private void addReferenceToProject(ref NPanday.Artifact.Artifact artifact, string text) { if (project.Object is VSProject) { IReferenceManager refMgr = new ReferenceManager(); refMgr.Initialize((VSLangProj80.VSProject2)project.Object); artifact = refMgr.Add(new ReferenceInfo(artifact)); if (!addVSProjectReference(artifact, text)) { return; } } else if (Connect.IsWebSite(project)) { if (!addVSWebProjectReference(artifact, text)) { return; } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot add artifact to none VS projects.", this.Text); return; } }
public Artifact CreateArtifact(String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String packaging) { Artifact artifact = new Artifact(); artifact.ArtifactId = artifactId; artifact.GroupId = groupId; artifact.Version = version; artifact.Extension = GetExtensionFor(packaging); return artifact; }
public Artifact GetArtifact(NPanday.Model.Pom.Dependency dependency) { Artifact artifact = new Artifact(); artifact.ArtifactId = dependency.artifactId; artifact.GroupId = dependency.groupId; artifact.Version = dependency.version; artifact.FileInfo = new FileInfo(GetLocalRepositoryPath(artifact, ".dll")); return artifact; }
public string pathOf(Artifact artifact) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(artifact.GroupId.Replace('.', '\\')).Append(@"\"); sb.Append(artifact.ArtifactId).Append(@"\"); sb.Append(artifact.Version).Append(@"\"); sb.Append(artifact.ArtifactId).Append("-").Append(artifact.Version).Append(".").Append(artifact.Extension); return sb.ToString(); }
public Artifact GetArtifactFor(NPanday.Model.Pom.Model model) { Artifact artifact = new Artifact(); artifact.ArtifactId = model.artifactId; artifact.GroupId = model.groupId; artifact.Version = model.version; artifact.Extension = GetExtensionFor(model.packaging); return artifact; }
public static FileInfo GetPrivateApplicationBaseFileFor(Artifact artifact, DirectoryInfo localRepository, string currentDir) { FileInfo target = new FileInfo(currentDir + Path.PathSeparator + "target" + Path.PathSeparator+artifact.ArtifactId + artifact.Extension); FileInfo source = GetUserAssemblyCacheFileFor(artifact, localRepository); if(source.Exists) { File.Copy( source.ToString(), target.ToString()); } return target; }
public Artifact GetArtifact(DirectoryInfo uacDirectory, FileInfo artifactFile) { string[] tokens; try { tokens = PathUtil.GetRelativePathTokens(uacDirectory, artifactFile); } catch { List<string> tk = new List<string>(artifactFile.FullName.Split(@"\".ToCharArray())); tk.RemoveRange(0, tk.Count - 3); tokens = tk.ToArray(); } //artifact for system path if (!artifactFile.FullName.Contains(".m2")) { return null; } string fileName = tokens[tokens.Length - 1]; int index = fileName.LastIndexOf("."); string ext = fileName.Substring(index); string version = tokens[tokens.Length - 2]; string artifactId = tokens[tokens.Length - 3]; StringBuilder group = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length - 3; i++) { group.Append(tokens[i]).Append("."); } string groupId = group.ToString(0, group.Length - 1); Artifact artifact = new Artifact(); artifact.ArtifactId = artifactId; artifact.Version = version; artifact.GroupId = groupId; artifact.FileInfo = new FileInfo(GetLocalRepositoryPath(artifact, ext)); return artifact; }
public string GetRemoteRepositoryPath(Artifact artifact, string timeStampVersion, string url, string ext) { return string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{2}-{4}{5}", url, artifact.GroupId.Replace('.', '/'), artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version, timeStampVersion, ext); }
// TODO: belongs in another utility classs public static bool downloadArtifactFromRemoteRepository(Artifact.Artifact artifact, string ext) { try { Dictionary<string, string> repos = SettingsUtil.GetSettingsRepositories(); foreach (string id in repos.Keys) { string url = repos[id]; ArtifactContext artifactContext = new ArtifactContext(); if (artifact.Version.Contains("SNAPSHOT")) { string newVersion = GetSnapshotVersion(artifact, url); if (newVersion != null) { artifact.RemotePath = artifactContext.GetArtifactRepository().GetRemoteRepositoryPath(artifact, artifact.Version.Replace("SNAPSHOT", newVersion), url, ext); } else { artifact.RemotePath = artifactContext.GetArtifactRepository().GetRemoteRepositoryPath(artifact, url, ext); } } else { artifact.RemotePath = artifactContext.GetArtifactRepository().GetRemoteRepositoryPath(artifact, url, ext); } if (downloadArtifact(artifact)) { return true; } } return false; } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Cannot add reference of " + artifact.ArtifactId + ", an exception occurred trying to download it: " + e.Message); return false; } }
public string GetRemoteRepositoryPath(Artifact artifact, string timeStampVersion, string url, string ext) { return(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{2}-{4}{5}", url, artifact.GroupId.Replace('.', '/'), artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version, timeStampVersion, ext)); }
public string GetLocalRepositoryPath(Artifact artifact, string ext) { return(string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}\{2}-{3}{4}", localRepository.FullName, artifact.GroupId.Replace(@".", @"\"), artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version, ext)); }
public static FileInfo GetUserAssemblyCacheFileFor(Artifact artifact, DirectoryInfo localRepository) { return new FileInfo( Path.Combine(localRepository.ToString(), string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}\{1}-{2}.{3}", Tokenize(artifact.GroupId), artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version, artifact.Extension))); }
static bool downloadArtifact(Artifact.Artifact artifact) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); bool dirCreated = false; try { if (!artifact.FileInfo.Directory.Exists) { artifact.FileInfo.Directory.Create(); dirCreated = true; } log.InfoFormat("Download Start: {0} Downloading From {1}", DateTime.Now, artifact.RemotePath); client.DownloadFile(artifact.RemotePath, artifact.FileInfo.FullName); log.InfoFormat("Download Finished: {0}", DateTime.Now); string artifactDir = GetLocalUacPath(artifact, artifact.FileInfo.Extension); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(artifactDir))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(artifactDir)); } if (!File.Exists(artifactDir)) { File.Copy(artifact.FileInfo.FullName, artifactDir); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { if (dirCreated) { artifact.FileInfo.Directory.Delete(); } log.WarnFormat("Download Failed {0}", e.Message); return false; } finally { client.Dispose(); } }
public static string GetLocalUacPath(Artifact.Artifact artifact, string ext) { return Path.Combine(SettingsUtil.GetLocalRepositoryPath(), string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{1}{2}-{3}", Tokenize(artifact.GroupId), artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version, ext)); }
public static FileInfo GetUserAssemblyCacheFileFor(Artifact artifact, DirectoryInfo localRepository) { return(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(localRepository.ToString(), string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}\{1}-{2}.{3}", Tokenize(artifact.GroupId), artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version, artifact.Extension)))); }
void addLocalArtifact(LocalArtifactItem item) { NPanday.Artifact.Artifact artifact = item.Artifact; addReferenceToProject(ref artifact, item.Text); }
public Artifact GetArtifactFor(String uri) { Artifact artifact = new Artifact(); String[] tokens = uri.Split("/".ToCharArray(), Int32.MaxValue, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int size = tokens.Length; if (size < 3) { System.Reflection.Assembly a = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(uri); string[] info = a.FullName.Split(",".ToCharArray(), Int32.MaxValue, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); artifact.ArtifactId = info[0]; artifact.GroupId = info[0]; artifact.Version = info[1].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1]; artifact.Extension = tokens[0].Split(new char[] { '.' })[1]; if (artifact.Version == null) { artifact.Version = ""; } } else { artifact.ArtifactId = tokens[size - 3]; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < size - 3; i++) { buffer.Append(tokens[i]); if (i != size - 4) { buffer.Append("."); } } artifact.GroupId = buffer.ToString(); artifact.Version = tokens[size - 2]; String[] extToken = tokens[size - 1].Split(".".ToCharArray()); artifact.Extension = extToken[extToken.Length - 1]; } artifact.FileInfo = new FileInfo(localRepository.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Tokenize(artifact.GroupId) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + artifact.ArtifactId + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + artifact.Version + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + artifact.ArtifactId + "-" + artifact.Version + ".dll"); return artifact; }
void addRemoteArtifact(RemoteArtifactNode node) { string uri = node.ArtifactUrl; string paths; string repoUrl = selectedRepoUrl; if (node.IsFileSystem) { //Uri repoUri = new Uri(repoUrl); //paths = uri.Substring(repoUri.LocalPath.Length).Replace(@"\",@"/"); paths = uri; } else { paths = normalizePath(uri.Substring(repoUrl.Length)); } NPanday.Artifact.Artifact artifact = artifactContext.GetArtifactRepository().GetArtifactFor(paths); //Download artifact.FileInfo.Directory.Create(); if (node.IsFileSystem) { if (!File.Exists(artifact.FileInfo.FullName)) { File.Copy(node.ArtifactUrl, artifact.FileInfo.FullName); } } else { if (!File.Exists(artifact.FileInfo.FullName)) { byte[] assembly = webClient.DownloadData(uri); FileStream stream = new FileStream(artifact.FileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Create); stream.Write(assembly, 0, assembly.Length); stream.Flush(); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); webClient.Dispose(); } //make sure that file is properly closed before adding it to the reference System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } addReferenceToProject(ref artifact, artifact.ArtifactId); //if (project.Object is VSProject) //{ // if (!addVSProjectReference(artifact, artifact.ArtifactId)) // return; //} //else if (Connect.IsWebProject(project)) //{ // if (!addVSWebProjectReference(artifact, artifact.ArtifactId)) // return; //} //else //{ // MessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot add artifact to none VS projects.", this.Text); // return; //} }
public string GetLocalRepositoryPath(Artifact artifact, string ext) { return string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}\{2}-{3}{4}", localRepository.FullName, artifact.GroupId.Replace(@".", @"\"), artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version, ext); }
private static string GetSnapshotVersion(NPanday.Artifact.Artifact artifact, string repo) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); string timeStampVersion = null; string metadataPath = repo + "/" + artifact.GroupId.Replace('.', '/') + "/" + artifact.ArtifactId; string snapshot = "<snapshot>"; string metadata = "/maven-metadata.xml"; try { metadataPath = metadataPath + "/" + artifact.Version + metadata; string content = client.DownloadString(metadataPath); string[] lines = content.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string timeStamp = null; string buildNumber = null; foreach (string line in lines) { int startIndex; int len; if (line.Contains("<timestamp>")) { startIndex = line.IndexOf("<timestamp>") + "<timestamp>".Length; len = line.IndexOf("</timestamp>") - startIndex; timeStamp = line.Substring(startIndex, len); } if (line.Contains("<buildNumber>")) { startIndex = line.IndexOf("<buildNumber>") + "<buildNumber>".Length; len = line.IndexOf("</buildNumber>") - startIndex; buildNumber = line.Substring(startIndex, len); } } if (timeStamp == null) { log.Warn("Timestamp was not specified in maven-metadata.xml - using default snapshot version"); return(null); } if (buildNumber == null) { log.Warn("Build number was not specified in maven-metadata.xml - using default snapshot version"); return(null); } log.Info("Resolved SNAPSHOT: Timestamp = " + timeStamp + "; Build Number = " + buildNumber); timeStampVersion = timeStamp + "-" + buildNumber; } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } finally { client.Dispose(); } return(timeStampVersion); }
public static bool DownloadArtifact(Artifact.Artifact artifact) { return downloadArtifactFromRemoteRepository(artifact, artifact.FileInfo.Extension); }