Example #1
        public void SingleKeyPropertyGroupAndOrderByCountBeforeProjection()
            if (!TestDialect.SupportsOrderByAggregate)
                Assert.Ignore("Dialect does not support ordering by an aggregation");

            // NH-3026, variation of NH-2560.
            // This is a variation of SingleKeyPropertyGroupAndOrderByProjectedCount()
            // that puts the ordering expression inside the OrderBy, without first
            // going through a select clause.

            var orderCounts = db.Orders
                              .GroupBy(o => o.Customer.CustomerId)
                              .OrderByDescending(g => g.Count())
                              .Select(g =>
                CustomerId = g.Key,
                OrderCount = g.Count()

            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(orderCounts, oc => oc.OrderCount);
Example #2
        public void OrderByWithSelfReferencedSubquery2()
            if (!Dialect.SupportsScalarSubSelects)
                Assert.Ignore("Dialect does not support scalar sub-selects");

            if (!TestDialect.SupportsOrderByAndLimitInSubQueries)
                Assert.Ignore("Dialect does not support sub-selects with order by or limit/top");

            if (Dialect is Oracle8iDialect)
                Assert.Ignore("On Oracle this generates a correlated subquery two levels deep which isn't supported until Oracle 10g.");

            var result = (from order in db.Orders
                          where order == db.Orders.OrderByDescending(x => x.OrderDate).First(x => x.Customer == order.Customer)
                          orderby order.ShippingDate descending
                          select order).ToList();

            // Different databases may sort null either first or last.
            // We only bother about the non-null values here.
            result = result.Where(x => x.ShippingDate != null).ToList();

            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(result.Take(5).ToList(), x => x.ShippingDate);
Example #3
        public void SingleKeyPropertyGroupByEntityAndSelectEntity()
            var orderCounts = db.Orders
                              .GroupBy(o => o.Customer)
                              .Select(g => new { Customer = g.Key, OrderCount = g.Count() })
                              .OrderByDescending(t => t.OrderCount)

            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(orderCounts, oc => oc.OrderCount);
Example #4
        public void AggregateDescendingOrderByClause()
            var query = from c in db.Customers
                        orderby c.Orders.Count descending
                        select c;

            var customers = query.ToList();

            // Verify ordering for first 10 customers - to avoid loading all orders.
            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(customers.Take(10).ToList(), customer => customer.Orders.Count);
Example #5
        public void AggregateDescendingOrderByClause()
            if (!TestDialect.SupportsAggregatingScalarSubSelectsInOrderBy)
                Assert.Ignore("Dialect does not support aggregating scalar sub-selects in order by");

            var query = from c in db.Customers
                        orderby c.Orders.Count descending
                        select c;

            var customers = query.ToList();

            // Verify ordering for first 10 customers - to avoid loading all orders.
            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(customers.Take(10).ToList(), customer => customer.Orders.Count);
Example #6
        public async Task AggregateDescendingOrderByClauseAsync()
            if (!Dialect.SupportsScalarSubSelects)
                Assert.Ignore("Dialect does not support scalar sub-selects");

            var query = from c in db.Customers
                        orderby c.Orders.Count descending
                        select c;

            var customers = await(query.ToListAsync());

            // Verify ordering for first 10 customers - to avoid loading all orders.
            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(customers.Take(10).ToList(), customer => customer.Orders.Count);
Example #7
        public void SingleKeyPropertyGroupAndOrderByProjectedCount()
            // NH-2560

            var orderCounts = db.Orders
                              .GroupBy(o => o.Customer.CustomerId)
                              .Select(g =>
                CustomerId = g.Key,
                OrderCount = g.Count()
                              .OrderByDescending(t => t.OrderCount)

            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(orderCounts, oc => oc.OrderCount);
Example #8
        public void SingleKeyPropertyGroupAndOrderByProjectedCount()
            if (!TestDialect.SupportsOrderByAggregate)
                Assert.Ignore("Dialect does not support ordering by an aggregation");

            // NH-2560

            var orderCounts = db.Orders
                              .GroupBy(o => o.Customer.CustomerId)
                              .Select(g =>
                CustomerId = g.Key,
                OrderCount = g.Count()
                              .OrderByDescending(t => t.OrderCount)

            AssertOrderedBy.Descending(orderCounts, oc => oc.OrderCount);
Example #9
        public void SingleKeyPropertyGroupByEntityAndSelectEntity()
            // The problem with this test (as of 2014-07-25) is that the generated SQL will
            // try to select columns that are not included in the group-by clause. But on MySQL and
            // sqlite, it's apparently ok.

            // The try-catch in this clause aim to ignore the test on dialects where it shouldn't work,
            // but give us a warning if it does start to work.

                var orderCounts = db.Orders
                                  .GroupBy(o => o.Customer)
                                  .Select(g => new { Customer = g.Key, OrderCount = g.Count() })
                                  .OrderByDescending(t => t.OrderCount)

                AssertOrderedBy.Descending(orderCounts, oc => oc.OrderCount);
            catch (Exception)
                if (Dialect is MySQLDialect || Dialect is SQLiteDialect)

                Assert.Ignore("Known bug NH-3027, discovered as part of NH-2560.");

            if (Dialect is MySQLDialect || Dialect is SQLiteDialect)

            Assert.Fail("Unexpected success in test. Maybe something was fixed and the test needs to be updated?");