/// <summary>
        /// Produces the target state that results from invoking <paramref name="action"/>
        /// in the context of <paramref name="startState"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startState">The state in which the action is invoked</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action to be invoked</param>
        /// <param name="transitionPropertyNames">The names of meta-properties to be collected
        /// during the calculation of the step.</param>
        /// <param name="transitionProperties">Output parameter that will contain a
        /// map of property names to property values. Each property value multiset of
        /// terms. For example, the property value might be the value of a Boolean function
        /// that controls state filtering. Or, it might correspond to the "coverage" of the model that results from this
        /// step. In this case, the value might denote the line numbers or blocks of the
        /// model program that were exercised in this step, or a projection of the state
        /// space or a reference to section numbers of a requirements document to indicate
        /// that the functionality defined by that section was exercised.</param>
        /// <returns>The state that results from the invocation of <paramref name="action"/>
        /// in <paramref name="startState"/>.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="GetTransitionPropertyNames"/>
        public override IState GetTargetState(IState startState, CompoundTerm action, Set <string> transitionPropertyNames,
                                              out TransitionProperties transitionProperties)
            // it is assumed that the action is enabled in the given state

            PairState ps = startState as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            Symbol actionSymbol = action.Symbol;

            if (!this.signature.Contains(actionSymbol))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument-- action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not in signature.");

            bool doM1 = this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol);
            bool doM2 = this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM2(actionSymbol);

            TransitionProperties m1TransitionProperties = new TransitionProperties();
            TransitionProperties m2TransitionProperties = new TransitionProperties();
            IState targetState1 = doM1 ? m1.GetTargetState(M1Reduct(ps), action, transitionPropertyNames, out m1TransitionProperties) : M1Reduct(ps);
            IState targetState2 = doM2 ? m2.GetTargetState(M2Reduct(ps), action, transitionPropertyNames, out m2TransitionProperties) : M2Reduct(ps);

            transitionProperties = m1TransitionProperties.Union(m2TransitionProperties);
            return(PairState.CreateState(targetState1, targetState2));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets string descriptions of the enabling conditions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state in which the </param>
        /// <param name="action">The action whose enabling conditions will queried</param>
        /// <param name="returnFailures">If <c>true</c>, enabling conditions that fail in state
        /// <paramref name="state"/> will be returned. If <c>false</c>, all enabling conditions
        /// that are satisfied will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of description strings for the enabling conditions of action <paramref name="action"/></returns>
        public override IEnumerable <string> GetEnablingConditionDescriptions(IState state, CompoundTerm action, bool returnFailures)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            Symbol actionSymbol = action.Symbol;

            if (m1.ActionSymbols().Contains(actionSymbol))
                foreach (string s in m1.GetEnablingConditionDescriptions(M1Reduct(ps), action, returnFailures))
                    yield return(s);

            if (m2.ActionSymbols().Contains(actionSymbol))
                foreach (string s in m2.GetEnablingConditionDescriptions(M2Reduct(ps), action, returnFailures))
                    yield return(s);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the action is enabled in the given state
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsEnabled(IState state, CompoundTerm action)
        //^ requires IsPotentiallyEnabled(state, action.FunctionSymbol1);
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            if (action == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            Symbol actionSymbol = action.Symbol;

            if (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol))
                return(m1.IsEnabled(M1Reduct(ps), action) && m2.IsEnabled(M2Reduct(ps), action));
            else if (this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol))
                return(m1.IsEnabled(M1Reduct(ps), action));
            else if (this.signature.IsOnlyInM2(actionSymbol))
                return(m2.IsEnabled(M2Reduct(ps), action));
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument-- action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not in signature.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether a given action is potentially enabled
        /// in this state.
        /// <br><c>requires state != null;</c></br>
        /// <br>requires state.ModelProgram == this; </br>
        /// <br>requires actionSymbol != null;</br>
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsPotentiallyEnabled(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            if (!this.signature.Contains(actionSymbol))

            IState m1State = M1Reduct(ps);
            IState m2State = M2Reduct(ps);

            if (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol))
                    (m1.IsPotentiallyEnabled(m1State, actionSymbol) &&
                     m2.IsPotentiallyEnabled(m2State, actionSymbol));
            else if (this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol))
                return(m1.IsPotentiallyEnabled(m1State, actionSymbol));
                return(m2.IsPotentiallyEnabled(m2State, actionSymbol));
        /// <summary>
        /// Boolean value indicating whether all state filter predicates
        /// defined by this model program are satisfied by <paramref name="state"/>.
        /// States not satisfying a state filter are excluded during exploration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state</param>
        /// <returns>True if <paramref name="state"/>satisfies all state filters of
        /// this model program; false otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool SatisfiesStateFilter(IState state)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            return(m1.SatisfiesStateFilter(ps.First) && m2.SatisfiesStateFilter(ps.Second));
        //public IEnumerable<Step> GetAllSteps(IState state)
        //    PairState ps = state as PairState;
        //    if (ps == null)
        //        throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

        //    foreach (Symbol actionSymbol in this.ActionSymbols())
        //    {
        //        if (IsPotentiallyEnabled(state, actionSymbol))
        //            foreach(CompoundTerm action in this.GetActions(state, actionSymbol))
        //                foreach (Step step in this.GetSteps(state, action))
        //                    yield return step;
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if all the component states are accepting states
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsAccepting(IState state)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            return(m1.IsAccepting(ps.First) && m2.IsAccepting(ps.Second));
        /// <summary>
        /// Does this model program have an interface to parameter generation for this parameter?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="actionSymbol"></param>
        /// <param name="parameterIndex"></param>
        /// <returns>A set of terms representing the possible values</returns>
        public override bool HasActionParameterDomain(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            if (!this.signature.Contains(actionSymbol))
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected action symbol-- must be in signature");

            bool m1HasDomain = (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol));
            bool m2HasDomain = (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM2(actionSymbol));

            return((m1HasDomain ? m1.HasActionParameterDomain(M1Reduct(ps), actionSymbol, parameterIndex) : false) ||
                   (m2HasDomain ? m2.HasActionParameterDomain(M2Reduct(ps), actionSymbol, parameterIndex) : false));
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates the action symbols that are potentially enabled with respect to this
        /// control point and data state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Set <Symbol> PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(IState state)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            Set <Symbol> res = Set <Symbol> .EmptySet;

            foreach (Symbol actionSymbol in this.signature.actionSymbols)
                if (this.IsPotentiallyEnabled(ps, actionSymbol))
                    res = res.Add(actionSymbol);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the value domain of the given action parameter in the given state
        /// </summary>
        public override Set <Term> ActionParameterDomain(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            if (!this.signature.Contains(actionSymbol))
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected action symbol-- must be in signature");

            // TO DO: include case where no parameter domain is present (as opposed to case where Any is specified)
            bool m1HasDomain = (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol));
            bool m2HasDomain = (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM2(actionSymbol));

            m1HasDomain = m1HasDomain && (m1.ActionArity(actionSymbol) > parameterIndex) && m1.HasActionParameterDomain(M1Reduct(ps), actionSymbol, parameterIndex);
            m2HasDomain = m2HasDomain && (m2.ActionArity(actionSymbol) > parameterIndex) && m2.HasActionParameterDomain(M2Reduct(ps), actionSymbol, parameterIndex);

            Set <Term> d1 = m1HasDomain ? m1.ActionParameterDomain(M1Reduct(ps), actionSymbol, parameterIndex) : AnyDomain;
            Set <Term> d2 = m2HasDomain ? m2.ActionParameterDomain(M2Reduct(ps), actionSymbol, parameterIndex) : AnyDomain;

            if (d1.Equals(AnyDomain))
            else if (d2.Equals(AnyDomain))
Example #10
 static IState M2Reduct(PairState productState)
Example #11
 static IState M1Reduct(PairState productState)
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all enabled actions in the given state that have the given action symbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <param name="actionSymbol"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IEnumerable <CompoundTerm> GetActions(IState state, Symbol actionSymbol)
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            if (actionSymbol == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("actionSymbol");

            if (this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol))
                IState M1State = M1Reduct(ps);
                foreach (CompoundTerm a in m1.GetActions(M1State, actionSymbol))
                    yield return(a);
            else if (this.signature.IsOnlyInM2(actionSymbol))
                IState M2State = M2Reduct(ps);
                foreach (CompoundTerm a in m2.GetActions(M2State, actionSymbol))
                    yield return(a);
            else if (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol))
                IState m1State = M1Reduct(ps);
                IState m2State = M2Reduct(ps);
                int    arity   = this.ActionArity(actionSymbol);
                if (arity > 0)
                    Sequence <Set <Term> > args = Sequence <Set <Term> > .EmptySequence;
                    for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++)
                        args = args.AddLast(this.ActionParameterDomain(state, actionSymbol, i));

                    IEnumerable <Sequence <Term> > cartesianProduct = CartesianProduct(args);

                    foreach (Sequence <Term> arglist in cartesianProduct)
                        CompoundTerm action = new CompoundTerm(actionSymbol, arglist);
                        if (m1.IsEnabled(m1State, action) && m2.IsEnabled(m2State, action))
                            yield return(action);
                    CompoundTerm action = new CompoundTerm(actionSymbol, Sequence <Term> .EmptySequence);
                    if (m1.IsEnabled(m1State, action) && m2.IsEnabled(m2State, action))
                        yield return(action);
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument-- action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not in signature.");