protected override void ProcessRecord() { try { this.Log.Info("Invoke-OSANMA - ProcessRecord - Started"); var notification = new NMANotification { Description = this.Description, Event = this.Event, Priority = (NMANotificationPriority)Priority }; NMAClientConfiguration config = new NMAClientConfiguration(); config.ApplicationName = "OSA"; config.ApiKeychain = APIKey; var client = new NMAClient(config); // Post the notification. client.PostNotification(notification); WriteObject(true); } catch (Exception exc) { this.Log.Error("An error occured while trying to run the command invoke-osanma, details", exc); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Command line parsing Arguments CommandLine = new Arguments(args, false); // If no arguments then display help if (args.Length == 0 | CommandLine["?"] != null | CommandLine["help"] != null) { Console.WriteLine("Notify My Android Command Line Utility.\n"); Console.WriteLine("NMACommand [/A:application /K:key] [/P:priority] /E:event /D:description\n"); Console.WriteLine("/A:application If specified /K must also be included."); Console.WriteLine(" Specifies the application name to send."); Console.WriteLine(" If omitted the value in the config file will be used."); Console.WriteLine("/K:apikey If specified /A must also be included."); Console.WriteLine(" Specifies the API Key to send the notification."); Console.WriteLine(" If omitted the value in the config file will be used."); Console.WriteLine("/P:priority Specifies the priority."); Console.WriteLine(" Emergency, High, Moderate, Normal, VeryLow."); Console.WriteLine(" If omitted Normal will be used."); Console.WriteLine("/E:\"event\" [Mandatory] Specifies the event name to send."); Console.WriteLine("/D:\"description\" [Mandatory] Specifies the description to send."); Environment.Exit(0); } if (CommandLine["D"] == null | CommandLine["E"] == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command line arguments.\n/D and /E must be specified.\nUse /? to display help."); Environment.Exit(1); } if (CommandLine["D"].Trim().Length == 0 | CommandLine["E"].Trim().Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command line arguments.\n/D and /E must be specified and include a value.\nUse /? to display help."); Environment.Exit(1); } // Create a client/notification. NMAClient Client = new NMAClient(); if (CommandLine["A"] != null & CommandLine["K"] != null) { NMAClientConfiguration clientConfig = new NMAClientConfiguration(); clientConfig.ApplicationName = CommandLine["A"]; clientConfig.ApiKeychain = CommandLine["K"]; Client = new NMAClient(clientConfig); } else if ((CommandLine["A"] != null & CommandLine["K"] == null) | (CommandLine["A"] == null & CommandLine["K"] != null)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command line arguments.\nIf using either /A or /K both switches must be specified.\nUse /? to display help."); Environment.Exit(1); } // Create the notification command NMANotification notification = new NMANotification { Description = CommandLine["D"], Event = CommandLine["E"], Priority = NMANotificationPriority.Normal }; // If a priority is set override the default above if (CommandLine["P"] != null) { switch (CommandLine["P"].ToUpper()) { case "EMERGENCY": case "E": notification.Priority = NMANotificationPriority.Emergency; break; case "HIGH": case "H": notification.Priority = NMANotificationPriority.High; break; case "MODERATE": case "M": notification.Priority = NMANotificationPriority.Moderate; break; case "NORMAL": case "N": notification.Priority = NMANotificationPriority.Normal; break; case "VERYLOW": case "L": notification.Priority = NMANotificationPriority.VeryLow; break; default: notification.Priority = NMANotificationPriority.Normal; break; } } // Post the notification. Client.PostNotification(notification); Console.WriteLine ("Notification Sent"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("An error occured {0}.", e.Message)); Environment.Exit(2); } // Clean exit return code Environment.Exit(0); }