private void ExpectFailure( CultureAttribute attr, string msg )
			if ( detector.IsCultureSupported( attr ) )
				Assert.Fail( string.Format( "Should not match attribute with Include=\"{0}\",Exclude=\"{1}\"",
					attr.Include, attr.Exclude ) );
			Assert.AreEqual( msg, detector.Reason );
 public void CanMatchAttributeWithIncludeAndExclude()
     CultureAttribute attr = new CultureAttribute( "en,fr,de,it" );
     ExpectMatch( attr );
     attr.Exclude = "fr-FR";
     ExpectFailure( attr, "Not supported under culture fr-FR" );
		public void CanMatchAttributeWithExclude()
			CultureAttribute attr = new CultureAttribute();
			attr.Exclude = "en";
			ExpectMatch( attr );
			attr.Exclude = "en,de,it";
			ExpectMatch( attr );
			attr.Exclude = "fr";
			ExpectFailure( attr, "Not supported under culture fr");
			attr.Exclude = "fr-FR,fr-BE,fr-CA";
			ExpectFailure( attr, "Not supported under culture fr-FR,fr-BE,fr-CA" );
		private void ExpectMatch( CultureAttribute attr )
			if ( !detector.IsCultureSupported( attr ) )
				Assert.Fail( string.Format( "Failed to match attribute with Include=\"{0}\",Exclude=\"{1}\"", attr.Include, attr.Exclude ) );