static bool IsProjectAnIntegrationTest(NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model) { Plugin plugin = PomHelperUtility.FindPlugin( model, "org.apache.npanday.plugins", "maven-test-plugin" ); if (plugin == null) { return(false); } foreach (XmlElement elem in (ICollection <XmlElement>)plugin.configuration.Any) { if ("integrationTest".Equals(elem.Name)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(elem.InnerText)) { return(false); } return("true".Equals(elem.InnerText.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } } return(false); }
private static void SyncProjectValues(ref ProjectDigest projectDigest) { FileInfo pomFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(projectDigest.FullDirectoryName, "pom.xml")); if (projectDigest.ExistingPom == null || !pomFile.Exists) { return; } NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model = NPanday.Utils.PomHelperUtility.ReadPomAsModel(pomFile); projectDigest.UnitTest = IsProjectAnIntegrationTest(model); }
private void removeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String pomFileName = (new FileInfo(project.FileName).Directory).FullName + @"\..\..\..\pom.xml"; if (!new FileInfo(pomFileName).Exists) { MessageBox.Show("Could not remove reference. Missing pom file: File = " + pomFileName); return; } XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(pomFileName); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(NPanday.Model.Pom.Model)); if (!serializer.CanDeserialize(reader)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not remove reference. Corrupted pom file: File = " + pomFileName); return; } NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model = (NPanday.Model.Pom.Model)serializer.Deserialize(reader); List <Dependency> dependencies = new List <Dependency>(); ListView.SelectedIndexCollection indices = artifactsListView.SelectedIndices; //remove dependencies at the pom foreach (int indexItem in artifactsListView.SelectedIndices) { //MessageBox.Show(dependenciesFromPom[indexItem]); dependenciesFromPom.RemoveAt(indexItem); //VSProject vsProject1 = (VSProject)project.Object; //File must exist //VSProject vsProject = (VSProject)project.Object; //vsProject.Imports.Re } reader.Close(); model.dependencies = dependenciesFromPom.ToArray(); TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(pomFileName); serializer.Serialize(writer, model); writer.Close(); this.Close(); }
void GetReferencesFromPom(NPanday.Logging.Logger logger, ArtifactResyncSource artifactResyncSource) { Artifact.ArtifactRepository repository = new NPanday.Artifact.ArtifactContext().GetArtifactRepository(); NPanday.Model.Pom.Model m = NPanday.Utils.PomHelperUtility.ReadPomAsModel(new FileInfo(pomFile)); if (m.dependencies != null) { foreach (Dependency d in m.dependencies) { // check if intra-project reference and copy artifacts if (!IsIntraProject(m, d) && d.classifier == null) { Artifact.Artifact artifact = repository.GetArtifact(d); CopyArtifactImpl(artifact, logger, artifactResyncSource); } } } }
private void RemoveArtifactsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String pomFileName = (new FileInfo(project.FileName).Directory).FullName + @"\..\..\..\pom.xml"; if (!new FileInfo(pomFileName).Exists) { MessageBox.Show("Could not remove reference. Missing pom file: File = " + pomFileName); return; } XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(pomFileName); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(NPanday.Model.Pom.Model)); if (!serializer.CanDeserialize(reader)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not remove reference. Corrupted pom file: File = " + pomFileName); return; } NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model = (NPanday.Model.Pom.Model)serializer.Deserialize(reader); //List<Dependency> dependencies = new List<Dependency>(); dependenciesFromPom = new List <Dependency>(); if (model.dependencies != null) { dependenciesFromPom.AddRange(model.dependencies); } foreach (Dependency item in dependenciesFromPom) { System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem viewitem = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem(new string[] { item.artifactId, item.version }, -1); viewitem.Tag = item; artifactsListView.Items.Add(viewitem); } //artifactsListBox.ClearSelected(); reader.Close(); }
private bool IsIntraProject(NPanday.Model.Pom.Model m, Dependency d) { string pomGroupId = (m.parent != null) ? m.parent.groupId : m.groupId; if (d.groupId == pomGroupId) { // loop through VS projects (instead of modules in parent POM) because // we need real-time list of project names in the solution foreach (Project project in solution.Projects) { if (d.artifactId == project.Name) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public static NPanday.Model.Pom.Model[] ConvertProjectsToPomModels(ProjectDigest[] projectDigests, string mainPomFile, NPanday.Model.Pom.Model parent, string groupId, bool writePoms, string scmTag, List <Reference> missingReferences, List <string> nonPortableReferences) { try { string version = parent != null ? parent.version : null; List <NPanday.Model.Pom.Model> models = new List <NPanday.Model.Pom.Model>(); foreach (ProjectDigest projectDigest in projectDigests) { NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model = ConvertProjectToPomModel(projectDigest, mainPomFile, parent, groupId, writePoms, scmTag, missingReferences, nonPortableReferences); models.Add(model); } return(models.ToArray()); } catch { throw; } }
static void SyncParentValues(ProjectStructureType structureType, string solutionFile, ref string groupId, ref string artifactId, ref string version) { string parentPomFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(solutionFile), "pom.xml")); if (structureType == ProjectStructureType.FlatMultiModuleProject) { parentPomFileName = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(solutionFile), @"parent-pom.xml")); } FileInfo parentPomFile = new FileInfo(parentPomFileName); if (!parentPomFile.Exists) { throw new Exception("Project Must be Imported Atleast once before Re-Importing!"); } NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model = NPanday.Utils.PomHelperUtility.ReadPomAsModel(parentPomFile); groupId = model.groupId; artifactId = model.artifactId; version = model.version; }
public AbstractPomConverter(ProjectDigest projectDigest, string mainPomFile, NPanday.Model.Pom.Model parent, string groupId) { artifactContext = new ArtifactContext(); this.projectDigest = projectDigest; this.mainPomFile = mainPomFile; this.parent = parent; this.groupId = FilterID(groupId); this.version = parent != null ? parent.version : null; this.rspUtil = new RspUtility(); this.model = new NPanday.Model.Pom.Model(); // Add build Tag = new NPanday.Model.Pom.Build(); this.missingReferences = new List <Reference>(); // TODO: this is a hack because of bad design. The things that talk to the local repository should be pulled out of here, and able to be stubbed/mocked instead if (testingArtifacts != null) { this.localArtifacts = testingArtifacts; } }
public NormalPomConverter(ProjectDigest projectDigest, string mainPomFile, NPanday.Model.Pom.Model parent, string groupId) : base(projectDigest, mainPomFile, parent, groupId) { }
public static NPanday.Model.Pom.Model MakeProjectsParentPomModel(ProjectDigest[] projectDigests, string pomFileName, string groupId, string artifactId, string version, string scmTag, bool writePom) { string errorPrj = string.Empty; try { NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model = new NPanday.Model.Pom.Model(); model.modelVersion = "4.0.0"; model.packaging = "pom"; model.groupId = groupId; model.artifactId = artifactId; model.version = version; = string.Format("{0} : {1}", groupId, artifactId); if (scmTag == null) { scmTag = string.Empty; } if (scmTag.ToUpper().Contains("OPTIONAL")) { scmTag = string.Empty; } if (scmTag.Contains("scm:svn:")) { scmTag = scmTag.Remove(scmTag.IndexOf("scm:svn:"), 8); } Uri repoUri; bool isValidUrl = true; try { if (!scmTag.Equals(string.Empty)) { repoUri = new Uri(scmTag); } } catch(Exception) { isValidUrl=false; log.InfoFormat("SCM Tag was not added, because the url {0} was not accessible", scmTag); } if (!string.Empty.Equals(scmTag) && scmTag != null && isValidUrl) { scmTag = scmTag.Trim(); Scm scmHolder = new Scm(); scmHolder.connection = string.Format("scm:svn:{0}",scmTag); scmHolder.developerConnection = string.Format("scm:svn:{0}", scmTag); //why forcibly Subversion? (scm:hg for example). Need to add more fields to configure. scmHolder.url = scmTag; model.scm = scmHolder; } List<string> modules = new List<string>(); foreach (ProjectDigest projectDigest in projectDigests) { DirectoryInfo prjDir = new DirectoryInfo ( projectDigest.ProjectType == VisualStudioProjectTypeEnum.Web_Site ? projectDigest.FullFileName : Path.GetDirectoryName(projectDigest.FullFileName) ); DirectoryInfo pomDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(pomFileName)); string moduleDir = PomHelperUtility.GetRelativePath(pomDir, prjDir); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleDir)) { moduleDir = "."; errorPrj += projectDigest.FullFileName; } modules.Add(moduleDir.Replace(@"\","/")); } modules.Sort(); model.modules = modules.ToArray(); if (writePom) { PomHelperUtility.WriteModelToPom(new FileInfo(pomFileName), model); } return model; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Project Importer failed with project \""+ errorPrj + "\". Project directory structure may not be supported."); } }
public static NPanday.Model.Pom.Model ConvertProjectToPomModel(ProjectDigest projectDigest, string mainPomFile, NPanday.Model.Pom.Model parent, string groupId, bool writePom, string scmTag, List <Reference> missingReferences, List <string> nonPortableReferences) { if (!__converterAlgorithms.ContainsKey(projectDigest.ProjectType)) { throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported project type: " + projectDigest.ProjectType); } else { // fudge the project type - though overall this would be better with "capabilities" or some filters instead if ((projectDigest.ProjectType & VisualStudioProjectTypeEnum.Web_Application) != 0 && projectDigest.UseMsDeploy) { projectDigest.ProjectType |= VisualStudioProjectTypeEnum.WebDeploy2; } if (projectDigest.RoleType != null && projectDigest.RoleType.Equals("Worker", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { projectDigest.ProjectType |= VisualStudioProjectTypeEnum.WindowsAzure_Worker; } IPomConverter converter = (IPomConverter)System.Activator.CreateInstance( __converterAlgorithms[projectDigest.ProjectType], projectDigest, mainPomFile, parent, groupId); converter.ConvertProjectToPomModel(scmTag); missingReferences.AddRange(converter.GetMissingReferences()); foreach (string s in converter.GetNonPortableReferences()) { if (!nonPortableReferences.Contains(s)) { nonPortableReferences.Add(s); } } return(converter.Model); } }
public static NPanday.Model.Pom.Model MakeProjectsParentPomModel(ProjectDigest[] projectDigests, string pomFileName, string groupId, string artifactId, string version, string scmTag, bool writePom) { string errorPrj = string.Empty; try { NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model = new NPanday.Model.Pom.Model(); model.modelVersion = "4.0.0"; model.packaging = "pom"; model.groupId = groupId; model.artifactId = artifactId; model.version = version; = string.Format("{0} : {1}", groupId, artifactId); if (scmTag == null) { scmTag = string.Empty; } if (scmTag.ToUpper().Contains("OPTIONAL")) { scmTag = string.Empty; } if (scmTag.Contains("scm:svn:")) { scmTag = scmTag.Remove(scmTag.IndexOf("scm:svn:"), 8); } Uri repoUri; bool isValidUrl = true; try { if (!scmTag.Equals(string.Empty)) { repoUri = new Uri(scmTag); } } catch (Exception) { isValidUrl = false; log.InfoFormat("SCM Tag was not added, because the url {0} was not accessible", scmTag); } if (!string.Empty.Equals(scmTag) && scmTag != null && isValidUrl) { scmTag = scmTag.Trim(); Scm scmHolder = new Scm(); scmHolder.connection = string.Format("scm:svn:{0}", scmTag); scmHolder.developerConnection = string.Format("scm:svn:{0}", scmTag); //why forcibly Subversion? (scm:hg for example). Need to add more fields to configure. scmHolder.url = scmTag; model.scm = scmHolder; } List <string> modules = new List <string>(); foreach (ProjectDigest projectDigest in projectDigests) { DirectoryInfo prjDir = new DirectoryInfo ( projectDigest.ProjectType == VisualStudioProjectTypeEnum.Web_Site ? projectDigest.FullFileName : Path.GetDirectoryName(projectDigest.FullFileName) ); DirectoryInfo pomDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(pomFileName)); string moduleDir = PomHelperUtility.GetRelativePath(pomDir, prjDir); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleDir)) { moduleDir = "."; errorPrj += projectDigest.FullFileName; } modules.Add(moduleDir.Replace(@"\", "/")); } modules.Sort(); model.modules = modules.ToArray(); if (writePom) { PomHelperUtility.WriteModelToPom(new FileInfo(pomFileName), model); } return(model); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Project Importer failed with project \"" + errorPrj + "\". Project directory structure may not be supported."); } }
public WebWithVbOrCsProjectFilePomConverter(ProjectDigest projectDigest, string mainPomFile, NPanday.Model.Pom.Model parent, string groupId) : base(projectDigest, mainPomFile, parent, groupId) { }
public AbstractPomConverter(ProjectDigest projectDigest, string mainPomFile, NPanday.Model.Pom.Model parent, string groupId) { artifactContext = new ArtifactContext(); this.projectDigest = projectDigest; this.mainPomFile = mainPomFile; this.parent = parent; this.groupId = FilterID(groupId); this.version = parent != null ? parent.version : null; this.rspUtil = new RspUtility(); this.model = new NPanday.Model.Pom.Model(); // Add build Tag = new NPanday.Model.Pom.Build(); this.missingReferences = new List<Reference>(); this.nonPortableReferences = new List<string>(); // TODO: this is a hack because of bad design. The things that talk to the local repository should be pulled out of here, and able to be stubbed/mocked instead if (testingArtifacts != null) { this.localArtifacts = testingArtifacts; } }