Example #1
        public void Encode(ref Page Page)
            if (Page == null || Page.TeleSoftwareID == null || Page.TeleSoftwareID <= 0)
            var file = TSFile.Load((int)Page.TeleSoftwareID);

            if (file.FileSizeBytes <= 0)
            //using (var debug = new DebugLogger("NXtel.TSEncode"))
            DebugLogger debug = null;
                CurrentSeq             = -1;
                Pages                  = new List <Page>();
                Page.PageType          = PageTypes.TeleSoftware;
                Page.PageRangeSequence = CurrentSeq++;
                CurrentPageNo          = Page.PageNo;
                CurrentFrameNo         = Page.FrameNo;
                CurrentEscape          = TelesoftEscapes.E0;
                CurrentPage            = Page;
                CreateNewPage(); // Add header page for later
                string fn = (file.FileName ?? "").Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fn))
                    fn = "Telesoftware";
                fn = fn.Replace("|", "|E"); // Escape escape sequence if present in filename
                string contents = "";
                contents        = new string(' ', 40);                       // Blank line for NXtel header
                contents       += "|A";                                      // Start of telesoftware block
                CurrentChecksum = 0;
                contents       += Checksum("|G" + CurrentPage.Frame + "|I"); // Frame letter of telesoftware block, terminated
                                                                             //contents += Checksum("|L"); // EOL, completing header
                int address = 0;
                foreach (byte b in file.Contents)
                    string newChar = EscapeChar(b);
                    if (contents.Length + newChar.Length > PAGE_LEN)
                        contents += "|Z" + CurrentChecksum.ToString("D3");
                        //newChar = EscapeChar(b); // Recalculate from TelesoftEscapes.E0
                        contents        = new string(' ', 40);                       // Blank line for NXtel header
                        contents       += "|A";                                      // Start of telesoftware block
                        CurrentChecksum = 0;
                        contents       += Checksum("|G" + CurrentPage.Frame + "|I"); // Frame letter of telesoftware block, terminated
                                                                                     //contents += Checksum("|L"); // EOL, completing header
                        contents += Checksum(newChar);
                        contents += Checksum(newChar);
                    debug.Log(address.ToString("X8"), b.ToString("X2") + "  " + b.ToString().PadLeft(3)
                              + "  " + newChar.PadRight(6) + CurrentEscape.ToString());
                contents += Checksum("|F");
                contents += "|Z" + CurrentChecksum.ToString("D3"); // end of frame plus checksum
                // Calculate header contents
                contents        = new string(' ', 40);                        // Blank line for NXtel header
                contents       += "|A";                                       // Start of telesoftware block
                CurrentChecksum = 0;
                contents       += Checksum("|G" + Pages[1].Frame);            // Frame letter of telesoftware block
                contents       += Checksum("|I" + fn + "|L");                 // Telesoftware filename
                contents       += Checksum((Pages.Count - 2).ToString("D3")); // header frame count
                contents       += "|Z";                                       // end of telesoftware block
                contents       += CurrentChecksum.ToString("D3");             // header checksum
                Page.PageRange = new NXtelData.Pages();
                var lastPage = Pages[Pages.Count - 1];
                Pages[0].ToPageNo  = lastPage.PageNo;
                Pages[0].ToFrameNo = lastPage.FrameNo;
                Pages[0].Routing.AddOrUpdate((byte)RouteKeys.Enter, Pages[0].NextPageNo, Pages[0].NextFrameNo);
                foreach (var page in Pages)
                    page.PageRangeCount = Pages.Count;
Example #2
        private string EscapeChar(byte Byte, bool NoEscaping = false, DebugLogger debug = null)
            string rv = "";

            if (!NoEscaping)
                if (Byte == Convert.ToByte('|')) // Escape | as |E in the body
                    return(EscapeChar(Convert.ToByte('|'), true) + EscapeChar(Convert.ToByte('E'), true));
                if (Byte == Convert.ToByte('}')) // Escape ¾ as |¾ in the body
                    return(EscapeChar(Convert.ToByte('|'), true) + EscapeChar(Convert.ToByte('}'), true));
                if (Byte == Convert.ToByte(' ')) // Escape space as ¾ in the body, allowing lines with trailing spaces to be truncated
                    return(EscapeChar(Convert.ToByte('}'), true));
                if (Byte == Convert.ToByte('}')) // Escape } as |} in the body
                    return(EscapeChar(Convert.ToByte('|'), true) + EscapeChar(Convert.ToByte('}'), true));

            if (Byte >= 0 && Byte <= 31) // 00..1F
                if (CurrentEscape != TelesoftEscapes.E1)
                    CurrentEscape = TelesoftEscapes.E1;
                    rv           += "|1";
                rv += Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(Byte) + 64));
            else if (Byte >= 32 && Byte <= 127) // 20..7F
                if (CurrentEscape != TelesoftEscapes.E0)
                    CurrentEscape = TelesoftEscapes.E0;
                    rv           += "|0";
                rv += Convert.ToChar(Byte);
            else if (Byte >= 128 && Byte <= 159) // 80..9F
                if (CurrentEscape != TelesoftEscapes.E2)
                    CurrentEscape = TelesoftEscapes.E2;
                    rv           += "|2";
                rv += Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(Byte) - 64));
            else if (Byte >= 160 && Byte <= 191) // A0..BF
                if (CurrentEscape != TelesoftEscapes.E3)
                    CurrentEscape = TelesoftEscapes.E3;
                    rv           += "|3";
                rv += Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(Byte) - 96));
            else if (Byte >= 192 && Byte <= 223) // C0..DF
                if (CurrentEscape != TelesoftEscapes.E4)
                    CurrentEscape = TelesoftEscapes.E4;
                    rv           += "|4";
                rv += Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(Byte) - 128));
            else if (Byte >= 224 && Byte <= 255) // E0..FF
                if (CurrentEscape != TelesoftEscapes.E5)
                    CurrentEscape = TelesoftEscapes.E5;
                    rv           += "|5";
                rv += Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(Byte) - 160));
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Byte is outside 0-255 range.");