/// <summary>The AddModuleToPane_Click server event handler on this page is used
        /// to add a new portal module into the tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void AddModuleToPane_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // All new modules go to the end of the contentpane
            ModuleItem m = new ModuleItem();
            m.ModuleTitle = moduleTitle.Text;
            m.ModuleDefId = Int32.Parse(moduleType.SelectedItem.Value);
            m.ModuleOrder = 999;

            // save to database
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            m.ModuleId =
                config.AddModule(tabId, m.ModuleOrder, "ContentPane", m.ModuleTitle, m.ModuleDefId, 0, "Admins", false);

            // Obtain portalId from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

            // reload the portalSettings from the database
            HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"] = new PortalSettings(portalSettings.PortalId, tabId);

            // reorder the modules in the content pane
            ArrayList modules = GetModules("ContentPane");

            // resave the order
            foreach (ModuleItem item in modules)
                config.UpdateModuleOrder(item.ModuleId, item.ModuleOrder, "ContentPane");

            // Redirect to the same page to pick up changes
Example #2
        // The AddTab_Click server event handler is used to add
        // a new security tab for this portal
        protected void AddTab_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

            // New tabs go to the end of the list
            TabItem t = new TabItem();
            t.TabName = "New Tab";
            t.TabId = -1;
            t.TabOrder = 999;

            // write tab to database
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            t.TabId = config.AddTab(portalSettings.PortalId, t.TabName, t.TabOrder);

            // reload the _portalSettings from the database
            HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"] = new PortalSettings(portalSettings.PortalId, t.TabId);

            // Reset the order numbers for the tabs within the list

            // Redirect to edit page
            Response.Redirect("~/Admin/TabLayout.aspx?tabid=" + t.TabId);
        // The DeleteBtn_Click event handler on this Page is used to delete an
        // a link.  It  uses the Nairc.KPWPortal.LinksDB()
        // data component to encapsulate all data functionality.
        protected void DeleteBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // delete definition
            Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();

            // Redirect back to the portal admin page
            Response.Redirect("~/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=" + tabIndex + "&tabid=" + tabId);
Example #4
        // The UpdateBtn_Click event handler on this Page is used to save
        // the settings to the configuration file.
        protected void UpdateBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Update settings in the database
            Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();

            config.UpdateModuleSetting(moduleId, "xmlsrc", XmlDataSrc.Text);
            config.UpdateModuleSetting(moduleId, "xslsrc", XslTransformSrc.Text);

            // Redirect back to the portal home page
            Response.Redirect((String) ViewState["UrlReferrer"]);
        // The Apply_Click server event handler is used
        // to update the Site Name within the Portal Config System
        protected void Apply_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

            // update Tab info in the database
            Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();
            config.UpdatePortalInfo(portalSettings.PortalId, siteName.Text, showEdit.Checked);

            // Redirect to this site to refresh
        // The UpdateBtn_Click event handler on this Page is used to save
        // the settings to the ModuleSettings database table.  It  uses the
        // Nairc.KPWPortal.AdminDB() data component to encapsulate the data
        // access functionality.
        protected void UpdateBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Update settings in the database
            Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();

            config.UpdateModuleSetting(moduleId, "src", Src.Text);
            config.UpdateModuleSetting(moduleId, "height", Height.Text);
            config.UpdateModuleSetting(moduleId, "width", Width.Text);

            // Redirect back to the portal home page
            Response.Redirect((String) ViewState["UrlReferrer"]);
Example #7
        // The DeleteBtn_Click server event handler is used to delete
        // the selected tab from the portal
        protected void DeleteBtn_Click(Object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            if (tabList.SelectedIndex != -1)
                // config.DeleteTab() deletes the Tab and underlying modules in PortalCFG.xml
                // and deletes any associated module content in the database.
                TabItem t = (TabItem) portalTabs[tabList.SelectedIndex];
                Configuration config = new Configuration();

                // remove item from list

                // reorder list

                // Redirect to this site to refresh
                Response.Redirect("~/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=" + tabIndex + "&tabid=" + tabId);
        /// <summary>The DeleteBtn_Click server event handler on this page is
        /// used to delete an portal module from the page
        /// </summary>        
        protected void DeleteBtn_Click(Object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            String pane = ((ImageButton) sender).CommandArgument;

            //fix send by: http://www.codeplex.com/site/users/view/pathurun
            ContentPlaceHolder cph = (ContentPlaceHolder)Page.Master.FindControl("maincontent");
            ListBox _listbox = (ListBox)cph.FindControl(pane);//(ListBox) Page.FindControl(pane);

            ArrayList modules = GetModules(pane);

            if (_listbox.SelectedIndex != -1)
                ModuleItem m = (ModuleItem) modules[_listbox.SelectedIndex];
                if (m.ModuleId > -1)
                    // config.DeleteModule() deletes the module in PortalCFG.xml
                    // and deletes any associated content in the database.
                    Configuration config = new Configuration();

            // Redirect to the same page to pick up changes
        /// <summary>The BindData helper method is used to update the tab's
        /// layout panes with the current configuration information
        /// </summary>
        private void BindData()
            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];
            TabSettings tab = portalSettings.ActiveTab;

            // Populate Tab Names, etc.
            tabName.Text = tab.TabName;
            mobileTabName.Text = tab.MobileTabName;
            showMobile.Checked = tab.ShowMobile;

            // Populate checkbox list with all security roles for this portal
            // and "check" the ones already configured for this tab
            IAccountFacade facade = new AccountFacade();
            System.Collections.Generic.IList<PortalRole> roles = facade.PortalRoles(portalSettings.PortalId);

            // Clear existing items in checkboxlist

            ListItem allItem = new ListItem();
            allItem.Text = "�����û�";

            if (tab.AuthorizedRoles.LastIndexOf("All Users") > -1)
                allItem.Selected = true;


            foreach(PortalRole role in roles)
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                item.Text = role.RoleName;
                item.Value = role.RoleID.ToString();

                if ((tab.AuthorizedRoles.LastIndexOf(item.Text)) > -1)
                    item.Selected = true;


            // Populate the "Add Module" Data
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            moduleType.DataSource = config.GetModuleDefinitions(portalSettings.PortalId);

            // Populate Right Hand Module Data
            rightList = GetModules("RightPane");

            // Populate Content Pane Module Data
            contentList = GetModules("ContentPane");

            // Populate Left Hand Pane Module Data
            leftList = GetModules("LeftPane");
        // The BindData helper method is used to bind the list of
        // module definitions for this portal to an asp:datalist server control
        private void BindData()
            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

            // Get the portal's defs from the database
            Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();

            defsList.DataSource = config.GetModuleDefinitions(portalSettings.PortalId);
        /// <summary>The UpDown_Click server event handler on this page is
        /// used to move a portal module up or down on a tab's layout pane
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void UpDown_Click(Object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            String cmd = ((ImageButton) sender).CommandName;
            String pane = ((ImageButton) sender).CommandArgument;
            ListBox _listbox = (ListBox) Page.FindControl(pane);

            ArrayList modules = GetModules(pane);

            if (_listbox.SelectedIndex != -1)
                int delta;
                int selection = -1;

                // Determine the delta to apply in the order number for the module
                // within the list.  +3 moves down one item; -3 moves up one item

                if (cmd == "down")
                    delta = 3;
                    if (_listbox.SelectedIndex < _listbox.Items.Count - 1)
                        selection = _listbox.SelectedIndex + 1;
                    delta = -3;
                    if (_listbox.SelectedIndex > 0)
                        selection = _listbox.SelectedIndex - 1;

                ModuleItem m;
                m = (ModuleItem) modules[_listbox.SelectedIndex];
                m.ModuleOrder += delta;

                // reorder the modules in the content pane

                // resave the order
                Configuration config = new Configuration();
                foreach (ModuleItem item in modules)
                    config.UpdateModuleOrder(item.ModuleId, item.ModuleOrder, pane);

            // Redirect to the same page to pick up changes
        /// <summary>The SaveTabData helper method is used to persist the
        /// current tab settings to the database.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SaveTabData()
            // Construct Authorized User Roles String
            String authorizedRoles = "";

            foreach (ListItem item in authRoles.Items)
                if (item.Selected)
                    string role = item.Text == "�����û�" ? "All Users" : item.Text;
                    authorizedRoles = authorizedRoles + role + ";";

            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

            // update Tab info in the database
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.UpdateTab(portalSettings.PortalId, tabId, tabName.Text, portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabOrder,
                             authorizedRoles, mobileTabName.Text, showMobile.Checked);
        /// <summary>The RightLeft_Click server event handler on this page is
        /// used to move a portal module between layout panes on
        /// the tab page
        /// </summary>        
        protected void RightLeft_Click(Object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            String sourcePane = ((ImageButton) sender).Attributes["sourcepane"];
            String targetPane = ((ImageButton) sender).Attributes["targetpane"];

            //fix send by: http://www.codeplex.com/site/users/view/pathurun
            ContentPlaceHolder cph = (ContentPlaceHolder)Page.Master.FindControl("maincontent");
            ListBox sourceBox = (ListBox)cph.FindControl(sourcePane);//(ListBox) Page.FindControl(sourcePane);
            ListBox targetBox = (ListBox)cph.FindControl(targetPane);//(ListBox) Page.FindControl(targetPane);

            if (sourceBox.SelectedIndex != -1)
                // get source arraylist
                ArrayList sourceList = GetModules(sourcePane);

                // get a reference to the module to move
                // and assign a high order number to send it to the end of the target list
                ModuleItem m = (ModuleItem) sourceList[sourceBox.SelectedIndex];

                // add it to the database
                Configuration config = new Configuration();
                config.UpdateModuleOrder(m.ModuleId, 998, targetPane);

                // delete it from the source list

                // Obtain portalId from Current Context
                PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

                // reload the portalSettings from the database
                HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"] = new PortalSettings(portalSettings.PortalId, tabId);

                // reorder the modules in the source pane
                sourceList = GetModules(sourcePane);

                // resave the order
                foreach (ModuleItem item in sourceList)
                    config.UpdateModuleOrder(item.ModuleId, item.ModuleOrder, sourcePane);

                // reorder the modules in the target pane
                ArrayList targetList = GetModules(targetPane);

                // resave the order
                foreach (ModuleItem item in targetList)
                    config.UpdateModuleOrder(item.ModuleId, item.ModuleOrder, targetPane);

                // Redirect to the same page to pick up changes
        // The ApplyChanges_Click server event handler on this page is used
        // to save the module settings into the portal configuration system
        protected void ApplyChanges_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
            // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
            PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) HttpContext.Current.Items["PortalSettings"];

            object value = GetModule();
            if (value != null)
                Nairc.KPWPortal.ModuleSettings m = (Nairc.KPWPortal.ModuleSettings) value;

                // Construct Authorized User Roles String
                String editRoles = "";

                foreach (ListItem item in authEditRoles.Items)
                    if (item.Selected == true)
                        editRoles = editRoles + item.Text + ";";

                // update module
                Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();
                config.UpdateModule(moduleId, m.ModuleOrder, m.PaneName, moduleTitle.Text, Int32.Parse(cacheTime.Text),
                                    editRoles, showMobile.Checked);

                // Update Textbox Settings
                moduleTitle.Text = m.ModuleTitle;
                cacheTime.Text = m.CacheTime.ToString();

                // Populate checkbox list with all security roles for this portal
                // and "check" the ones already configured for this module
                IAccountFacade facade = new AccountFacade();
                IList<PortalRole> roles = facade.PortalRoles(portalSettings.PortalId);

                // Clear existing items in checkboxlist

                ListItem allItem = new ListItem();
                allItem.Text = "�����û�";

                if (m.AuthorizedEditRoles.LastIndexOf("All Users") > -1)
                    allItem.Selected = true;


                foreach(PortalRole role in roles)
                    ListItem item = new ListItem();
                    item.Text = role.RoleName;
                    item.Value = role.RoleID.ToString();

                    if ((m.AuthorizedEditRoles.LastIndexOf(item.Text)) > -1)
                        item.Selected = true;


            // Navigate back to admin page
            Response.Redirect("TabLayout.aspx?tabid=" + tabId);
Example #15
        // The OrderTabs helper method is used to reset the display
        // order for tabs within the portal
        protected void OrderTabs()
            int i = 1;

            // sort the arraylist

            // renumber the order and save to database
            foreach (TabItem t in portalTabs)
                // number the items 1, 3, 5, etc. to provide an empty order
                // number when moving items up and down in the list.
                t.TabOrder = i;
                i += 2;

                // rewrite tab to database
                Configuration config = new Configuration();
                config.UpdateTabOrder(t.TabId, t.TabOrder);
        // The Page_Load server event handler on this page is used
        // to populate the role information for the page
        protected void Page_Load(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify that the current user has access to access this page
            if (PortalSecurity.IsInRoles("Admins") == false)

            // Calculate security defId
            if (Request.Params["defid"] != null)
                defId = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["defid"]);
            if (Request.Params["tabid"] != null)
                tabId = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["tabid"]);
            if (Request.Params["tabindex"] != null)
                tabIndex = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["tabindex"]);

            // If this is the first visit to the page, bind the definition data
            if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
                if (defId == -1)
                    // new module definition
                    FriendlyName.Text = "New Definition";
                    DesktopSrc.Text = "DesktopModules/SomeModule.ascx";
                    MobileSrc.Text = "MobileModules/SomeModule.ascx";
                    // Obtain the module definition to edit from the database
                    Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();
                    SiteConfiguration.ModuleDefinitionRow modDefRow = config.GetSingleModuleDefinition(defId);

                    // Read in information
                    FriendlyName.Text = modDefRow.FriendlyName;
                    DesktopSrc.Text = modDefRow.DesktopSourceFile;
                    MobileSrc.Text = modDefRow.MobileSourceFile;
        // The UpdateBtn_Click event handler on this Page is used to either
        // create or update a link.  It  uses the Nairc.KPWPortal.LinkDB()
        // data component to encapsulate all data functionality.
        protected void UpdateBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid == true)
                Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration config = new Nairc.KPWPortal.Configuration();

                if (defId == -1)
                    // Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
                    PortalSettings portalSettings = (PortalSettings) Context.Items["PortalSettings"];

                    // Add a new module definition to the database
                    config.AddModuleDefinition(portalSettings.PortalId, FriendlyName.Text, DesktopSrc.Text,
                    // update the module definition
                    config.UpdateModuleDefinition(defId, FriendlyName.Text, DesktopSrc.Text, MobileSrc.Text);

                // Redirect back to the portal admin page
                Response.Redirect("~/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=" + tabIndex + "&tabid=" + tabId);