public void SetUp()
            testLog = new FakeFrameworkHandle();
            testConverter = new TestConverter(new TestLogger(new MessageLoggerStub(), 0), FakeTestData.AssemblyPath);
            fakeTestNode = FakeTestData.GetTestNode();

            // Ensure that the converted testcase is cached
            listener = new NUnitEventListener(testLog, testConverter);
        public void Listener_LeaseLifetimeWillNotExpire()
            testLog = new FakeFrameworkHandle();
            testConverter = new TestConverter(new TestLogger(), ThisAssemblyPath);
            MarshalByRefObject localInstance = (MarshalByRefObject)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(NUnitEventListener), testLog, testConverter);


            var lifetime = ((MarshalByRefObject)localInstance).GetLifetimeService();

            // A null lifetime (as opposed to an ILease) means the object has an infinite lifetime
        public void LoadMockassembly()
            // Sanity check to be sure we have the correct version of mock-assembly.dll
            Assert.That(MockAssembly.Tests, Is.EqualTo(31),
                "The reference to mock-assembly.dll appears to be the wrong version");
            new List<TestCase>();
            testResults = new List<TestResult>();
            testLog = new FakeFrameworkHandle();

            // Load the NUnit mock-assembly.dll once for this test, saving
            // the list of test cases sent to the discovery sink
            executor = ((ITestExecutor) new NUnitTestExecutor());
            executor.RunTests(new[] { MockAssemblyPath }, Context, testLog);
            this.Summary = new ResultSummary(testResults);
        public void SetUp()
            MethodInfo fakeTestMethod = GetType().GetMethod("FakeTestMethod", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            fakeNUnitTest = new NUnitTestMethod(fakeTestMethod);

            fakeNUnitResult = new NUnitTestResult(fakeNUnitTest);
            fakeNUnitResult.SetResult(ResultState.Success, "It passed!", null);
            fakeNUnitResult.Time = 1.234;

            testLog = new FakeFrameworkHandle();

            testConverter = new TestConverter(new TestLogger(), ThisAssemblyPath);


            listener = new NUnitEventListener(testLog, testConverter);