Example #1
 public RandomAttribute(ulong min, ulong max, int count)
     _source = new ULongDataSource(min, max, count);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a set of shorts within a specified range
 /// </summary>
 public RandomAttribute(short min, short max, int count)
     _source = new ShortDataSource(min, max, count);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the collection of _values to be used as arguments.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
            // Since a separate Randomizer is used for each parameter,
            // we can't fill in the data in the constructor of the
            // attribute. Only now, when GetData is called, do we have
            // sufficient information to create the values in a
            // repeatable manner.

            Type parmType = parameter.ParameterType;

            if (_source == null)
                if (parmType == typeof(int))
                    _source = new IntDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(uint))
                    _source = new UIntDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(long))
                    _source = new LongDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(ulong))
                    _source = new ULongDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(short))
                    _source = new ShortDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(ushort))
                    _source = new UShortDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(double))
                    _source = new DoubleDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(float))
                    _source = new FloatDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(byte))
                    _source = new ByteDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(sbyte))
                    _source = new SByteDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(decimal))
                    _source = new DecimalDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                    _source = new EnumDataSource(_count);
                else // Default
                    _source = new IntDataSource(_count);
            else if (_source.DataType != parmType && WeConvert(_source.DataType, parmType))
                _source = new RandomDataConverter(_source);


            //// Copy the random _values into the data array
            //// and call the base class which may need to
            //// convert them to another type.
            //this.data = new object[values.Count];
            //for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
            //    this.data[i] = values[i];

            //return base.GetData(parameter);
Example #4
 public RandomAttribute(uint min, uint max, int count)
     _source = new UIntDataSource(min, max, count);
Example #5
 public RandomAttribute(sbyte min, sbyte max, int count)
     _source = new SByteDataSource(min, max, count);
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a set of floats within a specified range
 /// </summary>
 public RandomAttribute(float min, float max, int count)
     _source = new FloatDataSource(min, max, count);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a set of doubles within a specified range
 /// </summary>
 public RandomAttribute(double min, double max, int count)
     _source = new DoubleDataSource(min, max, count);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of arguments which can be passed to the specified parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameter of a parameterized test.</param>
        public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
            // Since a separate Randomizer is used for each parameter,
            // we can't fill in the data in the constructor of the
            // attribute. Only now, when GetData is called, do we have
            // sufficient information to create the values in a
            // repeatable manner.

            Type parmType = parameter.ParameterType;

            if (_source == null)
                if (parmType == typeof(int))
                    _source = new IntDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(uint))
                    _source = new UIntDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(long))
                    _source = new LongDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(ulong))
                    _source = new ULongDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(short))
                    _source = new ShortDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(ushort))
                    _source = new UShortDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(double))
                    _source = new DoubleDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(float))
                    _source = new FloatDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(byte))
                    _source = new ByteDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(sbyte))
                    _source = new SByteDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType == typeof(decimal))
                    _source = new DecimalDataSource(_count);
                else if (parmType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                    _source = new EnumDataSource(_count);
                else // Default
                    _source = new IntDataSource(_count);
            else if (_source.DataType != parmType && WeConvert(_source.DataType, parmType))
                _source.Distinct = Distinct;
                _source          = new RandomDataConverter(_source);

            _source.Distinct = Distinct;

Example #9
 public RandomDataConverter(RandomDataSource source) : base(source.DataType)
     _source = source;