public void LoadFromStream(BinaryReader stream, FileVersion version)
            try {
                for (int y = 0; y < fH; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < fW; x++)
                        NWField fld = fFields[y, x];

                        fld.LoadFromStream(stream, version);


                for (int y = 0; y < fH; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < fW; x++)
                        NWField fld = fFields[y, x];

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.Write("NWLayer.loadFromStream(): " + ex.Message);
                throw ex;
        public NWLayer(NWGameSpace space, int layerID)
            : base(0, 0)
            fSpace = space;

            fEntry = (LayerEntry)GlobalVars.nwrDB.GetEntry(layerID);
            fW     = fEntry.W;
            fH     = fEntry.H;

            Resize(fW * StaticData.FieldWidth, fH * StaticData.FieldHeight);

            EntryID = layerID;

            fFields = new NWField[fH, fW];

            for (int y = 0; y < fH; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < fW; x++)
                    fFields[y, x] = new NWField(space, this, new ExtPoint(x, y));

            fEffects = new EffectsList(this, true);
        public void SwitchDoors(DoorState ds)
            NWField f = (NWField)Owner;

            int num = Doors.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Door door = Doors[i];
                if (door.State != ds)
                    door.State = ds;

                    switch (ds)
                    case DoorState.Closed:
                        Space.DoEvent(EventID.event_DoorOpen, door, null, null);

                    case DoorState.Opened:
                        Space.DoEvent(EventID.event_DoorClose, door, null, null);

                    f.GetTile(door.X, door.Y).Foreground = dbDoorsState[door.Dir - 1, (int)door.State];
        public static void DrawWalls(NWField field, ExtRect r)
            for (int x = r.Left; x <= r.Right; x++)
                for (int y = r.Top; y <= r.Bottom; y++)
                    NWTile tile = (NWTile)field.GetTile(x, y);

                    ushort bpk = NWField.GetBuildPlaceKind(x, y, r, RuinsMode);

                    if (!RuinsMode)
                        tile.Background = PlaceID.pid_Floor;
                        if (bpk == PlaceID.pid_Undefined)
                            tile.Background = NWField.GetVarTile(PlaceID.pid_RnFloor);

                    tile.Foreground = bpk;
Example #5
        public void SwitchDoors(int ds)
            NWField f = (NWField)Owner;

            int num = DoorsCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Door door = GetDoor(i);
                if (door.State != ds)
                    door.State = ds;

                    switch (ds)
                    case Door.STATE_CLOSED:
                        Space.DoEvent(EventID.event_DoorOpen, door, null, null);

                    case Door.STATE_OPENED:
                        Space.DoEvent(EventID.event_DoorClose, door, null, null);

                    f.GetTile(door.X, door.Y).Foreground = dbDoorsState[door.Dir - 1, door.State];
        public override LocatedEntity FindItem(int aX, int aY)
            int     fx = aX / StaticData.FieldWidth;
            int     fy = aY / StaticData.FieldHeight;
            int     x  = aX % StaticData.FieldWidth;
            int     y  = aY % StaticData.FieldHeight;
            NWField f  = GetField(fx, fy);

            return(f.FindItem(x, y));
        public bool Gen_Creature(int aID, int aX, int aY, bool aFlock)
            int     fx = aX / StaticData.FieldWidth;
            int     fy = aY / StaticData.FieldHeight;
            int     x  = aX % StaticData.FieldWidth;
            int     y  = aY % StaticData.FieldHeight;
            NWField f  = GetField(fx, fy);

            return(UniverseBuilder.Gen_Creature(f, aID, x, y, aFlock));
Example #8
        public void BuildVillage(NWField field, ExtRect area)
            if (field.AreaRect.Contains(area))
                for (int y = area.Top; y <= area.Bottom; y++)
                    for (int x = area.Left; x <= area.Right; x++)
                        BaseTile ft = field.GetTile(x, y);
                        ft.Background = field.TranslateTile(TileType.ttGrass);
                        int fg = (int)ft.Foreground;
                        if (fg != field.TranslateTile(TileType.ttTree))
                            ft.Foreground = PlaceID.pid_Undefined;

                for (var bid = BuildingID.bid_First; bid <= BuildingID.bid_Last; bid++)
                    BuildingRec bRec = StaticData.dbBuildings[(int)bid];

                    int cnt = RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd((int)bRec.MinCount, (int)bRec.MaxCount);
                    for (int j = 1; j <= cnt; j++)
                        Building b = new Building(fSpace, field);
                        if (b.Build(bRec.MaxDoors, bRec.MinSize, bRec.MaxSize, area))
                            b.ID = bid;


                int      wpX;
                int      wpY;
                BaseTile tile;
                    wpX  = RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(area.Left + 5, area.Right - 5);
                    wpY  = RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(area.Top + 5, area.Bottom - 5);
                    tile = field.GetTile(wpX, wpY);
                } while (tile.BackBase != PlaceID.pid_Grass || tile.ForeBase != PlaceID.pid_Undefined);

                field.GetTile(wpX, wpY).Foreground = PlaceID.pid_Well;
Example #9
        public Village(GameSpace space, object owner) : base(space, owner)
            NWField fld = (NWField)owner;
            ExtRect v   = fld.AreaRect;

            v.Left   += 18;
            v.Right  -= 18;
            v.Top    += 7;
            v.Bottom -= 5;
            Area      = v;

            Gates = new List <ExtPoint>();
Example #10
        public override BaseTile GetTile(int x, int y)
            BaseTile result = base.GetTile(x, y);

            if (result == null)
                int fx = fCoords.X;
                int fy = fCoords.Y;
                int px = x;
                int py = y;

                if (x < 0 || x >= StaticData.FieldWidth)
                    px = Math.Abs(Math.Abs(x) - StaticData.FieldWidth);
                if (y < 0 || y >= StaticData.FieldHeight)
                    py = Math.Abs(Math.Abs(y) - StaticData.FieldHeight);
                if (x < 0)
                if (x >= StaticData.FieldWidth)
                if (y < 0)
                if (y >= StaticData.FieldHeight)

                NWLayer layer = Layer;

                if (layer != null)
                    NWField fld = layer.GetField(fx, fy);
                    if (fld != null)
                        result = fld.GetTile(px, py);

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the passage of time for the entire layer.
        /// Necessary in cases, such as for example, the battle on the field Vigrid if the player is in Valhalla.
        /// </summary>
        public void DoTurn()
            try {
                for (int y = 0; y < fH; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < fW; x++)
                        NWField fld = fFields[y, x];

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.Write("NWLayer.doTurn(): " + ex.Message);
        public override BaseTile GetTile(int x, int y)
            BaseTile result = null;

            if (IsValid(x, y))
                int fx = x / StaticData.FieldWidth;
                int fy = y / StaticData.FieldHeight;

                int tx = x % StaticData.FieldWidth;
                int ty = y % StaticData.FieldHeight;

                NWField fld = GetField(fx, fy);
                result = fld.GetTile(tx, ty);

Example #13
        public void Flush()
            try {
                NWField fld = (NWField)Owner;
                if (fld.LandID != GlobalVars.Land_Bazaar)
                    ExtRect rt = Area;
                    DrawWalls(fld, rt);

                    if (!RuinsMode)
                        int num3 = Doors.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++)
                            Door door = Doors[i];
                            fld.GetTile(door.X, door.Y).Foreground = dbDoorsState[door.Dir - 1, (int)door.State];
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.Write("Building.flush(): " + ex.Message);
Example #14
        public void BuildBattlement(NWField field)
            try {
                int lsd = field.Width - 1;
                int rsd = 0;
                int tsd = field.Height - 1;
                int bsd = 0;

                int num = field.Features.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    GameEntity feat = field.Features.GetItem(i);
                    if (feat is Building)
                        Building b    = (Building)feat;
                        ExtRect  area = b.Area;

                        if (lsd > area.Left)
                            lsd = area.Left;
                        if (rsd < area.Right)
                            rsd = area.Right;
                        if (tsd > area.Top)
                            tsd = area.Top;
                        if (bsd < area.Bottom)
                            bsd = area.Bottom;

                ExtRect r = ExtRect.Create(lsd - 2, tsd - 2, rsd + 2, bsd + 2);

                for (int x = r.Left; x <= r.Right; x++)
                    for (int y = r.Top; y <= r.Bottom; y++)
                        TileType wKind = MapUtils.GetWallKind(x, y, r);
                        if (wKind != TileType.ttFloor)
                            field.GetTile(x, y).Foreground = field.TranslateTile(wKind);

                for (int side = Directions.DtSouth; side <= Directions.DtEast; side++)
                    int x = RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(r.Left + 1, r.Right - 1);
                    int y = RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(r.Top + 1, r.Bottom - 1);

                    switch (side)
                    case Directions.DtNorth:
                        y = r.Top;

                    case Directions.DtSouth:
                        y = r.Bottom;

                    case Directions.DtWest:
                        x = r.Left;

                    case Directions.DtEast:
                        x = r.Right;

                    field.GetTile(x, y).Foreground = field.TranslateTile(TileType.ttUndefined);
                    x += Directions.Data[side].DX;
                    y += Directions.Data[side].DY;
                    field.GetTile(x, y).Foreground = field.TranslateTile(TileType.ttUndefined);
                    Gates.Add(new ExtPoint(x, y));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.Write("Village.buildBattlement(): " + ex.Message);
                throw ex;
Example #15
        // FIXME: total check & tests
        public void Prepare()
            NWField fld = (NWField)Owner;
            ExtRect r   = Area;

            r.Inflate(-1, -1);

            int id    = (int)ID;
            var blRec = StaticData.dbBuildings[id];

            if (ID >= BuildingID.bid_MerchantShop && ID <= BuildingID.bid_WoodsmanShop)
                NWCreature merchant = (NWCreature)Holder;
                if (merchant == null)
                    Item coins = new Item(fSpace, null);
                    coins.CLSID = GlobalVars.iid_Coin;
                    coins.Count = (ushort)RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(15000, 25000);
                    int x = RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(r.Left, r.Right);
                    int y = RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(r.Top, r.Bottom);
                    merchant          = fld.AddCreature(x, y, GlobalVars.nwrDB.FindEntryBySign(StaticData.dbSysCreatures[(int)blRec.Owner].Sign).GUID);
                    merchant.IsTrader = true;
                    Holder = merchant;
                    Item coins = (Item)merchant.Items.FindByCLSID(GlobalVars.iid_Coin);
                    if (coins != null)
                        coins.Count = (ushort)RandomHelper.GetBoundedRnd(15000, 25000);

                ProbabilityTable <int> data = blRec.Wares;
                if (((data != null) ? data.Size() : 0) > 0)
                    for (int y = r.Top; y <= r.Bottom; y++)
                        for (int x = r.Left; x <= r.Right; x++)
                            Item item = (Item)fld.FindItem(x, y);
                            if (item == null)
                                item       = new Item(fSpace, this);
                                item.CLSID = data.GetRandomItem();
                                item.SetPos(x, y);
                                item.Owner = merchant;
                                fld.Items.Add(item, false);
                                if (AuxUtils.Chance(20))
                                    item.CLSID = data.GetRandomItem();