Example #1
 public CharacterStats()
     Character     = new CharacterIndex(-1, 0);
     CharacterInfo = NUPD.CharacterInformation.default_character_info(Character);
     Perfect       = 2;
     Difficulty    = 0;
Example #2
        public static CharacterInformation default_character_info(CharacterIndex aIndex)
            CharacterInformation r = new CharacterInformation()
                ShortName   = aIndex.ShortName,
                Description = "",
                Index       = aIndex,
                ChangeSet   = new List <ChangeSet>()

Example #3
        public static CharacterInformation process_character(string aChar)
            string[]             keywords = new string[] { "NAME", "NDESC", "INDEX", "CHANGE", "CDESC", "CONNECTION", "AUDIO", "COLOR" };
            CharacterInformation ci       = new CharacterInformation();

            string[] process   = aChar.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None);
            string   lastState = "";

            List <ChangeSet> operatingChangeSetList = new List <ChangeSet>();
            //ChangeSet operatingChangeSet = null; TODO DELETE
            ChangeSubSet operatingChangeSubSet         = null;
            int          changeSubsetLevelIndexCounter = 0;

            foreach (string e in process)
                string[] sp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(e, @"\s*,\s*|\s\s*").Where(f => f != "" && f != " ").ToArray();

                if (sp.Length == 0)
                string first = sp[0];

                //Debug.Log (sp.Aggregate((s1,s2)=>s1+"|"+s2+"|"));

                if (!keywords.Contains(first))
                    if (lastState == "CHANGE")
                        //TODO DELETE
                        //operatingChangeSet.LowerThreshold = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(sp[0]);
                        //operatingChangeSet.UpperThreshold = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(sp[1]);

                        operatingChangeSetList.Last().LowerThreshold = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(sp[0]);
                        operatingChangeSetList.Last().UpperThreshold = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(sp[1]);
                    else if (lastState == "CDESC")
                        //Debug.Log (sp.Aggregate((s1,s2)=>s1+"|"+s2+"|"));
                        int changeSubsetChoiceIndexCounter = 0;
                        foreach (string f in sp)
                            operatingChangeSubSet.Changes[changeSubsetLevelIndexCounter, changeSubsetChoiceIndexCounter] = (System.Convert.ToInt32(f));
                else if ((lastState == "CDESC" && first != "CDESC"))                  //we are finished with our chain of cdescs, start a new group
                    foreach (ChangeSet f in operatingChangeSetList)

                if (first == "NAME")
                    if (sp.Length > 1)
                        ci.ShortName = sp.Skip(1).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + " " + s2);
                else if (first == "NDESC")
                    if (sp.Length > 1)
                        ci.Description = sp.Skip(1).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + " " + s2);
                        if (ci.Description.Contains("<A>"))
                            ci.IsDescriptionAdjective = true;
                        //we will actually do this processing in CharacterIndex instead
                        //ci.Description = ci.Description.Replace("<A> ", "");
                        //ci.Description = ci.Description.Replace("<A>", "");
                else if (first == "INDEX")
                    //TODO index should be two numbers now
                    ci.Index = new CharacterIndex(System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[1]), System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[2]));                   //CharacterIndex.INDEX_TO_CHARACTER[System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[1])];
                else if (first == "CHANGE")
                    //TODO DELETE
                    //operatingChangeSet = new ChangeSet();
                    //operatingChangeSet.Index = ci.ChangeSet.Count;
                    operatingChangeSetList.Add(new ChangeSet());
                    operatingChangeSetList.Last().Index = ci.ChangeSet.Count + operatingChangeSetList.Count;
                    if (sp.Length > 1)
                        //operatingChangeSet.PerformanceDescription = sp.Skip(1).Aggregate((s1,s2)=>s1+" "+s2);
                        operatingChangeSetList.Last().PerformanceDescription = sp.Skip(1).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + " " + s2).Replace("poor", "mediocre").Replace("poorly", "ok");
                else if (first == "CDESC")
                    changeSubsetLevelIndexCounter = 0;
                    operatingChangeSubSet         = new ChangeSubSet();
                    if (sp.Length > 1)
                        operatingChangeSubSet.Description = sp.Skip(1).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + " " + s2);
                    //NOTE by doing things this way, all change subsets will be references to each other!!
                    foreach (ChangeSet f in operatingChangeSetList)
                    //TODO DELETE
                else if (first == "CONNECTION")
                    CharacterIndex conind = new CharacterIndex(System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[1]), System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[2]));
                    bool           easy   = sp[3] == "+" ? true : false;
                    if (easy)
                        ci.EasyConnections[conind] = sp.Skip(4).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + " " + s2);
                        ci.HardConnections[conind] = sp.Skip(4).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + " " + s2);
                else if (first == "COLOR")
                    ci.CharacterOutlineColor =
                        new Color32((byte)System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[1]), (byte)System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[2]), (byte)System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[3]), (byte)System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[4]));
                else if (first == "BPM")
                    ci.BPM = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(sp[1]);
                    if (sp.Length > 2)
                        ci.BPMOFFSET = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(sp[2]);
                else if (first == "ORDER")
                    ci.Order = System.Convert.ToInt32(sp[1]);

                if (keywords.Contains(first))
                    lastState = first;

            //in case we have some changes that did not get added
            foreach (ChangeSet f in operatingChangeSetList)

            //TODO DELETE
            //this is a hack to set .4-.6 changes to be positive
            if (ci.ChangeSet.Count > 2)
                //Debug.Log(ci.ChangeSet[2].UpperThreshold + " " + ci.ChangeSet[4].UpperThreshold);
                ci.ChangeSet[2].Changes = ci.ChangeSet[4].Changes;
