Example #1
        public override POIXMLDocumentPart CreateDocumentPart(POIXMLDocumentPart parent, PackageRelationship rel, PackagePart part)
            POIXMLRelation descriptor = XWPFRelation.GetInstance(rel.RelationshipType);
            if (descriptor == null || descriptor.RelationClass == null)
                logger.Log(POILogger.DEBUG, "using default POIXMLDocumentPart for " + rel.RelationshipType);
                return new POIXMLDocumentPart(part, rel);

                Type cls = descriptor.RelationClass;
                    ConstructorInfo constructor = cls.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(POIXMLDocumentPart), typeof(PackagePart), typeof(PackageRelationship) });
                    return constructor.Invoke(new object[] { parent, part, rel }) as POIXMLDocumentPart;
                catch (Exception)
                    ConstructorInfo constructor = cls.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(PackagePart), typeof(PackageRelationship) });
                    return constructor.Invoke(new object[] { part, rel }) as POIXMLDocumentPart;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new POIXMLException(e);
Example #2
         * Construct POIXMLDocumentPart representing a "core document" namespace part.
        public POIXMLDocumentPart(OPCPackage pkg)
            PackageRelationship coreRel = pkg.GetRelationshipsByType(PackageRelationshipTypes.CORE_DOCUMENT).GetRelationship(0);

            this.packagePart = pkg.GetPart(coreRel);
            this.packageRel = coreRel;
Example #3
        internal CommentsTable(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

            XmlDocument xml = ConvertStreamToXml(part.GetInputStream());
Example #4
         * Construct a SpreadsheetML chart from a namespace part.
         * @param part the namespace part holding the chart data,
         * the content type must be <code>application/vnd.Openxmlformats-officedocument.Drawingml.chart+xml</code>
         * @param rel  the namespace relationship holding this chart,
         * the relationship type must be http://schemas.Openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chart
        protected XSSFChart(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

            XmlDocument doc = ConvertStreamToXml(part.GetInputStream());
            chartSpaceDocument = ChartSpaceDocument.Parse(doc, NamespaceManager);
            chart = chartSpaceDocument.GetChartSpace().chart;
Example #5
         * Construct a SpreadsheetML chart from a namespace part.
         * @param part the namespace part holding the chart data,
         * the content type must be <code>application/vnd.Openxmlformats-officedocument.Drawingml.chart+xml</code>
         * @param rel  the namespace relationship holding this chart,
         * the relationship type must be http://schemas.Openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chart
        protected XSSFChart(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

            chartSpace = ChartSpaceDocument.Parse(part.GetInputStream()).GetChartSpace();
            chart = chartSpace.chart;
Example #6
  * Construct a SpreadsheetML Drawing from a namespace part
  * @param part the namespace part holding the Drawing data,
  * the content type must be <code>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.Drawing+xml</code>
  * @param rel  the namespace relationship holding this Drawing,
  * the relationship type must be http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing
 internal XSSFDrawing(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
     : base(part, rel)
     //XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions(DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS);
     ////Removing root element
     //drawing = CTDrawing.Factory.parse(part.getInputStream(), options);
     drawing = NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_Drawing.Parse(part.GetInputStream());
Example #7
         * Save the specified part.
         * @throws OpenXml4NetException
         *             Throws if an internal exception is thrown.
        public bool Marshall(PackagePart part, Stream os)
            if (!(os is ZipOutputStream))
                logger.Log(POILogger.ERROR,"Unexpected class " + os.GetType().Name);
                throw new OpenXml4NetException("ZipOutputStream expected !");
                // Normally should happen only in developement phase, so just throw
                // exception

            ZipOutputStream zos = (ZipOutputStream)os;
            string name = ZipHelper
            ZipEntry partEntry = new ZipEntry(name);
                // Create next zip entry

                // Saving data in the ZIP file
                Stream ins = part.GetInputStream();
                byte[] buff = new byte[ZipHelper.READ_WRITE_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE];
                int totalRead = 0;
                while (true)
                    int resultRead = ins.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length);
                    if (resultRead == 0)
                        // End of file reached
                    zos.Write(buff, 0, resultRead);
                    totalRead += resultRead;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                logger.Log(POILogger.ERROR, "Cannot write: " + part.PartName + ": in ZIP", ioe);
                return false;

            // Saving relationship part
            if (part.HasRelationships)
                PackagePartName relationshipPartName = PackagingUriHelper

                        relationshipPartName, zos);

            return true;
        public XWPFHeaderFooter(POIXMLDocumentPart parent, PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel) :
            base(parent, part, rel)
            this.document = (XWPFDocument)GetParent();

            if (this.document == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException();
Example #9
        internal ThemesTable(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

            //theme = ThemeDocument.Parse(part.GetInputStream());
                theme = ThemeDocument.Parse(part.GetInputStream());
            catch (XmlException e)
                throw new IOException(e.Message);
Example #10
         * Construct a ThemesTable.
         * @param part A PackagePart.
         * @param rel A PackageRelationship.
        internal ThemesTable(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

            XmlDocument xmldoc = ConvertStreamToXml(part.GetInputStream());
                theme = ThemeDocument.Parse(xmldoc, NamespaceManager);
            catch (XmlException e)
                throw new IOException(e.Message);
Example #11
         * Constructor.
         * @param pkg
         * @param sourcePart
         * @param targetUri
         * @param targetMode
         * @param relationshipType
         * @param id
        public PackageRelationship(OPCPackage pkg, PackagePart sourcePart,
                Uri targetUri, TargetMode targetMode, String relationshipType,
                String id)
            if (pkg == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("pkg");
            if (targetUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("targetUri");
            if (relationshipType == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("relationshipType");
            if (id == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("id");

            this.container = pkg;
            this.source = sourcePart;
            this.targetUri = targetUri;
            this.targetMode = targetMode;
            this.relationshipType = relationshipType;
            this.id = id;
Example #12
        public POIXMLProperties(OPCPackage docPackage)
            this.pkg = docPackage;

            // Core properties
            core = new CoreProperties((PackagePropertiesPart)pkg.GetPackageProperties());

            // Extended properties
            PackageRelationshipCollection extRel =
            if (extRel.Size == 1)
                extPart = pkg.GetPart(extRel.GetRelationship(0));
                ExtendedPropertiesDocument props = ExtendedPropertiesDocument.Parse(
                ext = new ExtendedProperties(props);
                extPart = null;
                ext = new ExtendedProperties((ExtendedPropertiesDocument)NEW_EXT_INSTANCE.Copy());

            // Custom properties
            PackageRelationshipCollection custRel =
            if (custRel.Size == 1)
                custPart = pkg.GetPart(custRel.GetRelationship(0));
                CustomPropertiesDocument props = CustomPropertiesDocument.Parse(
                cust = new CustomProperties(props);
                custPart = null;
                cust = new CustomProperties((CustomPropertiesDocument)NEW_CUST_INSTANCE.Copy());
Example #13
  * Return the dimension of this image
  * @param part the namespace part holding raw picture data
  * @param type type of the picture: {@link Workbook#PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG},
  * {@link Workbook#PICTURE_TYPE_PNG} or {@link Workbook#PICTURE_TYPE_DIB}
  * @return image dimension in pixels
 protected static Size GetImageDimension(PackagePart part, PictureType type)
         //return Image.FromStream(part.GetInputStream()).Size;
         //java can only read png,jpeg,dib image
         //C# read the image that format defined by PictureType , maybe.
         return ImageUtils.GetImageDimension(part.GetInputStream());
     catch (IOException e)
         //return a "singulariry" if ImageIO failed to read the image
         logger.Log(POILogger.WARN, e);
         return new Size();
Example #14
  * Construct XWPFPictureData from a package part
  * @param part the package part holding the Drawing data,
  * @param rel  the package relationship holding this Drawing,
  * the relationship type must be http://schemas.Openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image
 public XWPFPictureData(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
     : base(part, rel)
Example #15
 public XWPFHeader(POIXMLDocumentPart parent, PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
     : base(parent, part, rel)
Example #16
        internal MapInfo(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

Example #17
         * Construct XSSFPictureData from a namespace part
         * @param part the namespace part holding the Drawing data,
         * @param rel  the namespace relationship holding this Drawing,
         * the relationship type must be http://schemas.Openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image
        internal XSSFPictureData(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

Example #18
         * Construct XWPFStyles from a package part
         * @param part the package part holding the data of the styles,
         * @param rel  the package relationship of type "http://schemas.Openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles"

        public XWPFStyles(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)
         * Parse the relationship part and add all relationship in this collection.
         * @param relPart
         *            The package part to parse.
         * @throws InvalidFormatException
         *             Throws if the relationship part is invalid.
        private void ParseRelationshipsPart(PackagePart relPart)
                logger.Log(POILogger.DEBUG, "Parsing relationship: " + relPart.PartName);
                XPathDocument xmlRelationshipsDoc = DocumentHelper.ReadDocument(relPart.GetInputStream());

                // Check OPC compliance M4.1 rule
                bool fCorePropertiesRelationship = false;
                XPathNavigator      xpathnav = xmlRelationshipsDoc.CreateNavigator();
                XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr    = new XmlNamespaceManager(xpathnav.NameTable);
                nsMgr.AddNamespace("x", PackageNamespaces.RELATIONSHIPS);

                XPathNodeIterator iterator = xpathnav.Select("//x:" + PackageRelationship.RELATIONSHIP_TAG_NAME, nsMgr);

                while (iterator.MoveNext())
                    // Relationship ID
                    String id = iterator.Current.GetAttribute(PackageRelationship.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, xpathnav.NamespaceURI);
                    // Relationship type
                    String type = iterator.Current.GetAttribute(
                        PackageRelationship.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, xpathnav.NamespaceURI);

                    /* Check OPC Compliance */
                    // Check Rule M4.1
                    if (type.Equals(PackageRelationshipTypes.CORE_PROPERTIES))
                        if (!fCorePropertiesRelationship)
                            fCorePropertiesRelationship = true;
                            throw new InvalidFormatException(
                                      "OPC Compliance error [M4.1]: there is more than one core properties relationship in the package !");

                    /* End OPC Compliance */

                    // TargetMode (default value "Internal")
                    string     targetModeAttr = iterator.Current.GetAttribute(PackageRelationship.TARGET_MODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, xpathnav.NamespaceURI);
                    TargetMode targetMode     = TargetMode.Internal;
                    if (targetModeAttr != string.Empty)
                        targetMode = targetModeAttr.ToLower()
                                     .Equals("internal") ? TargetMode.Internal
                                : TargetMode.External;

                    // Target converted in URI
                    Uri    target = PackagingUriHelper.ToUri("http://invalid.uri"); // dummy url
                    String value  = iterator.Current.GetAttribute(
                        PackageRelationship.TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, xpathnav.NamespaceURI);;
                        // when parsing of the given uri fails, we can either
                        // ignore this relationship, which leads to IllegalStateException
                        // later on, or use a dummy value and thus enable processing of the
                        // package
                        target = PackagingUriHelper.ToUri(value);
                    catch (UriFormatException e)
                        logger.Log(POILogger.ERROR, "Cannot convert " + value
                                   + " in a valid relationship URI-> dummy-URI used", e);
                    AddRelationship(target, targetMode, type, id);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Log(POILogger.ERROR, e);
                throw new InvalidFormatException(e.Message);
Example #20
         * Retrieves all the PackageParts which are defined as
         *  relationships of the base document with the
         *  specified content type.
        protected PackagePart[] GetRelatedByType(String contentType)  {
        PackageRelationshipCollection partsC =

        PackagePart[] parts = new PackagePart[partsC.Size];
        int count = 0;
        foreach (PackageRelationship rel in partsC) {
            parts[count] = GetTargetPart(rel);
        return parts;
Example #21
        internal SharedStringsTable(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

Example #22
         * Retrieves the parts from this package. We assume that the package has not
         * been yet inspect to retrieve all the parts, this method will open the
         * archive and look for all parts contain inside it. If the package part
         * list is not empty, it will be emptied.
         * @return All parts contain in this package.
         * @throws InvalidFormatException
         *             Throws if the package is not valid.

        protected override PackagePart[] GetPartsImpl()
            if (this.partList == null)
                // The package has just been created, we create an empty part
                // list.
                this.partList = new PackagePartCollection();

            if (this.zipArchive == null)
                PackagePart[] pp = new PackagePart[this.partList.Values.Count];
                this.partList.Values.CopyTo(pp, 0);
            // First we need to parse the content type part
            IEnumerator entries = this.zipArchive.Entries;

            while (entries.MoveNext())
                ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry)entries.Current;
                if (entry.Name.ToLower().Equals(
                    try {
                        this.contentTypeManager = new ZipContentTypeManager(
                            ZipArchive.GetInputStream(entry), this);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new InvalidFormatException(e.Message);

            // At this point, we should have loaded the content type part
            if (this.contentTypeManager == null)
                throw new InvalidFormatException(
                          "Package should contain a content type part [M1.13]");

            // Now create all the relationships
            // (Need to create relationships before other
            //  parts, otherwise we might create a part before
            //  its relationship exists, and then it won't tie up)
            entries = this.zipArchive.Entries;
            while (entries.MoveNext())
                ZipEntry        entry    = (ZipEntry)entries.Current;
                PackagePartName partName = BuildPartName(entry);
                if (partName == null)

                // Only proceed for Relationships at this stage
                String contentType = contentTypeManager.GetContentType(partName);
                if (contentType != null && contentType.Equals(ContentTypes.RELATIONSHIPS_PART))
                    try {
                        partList[partName] = new ZipPackagePart(this, entry,
                                                                partName, contentType);
                    } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
                        throw new InvalidFormatException(e.Message);

            // Then we can go through all the other parts
            entries = this.zipArchive.Entries;
            while (entries.MoveNext())
                ZipEntry        entry    = entries.Current as ZipEntry;
                PackagePartName partName = BuildPartName(entry);
                if (partName == null)

                String contentType = contentTypeManager
                if (contentType != null && contentType.Equals(ContentTypes.RELATIONSHIPS_PART))
                    // Already handled
                else if (contentType != null)
                    try {
                        partList[partName] = new ZipPackagePart(this, entry,
                                                                partName, contentType);
                    } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
                        throw new InvalidFormatException(e.Message);
                    throw new InvalidFormatException(
                              "The part "
                              + partName.URI.OriginalString
                              + " does not have any content type ! Rule: Package require content types when retrieving a part from a package. [M.1.14]");
            ZipPackagePart[] returnArray = new ZipPackagePart[partList.Count];
            partList.Values.CopyTo(returnArray, 0);
Example #23
  * Creates an POIXMLDocumentPart representing the given namespace part, relationship and parent
  * Called by {@link #read(POIXMLFactory, java.util.Map)} when Reading in an exisiting file.
  * @param parent - Parent part
  * @param part - The namespace part that holds xml data represenring this sheet.
  * @param rel - the relationship of the given namespace part
  * @see #read(POIXMLFactory, java.util.Map)
 public POIXMLDocumentPart(POIXMLDocumentPart parent, PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
     this.packagePart = part;
     this.packageRel = rel;
     this.parent = parent;
Example #24
  * Return the dimension of this image
  * @param part the namespace part holding raw picture data
  * @param type type of the picture: {@link Workbook#PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG},
  * {@link Workbook#PICTURE_TYPE_PNG} or {@link Workbook#PICTURE_TYPE_DIB}
  * @return image dimension in pixels
 protected static Size GetImageDimension(PackagePart part, int type)
         return Image.FromStream(part.GetInputStream()).Size;
     catch (IOException e)
         //return a "singulariry" if ImageIO failed to read the image
         logger.Log(POILogger.WARN, e);
         return new Size();
Example #25
  * Create an OPC compliant part name by resolving it using a base part.
  * @param partName
  *            The part name Uri to validate.
  * @param relativePart
  *            The relative base part.
  * @return The correspondant part name if valid, else <code>null</code>.
  * @throws InvalidFormatException
  *             Throws if the specified part name is not OPC compliant.
  * @see #CreatePartName(Uri)
 public static PackagePartName CreatePartName(Uri partName,
         PackagePart relativePart)
     Uri newPartNameURI = ResolvePartUri(
             relativePart.PartName.URI, partName);
     return CreatePartName(newPartNameURI);
Example #26
  * When you open something like a theme, call this to
  *  re-base the XML Document onto the core child of the
  *  current core document 
 protected void Rebase(OPCPackage pkg)
     PackageRelationshipCollection cores =
     if (cores.Size != 1)
         throw new InvalidOperationException(
             "Tried to rebase using " + PackageRelationshipTypes.CORE_DOCUMENT +
             " but found " + cores.Size + " parts of the right type"
     packageRel = cores.GetRelationship(0);
     packagePart = packagePart.GetRelatedPart(packageRel);
Example #27
         * Creates an XSSFSheet representing the given namespace part and relationship.
         * Should only be called by XSSFWorkbook when Reading in an exisiting file.
         * @param part - The namespace part that holds xml data represenring this sheet.
         * @param rel - the relationship of the given namespace part in the underlying OPC namespace
        internal XSSFSheet(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

            dataValidationHelper = new XSSFDataValidationHelper(this);
Example #28
         * Retrieves the parts from this package. We assume that the package has not
         * been yet inspect to retrieve all the parts, this method will open the
         * archive and look for all parts contain inside it. If the package part
         * list is not empty, it will be emptied.
         * @return All parts contain in this package.
         * @throws InvalidFormatException
         *             Throws if the package is not valid.

        protected override PackagePart[] GetPartsImpl(){
        if (this.partList == null) {
            // The package has just been created, we create an empty part
            // list.
            this.partList = new PackagePartCollection();

        if (this.zipArchive == null)
            PackagePart[] pp = new PackagePart[this.partList.Values.Count];
            this.partList.Values.CopyTo(pp, 0);
            return pp;
        // First we need to parse the content type part
        IEnumerator entries = this.zipArchive.Entries;
        while (entries.MoveNext()) {
            ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry)entries.Current;
            if (entry.Name.ToLower().Equals(
                try {
                    this.contentTypeManager = new ZipContentTypeManager(
                            ZipArchive.GetInputStream(entry), this);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new InvalidFormatException(e.Message);

        // At this point, we should have loaded the content type part
        if (this.contentTypeManager == null) {
            throw new InvalidFormatException(
                    "Package should contain a content type part [M1.13]");

        // Now create all the relationships
        // (Need to create relationships before other
        //  parts, otherwise we might create a part before
        //  its relationship exists, and then it won't tie up)
        entries = this.zipArchive.Entries;
        while (entries.MoveNext()) {
            ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry)entries.Current;
            PackagePartName partName = BuildPartName(entry);
            if(partName == null) continue;

            // Only proceed for Relationships at this stage
            String contentType = contentTypeManager.GetContentType(partName);
            if (contentType != null && contentType.Equals(ContentTypes.RELATIONSHIPS_PART)) {
                try {
                    partList[partName]= new ZipPackagePart(this, entry,
                        partName, contentType);
                } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
                    throw new InvalidFormatException(e.Message);

        // Then we can go through all the other parts
        entries = this.zipArchive.Entries;
        while (entries.MoveNext()) {
            ZipEntry entry = entries.Current as ZipEntry;
            PackagePartName partName = BuildPartName(entry);
            if(partName == null) continue;

            String contentType = contentTypeManager
            if (contentType != null && contentType.Equals(ContentTypes.RELATIONSHIPS_PART)) {
                // Already handled
            else if (contentType != null) 
                try {
                    partList[partName]= new ZipPackagePart(this, entry,
                            partName, contentType);
                } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
                    throw new InvalidFormatException(e.Message);
            } else {
                throw new InvalidFormatException(
                        "The part "
                                + partName.URI.OriginalString
                                + " does not have any content type ! Rule: Package require content types when retrieving a part from a package. [M.1.14]");
            ZipPackagePart[] returnArray =new ZipPackagePart[partList.Count];
        return returnArray;
Example #29
  * Construct a SpreadsheetML Drawing from a namespace part
  * @param part the namespace part holding the Drawing data,
  * the content type must be <code>application/vnd.Openxmlformats-officedocument.Drawing+xml</code>
  * @param rel  the namespace relationship holding this Drawing,
  * the relationship type must be http://schemas.Openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing
 protected XSSFVMLDrawing(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
     : base(part, rel)
Example #30
  * Construct a SpreadsheetML Drawing from a namespace part
  * @param part the namespace part holding the Drawing data,
  * the content type must be <code>application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.Drawing+xml</code>
  * @param rel  the namespace relationship holding this Drawing,
  * the relationship type must be http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing
 internal XSSFDrawing(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
     : base(part, rel)
     XmlDocument xmldoc = ConvertStreamToXml(part.GetInputStream());
     drawing = NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_Drawing.Parse(xmldoc, NamespaceManager);
Example #31
        public XWPFSettings(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

Example #32
        * Creates an XSSFPivotTable representing the given package part and relationship.
        * Should only be called when Reading in an existing file.
        * @param part - The package part that holds xml data representing this pivot table.
        * @param rel - the relationship of the given package part in the underlying OPC package

        protected XSSFPivotTable(PackagePart part, PackageRelationship rel)
            : base(part, rel)

  * Constructor.
  * @throws InvalidFormatException
  *             Throws if the format of the content part is invalid.
  * @throws InvalidOperationException
  *             Throws if the specified part is a relationship part.
 public PackageRelationshipCollection(PackagePart part) :
     this(part._container, part)