Example #1
        public void AddAttachedImage(ushort[] data, FileSaveInfo fileSaveInfo)
            if (Header.Image == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No Image Header Information available for attaching image. Add Image Header first!");

            // Add Attached data location info to header
            Data = new XISFData(data, fileSaveInfo);

            if (Data.ChecksumType != XISFChecksumTypeEnum.NONE)
                Header.Image.Add(new XAttribute("checksum", $"{Data.ChecksumName}:{Data.Checksum}"));

            int headerLengthBytes      = 4;
            int reservedBytes          = 4;
            int attachmentInfoMaxBytes = 256; // Assume max 256 bytes for the attachment, compression, and checksum attributes.
            int currentHeaderSize      = Header.ByteCount + xisfSignature.Length + headerLengthBytes + reservedBytes + attachmentInfoMaxBytes;

            int dataBlockStart = currentHeaderSize + (PaddedBlockSize - currentHeaderSize % PaddedBlockSize);

            if (Data.CompressionType != XISFCompressionTypeEnum.NONE)
                Header.Image.Add(new XAttribute("location", $"attachment:{dataBlockStart}:{Data.CompressedSize}"));

                if (Data.ByteShuffling == true)
                    Header.Image.Add(new XAttribute("compression", $"{Data.CompressionName}:{Data.Size}:{Data.ShuffleItemSize}"));
                    Header.Image.Add(new XAttribute("compression", $"{Data.CompressionName}:{Data.Size}"));
                Header.Image.Add(new XAttribute("location", $"attachment:{dataBlockStart}:{Data.Size}"));
Example #2
        public static async Task <ImageData> Load(Uri filePath, bool isBayered)
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath.LocalPath, FileMode.Open)) {
                // First make sure we are opening a XISF file by looking for the XISF signature at bytes 1-8
                byte[] fileSig = new byte[xisfSignature.Length];
                fs.Read(fileSig, 0, fileSig.Length);

                if (!fileSig.SequenceEqual(xisfSignature))
                    Logger.Error($"XISF: Opened file \"{filePath.LocalPath}\" is not a valid XISF file");
                    throw new InvalidDataException(Locale.Loc.Instance["LblXisfInvalidFile"]);

                Logger.Debug($"XISF: Opening file \"{filePath.LocalPath}\"");

                // Get the header length info, bytes 9-12
                byte[] headerLengthInfo = new byte[4];
                fs.Read(headerLengthInfo, 0, headerLengthInfo.Length);
                uint headerLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerLengthInfo, 0);

                // Skip the next 4 bytes as they are reserved space
                fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);

                // XML document starts at byte 17
                byte[] bytes = new byte[headerLength];
                fs.Read(bytes, 0, (int)headerLength);
                string xmlString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

                 * Create the header for ease of access
                XElement xml    = XElement.Parse(xmlString);
                var      header = new XISFHeader(xml);

                var metaData = new ImageMetaData();
                try {
                    metaData = header.ExtractMetaData();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Logger.Error($"XISF: Error during metadata extraction {ex.Message}");

                 * Retrieve the geometry attribute.
                int width  = 0;
                int height = 0;

                try {
                    string[] geometry = header.Image.Attribute("geometry").Value.Split(':');
                    width  = int.Parse(geometry[0]);
                    height = int.Parse(geometry[1]);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Logger.Error($"XISF: Could not find image geometry: {ex}");
                    throw new InvalidDataException(Locale.Loc.Instance["LblXisfInvalidGeometry"]);

                Logger.Debug($"XISF: File geometry: width={width}, height={height}");

                 * Retrieve the pixel data type
                string sampleFormat = "UInt16";
                try {
                    sampleFormat = header.Image.Attribute("sampleFormat").Value.ToString();
                } catch (InvalidDataException ex) {
                    Logger.Error($"XISF: Could not read image data: {ex}");
                    throw ex;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Logger.Error($"XISF: Could not find image data type: {ex}");
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Could not find XISF image data type");

                 * Determine if the data block is compressed and if a checksum is provided for it
                XISFCompressionInfo compressionInfo = new XISFCompressionInfo();
                string[]            compression     = null;

                try {
                    if (header.Image.Attribute("compression") != null)
                        // [compression codec]:[uncompressed size]:[sizeof shuffled typedef]
                        compression = header.Image.Attribute("compression").Value.ToLower().Split(':');

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compression[0]))
                            compressionInfo = GetCompressionType(compression);
                        Logger.Debug("XISF: Compressed data block was not encountered");
                } catch (InvalidDataException) {
                    Logger.Error($"XISF: Unknown compression codec encountered: {compression[0]}");
                    throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(Locale.Loc.Instance["LblXisfUnsupportedCompression"], compression[0]));

                if (compressionInfo.CompressionType != XISFCompressionTypeEnum.NONE)
                    Logger.Debug(string.Format("XISF: CompressionType: {0}, UncompressedSize: {1}, IsShuffled: {2}, ItemSize: {3}",

                 * Determine if a checksum is provided for the datablock.
                 * If the data block is compressed, the checksum is for the compressed form.
                XISFChecksumTypeEnum cksumType = XISFChecksumTypeEnum.NONE;
                string   cksumHash             = string.Empty;
                string[] cksum = null;

                try {
                    if (header.Image.Attribute("checksum") != null)
                        // [hash type]:[hash string]
                        cksum = header.Image.Attribute("checksum").Value.ToLower().Split(':');

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cksum[0]))
                            cksumType = GetChecksumType(cksum[0]);
                            cksumHash = cksum[1];
                        Logger.Debug("XISF: Checksummed data block was not encountered");
                } catch (InvalidDataException) {
                    Logger.Error($"XISF: Unknown checksum type: {cksum[0]}");
                    throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format(Locale.Loc.Instance["LblXisfUnsupportedChecksum"], cksum[0]));

                if (cksumType != XISFChecksumTypeEnum.NONE)
                    Logger.Debug($"XISF: Checksum type: {cksumType}, Hash: {cksumHash}");

                 * Retrieve the attachment attribute to find the start and length of the data block.
                 * If the attachment attribute does not exist, we assume that the image data is
                 * inside a <Data> element and is base64-encoded.
                ImageData imageData;

                if (header.Image.Attribute("location").Value.StartsWith("attachment"))
                    string[] location = header.Image.Attribute("location").Value.Split(':');
                    int      start    = int.Parse(location[1]);
                    int      size     = int.Parse(location[2]);

                    Logger.Debug($"XISF: Data block type: attachment, Data block start: {start}, Data block size: {size}");

                    // Read the data block in, starting at the specified offset
                    byte[] raw = new byte[size];
                    fs.Seek(start, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    fs.Read(raw, 0, size);

                    // Validate the data block's checksum
                    if (cksumType != XISFChecksumTypeEnum.NONE)
                        if (!VerifyChecksum(raw, cksumType, cksumHash))
                            // Only emit a warning to the user about a bad checksum for now

                    // Uncompress the data block
                    if (compressionInfo.CompressionType != XISFCompressionTypeEnum.NONE)
                        raw = UncompressData(raw, compressionInfo);

                        if (compressionInfo.IsShuffled)
                            raw = XISFData.Unshuffle(raw, compressionInfo.ItemSize);

                    var converter = GetConverter(sampleFormat);
                    var img       = converter.Convert(raw);

                    imageData = new ImageData(img, width, height, 16, isBayered, metaData);
                    string base64Img  = header.Image.Element("Data").Value;
                    byte[] encodedImg = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Img);

                    var converter = GetConverter(sampleFormat);
                    var img       = converter.Convert(encodedImg);

                    imageData = new ImageData(img, width, height, 16, isBayered, metaData);
