command line. if (inlinedCommandMatches.Count == 0) { var printLineText = TransformGenericToPrintText(lineText, actorId); var printLine = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, printLineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors: IgnoreParseErrors); return(new List <CommandScriptLine> { printLine }); } var result = new List <CommandScriptLine>(); var printedTextBefore = false; for (int i = 0; i < inlinedCommandMatches.Count; i++) { // Check if we need to print any text before the current inlined command. var precedingGenericText = StringUtils.TrySubset(lineText, i > 0 ? inlinedCommandMatches[i - 1].GetEndIndex() + 1 : 0, inlinedCommandMatches[i].Index - 1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedingGenericText)) { var printLineText = TransformGenericToPrintText(precedingGenericText, actorId, printedTextBefore ? (bool?)false : null, false); var printLine = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, printLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors); result.Add(printLine); printedTextBefore = true; } // Extract inlined command script line. var commandLineText = CommandScriptLine.IdentifierLiteral + inlinedCommandMatches[i].ToString().GetBetween("[", "]").TrimFull(); var commandLine = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, commandLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors); result.Add(commandLine); } // Check if we need to print any text after the last inlined command. var lastGenericText = StringUtils.TrySubset(lineText, inlinedCommandMatches.Last().GetEndIndex() + 1, lineText.Length - 1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastGenericText)) { var printLineText = TransformGenericToPrintText(lastGenericText, actorId, printedTextBefore ? (bool?)false : null, false); var printLine = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, printLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors); result.Add(printLine); } // Add wait input command at the end; except when generic text contains a [skipInput] command. if (lineText?.IndexOf(nameof(SkipInput), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) { var waitCommandLineText = CommandScriptLine.IdentifierLiteral + typeof(WaitForInput).Name; var waitCommandLine = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, waitCommandLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors); result.Add(waitCommandLine); } return(result); }