Example #1
        FrameBase FindNextFrame()
            // if we've found the end, don't bother looking for anything else
            if (_endFound)

            var freeFrame      = _lastFree;
            var lastFrameStart = _readOffset;

            lock (_frameLock)
                // read 3 bytes
                var syncBuf = new byte[4];
                    if (Read(_readOffset, syncBuf, 0, 4) == 4)
                        // now loop until a frame is found
                            var sync = (uint)(syncBuf[0] << 24 | syncBuf[1] << 16 | syncBuf[2] << 8 | syncBuf[3]);

                            lastFrameStart = _readOffset;

                            // try ID3 first (for v2 frames)
                            if (_id3Frame == null)
                                var f = ID3Frame.TrySync(sync);
                                if (f != null)
                                    if (f.Validate(_readOffset, this))
                                        if (!_canSeek)

                                        _readOffset += f.Length;
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);

                                        return(_id3Frame = f);

                            // now look for a RIFF header
                            if (_first == null && _riffHeaderFrame == null)
                                var f = RiffHeaderFrame.TrySync(sync);
                                if (f != null)
                                    if (f.Validate(_readOffset, this))
                                        _readOffset += f.Length;
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);

                                        return(_riffHeaderFrame = f);

                            // finally, just try for an MPEG frame
                            var frame = MpegFrame.TrySync(sync);
                            if (frame != null)
                                if (frame.Validate(_readOffset, this) &&
                                    !(freeFrame != null &&
                                      (frame.Layer != freeFrame.Layer ||
                                       frame.Version != freeFrame.Version ||
                                       frame.SampleRate != freeFrame.SampleRate ||
                                       frame.BitRateIndex > 0
                                    if (!_canSeek)
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset + frame.FrameLength, true);

                                    _readOffset += frame.FrameLength;

                                    if (_first == null)
                                        if (_vbrInfo == null && (_vbrInfo = frame.ParseVBR()) != null)
                                            frame.Number = 0;
                                            _first       = _last = frame;
                                        if (frame.SampleCount != _first.SampleCount)
                                            _mixedFrameSize = true;

                                        frame.SampleOffset = _last.SampleCount + _last.SampleOffset;
                                        frame.Number       = _last.Number + 1;
                                        _last = (_last.Next = frame);

                                    if (frame.BitRateIndex == 0)
                                        _lastFree = frame;


                            // if we've read MPEG frames and can't figure out what frame type we have, try looking for a new ID3 tag
                            if (_last != null)
                                var f = ID3Frame.TrySync(sync);
                                if (f != null)
                                    if (f.Validate(_readOffset, this))
                                        if (!_canSeek)

                                        // if it's a v1 tag, go ahead and parse it
                                        if (f.Version == 1)
                                            _id3v1Frame = f;
                                            // grrr...  the ID3 2.4 spec says tags can be anywhere in the file and that later tags can override earlier ones...  boo

                                        _readOffset += f.Length;
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);


                            // well, we didn't find anything, so rinse and repeat with the next byte
                            if (_first == null || !_canSeek)
                                DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(syncBuf, 1, syncBuf, 0, 3);
                        } while (Read(_readOffset + 3, syncBuf, 3, 1) == 1);

                    // move the "end of frame" marker for the last free format frame (in case we have one)
                    // this is because we don't include the last four bytes otherwise
                    lastFrameStart += 4;

                    _endFound = true;
                    if (freeFrame != null)
                        freeFrame.Length = (int)(lastFrameStart - freeFrame.Offset);

                        if (!_canSeek)
                            // gotta finish filling the buffer!!
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Free frames cannot be read properly from forward-only streams!");

                        // if _lastFree hasn't changed (we got a non-MPEG frame), clear it out
                        if (_lastFree == freeFrame)
                            _lastFree = null;
        FrameBase FindNextFrame()
            // if we've found the end, don't bother looking for anything else
            if (_endFound) return null;

            var freeFrame = _lastFree;
            var lastFrameStart = _readOffset;

            lock (_frameLock)
                // read 3 bytes
                var syncBuf = new byte[4];
                    if (Read(_readOffset, syncBuf, 0, 4) == 4)
                        // now loop until a frame is found
                            var sync = (uint)(syncBuf[0] << 24 | syncBuf[1] << 16 | syncBuf[2] << 8 | syncBuf[3]);

                            lastFrameStart = _readOffset;

                            // try ID3 first (for v2 frames)
                            if (_id3Frame == null)
                                var f = ID3Frame.TrySync(sync);
                                if (f != null)
                                    if (f.Validate(_readOffset, this))
                                        if (!_canSeek) f.SaveBuffer();

                                        _readOffset += f.Length;
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);

                                        return _id3Frame = f;

                            // now look for a RIFF header
                            if (_first == null && _riffHeaderFrame == null)
                                var f = RiffHeaderFrame.TrySync(sync);
                                if (f != null)
                                    if (f.Validate(_readOffset, this))
                                        _readOffset += f.Length;
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);

                                        return _riffHeaderFrame = f;

                            // finally, just try for an MPEG frame
                            var frame = MpegFrame.TrySync(sync);
                            if (frame != null)
                                if (frame.Validate(_readOffset, this)
                                   && !(freeFrame != null
                                       && (frame.Layer != freeFrame.Layer
                                          || frame.Version != freeFrame.Version
                                          || frame.SampleRate != freeFrame.SampleRate
                                          || frame.BitRateIndex > 0
                                    if (!_canSeek)
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset + frame.FrameLength, true);

                                    _readOffset += frame.FrameLength;

                                    if (_first == null)
                                        if (_vbrInfo == null && (_vbrInfo = frame.ParseVBR()) != null)
                                            return FindNextFrame();
                                            frame.Number = 0;
                                            _first = _last = frame;
                                        if (frame.SampleCount != _first.SampleCount)
                                            _mixedFrameSize = true;

                                        frame.SampleOffset = _last.SampleCount + _last.SampleOffset;
                                        frame.Number = _last.Number + 1;
                                        _last = (_last.Next = frame);

                                    if (frame.BitRateIndex == 0)
                                        _lastFree = frame;

                                    return frame;

                            // if we've read MPEG frames and can't figure out what frame type we have, try looking for a new ID3 tag
                            if (_last != null)
                                var f = ID3Frame.TrySync(sync);
                                if (f != null)
                                    if (f.Validate(_readOffset, this))
                                        if (!_canSeek) f.SaveBuffer();

                                        // if it's a v1 tag, go ahead and parse it
                                        if (f.Version == 1)
                                            _id3v1Frame = f;
                                            // grrr...  the ID3 2.4 spec says tags can be anywhere in the file and that later tags can override earlier ones...  boo

                                        _readOffset += f.Length;
                                        DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);

                                        return f;

                            // well, we didn't find anything, so rinse and repeat with the next byte
                            if (_first == null || !_canSeek) DiscardThrough(_readOffset, true);
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(syncBuf, 1, syncBuf, 0, 3);
                        } while (Read(_readOffset + 3, syncBuf, 3, 1) == 1);

                    // move the "end of frame" marker for the last free format frame (in case we have one)
                    // this is because we don't include the last four bytes otherwise
                    lastFrameStart += 4;

                    _endFound = true;
                    return null;
                    if (freeFrame != null)
                        freeFrame.Length = (int)(lastFrameStart - freeFrame.Offset);

                        if (!_canSeek)
                            // gotta finish filling the buffer!!
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Free frames cannot be read properly from forward-only streams!");

                        // if _lastFree hasn't changed (we got a non-MPEG frame), clear it out
                        if (_lastFree == freeFrame)
                            _lastFree = null;