Example #1
 protected void registerInterface(RegistryKey classes, ComInterfaceInfo reg)
     using (classes)
         using (RegistryKey infKey = classes.CreateSubKey(INTERFACE))
             registerInterfaceGuid(infKey, reg);
Example #2
 protected void unregisterInterface(RegistryKey classes, ComInterfaceInfo reg)
     using (classes)
         using (RegistryKey interfaceKey = classes.OpenSubKeyDeletion(INTERFACE))
             if (interfaceKey != null) //NOTE: to be safe if can happen clean machine without any user specific installation
                 interfaceKey.DeleteSubKeyTree(reg.Guid, false);
        public static ComInterfaceInfo CreateInterface(Type t)
            var attrs = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(t);// t.GetCustomAttributes() is not usable against reflection only assemblies, so getting data
            if (!IsComVisible(attrs))
                throw new ArgumentException("The CLR type must be COM visible.", "t");

            var reg = new ComInterfaceInfo();
            reg.TypeLib = new TypeLib(t.Assembly);
            reg.Guid = t.GUID.ToString("B").ToUpper();

            return reg;
Example #4
        private void registerInterfaceGuid(RegistryKey infKey, ComInterfaceInfo reg)
            using (RegistryKey guidKey = infKey.CreateSubKey(reg.Guid))
                //some PSDispatch oleaut32 value needed
                using (RegistryKey ps32 = guidKey.CreateSubKey(ProxyStubClsid32Key))
                    ps32.SetValue("", "{00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}");

                using (RegistryKey typeLibKey = guidKey.CreateSubKey(TYPE_LIB))
                    typeLibKey.SetValue("", reg.TypeLib.Guid.ToString("B"));        //with curly braces
                    typeLibKey.SetValue("Version", reg.TypeLib.Version);
Example #5
        public static ComInterfaceInfo CreateInterface(Type t)
            var attrs = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(t);// t.GetCustomAttributes() is not usable against reflection only assemblies, so getting data

            if (!IsComVisible(attrs))
                throw new ArgumentException("The CLR type must be COM visible.", "t");

            var reg = new ComInterfaceInfo();

            reg.TypeLib = new TypeLib(t.Assembly);
            reg.Guid    = t.GUID.ToString("B").ToUpper();

Example #6
        private void registerInterfaceGuid(RegistryKey infKey,ComInterfaceInfo reg)
            using (RegistryKey guidKey = infKey.CreateSubKey(reg.Guid))

                        //some PSDispatch oleaut32 value needed
                        using (RegistryKey ps32 = guidKey.CreateSubKey(ProxyStubClsid32Key))
                            ps32.SetValue("", "{00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}");

                        using (RegistryKey typeLibKey = guidKey.CreateSubKey(TYPE_LIB))
                            typeLibKey.SetValue("", reg.TypeLib.Guid.ToString("B"));//with curly braces
                            typeLibKey.SetValue("Version", reg.TypeLib.Version);
Example #7
 protected void unregisterInterface(RegistryKey classes, ComInterfaceInfo reg)
     using (classes)
         using (RegistryKey interfaceKey = classes.OpenSubKeyDeletion(INTERFACE))
             if (interfaceKey != null) //NOTE: to be safe if can happen clean machine without any user specific installation
                 interfaceKey.DeleteSubKeyTree(reg.Guid, false);
Example #8
 protected void registerInterface(RegistryKey classes, ComInterfaceInfo reg)
     using (classes)
         using (RegistryKey infKey = classes.CreateSubKey(INTERFACE))