private void SendTheMessageToRichTextBox(string logMessage, RichTextBoxRowColoringRule rule, LogEventInfo logEvent)
            RichTextBox textBox = TargetRichTextBox;

            int startIndex = textBox.Text.Length;

            textBox.SelectionStart     = startIndex;
            textBox.SelectionBackColor = GetColorFromString(rule.BackgroundColor, textBox.BackColor);
            textBox.SelectionColor     = GetColorFromString(rule.FontColor, textBox.ForeColor);
            textBox.SelectionFont      = new Font(textBox.SelectionFont, textBox.SelectionFont.Style ^ rule.Style);
            textBox.AppendText(logMessage + "\n");
            textBox.SelectionLength = textBox.Text.Length - textBox.SelectionStart;

            // find word to color
            foreach (RichTextBoxWordColoringRule wordRule in WordColoringRules)
                MatchCollection matches = wordRule.CompiledRegex.Matches(textBox.Text, startIndex);
                foreach (Match match in matches)
                    textBox.SelectionStart     = match.Index;
                    textBox.SelectionLength    = match.Length;
                    textBox.SelectionBackColor = GetColorFromString(wordRule.BackgroundColor, textBox.BackColor);
                    textBox.SelectionColor     = GetColorFromString(wordRule.FontColor, textBox.ForeColor);
                    textBox.SelectionFont      = new Font(textBox.SelectionFont, textBox.SelectionFont.Style ^ wordRule.Style);

            if (SupportLinks)
                object linkInfoObj;
                lock (logEvent.Properties)
                    logEvent.Properties.TryGetValue(RichTextBoxLinkLayoutRenderer.LinkInfo.PropertyName, out linkInfoObj);
                if (linkInfoObj != null)
                    RichTextBoxLinkLayoutRenderer.LinkInfo linkInfo = (RichTextBoxLinkLayoutRenderer.LinkInfo)linkInfoObj;

                    bool linksAdded = false;

                    textBox.SelectionStart  = startIndex;
                    textBox.SelectionLength = textBox.Text.Length - textBox.SelectionStart;
                    string          addedText = textBox.SelectedText;
                    MatchCollection matches   = linkAddRegex.Matches(addedText); //only access regex after checking SupportLinks, as it assures the initialization
                    for (int i = matches.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)                 //backwards order, so the string positions are not affected
                        Match  match    = matches[i];
                        string linkText = linkInfo.GetValue(match.Value);
                        if (linkText != null)
                            textBox.SelectionStart  = startIndex + match.Index;
                            textBox.SelectionLength = match.Length;
                            FormHelper.ChangeSelectionToLink(textBox, linkText, LinkPrefix + logEvent.SequenceID);
                            linksAdded = true;
                    if (linksAdded)
                        linkedEvents[logEvent.SequenceID] = logEvent;

            //remove some lines if there above the max
            if (MaxLines > 0)
                //find the last line by reading the textbox
                var lastLineWithContent = textBox.Lines.LastOrDefault(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f));
                if (lastLineWithContent != null)
                    char lastChar         = lastLineWithContent.Last();
                    var  visibleLineCount = textBox.GetLineFromCharIndex(textBox.Text.LastIndexOf(lastChar));
                    var  tooManyLines     = (visibleLineCount - MaxLines) + 1;
                    if (tooManyLines > 0)
                        textBox.SelectionStart  = 0;
                        textBox.SelectionLength = textBox.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(tooManyLines);
                        if (SupportLinks)
                            string selectedRtf = textBox.SelectedRtf;
                            //only access regex after checking SupportLinks, as it assures the initialization
                            foreach (Match match in linkRemoveRtfRegex.Matches(selectedRtf))
                                int id;
                                if (int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out id))
                                    lock (linkedEventsLock)
                        textBox.SelectedRtf = "{\\rtf1\\ansi}";

            if (AutoScroll)
                textBox.Select(textBox.TextLength, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the target. Can be used by inheriting classes
        /// to initialize logging.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void InitializeTarget()

            if (TargetRichTextBox != null)
                //already initialized by ReInitializeAllTextboxes call

            CreatedForm = false;
            Form        openFormByName;
            RichTextBox targetControl;

            if (AllowAccessoryFormCreation)
                //old behaviour which causes creation of accessory form in case specified control cannot be found on specified form

                if (FormName == null)
                    InternalLogger.Info("FormName not set, creating acceccory form");

                openFormByName = Application.OpenForms[FormName];
                if (openFormByName == null)
                    InternalLogger.Info("Form {0} not found, creating accessory form", FormName);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ControlName))
                    HandleError("Rich text box control name must be specified for {0}.", GetType().Name);

                targetControl = FormHelper.FindControl <RichTextBox>(ControlName, openFormByName);
                if (targetControl == null)
                    HandleError("Rich text box control '{0}' cannot be found on form '{1}'.", ControlName, FormName);

                //finally attached to proper control
                //new behaviour which postpones attaching to textbox if it's not yet available at the time,

                if (FormName == null)
                    HandleError("FormName should be specified for {0}.{1}", GetType().Name, this.Name);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ControlName))
                    HandleError("Rich text box control name must be specified for {0}.{1}", GetType().Name, this.Name);

                openFormByName = Application.OpenForms[FormName];
                if (openFormByName == null)
                    InternalLogger.Info("Form {0} not found, waiting for ReInitializeAllTextboxes.", FormName);

                targetControl = FormHelper.FindControl <RichTextBox>(ControlName, openFormByName);
                if (targetControl == null)
                    InternalLogger.Info("Rich text box control '{0}' cannot be found on form '{1}'. Waiting for ReInitializeAllTextboxes.", ControlName, FormName);

                //actually attached to a target, all ok

            AttachToControl(openFormByName, targetControl);